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Show Commercial. .i.r Lake Citt, Dec. 'J.'. irOi.D Buying, 108; idling, Hi. I Kibi! J'irh!! abated, and oysiers arrived . i Mrgeiu' Kefresbment Koom", Id South Street, where they can he hd by tho can or in any style. The lovers of a gla-j of Gksuixe K-ko-;.ish All can be accommodated by the pint. qiMrt, or gallon. Oyster stews mikI lunches served upon etiort notice. Golden Crown'' cigars and beet lager beer cotitactly on iiand. adr. IhoiUii's Gixcikc COL) Liver Oil. For Consumption, Scrofula, tc. Our Cod Liver Oil is warranted pure ' E W r'O U X D L A X D 0 1 U 1 1 b as stood the test of over twenty years' experience, exper-ience, and can be relied on in every particular. par-ticular. Manufactured by H kg em ax fc Co, Chemists and DruggisU, Je York, and old by all Drugguta. The Ccshman Trocpm Will give one of their varied and pleasing iarlor tntertainincnu in the i'-iia Ward Assembly As-sembly Koumi, on Wednesday (this) evening. A portion of the proceeds will be given for the Benefit of the 13th Ward Sunday School. Tickets, 00 cents; 'hildren 2o cents, lor Saie at the Hotels, l'ost Oiiice Xew4 Koom, and Calder liros;' Hook Store. adr A Fresh Supplt of Pigs' Feel, just received from Chicago superior quality. qual-ity. Joe Simmons, ,-idv Hotel Basement, 2d South St. Go to II. Wallace's for your Christmas Christ-mas cake.-. adv Lor,T Between Warm Springs and the Pott OUico in this city, on Monday evening, a cameo ear-ring. Tho tinder will bo rewarded by leaving it at this "Mice. ndv W. li. Wilkikjox, Main Street, opposite op-posite Salt Luke Houo, has all the holi-'luy holi-'luy luxuries, consisting of groceries, fruits, spices, toys, and a large stock of dry goods, boots and bhoo, and general merchandise, which ho will sell at reasonable rea-sonable rates. adv Just Kkceivbd, a splendid assortment assort-ment of Lady's Fancy Work Boxes, rosewood writing desks and other fancy boxes, at New York prices. X'othing like them in any other store in the city. Kur skIo at J. Dwyor's Book Storo. adv Another " WoontK-acx Kmii.-uo.v." Kmii.-uo.v." .vanta Glaus was o.it last night wiih a "woodon-gun." John McDonald McDon-ald had him arrested, and has him chained up in front of hi store, loaded down with toys, prize-boxes and bags, tVe. Go everybody and see him. adv Laliikh' fur-bound Hoods, just the thing for uleighing, theatre-goorn, &c, at Dunt'ord it Sons, adv KixriVED to-duy, a fine line of Alexander Alex-ander Agar'8 splonuid Turkey Morocco Albums, all styles, from to 118; bold from 60 to 200 pictures ; for sale at manufacturers' prices. Also a lot of hundsomcniusica! albums; call and hear Ihtm play, at Dwyer'a Book Store. TYkheys, tho finest and fattest, geee, dueks, chicken?, fruit, and other desirables desir-ables for holiday dinner, for sale by M. Cbadd, poulterer and pioneer greengrocer, green-grocer, adv RrwnvEH. The lttli Ward Female Relief Society havo removed thrt ward (.' -operuiivo St-ro to their new buildup, build-up, west of the A-ss'unbly Rooms, wiu're they havj opened with a choice Mock of goods and provisions of all kinds. Call and patroui..o tnetn. adv Gixts' Caps, in every style, Gloves. Hata, the latest fakions, and fine caif boou or hoes, at the mammoth Sho and Hat Store of Dunford & Sons, j adv Xew Books. Dickens' works in sets, Waverly novels, Thackeray's works, Keade's novels in sets, blank books, memorandum books, ail styles ; diarie for 1871 in great variety ; school books, slates, educational works, &c. Subscriptions Sub-scriptions received. at publi.