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Show JEW ADVfcfiTISEtiENTc. STOGKTON, OPH1R. ANIi East Canon. four irons e coaches every day ino.r A.r to s.u.t ( LAKE CITY. To meet the growing travel we will put "n a , DOUBLE LINE OF STAGES Kvcry a'tcrn ito day: mucin;; the rrcul.r t 'g-o on off day'. Leave Salt I.nkr Hounr, Halt J'kr City i nnd I'lniircr Hotel, Ophlr City, Kvcry JUornlnKi t o'clock. .. . , JUDD & CO. F. A . ilxlltuau. J. M. .Muvit. F. A. HOFFMAN Ac CO. HEAL ESTATE MINING DROKERS, NSURANCE AGtNTS VID CONVEYANCERS. Ortlce Gotlbe'a nti'ldlng, over llic Coat Oilier. REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD. lIouBs rented. Collections miule. tOA.VS NEUUT1ATKI) A . U Money Advanced,; All Btitlneiift In the . , I, a ml Office . At leu dud to. Titles of K.juI K-tut; rxiiminod mid Abstnicts furrii'lii-d. CunvcyurieiiiK 1 Jono with di'jMtt' li. I 1 A farm of () acron in Kriichton District fornalo. iliola.m im entirely loucoU. in-juira in-juira ut the Uu;l !'U;itu Ak. im-v. F. A. liui-iMAN A CO. on Main i-Urcut. J u iro at tho Itoul K-iitc Aicency. - a. Hoffman m co. 4 Htnrrn ami dwoHiitK w.mtr.l t-i rrnt. Inquire at F. A. HOFFMAN .V CO; A. C. Tilcomh. ;.. II, William. TITIMJl Si ttJLLMLS, Miinufaeturor-s I mpi.rtf ami Whnle.ilc JJualrr- in WATCHES, UIAMONDS, Every Do HTiilioii or Jewelry, SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WARE Also AkuiiI," I'ur Hip cMehni toj IhiKarJ, Khjiitaud Aunriam W'tttcln Hit) Mo ii l (to m fry, H.V., ror. 11 ue. Ul Htair, Nan Kranrlnxi, 'l. All orl'-rs Ironi tlio T rrilnrit prumj.tlv i'lh'l. On Market, Srvr M-uHk. rv ami iyvry FJivivcioo, cjyv i JOHNSON iV. Co., I'HoNirivnu.H, ICE! ICE! ICEI HALT LA UK, MIC f'fClllMNV, EHtublithnl Jan. J, IHW, , loo tloli vnrel duily in nil uirl. "C I hn rily, in any 'jininlil.y, ut rulit tu "nil. tlio tilling. J. h. i.Avso,, A;r.,T. nr.rnr a r Clnwuon't lu Cream Suloon, AMUSEMENTS. saluTke theatre GRAND MATINEE ACCOMMODATION OF LADIES AXD CIIILDHEX. Saturday Afternoon, Feb, 11, Will be presented-, the Spectacular KomuQce, entitled THE ICE WITCH Or, the Frozen Hand. The performance to commenco with the favorite fa-vorite Pantomime, entitled, 'he Frisky Cobbler ! Reduced FHces of Admission : ' Adults, 50 cents to ftll parts of the House. Children, under Hi. - . - 25 ccutc Boi Ottiv open fur tin-sale f Tk-ket on Friluj ;iud Saiuntuy, at 11 .m. THEATRE Success Unlimited: Saturday Evening, Feb. 11, Will be produced, for tho third time. THE Great Spectacular Romance, entitled the 771x3:-: i OR THE FROZEN HAND, A TALE OF EN C II A K THE NT. Xew and Gorgeon Scenery, hy Mr. All red Lambourne. Complicated Jlachincry, by Mr. Peter K?id and ussiatant. MagniQccnt Appointment?, by Mr. il. Baker and assistant?. New and Beautiful Music. by Prof. Beezley and Orchestra. Grand Transformation Scene HOME OP TIIK SI'S BOD IS THE REALMS OF BLISS. P.I forui;ini- tu romnieD'" Willi lb. Unuljlj) tHrct., .uli!! i sorjiiA's surrtn AlU-r whicli. r. Mnt AVtlllnms will appear lu a Clmactcr Dane. Will ..ii b pro-liif!, ih iciting lVnt"niiinii- JACK ROBINSON AND MIS MONKEY Lonely Man at tlie Ocean ! RAILROAD SHOPS. A. HOPPER 4 CO., Sacond South Street, ll.lf Ulock K.l K.T.r. Ilnu.t. SALT LAKE CITY. WACOM CARRIAGE MOIIK, j Of all Descriptions. HARNESS BLACKSMITHING M kind. CARRIAGE PAINTING IMI TltHllllMi. A. IKllTF.il. K. M. 7..MIIIISK IK. TO PRE-EMPTORS. Wo uro now iroi'rrd lu furninh Am ir nil ii ml IjukI Nrripl r noAirn of OovrninMil I.rttM nt II' Mr Miiiirter portion. IMXM'U.II, K,I,I)H l ,n4K A- . Still Lutto City, Niir. 