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Show Z: C. M. S ClothingDepartm't: i FRESH ARRIVALS I 01' New Coods in Fall and t WINTER SUITS i! j OVEKCOATf, CAPE'S, TALMAS MiiiJarv Clothing-, ice.,- A I-o a l''ull Variety t 6'uT'S- FURNISHES GOODS Ui-ms'.Ladics'.aud Boys' I BOOTS & SHOES' Gents' Youths' and 1 Joys' HATS and CAPS. TRUNKS in all stylos and qualities. Valises and Carpet Sacks. Carpets,Fslatting, Floor Cicths Wall Paier aiul Decorations. Always on hand anil fr s;ile by the yard, a large stock of JPrench anil English Cns&imeres, Doeskins, Beavers, Military Cloths, Home JIade Tweeds, die. SUITS MADE TO ORDER ! Gentlemen's Clothing, or Military Suit?, made to order in the ewesi Style of Fashion on 'he shortest notice. Firt-cla.r I it and "Workmanship Guaranteed. MILITARY BiMMINGS IS GREAT VARIETV. H. B. CLAWSON, Surf. TRUNKS, VALISES, &C.,C. Manufacture-! 1-y P.e &ZZm I&Stm Mm On hand in variety at the Olotliiii Departiuent. Also, EGG BOXES, APPLE BOXES, And General Packing Cases, Made to order at the Trunk Factory at the lowest prices. n. B. CLAWSOX, SUPT. A HEW sumv 11 of the celebrated ti'3h:isakz:i WAGONS ARRIVED. Embracing beaTjrnd Iijrht FARM AND K&?-YON WAGONS The Favorite X X -A. 3VI O N D .iO'i oth'T LIGHT SPRiNG VAGONS.' Vary desirable for Family use. Tli hlii'Ie taker W:om Hie man Ufa'; tared out of tin) i-,ry If.Mt lufiteriiilt by t lio ui'itl oniiHWit tuhttiiic'ii in tho country, aud nru WAKUAXTED FIKSTChASS. fcOKAl.E AT CilKAI' KATES. JOH.VT. ( .r.M;, K m, ;.lt Luke UiJi-iil-l Oiln-:. Collomvood fiti 4 P.T-'(n' who d.; 1 1-n cnllin:: tliir liny ii Gjltonvv'ifid Ctii'.n. rh-KiM imrcliii ;i lir t cl;i"M Chita;;-. mirl- Hay Press, wi.i.i, i i,.,V(. ir ,.,i,:ciii;,m'. :. I', n nowi.to.v, tnul ot n ' Ii UHril, Ori,. S. 11IM..S. II r, liMrnluu A (:.. f.a.ilc. MM MPS' T9pTM Ju.-t Published, by K. 11. MYERS, Chicago, a r.v r.Dixiox of HAINES' tP.E'ATISE. Kevistil t . .1 Enlarged. An Indi;pcn.;ible Look for Justices of the Peace, Police Magistrates, County Judges, Coroners, Cunstabie?, and public olUcers generally. gen-erally. A valuable JJuok of Reference for every Lawyer, and useful for every Business Jii ELIJAH M. JIAIXES, Counselor Coun-selor at Lair. Fifth Kdition. It evped and improved, containing the law? and decisions down to the pre-tent time. C"iupleie in one eiegaiit octavo volume of over SO i pac?. Bound iu bCif taw sheep. Price 7.-5(1. II 'X1 JFt 33 -A, "X1 I S ia - book well known to every justice rf the pewe. pr.iciioinft lawyer and public officer in Ulin-di asd the Northwestern iStates and Territories, as the most useful nnd complete work of the kind extant. Ic ha- lately beeu revised by die author, and materially improved by the addition of nmcQ important matter, giving ail the late awa and published decisions down to ISoy-Tiii.- book has, up to theprescnt time, reached reach-ed a larger sale man any other work of the kind in this country. This fact may be mentioned men-tioned as evidence of its superior merit. Its cxcelleneo I'onsiste both in the niatier embraced, em-braced, and tho arrangement or classification classifica-tion of subjects. In the collection of matter contained in the w.ji k it is- intcded t - give all the statute law and the general principles of tne c-ui-ii. on law in connection there wit' , which a justice of the peace, polic mugistrate, c n-stubteor n-stubteor coroner will require in d'schLirging their