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Show PRACTICAL WATCHMAKERS. I ELIASON & HAUERBACH, Next Door East of the Herald Aro workmen who not only repair Watches and Clocks, but will m.iko WaLcues to order in any desired style, or any part of ihem, from a pivot or pinion to an entire Watch, Work Executed on Moderate Termi. COMPETITION Left Behind ! HOLIDAY CAKE, CHRISTMAS TREES, PURE CANDIES, of all kinds, Pine Apples, Imported Fruit, Fancy Groceries, Pastry, Pies, Provisions, Coul'ectlone ry, The cheapest in town, at &H HEXRV WALLACE'S. NORTHWESTERN Mutual Life Insurance Co. JOHN U. VANDYKE. President. x HEBrJR SMITH. - Vice-President. AUG. GAYLOK, - Secretary. Home Office, Brondway, cor. of Wisconsin Wis-consin St,, Milwaukee, W ls Dr. S. S. WALLIHAN, General Agent Rocky Mountain District Colorado, Wyoming. Utah and New Mexico. PETER G. FERGUSON, Agent for Utah. Office In Hooper, F.Idredge cfc Co.' J. -i. JONAON, Agent for Salt Lake City, TRAVELER'S INSURANCE COMPANY, . OF HAKTFORD, COXNECTICUT. Insure against Accidents causing Doath or totally Disabling Injury, PETER G. FERGUSON, AGET, Office at Hooper, Eldredge & Co.'s Bank. d23 JEFFER1S' GRAND GIFT MUSICAWUBILEE ! $106,150.00 WORTH OF . Real Estate, Personal Property and Money, Divided into 3,138 Gifts TO I!E Distributed among the Ticket-holders. PRICE OF ADMISSION, SI. Tickets limited to 106,150, averaging one Gift to every thirty-four Tidcets issued. SAID Jubilee to be held in Council BluEs, Iowa, February 221. IsTl. on which occasion occa-sion several of the most distinguished Artistes Ar-tistes in the United States, will assist. The programme will hereafter be announced-IHiring announced-IHiring tile Encr'ainment ihe lollowing (jifts will be '".istribateJ. as per agreement: .See full description of Gifts in Circulars S' - - - - X - , : f J, ; b ' . t i l U'-U V; First Grand Gift, the Residence, i-'urniture, and Grounds of T. Jefferis, valued at $28,000.00 Second Grand Gift, a Residence and Gronndi, valued at 6,000.00 Third Gift, one business House and Grounds, valued at 4,500.00 Fourth Gift.one Residence on Buckingham Buck-ingham Street, occupied by A. r. Wiekem 2,000.00 Fifth Gift, VPi Acres of first quality Farm Land, value- 2,000.00 1 Gift of one pair of Elaok Morgan Mares, harn ? and buifgy l,T'tA i 1 Gift of? matrnificent Pinno, value o Ou 44 Gifta of City Lou and grounds, value each 2-J ,000,00 16 Gifts of City Lou nd Ground. I ..value m S4.2W.OO 1 Gift to the poor of C unci. Bluff-!, to be distributed by Daughters of Rebecca, 2 per cent, on Bales of lickeu. amounting to 2,000.0m 1 Gift to the Geiman iurnera or .Sin(rn.g .Sociey sellim? the moat Tickets for the Jubilee 2000 1 Gift to the Fire Company Belling the most Tickets 20M.0' J Gift to the employees of the R. R. '., M ami tart u ring Co., or Working Mn 'a Union, eelling most 'lick'.