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Show T. & W. TAYLOR Have Just Received a lot of Dobbin's Electric AND Toilet Soaps ! Have Just Received a Large and Varied Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES! LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES In every Style acd at prices that cannot fil to suit. also jl large assortment ot i Cents' and Youths' ISoots and Slioc. We would also call attention to our Larse and Fashionable Stoek of Men's, Boys' and Children's Wear, all of which we will sell at EAILEOAD TIMES PEICES ! j21 3--t7-Q XJm a, 0JL1. w WELLS, FARGO'S IS NEAR 1 ' . i 1 S o C O p XV SI SS3NlSn& iO 3dlN30 3H1 j SAI FRANCISCO jz- cyw. s. dlli(lIilliS,CAETs tor Fresh Lot Just Received. SPRING FUNKING! light, Retail Department TV IIOL.E S03IE, We call attention to purchars tht iLHlllUlS w are prepared to offer special inducements." induce-ments." A lin seleetioa f the newest styles of SuitaUe for Travel and Domestic Use TAPESTRY, FOR SALE, CHEAP, BRUSSRA1N, GEO. W. DAVIS' At Ea,tem 1licc- dS DUTCH CARPET, 40c. Per Tard. COMPETITION TABLE AND WINDOW DAMASK. Left Behind 1 druggets and crumb cloths iiolidaes, Sheetings and Quilts. CHRISTMAS TREES, CORMCES 1XD LACE (TRTAIXS. PURE CANDIES, of all kinds, r.. r. , r, , Gimps, Innges and Grds. Fine Apple., I it. port - l Fruits, Fancy GroctrlM, GtHEEN 13 A.IZB. Pantry, Pie. Provlitlnm, ' , . L cenfectionery, Carpets Made an d Laid vri t h The cheapest in town, at Care. dll H E MIT WALLACE'5. IT. B. C'LAW?ON, Svtt. Zion'sCooperative Mercantile Institution TO CITY AND COUNTRY COf BRATIVB STORKS And the Trade pcacrally. WHOLESATOrY GOODS! EAGLE EMPORIUM, (Up Stairs.) WINTER CODS! Lone Shawls, JViibiiiK, hosiery, Single Miau ls, IBotfxis, Clove, hll! son's Shawls, Scarfs, Minus Is, Khtnluts, Comilrrpnnr, Jeans, Cassl uteres, BJnscvs, COMERTiC G3O03 IH FULL SUPPLY fS USUAL. ISoofs A'. Shoes, Kulilx rs & A relies, Men's, Hoys and Children's Hals. H. H. CI-AWRON, SrPT. Truckee p SALT LAKE LUMBER YARD. llair-Itlock South IT. C. Depot. 0. W. PARKHURST, J2 Proprietor. Z. C. M. I. Wliolcsalo and Retail GR0CERY5HARDWARE DEPARTMENT, You can flml at thi Irp.irt mrat if Z.C.M I. a better iiucii of Lamps, Crockery, Hardware, Moves, MINING TOOLS, X3 1 i sv 1 1ll-' I'owdor, NTAl'I.I". Mil) FANCY Groceries KTC. AKD CAN GET Itionr. KI1X VOl 11 MOtNV.Y AMI OltllkUS THAI 1(111 f l.V AT ASV UTIIF.lt iioim: I M I T A II. STOGKTON, 03f:ol.x:o. AMI East Canon. or'ii rrm;sK rn.ciu:s Evr.nr fA V l'li1f AS II T K.ll.T l.Ah'F, (IT)'. fo nirnt. Ilio grim'oig truTrl we will put nn n DOUBLE LINE OF STAGES Itttrnon (lfi itnTi. I.rnv Unit ,nk llmur, Hnlt l.nkr C ity n ml 1'iititrrr llotl, Ophlr I lly, Kvrry r1ni I.K, 7 oVInrk. JUDD & CO. READ Tms.l 'j' 11 1-: In all the beautiful varieties. Sill IE HE SY EM 1IY1 Contemplating the purchase of a iluchino for family or other use. At our newly-flltttl up Sale a room, Second Door South of the Eagle Emporium, Em-porium, between the Drug and Clothing Clo-thing Departments of Z. CM. I.,ivlll be found a Full Assortment of thene Admirable Sewing Machines At Prices to Suit Everybody. THE SINGER SEWIXG MACHINE NEEDS NO PUFFING to commend It to the public, as the following b mzz Tar ihowt In IS.") these now celebrated Machines were Grt oliered to the public anJ ia tbe four years 8urceelirifr 4.0" were sold. T'c day over that number are weekly lurn-d "Ut frnrn thefaotory, anl yei thi? immen-e eup-ply eup-ply in no' cii;l1 to the demand. At the end o' the year Ivu, upward cl 2"" Cmj Mnchin-s were somJ, nnd in ibe thrn f 1 1 w i n if year. Iruiu '' S to Tu, the number bad been increased to upward of 500,000 MACHINES SOLD, Une third nf which ere dUpoted of 1 1 It 1 11 the prrcc-diiitf twelve 111 u ik th . Frra the forr-.inir it will hr en that dur-inr dur-inr r he 1 bree ye.ir.', I.'ie e OceD upward it fify pr c- lit mor th.n dunns iaewuoUol .be eevenieeu previous year.