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Show 500 MEN Ought to be employed in building houses. Parties before purchasing purcha-sing should call at F. LITTLE'S LUMBER YARD One 131ock east of Theatre, And examine the Fine Stock of Building Lumber. Common Lumber, S3 per hundred i'eet Laths, - GOc. per hundred. Other Prices proportionate. CENTRAL FAGIFIC RAILR'D. , 1 pa-r Kxpn.p T f)f) Express: Puffer 1 gun. lav- T r;t i d J d-Ui Train ShdJkv except"! Daily 1 871. Daily xcepted I 4'pnt S'N'anJj'Hn Frau'co 5 45 pni 12 3riprn I 4 42 " 8 4" " ..OaklAnd 5 12 " 11 58 " 7 3o " ..Sao -lose.. 5 40 " . j 7 fS " 12 1-ipm Stockton.. 1 46 " 8 35 '( 6 35 " 2 U " .Sacramento. 11 15 am 7 UUa 4 10 ..MarvHTille.. 9 10 " 9 ix ' .Se-ma. . . 4 20 " K Q ' . 2 2U pin .Sacramento. 1145am p X 5 2o " ...Colfax. 8 45 " 1 15 am .Reno .. 1 00 " - 9 1(1 " Winnemncca 4 06 " 12DO m i Battle.MouDt 125 pm j; - 3 10 pm! ...Oarlin. .. 1015 " W. O 44)1 " I -..Elko..,. 8 45 am 1 3d am .... Keltoo.... 10 10 u 6 10 " 1 ..Ojrden.. 5 0 pm A. N. TOWSE, T. H. OOODM AN. Gen. Supt, O. P. H. B . Gen . Pas-'tr and Ticket Apt, . - UTAH CENTRAL 11A1L.KOAD. PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. On and after Thursday, Dec. 1, 1870. 'Daily Trains Leave Salt Lake City at 5 a m and 2:45 p. in Arrive at Ogden 7 a. m. and 4:4-5 p. m. Leave "gdfn 8 a m. ando.oO p. in. Arr veat Salt Lake City iO a.m. and 7:30 p.m. 1 Fure from Salt Lake City to Wood's Cro-s $ .70 Centrerille- S .90 Frmiogton $1.5 Kay grille ... l.'O Cgden - - 2 .dv Fare from Ogden to Kayaville SI. 30 Farm:ngton $1.5 Cinireviile 2.u5 Wood's Cross i'lb Salt Lake City 2.50 ' In addition to the above AN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN Will run DALLY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED. Leaving Ogden at 5 a. m. and Salt Lake City at ilu p. m., On which full fare will entitle the purchaser of a ticket to return on the earn day and tra.n free, and will stop by arranging with the cond ctnr at any pMnt on tae line to take on or let off paengers. Passengers will please Purchase their Ticket at the Olnce. Fifty Cents additional will be charged when the tare is collected on the train. For all information concerning freight or pas-age, apply to D. O. C ALDER, Ticket and Freight Ag' Salt Lake City. JOS. . Mupt. IF" M. . . LIVIRPOOL & Q'JEENSTQW.t. IN MAN L INE Of Royal .Mull Steamers, Sailing from -New York Every Saturday, AND Alt entitle Tuesday. Cabin Pannage, U Liverpool. feoM) J73.00 Steerage " M (cur.) 30.00 Passage from Liverpool to XtwTork Cabin, ... ffJoM) $75.00 Steerage, - - (CuTency) 34. UO Round Trip Tickets issued at very low rata jon.f o. dale, Aicnt, 15 Lroalway, New York, ()r W rLLIAM CALDKK, AKent. o7 Salt Lak- City. Utah. II.DINWOODEY, FURNITURE DEALER Ami urn olsthkhic. All kinds of IMPORTED FURNITURE 0D Untly on hand at the Salesroom, AST TK MPLE ST. Every d:.4rrittion of HOKE-MADE FURNITURE At Ifio Vnclory and