-U.. ; jjjju.MO T'jiie lady arid gentleman selling the moU Tickets, thj each-.-. Loo.Cf 2,VJ Gifts of "ne Dollar each 2,,n 1,'J Gifts of Fiuy Cenu each 600.00 The First Grand Prize in no cae will be withdrawn. A premium of Five Hundred Dollars will be paid for the be-t Quartette 0f Sinferil ether of Male, or Male and Female voice, wny will sing during the Jubilee. All mon-.-y received 'or ticket' will be deposited de-posited in tru-t. i.-n security to th T cket-hoi'lcrd cket-hoi'lcrd tor the faithful Performance ol tiie agreement', with the following Uiirik and limkera of Council Ulnfl--, viz. Ftrt Nv ti- rial Dank. Pa'-iDo iSational Ji;w.k, and Gfli'-cr Sl Piif-y, J,mkcrj. , Warranty Deeds lor the above Real K'fate wdl be deposited with tlie committee on dU-triburion dU-triburion of iciltH. Iloid'-rs of ti. k"ts to whom gifts areawarI-td, areawarI-td, win receive the :irae on the presentation of tbeir tiekctp to rhe committee on dir'ribu-tion dir'ribu-tion ot gifts. Haid eommitr.ee will coukiH of the following nnuifd gentlemen, viz.: Hon. L. U Dioou.tr. A. Cochran, Jion-John Ilere-heim. Addrc?.-, TIIO.ttAH JKfc'FKIUS, MiiiHKerv P.O. Drawer No. 1.1 It, . , , , Council Rliill-'. Iowa. 'Jllice No. l"l JJroadw.-.y, l Story, Front Room. Ref- r l-y ;.'-rmiion to i, Nmional Rink; Pacific .Viti,n:il P.:tr,k; Council JJJuff. i v i ri w 4 i;-iik: Otbrer A. 1'uiey, l.;ifiki-r-; J. M. F;ihnT. M:nor of Couim iI RhilU, )in' G. M. Dodge; W i. G. rr,Mvlor.l.Cl.jrk of the -rr,il Co-irt-; Jo,r. W . ' 'liniirn.i n. O.unfy 'I re.MNrer: I I'. J reynor, P. M .; A . K Siyin-niei,, Siyin-niei,, Pre-d'l'ii. t ihe Conmin Turner-" R;i(.li G-i;irMMl t, Chief of t,e I iro Ijcpart-n.eri'; Ijcpart-n.eri'; !" .V, II i m in T : I'.r.m & IJro.; -S;.ew,irt tfc JJ.i.i-; ,-,leelo X Joiui.on; J, m" I'bilhiM .v C i : M. K. ji j i r j . ;if,d tr, the bn-iiM;' lii -nr and eiliz' iH I'enonil I y. Al-o, t',.; t,r,:' ol Coiii'iJ Rlntti, and Oliif-li:i, N".-br.,'i. V. S - -All the above r rib-d Heal Ili.l., (TXeept. JoH ,i'Te- f.irm laipl, i- ehiriblv itu.il.'fl wi hiii Die in 'orporatefl lini'l: ol th'j '" 't Come il liluil , J-iw.i. II. A. HI hKKI,!,, Agent, halt Laki Ctly. ' CRAFTSMAN'S ii nnum raw, OF NEW YORK. -Purcly Mutual. CasIi System.: All Policies Kon-Foi-reiable. No Restrictions on Residence or Travel in any part of the World. All the various foims of Lifo Endowment, Endow-ment, Firm and Joint Policies nro issued by this Company. IRA M. SWARTZ, Genoral Afrent for Utah. Office, three dors north of Exchange and Reading Rooms, Main street. UTAH CENTRAL UAlLliOxVI). PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. On and after Thursday, Dec. 1, 1870. Ially Trains Leave Salt Lake City at 5 a-m. and 2:45 p.m. Arrive at Ogden 7 a. m. and 4:46 p. m. Leave Ogden at S a. m. and 5:30 p. in. Arrive at Salt Lake City 10 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Fare from Salt Lake City to Wood's Cross S .70 Centreville .90 Farmington $1.25 Kaysville 1.6 Cgden . 