amies, or that a practicing lawyer will need lor rclcrcnce in ordinary cases, or that may be required for tne information of every business man. This will entiroiy supersede' the necessitj fjr reference to tho volumes oi the statute-. the arrangement of the work is methodical, methodi-cal, and f tiie essence or its value, prtsent-ii.jf prtsent-ii.jf e.ich subject in its order and in its proper relation with others. The plan o the arraugeinemt is entirely original with the author, being the result ot study and practieal experience. It has long beeu a suoject. of general remark that the author has, iu this work, presented tho law with a clearness ana simplicity of style which renders ren-ders tho whole alio e plain to the common underotandlng as to the more advanced law-ver. The justice of the peace, police magistrate, constat;! e, and coroner will find in this book all the necessary forms and instructions instruc-tions in rcg -rd to every branch of his duty. ihe practicing lawyer will find in it, collected col-lected and arranged in convenient for an., all the statute law and decisions, with reference to aujuuieated cua: applicable in ordinary practice. The businessman w:Tl find in it a eomplet e collection u florins required in the transaction transac-tion of business. students of the law will likewise find this : a very valuable work for perusal and reference, refer-ence, as eoniainiug the general principles of the common law. ciea-ly stated, in connection connec-tion with the ordinary branches of jurisprudence. jurispru-dence. The following brief reference to the contents con-tents oi this work will a fiord in some degree an idea oi. its peculiar merits. The book is divided in live parts, the subject uf each being be-ing methodically arranged in chapters or appropriate ap-propriate subdivisions, as follows : Taut 1. Of Justices of the Peace, election and qualification, and proceedings proceed-ings before them in civil cases. Comprised in thirteen chapters, treating : 1 Of (he office ofjusticc of the peace. 'I Ot the junUicticiD ofjoatieea l the pea,, a Ot the diUereul forms t'f artiuu. 4 Of the commencement of ouii.-, and the errit. e and return ulproce--. " Ot the appearance ul the parties, (j ui pi-ahu'd. 7 Oi vim- s, LvmiK-liiuL lit.- attendance ther-.-of. Likiu,; d- io-Ui"a,-, ;md of itlidund athrina-t:yn athrina-t:yn b Oi thi trial, and ineid. ni-tlierrt'.. & Oi e itii-uc . I't Oi th docket, a ad lontu f iockf-t ( ntrie. 1 1 ( H jmliii'-nt. co-l-. and tiling l;-(tucrip t. 12 Oi aj'j.t jN ;itii m , it of cr-rtio ari. 1-i Ulex'-cuion iiifl ffirui-Umont. Part 2. Of proceedings before Justices Jus-tices of the Pcticc in criminal cases. Coiiiyriid in eleven .hnp:ers, trc-atin,, 1 oftite owov- o:"jitirs "f the p-acv n-Iativ. it. lii - i d: Jrc- Di'?u t uf tiy 1 t lli-1 prrveni ion - and i nninnifnt r f oflt-ne-, ati J ri:rv.aion :tnd obM-rvuner nf Ihf nicf. J ti j- rs'Hs r.iji.'il'le ul cutiiniittini: crini". rf:ic-and rf:ic-and v tio nry witne-ei in crimi- t ilc.is a. 0 D-lmitiou-nn-l piini-hraDt f'fLriLie' and oJVn- iu- pre-cril.-el t.y tlie criiti!(i;il endo -I Of prutctlin- where a criniin;il otti-n-e liaa Iten cumunttcd. 5 Kortiis ol" -ftuteiiifnt' 'f cflene- in wrnuil?. 6 Oi prfcfflnin iu rflat ion iw ilif-.;rvftU'"e and cm fty ol the pr .ice and i:i .1 L-.diavior. 7 0: fugitive-1 troni ja-ti'.--. S Ot e.irrli vmrrant-. 