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Show NEW ADVERTISEMENTS CAUTION. TjtRRiToimt, Marhai.' Orvirv., teult Lako City. Feb. li. 171. Ia thn Snlt Lake Hibald is certain pro-pony pro-pony advcrti-e i te he oid by ibo L) . S. M rahal. "in pu-nuance ot a ntc.ree of the l'i-tr e- Gr.urt, in biiJ for theTbird Judicial Di ri t ol L'iT Te ritory." Thi-ia to cauti -n th-i inhabitant? of tliis Torntory nut i buy proporiy t-old by tb L". ri. Mnri-lial, in purunoe of a. d-crre Mr decrees.) Irom the Tond Pistrn t Court, in :iitd for the 1 rr tory of Utah, a." Le i Dot ihe officer of the court. aoJ canootpiTa a Les il Ii le to pr rty th "ld. All j t-r-f' ii.;uini.' from th Di-t ntt Court? fr the Territory of L't i h. - no ul i be directed to, n n-i place l in tne h.iad-"f the Territorial M.ir-ch-tl, or Ui? Di puiir?. fcee C dc pu.-.-e 1 fc.--inn ot ISTij by ho L th L 'imj turt, under h kich our ouurtd are nw pruc inirf. JOHN I). T. McAI.LlSTER, Terrt"nl Vli.nhal. HARMAK, IVORY & CO., :sr i x i 'r g 1 D Real Estate Agency, j 21 South St., oijK)iit Walkfr Iiro.'i, SALT LAKi: CITY. 1 Com i cojiir.i i f V n-ht Ke'irdcr' j li'i k and K b-t r.. - of T-m p , fr ui I -j u n , t II -or.icr- ti,r iitiiotit ino J"rril'irjr lo te ! I'.und m our otli M"iuc l'rwer:y and hai K-ta'r b ti'ht mnd io d. Houri reu ird .nid Col 1 1 i,n ui ide. M ny !' n d. . 1" v '1-.01-U Attcnt.uQ ii-cn lo tViQYc)rtiiciBk. I W'c hve rrivr.t a f ,. .f the Rnor of I the IC - COT I OOI .HM.Mi D1HKU T a aio abrtrt :r. :a flit ; oru-iual rr uJ o' Ibo MOIM 113 ! L, A K K IHSTKIt r, u,h are now Imdjr t"r the iD-l't' tion of ail pirtim inlr- trl. IiAK.MAS. IV'.'KY Jt C. VA.TKU-TO KKN r , Moua wilh thre or fur tnowi. u :ble fur a linxil family, fam-ily, in an eligible l"C4tion. i.'J il A KM A N. IVORY Jt CJ. Marshal's bale. IN P"R!"AVrK (P IErttTK of the I I i ' r i c i ourt in KCi 1 "r th Iturd Ju-.l:n.l Ju-.l:n.l Ii-t;.- i,f l'i-b Trmlvr . t,. me di rt-rtrd. I will eipo e al I'liMi-- Snip to (he h irh-'l l.i 1 l-r. ih- Thirl JuIkiaJ i'omM h ifr !)... m .ift I,.k. -'1'T. on the ! i da) of Umrt h A. l. 1 1 1 , nt 10 n'rln, k. A. M . 'he ' owirsj rlrrriirl I- t or p nr.-r' ..I Im,, . Uj wa: 'rt o l.jl ono U '. b'ock tilly oiithi P nl A. Suit l,nk City ur- y. Tf'nm(i at n point on lr idp f K-tl nip a -irrei, rhi r"d 'uth ot thr nor h-et'i cornrr nf 4id I'M, .il rmininf thrncc Wr-l li-U tiKlf. lli'lUP ""U h twi- r-i 'l. .' r i.rn ( ut I t f ii , t tl 'nr Hurt h t"U Tt f-n f-ft fix iim'H'I, Ihrri'-n fj"t firr r"d .l liinid- Ntrn-t. ihcnro tn-rih rurhtcm it i'irlir io tli p f -f t f inn tut. ci'DlJtu-iiir ci'DlJtu-iiir fi t i'.