2.50 Fare from Ogden to Kaysville SI .30 Farmington $1-65 Centreville 2.uo Wood's Crusa 2 25 Salt Lake City , - 2.50 In addition to the aboe , AN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN Will run daily, suxdas excepted. Leaving Ogden at 5 a. m. and Salt Lake City at 1:40 p. in., On which full fare will entitle the purchaser of a ticket to return on the same day and train free, and will atop by arransiDK with the conductor at any point on the line to take onor let off passengers. Passengers will please Purchase their Tickets at the Offices. Fifty Cents additional will be charged wheu the fare is collected on the train. For all information concerning freight or passage, apply to D. O. C ALDER, Ticket and Freight Ag' Salt Lake City. JOS. A. YOUXi, Nu fit. - w. LIVERPOOL & QUEENSTOWN. '- -,. . 7 - . . IN MAN L INE Of Royal Mall Steamers, Sailing from ew York Every Saturday, AND Alternate Tuonlay. Cabin Passage, to LiTerpooL ,A S7.5.00 Steerage " (cur.j JO. 00 Passage from Liverpool to New York Cabin, ... (Or,M) $71.00 Steerage, - . (Cnrn..ncr) 31. uo Round Trip Ticketa Usue-i at very low rate JOII.V C.DALK, Aa.nt, 15 Broadw.iy, New 1'urk, Or WILLIAM CALDKR. Aircnt. a- Salt Lake City, Uuh. MORE LIGHT! It Shine for All! THE DANFORTH FLUID Is the Light for the People. Only c;Oc. per ii.il. liY THE FIVE GALLONS. THEBAS-IET B LII. V Kit, WithoutChiiBoe-,, u tbo thioff THE PACK I,PH Arc the only perfectly na'o laiu;.3, AS SAVE AS CANULKS. A NEW A3 IVAL OF UMPS, LANTERNS AND FLUID, K. m;i.!si; ;o.. Corner noutli of Walker Hron'. H. DINWOODEY, FURNITURE DEALER And i;rnoi.sTB:iu:u. All kin.lx of IMPORTED FURNITURE "Jonxt.anf.ly on hand at tbo Saloroom, EAST Tl'IMPLE ST. Kvury dvcripti'n ol HOME-MADE FURNITURE At tbo Fii'itory and Hrtlroom, kii;stsoi;th htkkkt, s. i,. city COFFINS, I'l.AI.N mill 0,A,Mi;TAL I Hi Always in Kloflk. CHICAGO TRADE. VAK SCHAACK, STEVENSON & REID .'WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS Dealers In PAINTS, VAOiSHESy OILS, DYE STUFFS, BRUSHES, Window Glass, Glassware Patent Medicines, &c, &c. 90, 03 & O 1 Lake St., cor. Dearborn "With a large experience in the Territorial trade, we feel sure of living 'satisfaction in quality, prices ana packing. dS MARKLEY, ALLING & CO, Importers aod Jobbers iu ' ' Hardware ! Cutlery 61 Lake Street, 1 , CHICAGO, - - - - ' dS - . DIEB0LD Sl KIENZLE, Successors to Ditbold, Bnhmfiun A Co., CELEBRATED CINCINNATI ' FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES, And Sargent's Magnetic and Automatic. Bank Ri 3 33 MIL. PRATT & COVERT, General Ageuta 86 Washington St., Chicago. H. B. CLAWSOX, Supt. Z. C. M. I., Agent for L'tali Territory ij30 KEITH BROTHERS, Manufacturers and Jobbers of HATS, CAPS AND FURS Millinery and Straw Goods, . 