'Hi, 170. ill 1 iLoiici ; NOISELESS FA3IILY SEWING 'MACHINE ' IS THE ' Standard Machine of the. World I The Special Committee appointed to examine and report on Sewing Machines at the North Carolina Stale Fair, held at Knlelh Inst week, awarded a Gold Medal to t- e Florence Sewing JVlnchine for the ease and quietness of lis movements, perfect I on and larfre variety of work, and Its val nable new features, making ma-king It the most valuable Sewing Machine for family use. Parties contemplating the purchase pur-chase of Sewing Machines are requested re-quested to read the fol lowing from the New York "Tribune" of Oct. 19tb, 1870 t ' ' ' SEWINU MACHINES. We have recently had occasion to make some inquiries into the progress of improvement improve-ment in the mechanism of sewing machines, and were not a little surprieed to learn that the central idea in the first invention the shuttle still holds ite place, though mariy attempts have been made to supercede iu The shuttle, in combination with the needie, is still the means used to form the stitc'i. it) the leading machines, and we end that the growth of trade is chiefly with theshuttlt-uiing theshuttlt-uiing machines. , 'ihe improvements that are taking firm hold in practical use are. therefore. neee--rily in cjnnection with the shuttle, either in the detail of the shuttle its- If. or in other pari of the ia;iebioe connected with it. to cau?e trie whole to operate more perfectly and uniformly, and tu eiiupliiy its use. M-'ny important gains in tt.is direction, made amct the hrst great invention, are undoubtedly un-doubtedly embod.ed in the "Florence" ma-ohide: ma-ohide: and we recommend our readers to eareful'y inspect the "i'loreiice" beiure making ma-king a choiue. T he pmnt peculiar to this m;ichiiie are: -An unu-ual amount of minuy is ss-cnt in matting toe "i-'lurtnec." thereby e.uiDn tho bt.ii ni.iteri.il vieel. for in-t;ia . where ' other? u-e c.t--t-iron ). and t!;e nu.-l tu .-h ol iu port:int parts i l he .-buttle, fr ei aui pie. being ru-i'ilv rr-rcted il it v.iri-.-s trom the jtaLdird 1-2. "' ih of an inch I; I; i cod-a cod-a trusted on the si ai pic I cien t itic princioits. entirely d pt-n.-ing witb the c-t:j, un i cam?, 4nd linki waieh o otten get j tt ere1y out of order and sorrly perplex e.ery one but tlie pr.idi' ed ii.n--b.ini-1 try their unac.ount-ble unac.ount-ble Irt ikl. Tbe "t iorence" i to eiily uiauageu, and ils uie is m rendiiy le.imei, that no ordinary girl of ten b:u j-cn-e anu mucle enough to run it i errectly. Ttielocii-ilit'-h, a. maae by the "Florence" is very re.uUr iiDi perfoct. vury strung and elajlir, is Jtjwq into the t;tinc cvvniy. grai-ull grai-ull , exactly, without jL-rk.ir.f-. and wubui -AUinc the M-am to pu'-kcr. or -tramii-g ibe Uirtd to u lo eTidatiicer ils breAdititr; cud-Jcjuentiy. cud-Jcjuentiy. vei y tine torr.vi and liput labncr emu bou-ed- iieji-l't ilii.. trie "Florence" iid ml! but the chcuf"! e t y I . ) l-o mirt three mUditiooxl tiuiie a duub.e Ikhih. a iniflo kui-l Lid s Uiut.e knii whi a arc ilr"ng-r n-l iii'-re eutic tbaa uy t-tner slitcli, ar: 1 whi-h are t:.a-if 1 y r.o otijer inm-cnn.e. inm-cnn.e. ihe "F.ort-nce ' i the only u:.ch.ne in l bu s revcrfcie ee-i. wbercoy lis 4i-rtiQ 4i-rtiQ uf icie sewing can Do inLiony c helmed wiinnut flop ui ! s the wurt, tbu n o . iL.g ih oi-era:r to j uiit nr eu.oruiacr Ub uuuual iMJtlity, tu c b-"lt w ro moJ e4.ily trangibQ a m hcrcr?r 1H9-1. nd. ti'imiiv. ty lw rr;Ti.