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Show T. :&.' W." TAYLOR Have Just Received a lot of Toilet" Soaps ! jsr- ac w .q yaw asli Tra i 3 Stat je: s .; Have Just Received a Large and Varied Stock ef ' , BOOTS AND SHOES! LADIES', MTSSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES In every Style and t prices tht cannot full to luit. ALSO A LARGI ASSORTMENT OF Gents' and Youths' ISoots and Shoes. We would also call attention to our Large and Fashionable Stock of lOr0!? JJSTTS CAPS Men's, Boys' and Children's Wear, all of which we will sell at - EAILEOAD TIMES:"PEIGES1 j2l Give Us a Call. w WELLS, FARCO'S IS NEAR o vk ' o - ' p . ." ' o O O P LV SI SS3NISH& JO 3M1N30 3H1 j SIN FRANCISCO CUACKEUS. Fresh Lot Just Received. LIGHT, YTIIOLE.S03IE, XT7TIIITIOUS. Suitable for Travel and Domestic Use FOR SALE, CHEAP, AT GEO. W. DAVIS' dS William clayton, NOTABY PUBLIC. Mining Deeds and other Losral Instruments Instru-ments acknowledged. NOTES AND DRAFTS PROTESTED. Collections marte In all parts of kurope, Business attended to with promptness and tlispatch. OFFICE AT Z. C. M. T., EAGLE idiaH RI ! CARPETS tor SPRING FURNISHING ! 'Retail Department "We call attention to purchasers that we are prepared to offer special induce-I menu. A fine selection of iho newest! styles of j TAPESTRY,- BRUSSELS, INGRAIN,' ! At. Eastern Prices. DUTCH CARPET, 40 c. Per Yrd. TABLE AND WINDOW DAMASK. DRUGGETS and CRUMB CLOTHS Sheetings and Quilts. CORNICES Al) LACE (XRTAINS. Gimps, Fringes and Cordi. Grll X3 XJ TXT BAIZH. Carpet Made nnd Laid Trlth Care. Ji. B. CLAWSOX, fri'T. Zion'sCooperative! Mercantile Institution TO CITY AND COUNTRY CO-OPERATIVE STORES And the Trade generally. WHOLESATFIrY GOODS! EAGLE EMPORIUM, (Up Stairs.) . WINTER GOODS! Lony Miau ls, INuhias, iiosicry, .single Miawls, ISoori, Gloves, Child ich'h Shawls, Scarfs, I'l; is r.i.uikcs. Count rpancs .leans, 1 assitacrc.N, 5,hsxs, COMESTIC G30D3 IN FULL SUPPLY IS USUAL, S.ools A; Mmm's, KuIiEm rs V Arcf i-s, Pica's, zSo.vsand Children's lints. . n. B. CUWVSON, Ki.-w. Truckee q ..;! ... ..... SALT 'V LA.ILE LUMBER YARD. Ilnir-Itloclc South IJ. C. Depot.' ii D, W. PARKHURST, ' I'rtiprrelor, ' Z. C. M. I. Wholesale and Retail G30CERY5HARDWARE nnPART.MLNT, Khlrrtlyr, & (7itr.t,n Ihiihthi-ji. You cn On i kt thi I'pirf nnt -f 'l.CM.l. ft bettor ftvCK of Lamps, Crockery, Hardware, Stoves, MINING TOOLS, DIt 1 lifi J ' c w dor, STAl'I.K AND VANCY Groceries KTC. AMI CAN" cv.t m on k p:i vol n sihxkt AM (IHDK.IH TIMK YOl' A AT A H V OTIIKH IKM'SK IN t TAIL Thnnmit Tjntimr. W. II. FoNmn. tiotirK. 