0 8 &. 70 AValmsli Ave., pTJTri J fl (1 3 . -1 Dearborn Place, LIllL'ilU'U Jl B- U. Skinner, Proprietor. Corner AVellt and PTTiP iPTl Haudolpli MrtrU, VjIllUAuV. This IIoue is centrally located, well fur-nUbed, fur-nUbed, ana contains Zoo KuwLUd. d-j CHASE, HANFORD & CO., 51 South Water Sl., CHICAGO, IIc-idTuarters for Oils, Paints, Glass, &c, ilanufacturers of the eclebratej WILSON OIL TANK I'AGJE, IJKO.cV CO., Imp'jrt'm aii'I f- nl-ri iti LEATHtR AND FINDINGS 50 Lnkc St rect, Lake Shore Oil Works. MAXVZLL, WhTeLER L CD., MttnuC'irturvrA of Engine, Tnllnw, L.rtl and WOOL OIL,. Dcalnrs in llfftdlitrht C'arb -n, Vhalo Elejihant, fcctil and hji'jrui Oils, AktiU (or Ihf anln of P U A T T H ACTUAL. OIL. Age-oU of the Wwt Virk-iDi Uil M Oil Lod MA-M;rc7Lj or EXCELSIOR CAR, RJQF AH 3 IRON PAINT for Xiq aiul SbiuIo K-Kjf, Uri'Io Tiiut-Tf, Ac. Factory ClIICAfJO. Offl'-e, Jl jjj Iliinoij t., lm Water atr. rt, 1U NEW YORK TRADE. MOLLIIR'S I'O I) - LIVER OIL. R.TiTr! th f'irxt I'rlzn at nwli nf tlio t 'Ifuwtrin KxiiiMti'ni : lbii London International Exhibition. Exhibi-tion. Wfj TWgon Kxhibitiun of Ki.-h"rii's: Gold Mcdjil of Koyul tiocinty (or thu wo! faro of Norway. , ISMi Griiut Exhibition nt Slock hi;lm. 1k17 1'nris fiit'TiniLioiml Exhibition. At whkh It took Km (trut pri,n ninn(iK- Uii'iily-t Uii'iily-t 'Klit Gliiiftit'ri. It ia rcnniiiioiil.H .y ninr iiimi-nt a(,Ui..rili.- ui Knii.pn; nUo ,y (In- M.-llr:Al JC ,..ty of .N.irwuy ntl M..,hiJ ! grlliiiiiiU)rlaiir1 mtnl Drirlmrn. Vr. L. A, Hyr. of Niw Vt k, mhtn : , M.illr' pro.-n U tl, only on) l,j I.vr Uii nh'fiild itn rno." Dr. J. Mftin.n Uim$ nyi : "I v. prn. ril.-'! i( alni"it iltiily, mid tutviury n-a-di Vj ;r K-r(:lly Mliftw wltJi it." Forwilo by UnitfiUt mi-I C'biMniH. W.II. ftchlniOlln Sl Co., Kv'w York. Si Bop, AK-ul Tnt llw. U. H. ni.. C.miwU. C. A. JonKlrrnt. .Inbn Wrdtfwlflr. ' LONGSTREET & StDGWICK Maiiuf;iftur'r of und Wbnlc ..In Dnlrr in MEN'S & 30YS CLOTHING, ino'. KIS Hi nml ti nv, IVrw Vmk, l-l i , Pool, Nazi'o, Kimball Sl Co., WlIOIiESALK (iKOCKKS .II VViri , u ,,., !,,, , j.ii. iti r.; 1 Now York. BATHS, BATHS! jm ni Spring ItalliM ! I'i'lvn1 mitl I'liiiiKf. 'I'liffP flif iilfij Put tut urn opn lo lltn till. o ill !) ''. im. 'I l.cir in.-li. inil u kim I iou iu , wlilnly , oi'iwii lliiU It In tiMI m In .iiiiiiihi.iI Hi. in. HrM... H.n MHrntf. firtMii, Hi.. Inr ,.t.. tn,tl.14.,nin. 1 lnriu.lir.l I'Jiitiue linfhN .r ImiUv nrtd 0i)i(1,( Jl((1 IllW ,,,,, AOI.I. rilT Thi.rnx btim.r, W. . Fnl-.in. 