-.j tiilc t.e. lu U-tcn rri-li in the qui.-U-.u mn 1 f.roi'fc-i y. It u Ihe only u:.ti:rie thit hns ie!f-s-Uuflmt Fbuttlethrr.td tm.Mon, which work ' rr tp.-tly I hat tbe opcraur can ran trriMi the cavirxt prtn and few the nnet linen an 1 the thirkt;r-t hruair)otb io tmme-diat tmme-diat mrrion wiihoni bre.Kink- thnareaa qJ ubuut ca.ini! j ih needle, :ttcb or tmiion. Ttie "H";-,re" draws tne thread into tar cloth with uur-iualr-l prrriion and oertio(v, by tcr-an j! ao itih-pDWU auto-uauc auto-uauc "take-up" r,il, vhi'-h iliKpoM of Ibe alack (brvd Itli atirr th titrh with as a.v urate proioptDvs tiit prertnu ad nan-ing nan-ing or drui'ping ol utitrdc. anj allows the operator t fc b4cXr-l, or u run od the cloth aud un aiu. with jftr-t npumty. Il hx an in i-rorri e!v-!(c hrtrnicr, aSi'lu- i v c 1 j itji own, whiL-h i!" m:in.tgr-l with eAe, and will ui . kr a heiu of any width on .any material it not only uiakr a ie rlcwt gal n r and cf it to a b.nd ai ne operation, but it hfiui, and bind, and fell, and quilt, and corW. and in ok . and gatuer. aii 1 bria without baJinik. uth pv'il provinon u made -a-tit injurious thl the "Flor I'D or" if ciAiinci ajid guaranirisl by thrCoin-pwnjr thrCoin-pwnjr lo l-i twice a long without repair i any other hutllo lu-u'biue in the market, wibou' ' ho lig H ; u-tl dit!iciill hvory part ol tbe ".orrnce" u prer:ijr and permanent perma-nent iy a-iiu'led. and it b.u .o U yi joints and point of inci.nn, that tt run wati the ut-imoit ut-imoit riM. Jbo neello if pet and threaded, and tlio mn, b ut rvngiheneu, h'rtiDel. -r rrTrred With t II 0 Ut-:oot Ut-:oot oae. Iu ninf tho "Fl- rnu-" neither tho work nor tbe oprral T's dre-f i liable ty be foiled. The ' r ixrcniv" wiih all thce 1 0 at in w to filperuTity, a 1 1 a at the shuic itic sji other firl-cla ojnchino5. Ibwe adraa tmge : Lihar.nllty In ma mi U'-t urc: Siujpiioit t ju-lriu'i i-sui Facility ul innge:iieiil: Variety 'f fc-titrhoji; Hnverciblo tei (1; hell a-Ooadin Inlpion; A utoinut w litko-u i; Iaipr-'vpu boinoier, rroviioii namt wear; l'lTlri't and p rmitneut n li nt men! : 1 i'v remi tion ot noodle nnd .lit, h; t'lenlinew-i nn-l cheni nr-n; Tlio bvuty nd hiich finish of the iiiachine; Make the "Floretioo." liiodorately ipe.k-tng. ipe.k-tng. a maduiie wluoh to 10 valued. liced; but to lie tried. No fiiti.ily cm iiFlord l be without a ?ew-Iiiff ?ew-Iiiff ui hiii an I we hopo tb.it bel-rn lonr our may nv found whetevor "I'he iribune ' in welcome. TO THE LADIES Of Snlt l.nkr City, mil thrniih. Uitt III Ttr i 1 1 tu uf I tall, ' Id n h r 1 oi it t mi a nd V film IliHi W o otMiil ft rordinl invitulion to crtll at our utlim, nnd ptHinino the Kluroiu o Kiunily Nnwhiff Mtu him, wlirihor ilo Higiuiitf iimrioilmto un'l)Ho or notj it in our lni.iin-a niui iiloiistiio to polh il oIopo I'MimiiiHliiMt nnil ooinjriMtn, S o linvi' on nhilition, in rilrr tho inor ivc ily to oxpliiin point of (litloronco, in which wo tdnim