0 Oi procee-lniL'-and pcnalti--in relam-u to the mi -denies no of c.tbl.;iib-Ureakiiia', and clu-turbini; clu-turbini; wor-ihiping aiseLDbh--i. 10 Of pPK-etdiu in caw of a.vault and b.itterv, atidntlno-. 11 Ol' docket entries in criminal and Miumiaiy prc- ce;dj.i3, and jaatice s lees ia criminal caea. Part 3. Of the powers and duties of Justices of the Peace under particular statutts. Comprwed in twelve chajiK-rs, mat in z 1 Of the a.knowlt-d?iuent and proof of tk-eds and other itnlruni'.-nn. 2 Of at la hnienti! before j n-tif- -i of tlnj peace. 3 Ot Ijiitijdy, aud proceeding in tht-reof. 4 Of contfinpt of rourt. I 5 Of i -m testing election". tj Of cf.r.Dtr-. I 7 Ofc-tra.-. I 5 Of f-.rril,.. cut n- and d.-taiii. I It Of ii.'. lo-U ri nnd It- i en. j lt Oi Undionl nii'l tenant, and proper. Ungi by dutrev tor runt. I 11 Oi m.ir.'ia- '. j 12 Of trial ol the rii-Lt of proper!. Part 4. Of the Constable, h'u elec-, Uon and qualilication and tiro powers and duties of Constables in both civil ' and criminal ca-es. Comprising tiv chapter-, treating 1 Of the 'dlice of constable. 2 Fower-t and iluln-i A cou'tabh-n in prreediugj). 8 Ol the liability of cont.ibie-4 auj Buretie-i. 4 Of th" powers and dulin ol 'constable in criminal crimi-nal ca-en. 0 Ol tet-i ;ind ompvuation allowed to constable in ljth civil and criminal caie. Parti o. Cominon forma for the transaction of business. 1 Afji-entire-. 9 C-p.u tntThii. '1 Arbitra.ti'i.1 and award-P Conveyance". '6 AieeLiicut-'. ' 11 Dowtr, 4 Anle-iiupiul agi-cmti 1- Lea-.c. 6 Aiicnuif.uu. N.ituraliz.itioii. ti JJdlt ol K ba-igf and 14 Y iwen ol atttorney. prouii-tory not-. lj Hewba. 7 hilln ot sale. lti Mnifi. 5 Bond In ono largo volume, 8X) pages, law binding, will be sent t9 any address on receipt ofbi.GU witb the order. Addrcn, E. J5. MYEitS, Publisher, &7 "Washington Street. Chicago. THEODORE LUBBE, Manufacturer of LADlES'l FAKCY FURS Knst Teinjilo Htvee(, At I'lori-nco Hewing Maehino Salesroom, Opposite fcialt Laku lloiie, Una on hand nnd for f a!o a fine n( uortmont of HOME-MACE LADIES' FURS Such ;h II i h nnd A I UN It n. Mink, F.rnilnc, liin liM(tH, IC iimmJ ft ii Siilrrclf A Hi r ki. !(' i-kIii ii Iiiiii h, I k huh r, K rl in ncr. IC uhi ii ii ii ml Fn nr Ii :hm . I tnh n iwl i.ANt e in 11 link in I , 4v.,6cv. h I ''ITor ,il i.Ai i:cditi!;lv low prinr-4. All ifo'-d-i s an .iTiled ui r prCM;iit d or mont-y re.i Him d. I.:idic-t' Fui rf of (tnv deocri pi i'm mado Ui order in a workttinnlilto manner j KOI? sali;' A luw liutiilrcl "I'Vot-1 in 111') "I.' ft Knwor I., I l.u l:.lr. U.i." I ll'- " J illlic I.'.." i .i..CMI 'l Ml. Kill Jul. w ill n l'.:w I'ri-l In I Ii r, .f 1 1 li i n I cl " I'.u r ck n't ilHl'J.I'l. K.l'lllim i.f JK hl.1l . IKON. Onwilui lloir'i' bit 'cliirnl. T II 0 FLORENCE XOIELJSS FAMILY SEWING MACHINE IS THE Standard Machine of the World! Tlie Sjiecial Committee appointed to examine and report on Serving Machines at I lie Aoith Carolina State Fair, lield at Kalctgh. last week, awaiikil a Gold Jtledul to t - e PI ore ii re Sewing iliac li In e for t lie ease nnd quietness of i t s movement pe rfection and large variet yot'work, and Its valuable new features, making ma-king it the most valuable Sewing Machine for family use, ; Parties contemplating tlie pur-! pur-! cliase of Sewing Machines are requested re-quested to read the following from the New York: "Tribune" of Oct. 19th, 1870: SEWING 3IACI1IXES. "U"e have recently had occasion to make some in(iiirie into the pro rose uf improvement improve-ment in the mechjnisui of sewing machines, and were not a. little surprised to learn that the central idea in the first i a vent ton the shuttle still holds its plncv. though tnany atteuipta have been made to supercede it. The shuttle, in c- uibinmiun with the needie. is still the mean.