'icorso II. f.iyoir, lie irite K'Mnnr'y cir.vM.n or rum. The rinmnff Mill, Suh and Door Kite Wry of "-T-.om:t JlOMNHYC. Will hrrrnffT dt hnin" unlT tho 1 turn nam nf LATIMER, T.H'LOR & CO. C A C U 'f 'l "'eft on hind and made to Otton order. DflflRS ItRi,,!1 Pnel. moulded, inh tlm-kn, flit) ir kin I, lur niabed to orlr. WINDOW V ilh ,.. bcj.U n,l I...-!.. FRAMES '-""" FRAMES l'".n,ii,::;l,,rB donr""1 BLI N D S t,iTy anl IHn ln(f. MOULDINGS l'"r..u,i!:.r'i hi- Irirc. snU rumu'r. n nnRiMr tmtuik'I ni (rn.,vi-t .ti ILUUlliHU .Tunr. i-.U-- n h.nd mid woikoU Ui orUor. I IIMRPR Flsilfl out Ot win.Ir. (n L.U 111 UL II tiiirknivit. unj ni'iinl to uuy iliv.iri'l .iro. Planer and Circular Saws Hunmog nil tbo timo. y I I IV(. 1)1 s Til ICTS Supplied in pliort imiii-c. tiro o? iioali, ornddrom b- Utter (n Wo Va'a I.ATIMKH, TAYLOR A 0 1- OnoIHork voft ol i'ubkrnnrl REVERE HOUSE, Lufr Omihi loHAr.) Will hpreaflor bo romlui'Ird n A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE, Tn nil lli ii,i,iultnfr(. tl will li ri'niiviili'il nml rr fu rnllio,l. nn.l itf nmnituniiiMiii ntloniloil fo tn ft mnnnor t. in. il rn ".l.ii-li,.n im to Kurn anil I'rirp... I lir llnn.n will lin r-iml'ii'lril .tn.Ml.iu 1 III, Km n, iran 1'lnu. 'J ho It ntn t OPEN FOR MEAlS AT ANY TIME DURING T'.IE OAY. jit ii. i-. w in i ri.,ii)ii io, i-,,,,,. I'KOPLE'Sh'SnMXI'Uro. or SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. ( H'rr nml Muriit : 1 ' r. I'. Miii'DKiiMor. II. il. IhHtNTlt, I'miiilr-nl, .SpiTi'lnry A. II. "IVMSOV, r ,.r . I Amur Ij . 1 1 : 'I' II II 1 M A W, .nrrAl A.l for I .nl. IHIiiT III H. W. IIiiit , ,1 (., ,M,,i ftllrM. hull I. .ik.i City, IL W. E. JENNKNS, .',. I. nml AKnli MIH! HI Tr.,l, I n'., il,.it mi., J j , MiH l-.l., i lly, READ TmS! ; '4 ,' T H E In all tho beautiful varieties. HID M IS BY EVERYBODY Conteinplating the purchase of a Machine for family or other use. I At our newIy-flKed np Salesroom. Second Door South of the Eagle Emporium, Em-porium, between, the Drug and Clothing Clo-thing Departments of Z. C. M. I., will be found a Full Assortment of these Admirable Sewing Machines At Prices to Suit Everybody. THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE NEEDS 'NO PUFFING to commend It to the iMibllc, as the following Mr TT M stiowt In IS.V) these nowr celebrated Machines were first otlcred to the public and in the four years succeeding 4.LMJ were sold. Today To-day over that number are weekly turned viil fr"m the factory, and yet this iuimen-e eop-ply eop-ply is not ejunl to the demand. At the end o: Lho year W)7, upward of l!J 0) Machines were eoid, and in ihe thn f'dl'iwin year?, from 8 to '7i, the number had been increased lo upward ot" 500,000 MACHINES SOLD, One third of which were dUpoitd of wit til ii the prrcrdlng twelve muutlit. From the forecinr it will b ?en that during dur-ing ihe l.tfit thrteyear?, tiie r.iles have Ocen upwari 'j! fi I ' y per c nt mure ih.n during the whole ol ib tevcnicen previuus year?. THE PEOPLE'S VERDICT, after a score of ynn thorough trial ts ttiat the SEWING MACHINE iiAI.tptcd to all kinds of wnrk, Fewin ae re. iiiy tne t'tiioke-t nd m.)t f.ubtxirn m- ti-ri.il a.