aiipwriorll y, tho iiih-'1iiiiw iiih-'1iiiiw ot vtiriouo iniikors, nu liiilin 1)14 Ut"Vr UmImm-, Smikoi- und Whoi'lfr A: Wilson, lu nmUiiiK mii.Ii iMinpjiri-noli, iMinpjiri-noli, no unfair ml imtntin wilt li t-ikon of rivul imii liiups, luit on tlmronliHty tlu'y will ln k t" t by ft compotrnt ma t'tnnist n ihn liot of running onlvr, (ponitj of Ihmn rp-niii un f.;ood nil ns,i-ixmr ns,i-ixmr ni li lorouiolivo.) CKAS. 8. HAMMER, (Jt iir 1 it 1 A gent r SM.T I.AKK (MTV, H'VA M t."i; W. TAYLOR ;, ' ' I Live Just llccoivcd a lot of Dobbin Electric AXD ' ' - Toilet Soaps ! Have Just Received a Larirc aud A'aricd Stock cf BOOTS AND SHOES! LADIES', MISSES' AXD .CHILDREN'S SHOES In GTery Stj'le and at prices that cannot fail to 5uit. ALSO A LAP.UK ASSORTMENT UK Gents' si lid Youths Uoots siud Shoes. We would al-o call attention to our La r ere and Fashionable Stock of Men's, Boys' and Children's Wear, all of which we will sell at RAILROAD TIMES PRICES ! j2l O-i-c-o Us a. Call. tn- - WELLS, FARGO'3 IS NEAR m 1 ' ' - J- " " s o . , ; O o p v si ssBNisng jo iaiN3o 3Hi j CONTINENTAL Life Insurance Gomp'y, OK TOAr YORK. JCSTl'S LAWKEN'CE, IVt-i i-nt. J. P. ROOER-j, SecreUry. il. li. WYSKUUf, Vite-Pridciit. CHANDhEP Jr., Acuiuj. 3 ri - wA : s. t & g 4 ? M. g s t g- S A TJ - i 00 oa' g :-. s - - - a Tlir rnlire 1'roHls of" d.j Coirrunr are distributed nuully among the l'olicy Holder, upon the oo-itr but ion plan. All Policies .on-foi feital)le, acxrdmg 10 the exprtcd Wrms contained con-tained in each lVl.cy. .o F.xtra Premium for travel or foreijrn re.-idenoe. lhiit ilar crnre allTeil on the payment of premiums, and the policy held g'K-d duniic li.at iiilo. Policies lucoiile-tiljle for the en-t imary roavni r.conoiuy in ."lanai:cmiMit. Ouly uue other 2ew York eoaipicj howing as Kiw a raio of ixponos to itioomc Careful selection of ils risks, 05 indicate 1 by the exdinglj- stesI niort:iliiy of its uiomlvrs. Policy llolilers lime a oice in the Klectious and Management of tho company. . Assets, January 1st, 1871, over Five Millions. NOKTHWKSTKKN DKl'AUT.MKN T ; Ol'l'R'K, No. -.4, LA SAU.K STRKKT, CHICAGO. S. T. LOCK WOOD, .- - MAXAGKX A. li. DAVIS. - - - Sl'DT. OK AGEXClti JOHN1 B . MAIBEN, General Agent for Utah. OKFll'K AT WOODMJM-KK HUIVS, SALT IAKK . ITV. MI OIOM, V.XAMINl'.KS t V. 1'. ANDI' llSON. M. P. 1'. P- m.NKPie i-. M. P-AVi'.iMe P-AVi'.iMe Ai7f.it W.int.d thny,i:;h.it the Tarit.ny. jlS THE AVERILL CHEMICAL FAINT CO SIP ANTS PADfTS I'.ml.raoinc over A Ul'MUIKH PUTKKKNl' tU.UlKS, prepyvd f iuunediate nppUc.nuni and rvsiuinn-; no unxms, .lust nwiveJ and for Nile at tho DRUG DEPARTMENT Z. G. Tvl. S. . Tlio ii.gixshcms of iha-e Taints .ire simple .nil in letnietih!e The lies with w lueh thev iv-mmeiid (Ihm.cIv.- .ov : Cheapness durM.i:y. s rioutv of color, an u.u-.:.ily smooth and .tlo.-y appearand, loss I. ,vr rv a.u in lav'ini!, no trouble of inivins. will Man. fiiv or run. and dv n o pool otl with l,noSd,crie elnm.tos nor chalk oil bv ti.ot.on. I l.c are in. (wi i'Iii-ii.i'si moi liir.il'1.' 'id ino-t populai r not in 0c. . . Tho AVkuiU. Vllll'K r.MSl is a'.INC r.VlNT. .vn.a.u.-V oa.l, nnd is of cpial Mipciioniy and popu'auly. ItlUNti AI.OM1 VOIM r.lVf CANOl'llN AM1 Kc.v A full line ol I orclii. Domestic mid Caav IJan- At lU )rnj? P. p ovoenl, 7.. ". I- 11. It. ( I. IWM, lWt |