-hers' prices, for all the leading newspapers and magazines, mag-azines, at J. Dwyer's Book Store. adv A HorsE without pictures i- iiiio a houae without windows. I offer the finest lot of Chromes and Engravings ever seen in Uinb. at eastern east-ern prices. Call and see them at the Pioneer Art Gallery, near the L'niver-sity. L'niver-sity. C. R. Savage, adv Time axd Monet saved by buying your fruit at Davis', as in addition to selling at the lowest prices, his fruits are all cleaned. adv Matches. The Great Western Matches, manufactured by Paul Lech-tenburg Lech-tenburg are equal to any imported and warranted to keep in any climate. Try them and be satisfied. Sold at the 10th Ward Co-operative store. adr Try Ed. Harris' choice Havana ci- ; gnrs and tobaccos. A largo stock of genU fancy notions just received. adv A lot of knit Dolls, in fancy worsted colors, perfectly indestructible; can be washed. Also a lot of beautilullv dressed dress-ed dolls, at $1.00 each. Toy books, all kinds, at J. Dwyor's Book Store. adv Paris is stakvixo, the Prussians say. Golightly Sc Harris, though, keep the Globe well ..upplied with tho finest bread, crackers, cakes, pies and pastry; and manufacture tho choicest quality of pure candies. Try them. adv Proclamation to Tnr, Pt'BLic. I do hereby issuo this, my Proclamation, to the travelling public: Parties visiting Suit Lake City and going east on the U.P.R.K., will find it to their advantago to leave Salt Lake City on the evening train and remain over at Ogden that night, thereby having hav-ing a good night's rest, and so be fresh for travel at 8 o'clock a.m., when the dailv express train loaves this depot. At the Ogden House wo otfer as good accommodations ac-commodations as ary houso west of Omaha. Free busses at every train to and from tho depot, adv Jous Maiiox, Proprietor A Fine Chance. Carl C. Asmusscn has received, for tho Uoddays, a splendid splen-did aesortment of Toys, Jewelry, and other goods in hie line, suitable for the season. Cull at his Jewelry. Watch, Clock and Toy Store, Main street, adv Go rOR Him. George Chandler, determined de-termined to continue to please the public pub-lic as be has dono heretofore, will keep the choicest meats of every kind, with accommodating salesmen to wait on customers. Try hi:n. Stall Xo. U, right hand, entrance of Meat Market. adv Fine Frush Honey in the comb, delicious and cheap, at II. Wallace's. ' . adv Go ant See the Christmas Trees at Henry Wallace's. adv For a stylish pair of Pnta go nr.d see M. Earl, Grcesbeck s Bniidir.g.-. Second South St, adv Fvrs ' Ftr "A. Anderson, tifn pfthe Big Glove. '.M Sor.ta street, sells ail kinds uf furs, inanutactures ladies' and gents' lancv gloves. robee. Ac. First-class good ana rooderute pricr. adr Do YOC w ant to make a prcc::t to a gentlemen0 What's belter t:isn a box of choice cigars' Get them at Ed. Harris' Har-ris' Ci:;ur S tore. adv Important 1 Don t torget :ha: Joe Simtiions' Saloon and Restaurant, hole: basement, 2nd South street, is stiii well supplied with Oyster. Pigs Feet. Caives' Ton?ues, Sardines. Lager Bser, Tennar.t's XXX Porter. Barclay & Perkins' Per-kins' London Stout, Shepton Maiiet Pale Ale, Brewer, Bem&s & Co.'e Omaha Aie, J. C Partridge s Goides Crown Cigars and Fine Cut Tobacco. Great specialty at this Saioon is Fre-h Oysters, large, fat and luscious, served up in every style. A supply just received. re-ceived. Tnis is the place to get a substantial Lunch any hour of the day, and at very cheap rates. adv Iy toc want a Xo. 1 Suit, go to M. Earl, Second South St. adv A Fixe Christmas Presexi. The latest novelty, Musical Albums, at Ed Harris' Cigar Store. adv Gents' Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, and Arctic Overshoes, at adv Dunford & Sons. Everything in candies and confection-cries