- llif f.nr-t Iid Ulu.-t delicate f-'t'T C.: with a ititvb, that lor t-ncpj. pcrleclijD at.d dur.itj.htj L unr.j iillfd, Ac-oni p m ire ca.-h M.n'hire are printed irtru -iiou. n pl.un and ci.-ynf c-'napreaen-ittx ih ti. Mill; jurti we rNuiuiucnd cu-n iu-er. iu-er. tn t.ike at it'.4--l one lcj-n It- iu tbe Operator, Op-erator, u u frl'i'i:n il-.nt puri-m-T" ec;ng Mm iiiB'-i tho Mini'li.-ity ol the Mjoaine .it. j ujpn:;cuc-:3 " :Le cc truc:i'-n. cxe Vl) VAN TA(IES OK THE SINGER MACHINES AUK 8in;phcitr of contrue:ion therefore lec5 luoilaj lu get vut vt repair. fh'irt. tmirht ne-tle le?j liable to becd. break or skip the ititch. The shuttle U cirrie l; fri.Mi-n, weir and tha nrp-my of sreaing the raro arethua avoided. Rei Unrii with which the n."t inexpr-ieucid inexpr-ieucid ca a-0-it the lcDiun ol lue thread. Trerdnni fr.-in wcu. A'ter twenty yearn constant rmrf tlne ruachuie-'' hire never beo Known to waar oau They nre noirle?, rapid and ea.y in aJI their njoreaieou. All o'ir mn.'binc are adjuted ard rat in th-rniif Ii runn inr ftr.lf r.y ciMa -f. ent fiaildf. betoro drlivcry. l'urrha.pr turrelore hare no i run itlc. but can uoetul. oprt wuh thnu at imce. THE NEW BUTT0N-H3LE A C 11 I 10 .S aro ihoroiiirbly prMieal and wifl perform all that wodaitu for llieiu. J'hs ImprovrJ j MANUFACTURING MACHINES for hrnvy w-.rk. nro to., well known to need cvintnent. V a ao koep in utock tho Muh'nm Xoistltss MAMJFACiU-UNG MACHINES Our ntnrV nfthe Hlncrr Spuing Machines i Tory rxt.tnive. t inlirarins rvory vanrlv 'I liiii-b. IV. mi Ihe pImiu Mwhiue, uio initial on b;..k vtMnnt lal.lo, oiled, lo tho elabor-wlrlv elabor-wlrlv pvitrlrl M nohina. wit r( onbitirl niKcmuj Id.liiiK oer in uiottlod hi nek walnut, rtve), w... d, or ni;i!i1.l;.iiiy lunhly poli-brd. r vry ,M ;1. liu.e ii. (in nihrd wilh (Iip ante eoinpl. le turmture tneliiiiinc tbo new hein-nicr hein-nicr t-ewuiK all widtbx) and lellor and braider. brai-der. Wr Rimrniiife on r ?t nr h t nn t o do lt inmliK, nil hli h, putimt llcm-atllrhlnt llcm-atllrhlnt Mml.lliim AflRl, HufTlliiR, K. ut tn nl tli-r I its (ii rhnln at If ch ( tJathrrliiK and Hewing on nt name time, with or without it hit it d. ou the edgf or In Ihe cent e r t'oi-rt I n kiTuc h-Intii h-Intii UnlKlnsi Til nt m I ig lllnillitg nil s Id t ha nml hi mt 4, etc., etc., etr, WE DELIVER MACHINES l ithl .I.iiVi'hn,, C), 1 