-, THE PEOPLE'S VERDICT, after a score of yrars thorough trial l t hai 1 he rrm n a SEWING r.iAGHIiJE i,idpted to nil kinds nfw-.rk. sfwirif u rctdiiy trie ttn.kc-t tiJ uii etubiforD m-trial m-trial tb tiiit't And ui"t doli. itte I th-p; w 1 ch ! it'- h. t Q .it I'jr r T. uce., perlCClluD sud durability i- uuiiu ill'-l. AiTinn p4ii iue fKcu M trbi'.e are priotrd iiitructiyn. plain n 1 e .y f 'vuiprt-uro i"D ih4-. tih"'jfcQ we r-.' in turnd cu-lym-er to take at in-l one lr"Q ir m the ertur. 11 u scl loni d tjp pure eett f st a c.anco tar mi lur.y oi the Mi tiuw n-1 c mp:c'.c:;r, uf:he c-.'L..:ruc:iwD. i'Jil ot the VTJ rVs TAG 111 S OF THE SINGER MACHINES ARE fiinip'i'-itr of c-'n-tru.-ti. n thcrefHre Iw liability tu et out , f ici !r. Short, :riittr Dedlo lo liable to bend, bre-a ur kip iho I'.itch. The ihuttlp U nrried: friction, wrir and the np--c,-ji;y of jrciLg the ract are tbui avoided. Km. line- with wlijrh the rrot inexperienced inexper-ienced can adjust the trni a las thread. Frredmn fri.m wear. AMr twenty years nint rmc (hfj'f nibine hrc ncrer been fc.niwti to wear out. Thy are n-irle, rapii and eay ia ail their movement. All our maohincj are adjusted and rut in th " oufh rutin in urdr r.p r ' a 001 "u t band'. !(".. rs drlirnry. 1'urvd ..r tn.Tef ire hv no trtmblw, -ut CAn 5aoce.-Iuhy ppcrate w uh thciu at once. THE NEW BUTTOri-H CLE MACK L X lu S are thormirhly pr.irtifal and will perform ail thai wc claim for tlivin. MANUFACTURL-iU MACHINES for liraTy Wi-rk. arr too wrll known to Deed cviuiueiil. ul o keep in suk lbs MANUFAC f USING M ACH1 NES Our fito.-V of iho Si-iCrr Serine Machine Trry rtiriiMM', in br .i.i ti c c cry 11 nrl v ol tinnh. Ir.m thr ittnm ,M:'binr, niounlcd on Idat-k w nut : blp, nipd, to tlie rhiUor-at- poarlrd Mn.hmr. wit r 1 binot oa.c and ril 1 ng 0 or in mot 1 In I bm.-k v u nut, rose, ?'i H. or nr'h tirnny liikb'r t olihrd. Krory Mn.-liinr 11. hi m-hrd mil, iho Sine ooinploto liiiniturr, inrhnl ig llio now hom-mcr hom-mcr tcwlllt all widths) and trllor and braider. brai-der. We h nn in 11 1 e our Inrhlnea to do He tiintl ik, n II iv Itl l h mi Kr I ) I itKl Hr in -atltt hliiKt UrnlilliiHi ,11! Itiiniltip:t Kmttritlil! In (no vlmln slltrh (jmherlnu nnd Sr hm 011 alanine ( ! inr,ull h or w 11 bout a tmnil, nit the eil Re or 1 11 the r r 11 1 r n t'nnl InitlTurk li HHlUlitfit Pi Iminlniti Ittndlng all lilt lis nnd klml., elc, etr.t etr. WE DELIVER MACHINES Yitlw11t JddiliniKil (Vi'itvr TO Al.l. 1'AII TH Ol'- TIUN CITV - All kinds ef Sewing Maoliines (linruiiidily Hcpaired on Ken- Mlliulilo TrilllH, Ki'ineiiilii'i- tlio Miimnu'lli SiRii, nitEi mi mm Two iliinrMiiiilli nr f li r. t:nHl Km-pti Km-pti l inn, ul H. H. CI.WWSON, S,,i, C0HT11E1TAL Life Insurance Gomp'y, OF NEW YOEK. JUSTUS LAW1!K'CE, Prnsident.' .1. P. KOGEKS Seerr-Urv II. B. WYKOUP, Vicc-Prcident. S. C. CHANDLEil, J., Actu.rj! S - g 5 w 5 s 5 1 1 e - ! a g -' :A ? - S P-t f " J'4'l 3 -i a IT o w ?! b o S Co o 3 o A"y,4'4 ' c s t i . o A: v oo co r P 5 i - y o H Xiei k S g CO w - PXi The entire Profits of