confection-cries for the holidays, at Wallace s. adv White House S. Bamberger & Bro. Proprietors; first-class family hotel and restaurant, reconstructed under new management, Main street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Large aud wt-il furnished rooms and all ihedelicaciesof the season at reasonable charges. A ladies' dining room att iched to the spacious refreshment refresh-ment saloon. Board and lodgirg $2.00 per day; by the week, 512,00; day board S8.00 per week. Fresh oysters just received re-ceived and served up in every style night or da3'. Free conveyance to meet all trains. S. Bamberger & Bro., adv Proprietors. Ladies', Misses' and Children's tine Shoes, kid, morocco, calf, goat, &C, Also Al-so for Arclic Overshoes and Kubbers, call at Dunford 6c Sons. Grist- to tuk M ill. Bring on your grain to the B. Y. lower mill, which is now fined up and turns out a Xo. 1 article ar-ticle of flour giving the largest yield to the bushel, lam also prepared to grind buck wheat. adv Charlks Wilkinb. hotel arrivals. townsend house. December 25. C C Hastings, New York; JJohn Harkalow, James Woodworth, San Francisco; J J Crawford, Phila; C Wakefield. Singapore; Lieut R C Hooker, II S A: B J Suall, New York; J C Fillmore, U P R K; Mrs J W Johnson, San Francisco; G Rod-ford, Rod-ford, Ogden; W W Angel, city; D R Sessions, Georgetown; John Hanson, Kvanston. December 20. A J Fanshame, H B M N, J Pope, G Blanc, Japan: J Michael, Robert J Webster, Sir Wm Ffolks, England; i .Samuel Lewis. S T Leet, San Fran cisco; L Rawlings, Cottonwood; M A liarnabv, New York; T W Cook, Chicago; Dan Dufi'er. W P Hart, Ogdtn. December 27. C L Haines.city; 1 Moore and lady, Ogden; T C Gurgc, Mount Pleasant; I A laylor, San Francisce; Fiank Taylor, U S A. SALT LAKB HOrjbE. : December 20. ! James E Dickinson, Nev- D W ! Parkurst, Corinne; S D fc W S Woodhud; R Montgomery, Lit'le Cot-I Cot-I tonwood; Henry Smith, M Ingraham, Corinne; u L Danler; L U tieasy, A Benham, N A Honneywell, Biyan; M Auerbacb, Corinne; W H Cbapin, G W Leihy, Albert Stevens, Chicago. December 27. J M Donnel, Mrs Lint, East Canon; C W Couldook, Miss Couldock, Nev York; G J Bemis, S R Ross, W A Frazer, T U Davis, Fred Myers, Bingham: Bing-ham: S G Sewel!, Little Cottonwood, M Oi penheimcr, !an Francisco; JT ! Henderson, Corinne; Josias Allen; P 1 L Buckmiujier; Bcntham Fabien, 1 c.tv. OMAHA HOrSE. Board si OS por day. Free Omnibus frai 1 Hailroid D! ct. (.'has Lucas. Indianapolis; A S Maxwell, Omaha; M V B Wapon. ' Montana: W K McPhcrs-n. Snake river: J Burn-, St Louis: H P Stewart. Stew-art. M D. J W Mcrritt, E v district; I N P Lake, Tintic; W S Cays, J O Wilson. S Garrett, Einthnm, S R j Tvler, Nev; E S Foote and M:es Foote. Tooele. I WHTTE HorI. ; Deceit, ocr ij. W B Hull. East canon: Y Murk- ; re'.l. Ogden: D B Morgan. Utah: R i Shantr.n. John Boniiu, :u Gi.bvrt. ' John R SingV. Little Cottonwood: J j V Co? nan. B Hauiburcer. Cherennr: J, ha R B.;ivJ R Bail .rd. Washington. Wash-ington. D C: G II Eur;. Svcarcore. I.'i. D H Durrey. W P IUr:. C P R K. Ojidcn: J Johnson. Og iea I -,, r.'vr 2' . M 1 lio'.npsoii. W B II.iil. E.i-t canon: S Shane, city: A 11 e'.vx. Ei Kci'y, Rrvan: I 11 Ton' rv. Bitter Crock' W Luoht. G Sa'it .!,. M intana: S Eastman. W T: J V hw. I" P R K: N Andtrscn. E Bml. r. c-ty; F J . Kicrl, Of !en. ilOLE LL'jHT! InETTLIjHI! '. f. : ; ' -. rr. ' t (". ' r. , 7 , r - r , ; r Till: D.VM'OKTII M.N- K 1 1'l.OSI V K PETROLEUM FLUID ')nlj- ; j ( mi. Pi r Allien! iin si; x co., CITY TAX NOTICE, The Last "otice for the year 1S70. 