1 tgr TO ,H,, I'AIII S III' I Ills I l l y All kin.lM nf Sowinu Miieliini-s lliuinii;liy 1 ; i-j mi i oil on Ken-MMiiible Ken-MMiiible 'IVniis. Ki'iiicinlii-r Hi.' Minimi, ilh Sin, SIlVGEfl SEfflil'G HUMES. Tmo iIihic miiiiIi ..f iho Km-, Miilum. , oil) II. It. CI..VWSUN, .Si.pt, I BENEDICT, HALL & CO., MANUFACTURERS A XI) WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Boots and Shoes, HAVE REMOVED TO Xos. 15M and 1 GUAM) STREET, One Block East of Broadway, j NEW YORK. dH COAL ! COAL ! Q Rfl I COAL in any depired quantity, for Palo at the U. C. Dpot, or delivered in any part of the rity. - Orders can be left fit the f'n-cperat'ive D"-ne Store, or at K. Kirkwood's, oppo.-ite Salt Lake Ilou?e, -j i 1-771 '14 OEORi-E CRISMO.V. Jjt I Jjj 19tii WARD jCARPETS Co-operative Store F0P Dealers in j Dry Goods, (SPRING FURNISHING! Groceries, j Hardware, &c, ' Dried Peacl.ts, Ajii.lcs.tc, bought j I,Gt3;ll 1 J fipTliTTl Pifltj and sold. Flour, Orain, Uraii and Shorts always on liaud. j:i6 i " ; Wr. .it,.i;,. 1. P I T V I I fl 1 1 ft D 0 T fl D C we lire Prel,ar'-'d to offer Epecial induce-Ul induce-Ul I I LIljUUEl U I Unr.) I meJlUi- f A fine selection of ihe newest Keep constantly on hand, , "Wholesale and Retail, TAPESTRY, Choice Imported nni iron f LIQUORS AND WINES, 1 Brussels, At U. Kate.. , INGRAIN, CltOESBF.CK'S BCIIDISCS, Dl7 En.l Ttmiilt Slr.H. i JvllSttTll Pl'lCe. C. II. Bjs-ett. O. F. U'jfrxiM. BASSETT & HOFFMAN ;I,lTC"Cimre '0c'Pe'r"t TABLE AND WINDOW DAMASK. HARDWARE STORE Dl;L'GGETS aDd CRUMB CL0THS A;ik-dsof Sheetings and Quilts. IIEA IIAKDVi ARi , cormies AM) lue itrtaivs, Irou and Ktetl, jiuips, Iringes and Cird. Stoves and Tin Ware . Tr, BLACKSMITH TOOLS, ' Agricuiiarai impitmtni. Carpets 3Iade and Laid vith And 1 liilns TooU, Care. At Lowest lta(t. OPPOSITE SALT LAKE HOISE . U 1S CLAWsO", SUIT. Zion'sCooperative Mercantile Institution TO CU V AM) COI NTRV GO-OPBRATIVE STORES And Hie Trade pcncrally. WHOLESATOrY GOODS! EAGLE EMPORIUM,- (l'l Stairs.) WIWTER COODS! liOii-MiaAvIs, ubias, Ifo.iery, Mnirlc MiimvIs Hoods, (.loves, Chihli'ciiS Slunvls Scarfs. Flannels, I.l;tiikcs. Counterpanes. Jeans, Cassiinci'cs, l.insejs. DOMESTIC GOODS IN FULL SUPPLY PS USUAL. Hoofs A". Mioes, KuMeis A: Ai'ctics. illcnS, SSoj s ami t hildrcnN Hats. 11. 15. Ol-VWSON. Srir. Zion's Co-operative Mercantile Inst'n WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY AND HARDWARE DEPARTMENT. i.i.DUKix.r. x ct..vso itrn.PiM.-s. Vou (.'.ui luul ni iliis Pt ;irii.-nt of M. 1. a Knlor iv of LAMPS, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, STOVES, mlnim; tools, iUiAstim; towdk.k. Staple ami fancy tJroccrles, V.tc. And v':ui Get More for your Money and Orders ttun you can p.t any other House in Utah. I II. II. CI.AWNOS. M'l'l' |