-used to form the stitc.i. in the leading machines, and we find that tin-growth tin-growth of trade ii chietiy with thcshuttle-utintf thcshuttle-utintf machines. The improvi-mcnts that are taking firm hold in practical use are, therefore, neces.- i-rily i-rily in connection wit', the shuttle, either in the detail of the i-huiLle itsidf, or in other tarts of the Machine connected with it. to cause t!.e whole- to openre iii"ro perfectly and uniformly, and to simplify it.-use. it.-use. M'ny important tfain? in t1 is direction, made since the lirst srt-;it invention, are un-di'tibtcdly un-di'tibtcdly cut hod. ed in the "r lorenc." ma-chide ma-chide ; and we reroiu mend our readers to careful.' y inspect the "f lurence" before ma-kine ma-kine a choice. The points peculiar to this machine arc: An unusual amount "f in-n-y i si-eni in mnKing the "r'lorein.-e," tlicn.-hy jccurinfc the best material 'u-cl. f"r in-tiince; where others use cn-t -ir-n . and l''e ; nv-t linirh ot iimportant tarts ihe iiuttle. I t example, being rigidly rejr.:ud if it vari s irmn tiic gtandard of an ineh !' It is con Etrnoted on the simple-1 cit-nt pun;ii'Ie-. entirely di;i-;n?in w I h t he C"L'-, an. i cam-, a- d link- w M.-ii mj of'en .l per ver-ely out I of order and snfly perplex every one bin 1 tlie eractircd ii-.chini-l Ij- their unae -.-unt- 1 able freaks. '1 n.- "l-ierer.ee" tt c-.-ily nianazed. and its u-.- is .. re. i lily lemne i that an ordinary triri i ten 1,. , --t-c and muscle enough to run it rf-rfce:!y. f'.cloek-stitcii, f'.cloek-stitcii, as made by ti.e "i I'Tenec" is vt re utarand jurist. ery -1 tol ur. 1 e!.:.-! it. and is drawn into the i;.iric evumv. vrr.A uall , exact ly, w ii ho ut .i ..i k in and w i 1 1 nt , causing tiie .-earn to u r. nr Mr;iiinn- ihi thread so a? to end a nor i' bre.iknu' : err ' ocquently, vciy Que thread? and hgni l.ibno can be u-ed. lie-ides tin-, the r'lorciiiV , (in 1! I'.i' the e)u-i'cU r-tyl.-) :il-. makes threo additional ciiP-i.e-" u double o. k, r sintrie knot and a doub.c knot wiii,h nrt-etronger nrt-etronger --ltd more e!a-tie than any oilur ?tit h, and whi' h are imde by no oilier ma chine, the "r lorence" i - the only maehne that his a rever.-iole 'ctd, whereby tlie' ui-rection ui-rection of tho sewing can lie in-tanti chanjed withut Ptop,ing tho work, thu-enb thu-enb inj the operator to ouiit or embroider with unusual tacihty, to eur backward- and easily strengthen a seam wherever desired, and, finally, by a few repeated stilrho-, to fasten ends in tho iuieke.-t and stronge-i way. It is the only niaehinc that htu -df-adju'tiug shuttle-thread ten m on, wbieh works eo perte -tly thnt the operator can ruD across tho tiiviest Ki-aniH iind new the fine.