4 LL FTK?0K5 ho biv? -0: rii ibir Ci-y Tsx for ie 6at Vii, w:ll ple-w use notie? u- e r:i c cr befr tie .si day o: Jiciry n x- I hai anier :hi prcnied tj law JOH. R. V IDER. - ., CoiOUT. -ice, o. Cry E.I. SOUTHERX MAIL! EXPRESS LINE Carrying th I . S. Mail, Vnd "W" 11 fc. Fargo A. C. Eiprtu. Tb ttiideryfd is cow running a Daily lie ol Smlcm lo PROVO & FILLMORE. On and after 2?v. 1Mb, IS0. ;as will run on aiiernittp dsys for Meadow Valley, Star District and St. Ceorge. Coaawtione mad with star tor TLmtle and Sevier Mlnra, Miapti and Arlmona. Qod Ma)c ard aecowimQationi alt l0Pf the line. Tim to t. Gerire and Meadow Valley Mine. iday, 10 bourn. MCfiH WHITE, Pip. fficea; ells, t'arsoA Co. C. F. SVTTH, OfOtl Ajft.:. 0. S. I. WILLISTON'S CELEBRATED COMBED SEA ISLAND SIX COHI) SPOOL COTTON. Just Arrived, Ad or (k1, wholesale and reiil. hi Z. C. M. I. TW3 SPOOLS GIVEN AWAY For erery uuo not entirely htiUKiictory CITY LIQUOR STORE, Keep oniuntly on hand, WholeaIe and Uefail, Ckiae Imported LIQUORS AND WINES, At Lnwwt Holw. I GROKfrBKCKH B V I I. DIN(.H, tmnt Tempi fttrrvi. j 1a. C. M. 5. BOOT AND SHOE Depart inciil, Al 'fcr Sil0 r,i tin "BIG BOOT'' Call and Eiamin our choice &lfk of HOME-MADE Aiul nijorld BOOTS AHD SHOES LdiV vv ('Ti 'f tit n'f Slij.frfTs in th rari'iy, mitaLlt; t'r Ilollila j 1'rcsMit. 1 m-D ridrh:ldM-h M 1Y, J 'J Oi'.iJKK W -J : 1 :;' ' f L C h i r, ln(luHln f'iiih nd (.ir m m m ( lf Mi)u, Hi i o r o, a ri ! tiring f ' ortil to t , Ki iJ kind -f I i, Note and Mirnti 1. (! 4 full Hot k of ftiioi I ii)dliit, on, ford and ki'n X. oil t . 1 1 1 1 i ; iiOL(.n x. I 1 in l '.''..!() I; ; j Mi.i.l -;j ' .s-.-. w t:,. r,.,.t ;. sut H.B. CLAW BON Sr.Ht. EASTERN TRACE. Pool. Nazro. Kimball & Co.. WHOLESALE GROCERS S5 Warren Si c or. C hnrc li. J. E. BrLGES. New Tork. C. A Lotfsireet. John Sediwlck. LONSSTREET & SEDSWiC, MEN'S & SOYS' CLOTHING, 46fl A; Broadway, Nfw York. CHASE, HANFOF.D L CO., &l South Water St., i HU AliO. Oils, Paints, dass, S.c, WILSON OIL TANK PAGE, llltO. A: CO., LEATHER AND FINDINGS, AO Likt Street, SffiP- CaiCO, 111 Lake Sho-e O.l Works. MAXWELL, WrfTtLES & CJ., XI nuto! urr ci ICufilne, StK a l, Ta lo , l.m 1 1 and OOL ulL.v Ders in liendiish' CtrKMi. p. Kiephmu, ar.d jhtiu i.,.!-, i-i-DU tor ihp nulf , : PRATTs ASTRAL OIL.. Apiils of the H Virf;i).; O.l i".. i . s).rri-Tl'KF.rs oi EX ELSiCR CAR, R-.0- AN 1WN P IM i'or Tin ai:i Sh.iijl R.v, K: i .n-.U-: Facijr. ( HU A(iO, . c 33 Ji lllinoi!" - I.. It 6. au r ir4 i-i , VAN" SCHAACK. STEVENSON & rttlD tviun.i;K.vi,i; DRUGGISTS Drain s t PAINTS, VAR K5, OILS, DYE STUFFS, BRUSHES, Window Glass, Glassware, Patent Medioinen, A.o.. A.o, WO, 99 A. 94 I.akr St., cor. Oi urboi ii, C3 M W V M - . v. W ith l:n po pi'ri' ni'p in t lu I t i i ih 1 iraiii-, wo t el dun1 1 vivi. g hucIiki.i.'II hi quality, prKt. hli.i puckilig. MAFKLEY, ALLING & CO,, Iiui-oit.-rc mi. I Juliljoic it Hardware i Cutlery 5 1 Luke Strrrl, CHIl AM), .... n, , SHAViNo www m;i-:ssin; SALOON. JOHN SQUIRES & SONS, EAftT TKMPLK RTKK.KT, Firn deornuth f Hp. Iiiintpi'n rt.i.l-ni'. Prlvalo Kooiiim , For CuttibC HkJ ItrrMii(r l,mlw' Htnl Chil drn'n Hair. MAM TA(TI Hkll II h II . Rytj drriiiiiin f l(nir '.-rk mu m oritar. Ayuauiity t l)t4 , t. ' j- od bttrnJ. OrtMinU Hair Knik. II UU... an'l Wntlmti Wtrh Juu?-l-, brai-let. Km. NfrMnm. Ar., tnnl to ot Jr. Z. C. Tvi. I. A VOICE From the Arctic Rcyions. KCKI'0 1 li f- ,m 'm' Pmi We vill '. , M,r f.'. 1 .1 i ! FURS! FURS! AT A Vi:r.Y LO'.V I'liH'i . '.til ' ' SCARF PAI3LIY SHAWLS, BED OU N WRAPS. CASH ER; HOiE Ot tHXMBUl. ( i. iMpTi'b y jri y '.Vii'.'m u S'-'i -. During tlv-; Holidays W T. HUM Ill ConaULt!j R';(-iv;n;; Miix'vr.K CHRISTMAS BAZAR In !' i- 'i i-'.'-t it-'in .)..,. i u ( 'liiin G'T'nitiiy itni i'-ti' -i !i J. Ojmu ILvtif a.rnlf imtiJ k .tt. rr. H. ( LA v;f o:;, |