Salesroom, FIRST SH TII STKKKT, S. L. CITY COFFINS, PLAIN OliAiIK.TAI. l Always in Hiock. Truckee SALT LAKE LUMBER YARD. Iliiir-ltlock South U. C Depol. D. W. PARXHURST, "2 rrnpriittor. CHICAGO TRADE. Lake Shore Oil Works. MAXWELL, WFELES & C3., Manufacturers of Engine, Signal, Tallow, Lard and WOOL OILS. Dealers in Heudlighl Ciirbon, "Whalo Elephant, tieHl and Sperm Oils, AonU for the snle of PRATTS ASTRAL OIL. , Agents of the Wost VirKii Oil and. Oil Land MANUFACTURERS OF EX"ELS10R CAR, RJQ? AN) IRON PAINT For Tio and 6lniU Hoofs, Brnigo Timbers, Ac. Factory, CHICAGO. Office, M i 3t9 Illinois M., 10S S. Water tStr-et, dU VAN SCHAACK, STEVENSON & REID WIIOLKSALE DRUGGISTS Dealers In PAINTS, VARMISKES,". OILS, DYE STUFFS, BRUSHES, r Window Glass, Glassware Patent Medicines, &o &o. 90, 9Z &, 94- Lake St., cor. Dearborn With a lnree experience in tho Territorial trade, we f-el 8ure of eiving satisfaction in quality, priced ami packing. d3 MARKLEY, ALLING & CO., Importers and Jobbers iu Hardware I Cutlery 51 Lake Street, CHICAGO, - - - ILL.. d8 DIEBOLD & KIENZLE, Successors to Dipbold, BUimann A Co., CELEBRATED CINCINNATI FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF A F'lH S, And Sanfent'8 Maenetif and Automatic iiank H J E4 Z$m PRATT & COVERT. General AgenU 86 Washington St., Chicago. II. B. CLAWSON, Supt. Z. C. M. I., Agent for I'tati Territory. KEITH BROTHERS, Manufacturers and Jobbers of HATS, CAPS AND FURS MtWinmj ,nnI Straw Gnoth, BH i. TO ln. Ii Ave., piJTp jpf 3 . 4 Uc.rborn I'lact, tlillUliLrU Jl i:i;k;;n holm: D- II. Skinner. Proprietor. Corner Wellw and ill , p p f Itdiiaolpii alrceu, J ll i W.'lUl. Thi tlou-e i. cntr-.llv li.catc-1, well f'ir-nihud, f'ir-nihud, uu i ool, tains - Konuiv CHASE, HAKF2RD & CO,. 61 l-outh Wfiter St., CHICAGO, Ho .dTnarlers f jT Oils, Paints, Glass, &c., Manufiiturcr.-t of the celebrated WILSON OIL TANK .113 riGK, 11 UO. X CO., LEATHER AND FINDINGS SO Luke Htrcel, - tiitlll ILL NEW YORK TRADE. .MOLLKK'S (01) - I.IVEH OIL. TC.i B-IM tlm Fjnt i'ri7 at wU t thn fallowing Rxiiiltitii'iix : IionduD lQt"rnuUjrml Kxliibi- lion. )WS linrgf-n Kxliihiti'n nf Ki-hnrio-: Gold MmlHi of Kuynl ISoctty lor thr wcifnro of Norway. JKM) Great Kjthihition at Stockholm. H,7 I'uriH I ntnrn it Initial Ex hi luliuii. At whirh it n-.k lln llr-t viKht con)ttitrN. It i r ..u.iurri.h-.l l. runny finiiwnl niwil l iHi'.rit.t. iu J.nr...; ,y id'r M.lu J (C:i(y til nWlly ,M..i ol Nuritiuiiilx'rUii'l nl Inn iiin. Dr. I.. A fyr. ..f Now ik, t : MoIIt' pro- ij thfl (,njr oiio l.j wit). U ;,.i L,riT Oil b"iilil Im riiMilti." Dr, .'. .Marujtt Hlim Mr : "I Imw .r--H ri1l it almoat 'laily, mnl vw t very rrn-nn t l" i i f tly wlinfi-"! witn it." For wile l.y IriiKiit nn l 'tiinita. W. JI. Hrltlr llriln A. Co., IVrir York, 'li'l S--l A r 111 f-.r tlm U. H. Bil C..n.U. C. A. Longlrrrt. JUn Hr,lKv . k. L0NGS1REET & SEDGViCX MiinufiuMiir. ..f uij.I Wbokfulo DniilT in MEN'S &30YS' CLOTHING, V 40H llrnmluny, New Voi-k, Pool, Nazro, Kimball & Co., WIIOLKSALE GROCERS a.", Wnri.ii ror, (Mini . Ii, J.