-i linen and the thiekest bro.idnloth in imine-diato imine-diato nucce-sion withon' breaking the tli read and without changing tho needle, niitrh ot tension. The ' t lorenco" draws tho thre.d intothecloth with une-iualed preeiiinn and certnintv, by moans .t hu iug-nioiia automatic auto-matic "tako-up" wheel, whieh di-po. ! the Klack thread left alier the htiteh with tn aeouratc prmnptne that i-revent- u l knurling knurl-ing or droping of ntiichcs, nnd allows id operator to fc baekwurd, or to run oil iht clotn nd on again, with perfrvt iinr"iniiy It bad an unproved eln'lic hioniiier, exelo siveiy itw own. which i.i managed with e.t e, and will make n 1mm of any width on any material. It not only make a perfect gutlior andaewiiit to ti band at ono operation, bul it horns, and binds, and fell, and ijuili-. and cords. nd tricks, nd guther-', nnd brain, without bastinx. buch r-pc-ini provi-ion made agaui-t injurious wear that tho "Klnr-eneo" "Klnr-eneo" i, claimed and guaranteed by theCoiu-pany theCoiu-pany to la.-t twieo an long without repair aj any other shuttle inarhiiio iu tho market without the l iwli tf- t diilieulty. Kvory part ol the "Florence." i no pi;rte.-tly and peruia-nently peruia-nently adjusted, and it ha.- so lew joint.- and points ol triction, that ii runs with tho utmost ut-most eac. 'I bo noedlo is unt and threaded, and tho nt 1 1 li i. lengthened, shortened, or roverscl with tho utmost ut-most easo. Iu unit! tho "Florence" neither the work nor the operator's dn-s- is liable to bo soiled. Tho "Florence" with all thr C.aiins to superiority, sells at tlie saino prir rfs other tirst-clas maehiues. Thct-o advan latrcs ; Liberality in manu'H 'ture; Simplieiiy of con truetion; Facility of management; Variety of .Stitchen; Kovcrsible foi-d; hclf-adju-tin ti'i..-ion; Automatic tako-up; Improved hemnier; Proyi-ion against wear; P'-rtVct nnd j ruiancnt a liiMtnietii ; Eimy regulation ot needle and ptiuh; Cleanlinefir' and ehea i ne-s; The beauty and IjikIi tini-h of the murium- ilako lilt) 1'lot-t.r.i o " nunl.inh lv i,.. ,L ing, a uiaehinu whiea to lio valued, needn but tu be tried. No family can it (lord to bo without ai-o-iny inuchin", nnd we hopu that hebire lonj ono may l found wherever "The Tribune' in welcome TO THE LADiLt Of Mnlf InUelty, it ntl I Ii roil K '' out I lit: Teri-I ( tn ltm of I lull, Id it Ii n , Il on I nn it n ltd AVyonil)iK AVu c.t.''inl ii ( . i I i :vl in ifa:i"ti lu c;il' nl our ollicn, nti'l PMiiniiH! lln' Kloivnr. , l''aijiily iSuvini lm liiim, uliethep Jo sinitt;' iliMiioili:il,(i mn'liiie or not ; 1 is our liiinint'sn aiul iiloaeiii'i l- snliui 1 clti.n f:iiiiiitiul Inn 'umI rnuiparii-.Mi. ., huyo tin c. hibii i.m, in (.nl.T lliu i ', (Uisily t' ' dill 11 J. .dill . uf ililli'i riM'f, ii which tvn idaini M.ri i.-i tly. thn ink chin' d" itrioiiR nuiUeiT, inH ml in;; ll (imvrp A linker, Singer nml ln'elo A; ViN'n. In tuniJii!; mh'Ii coin hi i-Fnn, i-Fnn, i)f milhir )1'1':imI;umi will In- tnkt-i of rival im:u liine , hut ui the n intrnn tli'-y will !) li' j't. by ii -n i j il ji t iih fliiiiist in tl.o lift' L of niniiiii-r ordof (komh) d' I Imin ri ' uii't' n j;o"il nn iti -nenr ftR r iiconiiliv',) CHAS. S, HAMMER, I....I ml Ah-11'. HAII' I .A K M H'l'Y, X I'l il 1 I. COMPETITION Left Behind! tlOLIDAV CAKES, CHRISTMAS TREES, JTh'i: CAXOIES, of all kuvh, Pine A pplrt, linporirtt Fruit, Kftiiev (irocerlr-, l'lry, IMe. I'rov liloiti, Confer tloiiery, The flicapu.-t in town, at II KNRY WALLACE'S. NORTHWESTERN Mutual Life Insurance Co. JHX !j. V DYK. Pre-'ident. 1 HKilKll - M I i H, - Viee-1'r.