11. r.j-lor, (Ipurto Jiiitinirj (;iiAi(;r: or riitsi. Tlio IMnning Mill, SnOi mill P.mr l"u'-tnry l"u'-tnry of FOTiROM, IHMW1'!Yrtt'o, Will Imrrnf'lrr ilo buinrs undrr tlie tirin nmiia ol L.1TI.MER, T.1VL0R & CO. SASH 0f 1' ,"in ' '"''' nifiRQ l",n'', tKi'ii'i"'. f'tt UJUItv d.'irtt. lituo lnr ..n ri. nur Ihirkn, fi. r kimt, tur-niKliol tur-niKliol li onl cr. WINDOW -vv i I H l".. l.o.l. nn.I li, FRAMES """""'"' PRflMFQ Bnp' f'"r". f'riin tlnornml I MMITI Lg wnultiw 1 1 mu on. BLINDS ir ii ry n4 r1 1 i 11 tr pIiiIIk. MOULDINGS rJ.'".!;.:: trtvn anil ciriiiro. CI flORlUn Ttniiffl mil (rmovr nn mtrkeil to unler. I IIMCP I'lnnr-1 out oT wlndo, fl LUIIIUtn th.rkMr..,.i.Ml riiiMl tontiy Planer and Circular Saws nnnninc nil tlin linio. MINIM) DISTIMCTN Hupiilloil tut nlinrt tinlli'P. Uf n nnnll, or mldrotti lv l.llor In lint Ai'init H, TAVI.OIl A. (., ; ; -Ti H K FLORENCE '- NOISELESS FAMILY SEW! ICIF IS. TIIK Standard Machine of ' the' World ! The Special Committee appointed to examine and re port on Sewing iI r.c Ii i nen at I lie J ort h Caroll it a Slate Fair, held at Kalt-lgU laiit wck, awarded a Gold Medal tot e Florence Sewing J1 nch t tie for the cane and quietness of 1 1 a movement, pe i frcl iotk and large varlr t y of work, and Its valuable new feat nreM, making ma-king it the moKt valuable Sewing Maclilne for family use. Parties contemplating the purchase pur-chase of Sewing Machines are requested re-quested to read the fol owing from the New York "Tribune" of Oct. 19tb, 1870 t SEWING- MACHINES. We have recently bad occasioa to make Borne in'iuiriea into the progress of improvement improve-ment in the mechiiniftn of sewing machines, and were not a little surprised to learn ttant the central idea in the first iiiveniion ta shuttle titill holds its place, though many au erupts have been tua-Je to supercede it. The ehuttle, in combination with the needie, is still the Leans used to form the etitcu, in the leading machines, and we find that the growth of trade ia chiefly with the shuttle ufii'g machme. I he improvement that are taking firm hold in practical use are, therefore, nece-n-rily in connection with the shuttle, either io the detail of the shuttle its-ll. 01 in other prts t-f the muc-uitje connecteii with ii, to cau-e tne nhule Vj uiera:e more perfectly aud uniformly, and to eiiiipliiy iu u-e. hny imp-irtrint gimi in t;'ifl direction, m-lt i-ince he rir?i treat intention, are un-duubteuly un-duubteuly ein'od.t'i in the " r iorenc." ma-ctiiae; ma-ctiiae; and we recoiuruend our readers t carefully t aspect toe "i: io.-CLCo" belore ma-k ma-k i n tc a choice. 1 tie p-tintu pcruliar to tb i machine are: An uiiu-uai a:u'Uu aioiu-y i i ent in mailing tne " b i-tvuk-c," tnerehy securing the b'ot uiatcril ' rlvti. lor ibtance. WDfcrt others ue c-i-'t-iron ). tho Lt.