(ill. lll MIKI'.. Now York. BATHS, BATHS! Wiiriu Sprin IJmOiw ! Irlvn nnti I'lmie. Tl.o..'4'Ntrnitwl bullL .1. '..li Ik Ih. .lllli. .( nil ..M...T1.. 'I l,lr n Illlt 1M(,m.. , a w,j known tlml il i. iH" ll.. ! ii,iiii,.(l4if, lll(.iii Mn.i'k. tho I'rlv.l. lutlia, ll. Iu ki. iinil linn.l...mft-tf linn.l...mft-tf f.inii.lt.-.l rittnu Until. ,,r l.n.lt.-. nt.,1 0iiil.n.ifn dr. now (.u..ti. II. A llftOI.I,. n!7 rh"mi l.it'mer. W. II. Fol.,.m. 'hwih 11. Uj.ur. G.-irKO h'Utui.; i ii a.x.i-: or FIRM. The riitniiig Mill, a.-li and I)oor .Factory .Fac-tory uf rOLHOM, JtOMPffKY Will hcrcftrr do hoin unJr th lirm nam of LATIMER, TAVLOR & f 0. SASH i' ,U 00 kDs D'l ntde to nnnRQiuiM'1 pi. muM. UJUrtO .lu-.r. Irf0 Pt.,re no.ru, ny tbickrif, n-To or kind. lur-nnii lur-nnii to order. WINDOW Wilh , M,h. FRAMES c,jn""olc' FRAMES ,wn.nlj:",a,,.i".in do li BLINDS ,C!iai'nnry r,,"in i'n. MOULDINGS irt triTm and cornice. PI flflRIMP Tongue-l and iroovt t an-1 ILUUIUIIU pr,,i.tro fliron hund nnd ork4 to order. I IIMOCO PUnl nt "f vindn. to n imJ HI JL it UnokncuN. and nw4 to nuy ilc-ircd inn, Planer and Circular Saws Kunnint all tlir tinif. MI.MMi DISTRICTS Supi-licil on liort notice (iV0 lis ftfiill, graddrcM hy Ittflr to IIok 'x' LAiniKU, TAVLDIl A. (., )- Our Itlnrk wrui ol rbrnt'lp SAN FRANCISCO Fresh Lot Just Received. 'Miioi.isoiii:, .M'Tierriors. ,SVV...i j,r Tnnrl ,,ml lhmi.stir (W I'OU HA LI', CJIKAr, AT GEO. W. DAVIS' ilH FL011F11. NOISELIiSS : r FAMILY SEWING MACHINF , ." IS THE Standard Machine of the World ! - The Special Committee appointed to examine and report on JSewhig 1 nclilnett at t lie North Cnrol I na State Fair, held at Kalelh 1 am week, awarded a Gold Medal tote K I ore nee Sewln p Jl ttctilne for the ease and quiet ntHi of tin inovcmeiiU, pe r fret Ion and larpe variety of work, and its valnahle new f-aturen, making ma-king It the in ok t va I uable Sewing Machine for family uite. jfk . '' Parties contemplating the purchase pur-chase of Sewing Machlnea are requested re-quested to read the fol owing from the New York "Tribune" of Oct. I9tb, 18701 - SEWING MACHINES. We have recently had occasion to make aome inquiries into the prorress of improvement improve-ment in the tnech:tnUm of sewing machines, -tod were not a little surprised to learn that the central idea in the first iuveniion tke shuttle still holds u place, though many attempu have been made to supercede it. The shuttle, in combination with the needle, is atill the means used to form the etitcu, in the leading machine?, and we 6nd that the growth of trade is chiefly with the shuttle using machine. Ihe improvements that are taking firm hold in practical use are. therefor, necessarily necessa-rily in cjnnc.