-ident. AL ii. (j A Y L' 1 It, Secretary. Home Oiflt r. Ilinnrtwnr. cor. of V1-coimiu V1-coimiu M,, Milwaukee, WU. Dr. S. s. WALMHAV. ;enral A cent Rocky M -u Fit ain L 1 - t rt t 1'olorado. Wyoming. C m li nnd New .Mexico. , PETER G. FERGUSON, Airont f"r Utah. OlIUc In Hooper, KMrcdge 4L, Co.'i It a nk. TRAVELER'S INSURANCE COMPANY, OF 11 Alt ri"OHl, tO.WECTK lT. lllbllH' ii'uiii-t Areid-Mili ciiUMii Dentil nr totally JJiublini; 1 uj ury, PETER G. FERGUSON, A.iK.NT. Ollieo nt Hooper, EKlrodgo & t'o.'a lii.nk. C. THIRKHILL, J'HACTICAL .llereliant Tailor, nusr mi;m wthekt, A IYv .l.inr. Knst. of o.t OfTlrr. t i'i.i. .tTot k or I'MiKNCll, E.NiJLlSll AM) CALI-KDKMA CALI-KDKMA CASS1MK.HES, V I N T K. It J 1) . V. T C. tlnO'l W'.ilKiiuiii 'Ii i' nli'l I'pitcct .Si.ti.-l'tlotlyn ( hun nit itiI. DIEDOLD & KIENZLE S, . , I IHi.I.mI.1, II ,l,i, mini .1 Co., CKU'IIIKATKI) CINCINNATI I IK!' A N 1 J:l Mill. All I'llouK S A S . ,nil sjmiiiV Mnirniic nnl Aiitiiiimli.' IIiiiiI. n -a - h . l'HA'l-T.V CfiVI'lKT. (i.'.iiT.il A K'" si 'n .hii.gioM M., I'l.i. nK". II. II. l,AVVHO, Ki.iil. .. ('. Dl. I, At, i.l lor I lnl 'lvrll.rj , Truckee1 p - SALT LAKE LUMBER YARD. IliiU-IIloek SMith T. V. l)eiol. i I I . W. VAllKlil'RSI'. l'rop. AT. THE MAMMOTH SHOE AND HAT STORE A Lsii'e .Sloclt of AVinlcr wiir ij I Wi2.ro ! In Every Style ! And at Every Price! CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP; Now is your time! Come on and get yourself a nice warm CAP1 Don't stand Freezing, but come on ! . They are on Sale at BENEDICT, HALL & cf, MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS L Boots and Shoes, HAVE REMOVED TO IVos. i:M and l'Mi GRA51) STREET) Corner Crosby, I XFW CTV One Block East of Broadway, IMjIT IUili. Zion'sGooperaiive Mercantile Institution TO CITY yD COUNTRY CO-OPERATIVE STOMS And tlie Trade generally. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS! EAGLE EMPORIUM, (Up Stairs.) WINTER GOODS! Loiitr JShawls, ZVuuias. hosiery, Mnjarle liawls, Bloods, ttloves. Children's Shawls Scarfs. Flannels, KlankctS. Counterpanes, Jeans, Cassinieres, Linseys. DOMESTIC GOODS IN FULL SUPPLY AS USUAL Hodls A .hocsllubhers Ac Arctics, xllen's, !5oys and Children's Hals. H. B. Clawscm, Snpi Zion's Co-op er ati ve Mercantile Inst'n WHOLESALE AND EETAIL GROCERY AND HARDWARE DEPARTMENT, r.LDit kik; k x clawsoa uuu.dl(;s. ou can lind at this Department of Z. C. M. 1. a K-tttr stock LAMPS, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, STOVES. MIMXii TOOLS, H LASTING TOWDKK Maple and Fancy (Jroeerics, Hf' And can Get More for your Money and Orders th.;" you can ?.t any other House in Utah. ii. n. i. vm. s"i" THE AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT COMPANTS PAffiTS K.nl.raeing over A HUNPUKP DUT'KKKN f SU.Vni'. r"'l',wl ,'t iniuiediato iipplieaiion and roiuiviiK no mixiiu:, .iu' w"1 and for sale at tho DRUG DEPARTMENT z. c. m. i. kt I'll." ingiv.li.Mii of tho-o Paints aiv siinple and iii,l.,-:r.i,!tl,.i,.) .T,".' y ties with whieh they recommend (hemsclvo:! iv : l'lu-iiios. d'1:'"!.''1',,!. -s rioiiiy of color, an uiiii-ually sniooili and glossy - . iihv. 1" l: c-''i v in layiiii;, no tumble uf mixing, will stand fuc or ram. and Jov 'j peel oil with nimo-pliorio changes, nor chalk oil ' hy liieiie'i- l'1"-1 liest, cheapest, innM durahlo and inot popular lVi'tit in uv(- The AVKKU.l. Wlll l'K F.VlNl'.s a ZINC PAINT. .vn"" cad, nnd is of cpial supcnoi ity and popularity. v lUUNl) ai.onc von; PAINT cans opkn an'1 i'l,ul ' UV 111 K UAl.l.tN. A full lino of Foreign, lom s(ic and C'asr l-l,l,,l Al I ho Pi IK I'epaitin. n(. .. C. M. II. It. ( l..VOA. l,( |