-l tiu ?h o! iUiprtant paru use rnutl9. f-r eidmplc, being rijf i-xi r-;e. te-i u it v.tn-.j iruin tne fliaLdird 1.1.1 -in ot mn incn li It i con-ltrur;tru con-ltrur;tru un tno ? un p-i f cicnii :jc princu lc euiirt'ly di5pcning with tue e-ir. and cai. a A linli wuicq o oi;eij pet pervexeeij oai ( orocr and sur!y perplex eery one bu1 ine ircti e-i mkccinii o their udiocouul Ldo Ire-ifc.-. 'lac "r 1-jrwUce" is fo e.il' uiiiHfcil. nd it die l to readily ie-irtieo. tb4l 4U -.rtliii.tj itirl jt Ira (i.u ft:in una u.-cle enoui,-a t-- run it erietiy, "f tielock- tili-li. v tiiae by tut "riorcLicc" n ver ro ulr Att i perle't. very strong nd clastic. u i u drawu into the lu'-rit tnj, kijJ-ull kijJ-ull , tine I), wnb"Utjcrft.L!ig. n-i iiQum fAymi me iaib to I'U' kr-r. or traiuiDg tbt l iri-'i u d to eu ljnu-r it reaiiii; cod r'juen tly , m ) Ijui mnalr ma uciii ubno cn be u-cd. Ijcri-ics ITjus. me " r trence -(in all tu. the cLc.ti et tyl- t-o un t:ir additional muue a d -ubie (-a, itilc kni t Aiid a ijnub e koui whi h ar ltrar more eitic taan any oitiei nu b, arni wiut'D are ujJr by c olDcr m-cnttic. m-cnttic. i Q r mrcricc" u te only tu-c n ut ltit but fpvcru 'it red. -ac-coy itie di-r-titto of (tie Fri(i( can be tfitanu t'biiie 1 w ilQi-ut i' 'ppmc the work, KL u enti ing the i. j er4ir to .juiit r etiibr'Uder -ilti uuuual iility. tore t.-fcrit idu Mily :rrin(thcj m em wbercver d'-irerl. tu t. buJiy. by a tw repeaivil t;lcno!', I f v t on mu-i$ id li; e ymiRp.'l D J rjutitfi m y . 1 1 i ti) n i y in-4cfi me th at bu ilf- OJ ult D ti utile-1 ti rr-ia trp' H Q, w j irt -ri n irif ilj tfit t ti o pertir can ru i 'cr" IU9 eTiri vain u J r the & net 1mm an-l ihr tmrkr.'t bri .Kl..;h il lanui di! mrerAiitm wntioDt breiia liivtareM nd "iitifLii rruniUK ihv be-lie, tn--h Oi lciii o ffi " l.irrc" Uriw.t th lbrcd into clvtti with une-iuair-t (Tc-.iU'Q aiij cpriint . by ir. ran"( d mccntojf auto-oiatic auto-oiatic "take uy" wnl, whuh Ji? of tl.a li-k itirrd left !iT the ntstou wub At 'vurn rrotni :tn trial prtrrnti a 1 na 1 n or dropping l in-tif, nj alloir trie oi-eramr to bacliwwrd. or u run ofl tbt cluta oJ on Ksain. miti perttt't impunity. It tea aoiu.prirJ ela.uc heimner. rxclu irrlj iu own, which i m n rl with ftf i, od will in a hem ol any widit) on ao matriAl it nctomririafccapartVi'tgalhcj and rw it to bnd at -n ii rtno. but it brvii. and hinl. anl nj yuilli". ant c-rU anl t no, ftixi ((l,rr, an I bria without tMiitui. tMirb apwiftl provuion t 1 uiadr aa ntl iiuuriout. wim ihl the Y lot nee" i olftimc! mni guarantevl bjr tneCou:-Prij tneCou:-Prij to lat twice a Ion witriout rei air njr other fhutile machine id llie uiarkrt, I without thm ilithic! d'tli.-uliy. kvery pail ol tn "K.i'ren.-e" if no perlc.-tly and prriuw-nnilT prriuw-nnilT atijutrd. and it b- i Irw joints and I point 1. 