-n i i ii c rd and our hund e ' a id i I i " I iir -q urn ll t around, ln(fllirr m 4l Ibo r'U'il. priTilrnua and A f ) u t -ninuT" 'lirfiiu .r hclnnx i inf. situ 'to, t u t h-inf in n't Ln ity, Alt Lake C .lint an I Irr il.-ry ol I'tati. 1 . l.e .ld 111 ty of Joh mih, on irra :cirrrl"uro o( ,H r t (t ' i k , at 'tic u 1 1 ! John .! . H rurtixd ft- JrbSmilh mid J.nnrn l.inlortli, M. T. P Tit IC K, V. S. MrhV. M-ilt I--ka City. Krl,. y. 171, I l AVER1LL Chemical PAINT ' COMPANY'S PAINTS I , r'KKK.N I' SUA DM. pn.;iml tur iiiimoiliati' niliruiiiin mill r.'nuir-ini; r.'nuir-ini; no niiiinit, iu-t r.wivi'd iin.l lor sii'.o nt tin' ; Drug Dep't, . Si. O- JS. I- Tlio iiigrrd icnt (if lhri 1'nintn nra simple And in ruouhla. Xi 'iu;i lit ia mtli wbldi ibry ra-onitiioiid thrmi'iTra bit: Clii-apuoir. din aliilily, r n pr im i ty of oolnr, nn unii'Uiilly nmuotli imd clnT appfni anca, Ih lnhor riiirrd in lnyintr no trouble id inUinir, will x l rn I lira or ruin, aid dooa not omrk or pnnl off wil h n1iiH)plinric I'hnnsaN, nor rbiilk oil by fridi"H. '1 liny nro tho Inl, flirnpoM, DmiI Jnra'do Arid uol poul:ir I'ninlB in imp. " ' " The A V K H J L , Will T li I' A 1 N T i.- n Z I N C PA I N T, i-onUiiiing tin lc ul.. mid tx of i"iunl ' uprriority iiml ropuliuM . !llr1ni( nloitic your Pnlnt 'niia !rH ntMl iu i f Itnar ly(ltr (Uit. t . A ITU, I.I N K VV , rorciu, Ihnurslif and in LIQUORS Ai Oiii Iiuk Pot."ri iimut, z. O.M.I. - AMUSEMENTS. ' THEATRE AP ATTIl ACTIVE BILL! , TU'O FINE DKAilAS ! i Wednesday Evening, Feb. 15, Will bo produced, for the Brut time in this city, tho cxcitinn Pantomimic Uraui.t, entitled JACK KnlUNSO.N And Ms Monkey! HERR HAWKIXI Aa IVIuBhitpiiar. Performance to commons wiMi the alorious iwo-.tct Drama, entided THE JACOBITE ! Lonely .Man of the. Ocean! MIJgEIJM ' AND ' MENAGERIE. Half a block west of President Youm 'i Ke.-iidtjnce. J OlIX W. YO L'.VG, - Prop. Native Beast.. JSirds and Reptiles Wolverines, Bears, Foxea, Mountain Deer, Lynx. Wild Cat., ic. Important collection of Native Mineralm AilmiHsiou, 50 cis. Children, IO " Open every day except Sunday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Feeding Time, 3 p. in. J.L.. BARFOOT, Manager. RAILROAD SHOPS. A. HOPPER i CO., Sscond South Street, Half ltlok hlm.nl Revere Houir, SALT LAKE CITY. i WACOM CARRIAGE WOKK, Of all Descriptions. HARNESS i Mn do nul Krpairrd. BLACESMITHING OT all IvinI. CARKIAGE PAIN TING ami TimiuiM;. a. iiori'i.iu K. 11, Altlllf-KIK. IS WiLLIAM CLAYTON, I NOTARY PUBLIC. MiniiiK Upti(Uinl ullinr Lt-i?iil 1 ttlni-incnls ttlni-incnls ii'K nowlt'ilt'd. , NOTES AND DRAFTS PROTESTED. Col I or) lone mmlc liv fH vrtn of ltiiinMg Rttcndrd (o willi vitun pi ntv and dieprtU'll. OKKH'IQ AT t. i M 