-tion wiih the fhuttle, either in the detail of the shuttle iu-It', or in other parts of the luachiue connecie-i with it. to caue tne who'e to opera e more perfectly and uniformly, and to simplify it ue. Mny important gains in t'' ia direction, made ;ince the ir.-t great inTcntion, are un-douotedly un-douotedly embod.ea in the "r loreoco" ma-chide; ma-chide; and we recommend our rtaders U-eareful'y U-eareful'y inspect the "k lorence" before making ma-king a choice. Ine points peculiar to this machine are: An unusual amount of money it Si eat id m hk inn the "Florence." th ere by tecurios the be-t material (steel, tor iiuuine. wbert uthcrs u.-e ca.si-iron ), arid tho nest nu eh ol important prts '.the .-huilie. t--r exampltr. being rigidly re.it-cted if it v:ri--s from the iUu,dard l-.ijih of an inch ! Jt is con-truc',-J "n Ibo Miiii'ie-t pcicMilic principle?, entirely duprnritig with the c- r. and cjIh.i, hukj- wnicti so often get perver-dy oui ot order and sor--ly ptrplei e . cry one bui trie practiced uiacair. :-t Li their uniccunt-abie uniccunt-abie freaks. 1 He "iiort-nce" i? so e-eil m.uiai;ei, and ita use i tu readily leruea. that an ordinary girl ( ten Lad te:jr-e and in u-cle fD'iUk'h t i run it crlect ly. I' he lor k-tiu-h, s tumim by me "rl'irence" is very rrularn i perfect, very ctrung and elastic, and u drawn into the laliru evenly, gradual grad-ual 1 , eac:ly, without jrr kin r, and without ciu-iiig LO e fum to pucker, or training the thread n Xi lo CI l:iLK--r IU bri-.ikiii; en te-juenUy. veiy fine thrr.i l and hgnt ubnn ran lie u-cj. Uenuei lui. uio r iorence Illi 1! the chri c-l :yW-) a!-o mn :nrre additional ut-:.r- a d-iuule b-k. mgle knui and a uuh e knoi nhi b art strun."ir -od more citic ttiaa a:.y otaer l i U'h. and w n i -b are rr. J if by no o; !i fr ui mi: tae ' riorence ' i tiie only taD.ne 'bt but fcicni" red. ijrreoy tae u -re- tpm of tt( q $ e ne ran be in ta n to ohiccel without clt'iini lh worn. thu en iU-iiif tb operator to i U ur caiDruUfr ub uhu-uaI lm-ilr.y. t.e barkw.'! an-j easily iirrngihen a i"-in wherrvrr df.nrevi, nd. Gnally. by a tew repMt-d stil0e5, to fanten ends in the yuici and etroige-t y. Il u the rtn:y mh me tliat ha 'if-abutting 'if-abutting shuttle-lb rt-td tnion. wfiub wrk. au por Ic.Liy that lti operator can rue rni itie e.tt trt 'Ain aii l r tbeane-'i linen and the tni-k"t br..ad-!o!h it. itnnjr--li.ua au rwnon witiiont bre-kir t thrtlireAa aad itbout ch.ntiiif the noe-Ur. tit.-o oi UoiioD. Trie "r lrpnce" draa.-t tha llir,J intotiiaclotb wuh one jualol i-rtriion arid crtaiulj, by inMni-it Ji meDioijl automatic auto-matic "uke up" wh""!. wbu-Q Jipic of ILe lark brd left alter the-HMrh with a "urt proiuptnw thai preTrnl a 1 nari-inc nari-inc or dropping ol tiirhra, and allown tne oi'eraior tn b.