1 Iru-tii n, thai it ninii w 1 1 b t h ut i iu r o. '1 he iirfila it ? at I ihrrded. and llie Hit. h if leniithctie-j. j h"rt iird, or rrvpnul with tlie ut- ! ut't pvo. In uitta l!io "ti rvnc" ueither tno Work nor thv "I'url -r' drr- in iidc title ti-tle noiul. i b e "hinrriit'c" with nil lhc- o mm l" ni" ri'Tiiy. fti at tlie ?;uic pnc- oihor A rx t -o 1 a.. ni.trtnvio. 'il)ca aJvan Lihor.ility in manulact n-e: .i ui pl ici ' y ol con-triietwa," -J'iV'iiuy "I iij:imwcmul; V irirly ot ,M t.dn-; Rflvrriblo lo d: t n 1 1 adni(iiiu tension; AutmrwilK' titke-uo; InilT'tveo honiitior; 'rtviion nwni"t wenr: P'Tle-'t mid p riiruient I ,iut in ent ; Kw fk-u jli.ii ol iitM-ille .tnd tni h; iJleitnhtifftP ttn i etic;n lie ; 1 tr tM'iuiv itnd IumU liui-U of the niaeliina: Make I he K I'lpfiti'i'," luod.T.Uely hpeiik-fng, hpeiik-fng, luiii'liilio wbien to be valueil, nccvi? but to he iridi. No ItiN.ily cn nfford t. be without a pw-inr pw-inr Di." lime, and v tioi o th;t liel.Tc long one ni.iy or tiMind wherever " Lho Iribuue 10 welcome. TO THE UDiES it Salt l.nUr (My, nnd I li rnu r It i mil Ilie I i Mm Ipm Of I Inh, ' Idaho, ill nn i n ii a and V) nihMi, 1 AVo rxtMul ii ooriliul invihtlion to 1 at our i'llii o, mid I'vmuimi ho Kloronoi Kutinly Snwitii; Mnchimx wlu'Llmr do fiKninj: iininililo I'lirt'lmil tr not: is our Imisiiip'S kiuI pUvisiiro to polu-n closn PXHiiutmlion flint optii parion, c Imvti on oxlnbition, in oiilnr tli mor (Mitjly tomplntn ptiitiiw tif ilillcnuiro, in wliii lt wo oImmii ptiprnority, tho inn-filing inn-filing of vnriona miikors, ini'ludm tlw (Jn.vor !: Unl.pr, .SitiRor nnd Wlnvlw iV S ilson. In mnkino; juk-Ii tMinpnri on, nn unfuir ftdviuilno will to Inkprt of rival murium', 1ml on tho ronlrnT thny will lo kopL by a ctniotonl ma. oliinist in tl.o bo t nf running onlor, tnunio of IImmii mniim n good an cngi-1HMT cngi-1HMT us n loi'oinottvv.) CHAS. S. HAMMIR, Umrt-nl AktiH, SM.T l.Alvl'i CITY, UTAH. CONTINENTAL Life Insurance Comp'y, OF NEV.YOEK JUSTUS LAWRENCE, Pmsklont. J. P. KOGERS Secretary M. B. WYNJiOUP, Vice-PresidenU S. C. CHANDLER, Jr., Actuary! t3 & r h . 2 H.p v; mwk s A g 2 Mm?k K B o o o 5 2 ? r &3 B. cm x t A.i ? g cd H-. . Jl k S - S V J CO ip pi The entire Profits of the Company are distributed annually amonc the policy Holders, upon the contr bution plaD. . All Policies Non-forfeitable, ae.ordm to the expressed terma eon-' eon-' tamed in each Policy. No Extra Premium for travel or foreign residence. J'liirty days grace allowed on the payment of premiums, and the policy held good during that time. Policies Incontestible for the customary reasons. , . Economy iu Management. Only; one other New York company showing as low a rate of expenses to income. Careful selection of its risks, as indicated by the exceedingly small mortality of its members. Policy Holders hare a Toice in the Elections and Management of the company. Assets, January 1st, 