1., K,U.I.i: K. M I'OIUI l. ivi J. HAU M & CO., I mimrl i mid M utiuliitdnrrip of MEN'S. HOY '3 CLOTH IN (3 it Jtlnriay Hi,, ftrtv i) h, ty 1V& W. TAYLOR Have Ju-t lit-ceivei-1 a lot of ODDin s Electric AND Toilet Soaps ! a-" es. pscs ffi jxd ssz zzz is n 3an: j. sr dunford' sows Dave Just llccoivcd a Larire and Varied Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES! LADICS', MISSES' AiVI) CIIIl.DFiE.X'S SIIOKS In eyery Style and at prices thr.t cannot fail to Euit. . A I. SO Jl LAP.GK iSSOP.TME.VI Of Gculs' :inl Yoi.tIs' Hoots and Slioes. We would also call attention to onr Lirse and Fashionable Stoc' of 3LJJJ?ZEZ JTJX3 CAPS Men's, Boys' and Children's Wear, a'.l of which we will sell at . RAILROxVD TIMES PRICES ! jat Oi-co TJa a, Call. WELLS, FARGOs" IS NEAR n 2 ? o O O' P IV SI SSBNISHci JO yiN30 3H1 i MORE LIGHT:! Jt Sldarj fir AW. THE DAKFOBTH FLUID la the Liuht fur the Vv.yl: Only 00c. per Gal. UY THE FIVE GALLONS. TIIECA5.JET IH'iNF.H, v iiti.'Ul ' r ili.ii.;.-, i- l':i"r K THE PACK LOU'S Are ih? only l.erft""ir ;j e .-. AS SAFE AS CAM'LLS. A NEW A3 I.AL Lf l.'.7-, l-.TE.V.S ;Q FLU D r.. nv.ii: x ., dS Corner f 'Uib of Waiker Ilros'. "; IE EH, STARR S: Willi BISCUIT BAKERS, Soda, il ok I mi, )t ii t if r. Plr Mr, 5 5rf lllk and Lt..atktt .linnv IJnJ ChVps ncor Sv.si.t -. Pilot Lirtud, .i-.'a l'li i; lirei.d. Ku , - . r Ih trr? I t ii-T A i. tt: - v.fl Bkkrr) i ' O aml 'M i ?l'-lon St nd l0 "trmniriwn t., fs S VKHA.MISLO A. C. Titooxb, Up.. H. Williao ; TITCOMB MILIUMS. L'ejt.ir? in ' WATCHES, UIAMJM3 5, Kfrj Dfcription of Jrwclry. SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WARE li 4 O Momj;onrry, S.K.for. Ptuc, l"p i?lair?, Snn Krnf)tn, " -1. 1 All ordrrs from th" T.-rititTi. ? prnmpilv ' xn Va ktiia im FIZS-E CARPETS FOX mm FUSNISHiKG! Retail Department "We cV.l ft'.-i'.lon to purehaf-rs thit we uro pre; Mr--d to rrit?r special induce-n,cr:ii. induce-n,cr:ii. A i.:.e ;e".ec:ion. of the Lewt TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS, INGRAIN, At E;itcru Prices. r'lTCII CAUPET, 40c. Ter Yard. TABLE AND WINDOW DAMASK. riU'GOKTS nnl CRUMB CLOTHS ; Sheetings and Qjilfs. fOKMiT.S AM) LVfE-fTRTAIVS. I 1 Gimp, Frir.g. and Cords. Carpels Iadr nnd l-nid wilh Care. H. H fL.WVsON. tHTT. Sion'sCooperative Mercantile Institution TO CITY AM) C(H ?111V CO-flPKRATIVB STORES Ami Ihe Trale trenerallj". wholesilTry GOODS! EAGLE ElPORIira, WIWTEr'" COODS! Lon: Ma vl, rVuliav. ::o.ier. ..Millie Miauls S.oN, Move. ( liililreis's Miavl. M'arfs rtaiincJ. iUr.nliOiJ. CoiinHi'panc, .Iran. (,a.siaM'ir, I.Iiim. D0MES1 IC GJO03 IN rJLL SU.VLY USUAL. ICool i lInos. t.nhocr V Arellc. illeii., 'Hoys anil fliihln-iiN lint. |