-kwr.. or to run ofl t(-. cl"t( and on agniD. with pr1K-t impunity. It bM an lUiirovrd bviuuie-r. exru trel it own. whi.'h ui inhPl with ea, and will Uiaka hull of any width on anj uialrria.1 it not rniiy iutkr a perteot cathar arnl irw jl t. a bind at iie oi emtiuQ. but il hcon. and bind, and lrh. and quilt, ann C"rtli and lor-,, an.l githerv, and braida without IiaatiiiK. isU! h vpia-j pMvisnu u made iw tit iiiuriou. wr.tr t Ii it I the " Klor-i-ni'e'' t laitiid and g uaraniroi by the Company Com-pany to at iwu-e aa long without repair aa an other "huttle iii-.-!unc in tnt market, withou' 'be liirhir-i iii(h.-u It y . Kvery pan ol the "yiurooce"' la ito perfivlly aul (wtrina ne-ntly a uuti'd, and it b.wo low jouh and Piol of frlct.on. that it run with the ut iuot ejma. 1 ho niello ia pc an4 threitdoil, and t U ii(h i longihencu. horiiiK-d, or rovrrnJ with the ut-mol ut-mol erwo. In uini the "Hl re-nee" neilhrr the work u'r the opcrat or'a drw u Mabln U. no lolled, lho "k lorrnoi'" wilh all the, a anii to superiority, ei at the iue pnc a othor Drat clas maotiiuoa. Thoea auTatt tak e ; Liberality in in mi lart ur e; Sntipiieiry ( eou-troci un; Kaoihty o iiiaiittgetuout; 'ne!y ol St-trhea; Keverihlr Ip A; ll-ailJUll(ln teiiflion; AutotiiHtU' (ako-up; I m pro v rati hem inrr; l'roriaion againxt wear; I'rrlrvt "d p rniuneul n IjaMinent: K - nuu ntion ot lived I v and iucli; ('enriHne! n-i rhesi nr-it; The brmity and tiiuh liuih of the inaohina: Make tba 'Florence." itoolemii'ly ppenk- ing. a inw.'hino which tbo valued, needs but to he tried. fsn l"ftit.ily cn aflord to ho without a sew-int- tn. liine, and we hope lli u brPre lont ne mwy t fonnd w her ever "lho 1 nbuue i welooino. TO THE LADIES T S.ll l.nk.C'lly. .ml lhroti8li. Oil, Hi. 'I'ri-rlloilr. of I'lnh, IllAtllt. Il01ll.ltl ft, Wjuililllg, Wo I'xli'inl ii cnrilm! in vi (il i .n to mil nt our Utlu'H, niul iHiiitnn lliii l-'lnrom u 1'iimily .SnwiiiK Miu'luno, vlic(k,.r ilo "iK'ii'iK iiniiii'iliiitn iiirilmi ir mt: ll i uiir lMiini niul iili..iMin to m.li. il el. mo ovHinliiiitinn unil comparison. g Iihvk on I'kliilnlion, in or.l-r tlm mot. I'liaily t, oxi'luin itiiitj ol' il i lloronoo, In wlllrh wo rlniin Miporiorily, thn mi,, ciunns ol' vnriouB tmiWot-f im-linlinir 111. Orovor.t HnUor, ni)jor niul Vlnnlr .V- Wilnon. In nuiKiiii; hiu-Ii oonmri-on, oonmri-on, no lilifnir mlrnnlnn will 1m tHWn ol' rlvnl tnni'hini'M, lull on I lip ronl rury limy will ln k-iii lv n oniuaini mi I'lnninl in tl,i ln'xi ol' I'linmnn oriUr, tuniin ol tliiun li'.iiiro 111 )joo,l nu nnRl IHHT iw fl locoiiiolivo.) CHAS. S. HAMMER, tJeuernl Agent, vM VK'i; .l.AlvM (U'l'V, UTAH. . ... 4 CONTINENTAL Life Insurance Comp'y, OF JST35AV YOllK. JUSTUS LAW'KEXCE, Prpsiflont. J. P. KOGEKS, SPcrcUrv M. li. WYNKOOP, Vice-Preaidoiit. S. C. CIIA'DLKK, Jr., Aclunrj.' w ... n . s - . A ? iJ s o ij V r-l ? Z . - C a CD Hp 0 ' 5 l 2. a Z , --v'A 5 S o p: Z : h g s The entire Profits of the Oomp.iny are distributed ariDually among the Policy Holders, upon the contribution plan. AJ1 Policies JVon-foi-feitable, acMrding to the expressed terms contained con-tained in each Policy. -No Extra Premium for travel or foreign residence. . 