1871, over Five Millions. NORTHWESTERN DEPARTMENT ; OFFICE, 'Xo. 94, LA SALLE STREET, CHICAGO. S. T. L0CKK00D, - - - - MANAGER A. B. DAVIS. - - - SUPT. OF AGENCIES JOHN. B . f1 A I B E ti , General Agent for Utah, OFFICE AT WOODMAXSEE BRO'B, SALT LAKE CITT. ilJEBICAL examiners: W. F. ANDERSON. M. D. F. D. E EN EDICT, M. D. lleJi'ihh Agents Wanted throughout lite Territory. j? CRAFTSMAN'S nn mmm mm, OF "EW YORK. V-Parcly Mutual. Caah 8y8(em."5 All Policies on-Korf llnblr. y0 A' strict 'on O't R-siJtnrr or Travrl in any ptrt f the World. All the vnri'u Tonn- of Life Endow-mrriit, Endow-mrriit, ! irm nnd Joint Policies &rc i??ued by this L'uLMpatiy. JK A M. SWAHTZ, Gor,pr?il Afpt fr I'ttta. 0:Ii- tiir--e dors nartli of Exchange and lieu dir. g K -k'Dif, lain street NORTHWESTERN Mutual Life Insurance Co. JrHN II. V N D Y K K President. HtBtR -Ml.U. - Vice-IVwi.i.nt-ALU. tiAYLuK, - tecretrj. Home O (Her. II ro nrl w a y, r nr. of AVifr-tontlu AVifr-tontlu St., Milwaukee, U. Dr. S. S. W At, LIH AX. CorA-al A ; e c Hock 7 M"Or,;ji n Ih;rt X C '-...rtav, VSjommf. I" t a ni Mexico. PETER G. FERGUSON, Aunt (or L"th. omc In Hooper. Kldreclga A. Co., .3. !. J()N'AS-iON, Actnt f r L.ke Cur. TRAVELER'S INSURANCE COMPANY, ur nAHTFOBii,ci)sF.rTict'T. Injure ukr.iint Accident cv.isir.f-; Ds'.h or toully Dis-ibling Injury, PETER G. FERGUSON, Al-.KXT. OCncs t Hppr, E'.drodso A Co.'s Hunk. l-"" LIVERPOOL ANO LONDON AND GLOBE Flltr. lSl R VMF. ( OMTANY. ssrlls . . - $K 100.000,00. .1. Jl.llllllllK, AKrnl. .I.M P. . Itulliltnc. S.ll t.Rkf rlfr ' PEOPLE'S I.SrR.lfEf 0.1 or SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, j (Trr ; i jT M.irinr.) C. F. M.V-PEKMOT. 11. O. 110KNFK. I'rwulcnl. t-Krour? A. II. (It JiMSllV, SiirrUl A(rnl. I. . 31. II tr 3t JV1 A IV , (;riirrnl Affrnt Tnr rtah. Ollico t S. W. Howl.- d r.i. Main Slrfpl. "-nil l.kc I'llv. B. W. E. JENNENS, l.ritl Agrnl, , Ofllrt mi Tru.rtrl A Tn'-, Main f J ki 1 it y . Z. 0. TYL I. Clothing Departm't FRESH ARRIVALS Of Xt-w Goods in Fall and WINTER SUITS! OVERCOATS, CAPES, TALMAS Military Clothiu, c. Al5 a Fu!I Variety of jZNT'S furnishing goods Gecii', Iadie?' anJ Boys' BOOTS & SHOES Gems' Youths' md Rvs' HATS and CAPS. rKUXKS in all s:y'.es and quali'Jes. Valises and Carpet Sacks. Carpets, Matting. Floor Cloths M all Taper and Decorations. lrye stv.vt of French anil Knfillsh Cnsslmerei Doriklnt. Btirri, HIlKary Cloths, Home ?Ude Tweed, c. SUITS MADE TO ORDER ! 0 t Ionian"? Cl.hirc. T U1 itfT mlr to .pterin ttie S'wt Stxle , TvVri , n the fh-rto l tl.t'CP, Kim-cl t"t B4 MILITARY TRIMMINGS IX OKK.VT VAKlKrT. U II. U. I'l.AWtON. J5rn. BENEDICT, HALL & CO., MANlU'ACTnUlKS AN P WUOLKS.U.K lM'.Al.F.US IN Boots and Shoes, HAVE REMOVED TO o. i:M aiul i:UJ iKA!I M'Kl'.r.T, (,r,-r tv.t.y. i KV YORK. a |