the Company are distributed annually among the Policy Holders, uijnn the .contr, tuition plan. AH Policies Xon-forfeitaljle, according to the expressed terms contained con-tained in each l'ulicy. ! Extra Premium for travel or foreign residence. Thirty days grace allowed on the payment of premiums, and the policy held good during that time. Policies Incoiitestible for the customary reasons. Economy in Management. Only one other New York company showing as low a rate of expenses to income. Careful selection of its ri-.lts, as indicated by the exceedingly ma!l mortality of its members. Policy Holders have a Toice in the Elections and Management of the company. Assets, January 1st, 1871, over Five Millions. NORTHWESTERN DEPARTMENT ; OFFICE, No. 94, LA SALLE STREET, CHICAGO. S. T. LOrKWOOD, - ... - MANAGER A. B. DA VIS. - - - SUPT. OF AGENCIES JOHN B . MA I BEN, General Agent for Utah. OFFICE AT WOODMASSEE BRO'S, SALT LAKE CITY. MEDICAL IXAMINEBS : W. F. ANDEliaON, M.L). 1". D. BENEDICT, M. D AV;W Agtntg lVnnted thrr,hoiil ihe Territory. jS CKAFTS.MA'S LIFE Mill lllrW OF KEW YOKK. Vrurely Mutual. CaU System. "U All Policies -Non-Forfeiiabl. . R'-xtrict'ons o-j R-si h nc nr Tr'tV:- in aiy part f the Ytrit. All thp T:iri-ui f"irur-f Lifo Erl'nv. nu-nt, t i r in and Juitil IV-litK-i ure i;:tii;d by liiia Coilipali y. IRA M. SWA II T Z, fin(-ral Acpnt fr t'lah. ' i!.rt-f d-rs north of Exci;aii-e and K-ai:i!i: Kounia, Main etn-;l. iNORTHWESTERX Mutual Life Insurance Co. J'lllN II. VN DYKR. I'rc i ion-. ilKHKK -V.l:I. - V.te-Pril-at. ALU. UAYLuiv. - irc;Ar". I Home Offlrr, Uroidwar, rnr. of Wisconsin Wis-consin Mllti KUktf , Wis. Dr. S. S. VALLIUAN". r.tn-l Acer.; Kwcsy M"un:An t..'.ri l -ri.1 , Mexico. PETER G. FERGUSON, OOlce In Hooper. Fldredte A Co.' dank. ,1 . JO A?-C, .frnt f r Mil L-ie Ci:y, TRAVELER'S INSURANCE COMPANY, OP UARTFUHI), CO.WECTICIT. Insure R.cHinst Accident causing Dja;':i ortoU'.ly DL-blir.g Injury, PETER G. FERGUSON, Ai.KNT, Office at Hooper, Eidr.xise A 0.'s tink. ii-i LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLC3E Fiun ijir in: roMrwv. 5sclls --- $1. 100. 000, oo, i J. M. MIHII1K, Acrnl. .! r. O. llnlMlnc. Sl.ll I.Rhf 'lt - PEOPLE'S LSlR.LfEf 0.1 OF SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. ' ( fire iitul Al.iri.i ) c. f. M.v-nrnMor. u. t;. horn. l'rc.iilcnl. ov-niiry A. H. til X MSON, -rr lal Art n. i. . 1 1 i-icxrivMviv, Crnrml Acnt fir tlnli, Oflic. 1 S. W. Ilnirl. .1 .t' "o Main ir.nl. f-ull l.) 'iiv. B. W. E. JEN. N ENS. l.irl A crtit, Ofltre at TroMlrl A Mnt M ., J t Nnll I.Kkr t II), Z. C. M. I. ClottiiiigDepartm't FRESH ARRIVALS Of New Goods in Fa!l and WINTER SUITS ! OVERCOATS, CAPES, TALMAS Military C lothing:, &.c. Alfo a Fall Variety of jINT'S FURNISHING GCODS Gvn;', Iadies' and Boys' 300TS & SHOES Gents' Youths' and Boys' HATS and CAPS. i j TRUNKS iu all stylos and qualities. V.vLisr and CARrrr. Sacks. Carpets.Matting. Floor Cloths all Taper and Pfcorations. Alwur; on h.u.I oi fnr sslc by Ui rrJ. Iatv loc k of Frcnrli and Kngllsh rtMlmrm, Docsklni, B.Trs. Mllll.r)- ( l..U. Iloul. Mftde Tvrcvtln, At. SUITS MADE TO ORDER! iim io d iTiior in t ii o Vn("! Si y !e ! t ' -i iho th "no t n.'ft". Kir?t-ol Fit r,i :HILITaWtR!MMINIJS IS i!tKT VAKIFTT. ,,u u. K. ctawpn'. ' rTj BENEDICT, HALL & CO., MANn'.UTl T.l'.KS AM' Y1I0I.KSAL1". PKM.KKS IN Boots and Shoes, HAVE REMOVED TO Ao. i:M and i:t ;ill STKI'J.T. i'".Ti'!'v, 1 rv voi.K du OlIO JUwk l'.n.l ,.t ' li,ei.d.v, I iMiH It'lUV. v" |