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Show . " Commercial. salt Lake Citt Feb . '.. M ATTN EK T H A TK K S A T I." K -1 nil'. Adults cent', Children ier.t. 4 Liut's Vail lost, lat night near A; i"h Ward Assembly Boom. ill finder plm leave jt st thls ofllre I sr. 1 b rewarded ? "v Jjst On the 3d in.-tant, a ilerunr-.r.Jum ilerunr-.r.Jum Book, containing a lease, a min-i(y min-i(y contract and receipts. A Dumber of 'letters were lost out of my pocket vjrne place from the. Townsend House the th Ward Bridge, by w-y of K-ji-pl Truck and Bingham Bridge or Wiilit's Stable. Tho finder will te liberally rewarded by delivering the same to me at the Townsend House, as t!j-y are of no use to any one but my-.,.11'. my-.,.11'. J. K. Taylor. aav I Fr.Esn OvalBR-s select-JO cents per I plate, at P. Alargetts'. Kefreshment J'.ooma. ' aclv K KCOLI. 'CT that Ykrha Sakta B warranted to euro all rlisi-a-os. that ap-raii-,1 by an IMPCKK STATK OF TUB BLOOD VERBA .SANTA is entirely vegetable, and is perfectly safe fur children to uso, in case of sore nmutli or eruption on tlio skin. It moth, rs value tho health of their children, they iiould eradicate tho seeds of the disease le-furo it in tor, lato. For sale by all Druggists, Kki.iunu-ro.v, Kki.iunu-ro.v, IlosTt'l'TKR A. Co. agents, 6U'.) and Vll .Market street, rsan Francisco. adv I I Ir tou want a No. 1 Suit, goto M. I Kurl, Second South St. adv OiurrKn Hanosj and Fack, Souk Lii's, Drymkss ok thk. Skin, one, ccc, Cured alonco hv HEliE MAN'S CA.M-PliOK CA.M-PliOK lUtl WiTIl GLYCERIN E. It keeps the hands aoft in all weather. See t at you get li ISO E U A"N'S. Sold by nil DruggisU, only 2o cents. Manufac-I'seliired Manufac-I'seliired only by Heokman & Co., Chemists and Druggists, Now York. tll8 udv I For a ooo n meal go to J. R. Claw-f"n'. Claw-f"n'. advjl3 iliittiwiNE Knul'hii Ale on draft, fifty emits pur quart, at P. MargotUs', 2nd . South St. - adv f a a a Coal rop. Sale. A Lr-:-r,te article of coal, from Grass Canon, doiiverwj in any part of the city by 'James Held. U. C. Depot. Orders received bvE. Reese, Owen Morgan and O. C. F.iser. adv TAKE THE CHILDREN to the ICE WITCH and SUN sFIUITS at the ilATINEE on Saturday. adv Paris uas Capitulatkd. but Carl! C. Asrnus-.en still continues to sell his fine stock of jewelry. watche;, clocks and other articles at "his splendid store on Main street. adv Eok a good oyster stew go to John R. Clawson's. advjbi THEATRE SATURDAY AFTERNOON. AFTER-NOON. Grand ICE WITCH .IA1I-NEE .IA1I-NEE for Eamili. s and Children. adv l'llKAI' Smokk." Co and see that mammoth Ci oir at Ed. Harris", three duors ea-t of Po-t Oiliee, arid got one of his "Salt Lake IVautios;'' thoy are delicious. deli-cious. Best of chewing tobaccos, pipe-, cards, canes, collars, knives, and other fancy notions. Citrar- cheap at wholesale, whole-sale, lie sure you g', and see biin. adv Grist to thk Mill. Bring on your grain to tho B. Y. lower mill, which is now titled up and turns out a No. 1 article ar-ticle of flour giving tho largest yield to the bushel. 1 am also prepared to grind buck wheat; and having a tirst-rate corn-sheller can shell corn y wholesale adv Chaklks Wilkiks. Fink Frksh IIoxky in the comb, delicious and cheap, at II. Wallace' s. adv Everything in candies ami confectioneries confection-eries for the holidays, at Wallace's, adv For a stylish pair of Pants go and soe M. E irl.Groesbeck's Buildings, Second South St. adv Suitkr got up for parties on reasonable reason-able notice, at J. R. Clawson's. advjis. For Sack, on very reason able terms a few hundred "fe-t ' of vet v rich mining mi-ning ores, ill tho "Tintic," " Lst'ayette. ' "Anthony W'avno" and " hur.-ka f,,.dcs, T.nUc Mitmii Ui.trwt. Shafts have been sunk ill ail of tliee cla ms, therefore the purcha-er can inform hi:B-so'f hi:B-so'f and know w hat he is buying. l-r imrliculars in.iutre .o J. M SlMMOVs, At his residence, oppo-ito City 11. '1. advj'Jo ' ice wuvu with t;or.'.;F0l"s Sta.ro Monotints at MATINEE on Saturdav. '"' P.VKIS HAS SfKKKM'KRV ;. but (--lightly and Harris will never surrender their claim to making tlu1 K:.e-t bread crackers, cakes, pies and pa-try. a-ol manufacturing the choict-t and pure.-t candies. . . HARMAv, iVu'V s. t0 . I i N I x : A Ml Real a y, - 1 'I' h -O. -l .!.,! , -. s i. i i, u i : c i i . ,'..',..',. '-. i.. ,' . i ...'.".,,'" , " ' ' ' M" . t I , .1 r . v '"...,'.' i'.'e. e v.1 ,' I h II 1 o u I -I I ,,. . , I. 1.1- iH Him.IHmh I.,.-. I,,, ( . , Mill l. nt.l. 1 1 ' I Ml-. I V A . . I M I l- A Kiel On. I ., " . , .. 11- W O II Jl, , ,-, h ' . I t " ' I I, - . II i; i. m . , I , i . , , i j w n r i -i i. it . i a ii i, i , ,1, . II A If V V , 1 , I -, A i . , ! Trees! Trees ! ! Fruit Trees. Sh.Th'c Trcci. i Urnam'-nhl Tr c ,, 1 (. Iiurlo, .....'..,,. IU.i.Umks, f I - n i . , ...!.. I ,. .. I iim rv ' ' " i- ' 1 ' ' I'll ' ' I ; jTOOKLi: HOUSE, ; i. ; i.i M'!,i. i, .. l..,M. f I.M . I ' " ' 1 I 1 . . " i ' . ' , i . v ; 1 1 1. ' i. i : , . i II. l II, .k . .1 . 4 . , , . , , st . "1 1 '. - ! A , .-. LIVPiCL AN. l: r .-y.i ..,,3 LLC BE I ii:i :si i; t ivrv. --il'- - - - .lob. I (ili.dd, j J. M. SI 'X I II I , , L. , j f. II. tt u 1 1 tt I g , Ssli l.ah ( Its |