1 Kil ty days grace allowed on the payment of premiums, and the . policy held good during that time. Policies Incontestible for the cu-tomary reasons. Economy in Management. Only one other New York company showing as low a rate of expends to income. -. , .- Careful selection of its risks, as indicate 1 by the exceedingly small mortality of its members. Policy Holders have a voice in the Elections and Management of the company. Assets, January 1st, 1871, over Five Millions. NORTH WESTERN DEPARTMENT; OFFICE, No. 94, LA SALLE STREET, CHICAGO. S. T. LOCK WOOD, - - . - - MAKAGFR A. B. DAVIS. - - - SUPT. OF AGEXCIES J O H FJ B . M A I B E N , General Agent for Utah, OFFICE AT -WOODMANSKK BED'S, SALT LAKE CITY. MEDICAL EXAMINERS: W. F. ANDERSON, M. D. 1'. D. BENEDICT, M. D - llrllnhld Agra' )Vanftl thrriurjlir,u the Territory. jI8 C i i A F T S M A?i ' LIFE HSEEHK C0?15Y,; OK NEW YUKK. -Purely Mutual. Cb.b1i SjBtem.'yO ' All Policies Xon-Forfeltablc. Xo R' strict 'rjnjf un R'.i1?iie'.rr Tru: 1 in any part o the it jrfL All the vAri.ms fi nf Li:? Er.d"W- merit, t irtu iind Joint I'oliti- art; i?-ut.-J , by this Company. IKA ?t. SWARTZ, j Goncrftl Atrnt fr Utah. Otlio. tbrpp ! inr north of Kxchungo and KeaJing Kixm-, Main ftr'-'-u . PEOPLE'S lSl'R.IfE 10. ; I SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, j (n-e tr.ul .V ,:,:.) C. F. MacDKKMOT. U ti. UOl'.N" YM. i'rcijcr.v. Jt.-rc;ry A. K. Ol NMSOX, Sprcl.l Aflrnl. I TU . Ti . -i- II T ' II 1 V pr, C.rnrr.1 Aficnt for llati. OCice l S. W. w a A- c.-.'t. M.iia S:rcc:. , L.ke City. ( B. "VT. E. JEXNEX, Lornl Aprnl, ' Dfflre t Tcrlrl A fo', Mnlft M., J.'4 Sll LuLr i il). I NORTHWESTERN Mutual Life Insurance Co. Jny IL VANDYKE. Preiden. lirJHKR -Mr ML - Yice-PreHent-AL d. ijAYLOK, - Secretary. Home OITic. BronrlwaVt cor. o f W I -coutlu .Hilvi-iikeeT W I ft. Dr. 5. S. WALLIHAX. itnerl Acent Kocsr M "ud:iii buui t On-rado. yoaiLng. L";a ud New Mexico. PETER G. FERGUSON, Agent Tot Utah. Ollice In Hooper. F,ldredge Co.'i ttank. ,J . i. JO'ASSOx, Agent for talt Like Citx. TRAVELER'S INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HARTFORD, CO.NECTlCCT. Insure .trains: Accidents causing Ds;h or total 'r Dissb'.irg Injury, PETER G. FERGUSON, AG EXT, O?oe i Lt.xTor, E'JreJse & C.'s B-.:k. ' ' diJ LIVERPOOL AND . LONDON AND GLCBE 1'IRE INSrRWCE f OMf.WT. Asr(ls - - - 100. 000. 00, J. yt. MOOBE. All-Ill. 1 P. O. Bullilli, Slt Uk CltJ- BENEDICT, HALL & CO., MAMTACTCEnnS AM) WHOLESALE DEALERS LX Boots and Shoes, HAVE REMOVED TO lo. i:M and J:tO (iltVM) !STIt luET, ! NEW YORK. Zion's Co-op er ati ve Mercantile Inst'n WHOLESALE AITD RETAIL GROCERY AND HARDWARE DEPARTS Tv2T, r.i.nur.nur, m..vvsoa irii'.ii.;s. Vou i-;m i n,l ;v ,aniii(-n( of 'A 0, M. V. A Mtor ni" LAMPS, CROCKEBYi HARDWARE, STOVES, mimm; tools, ni.AriNt; rowni-u. Maple and I'arH'v (irocci lo, All-l i.i:i Cot More for your Money and Orders tluii you can at any other House in Utah. II. Jl. t I..UVM. "V- |