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Show Z. C. M. I. Clothing Departm't FRESH ARRIVALS Of New Goods in Fall and WINTER SUITS ! OVERCOATS, CAPES, TALf AS Military Clothing, &c. Also n Full Variety of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS Gents', Ladies' and Boys' BOOTS & SHOES Gents' Youths' and Boys' HATS and CAPS. TRUNKS in nil styles and qualities. Valises and Carpet Sacks. Carpets,Matting,Floor Cloths M all Paper and Decorations Always on hand aud for sale by the yard, a large stock of Pre he h and Kuglish Cassiiuei-es, Doeskins, Beftvers, Military Clothe, Home Made T.weeds, &c. SUITS MADE TO ORDER ! Crentlemen's Clothing, or Military Suits, made to order in the ewest Style of faahion on the shortest notice. ifim-class Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed. MILITARY TRIMMINGS IN GREAT VARIETY. H. B. CLAWSON, Supt. MOKE LIGHT! UEW LIGHT! Cheaper, more Cleanly, and perfectly free from the danger of Explosion. THE DAXFORTII SOX-EXPLOSIVE PETROLEUM FLUID 1,000 Gallons Just Received, Only 75 Cents Per Gallon! jE. KEESfi &, CO., Bole agents for Utah Territory. Depot at corner eonth of "Walker Bros. TRUNKS, VALISES, &C.,&U. Manufactured by sz On hand in variety at the Olot liiiic Department. Alao, EGG BOXES, APPLE BOXES, And General Packing Cases, Made to order at the Trunk Factory at the lowest prices. fl. B. CLAWSON, SUPT. of th celebrated ST U O Eli AK. E lit WACONS ARRIVED. Enj bracing navy and lijht FARM AND KA'iYGU WAGONS The Favorite 33 I A ivi own ..1 .,lh .i LIGHT SPRIN3 WAG8HS. V.ry dentrable for Family uic. Thy f,n'l"hk';r W,i.C'.rn mo njannlit'.tnrt.'l out '.( tii'j vty l..t rn.ittinl by tli mt coinpyt-nt m.'hjm'. i In th '.oontry, uri'J ar W A II II , T P. l F I It I'.C L, A t H. loll cI.BAT;ilK,I' KATKP. !OM T. CAIN.E, Ai-'n.t, fait LaltC JfcmM OftW. FOL 3 ALE ' A few hundred "l'cct"' in the "Left Bower to the Eureka." The "Tintic Lode" i; disposed of, but Joe will sell s fuw feet in the celebrated "Eureka" instead. Euquireof -OE SIMMONS, Oi- ia House Basement- i THEODORE LUBBE, Manufacturer of LADIES'l FANCY FURS Katit Temple Street, At Florence Sewina; Machine Snlesrooni, Oppofito Salt Lake llou.e, Ilus oil hand and fur sale a Ono assortment of HOME-MADE LADIES' FURS Such as I' tnli and Alaska Mink, Ermine, Chinchillas, Unt(ian Squirrel, Astrnkan, PernlRu Lamb, I'kraner, Ivrlinner, Russian and French. Coney, Utah, and Eastern Muskrats, &c.,&c. Which I offer at exceedingly low prices. All goods warranted a? represented or money re'urned. Ladies' Furs of any description made to order in a workmanlike manner HAINES' TREATISE. Just Published, by . B. MYERS, Chicago, a NEW ED1TIOX OF HAINES' TREATISE. Revised and Enlarged. An Indispensible Book for Justices of the Peace, Polics iMagistrate, County Judges, Coroners, Constable , and public officers generally. gen-erally. A valuable Book of Reference for every Lawyer, and naefnl for erory Business Man. By ELIJAH M. IIAIXES, Counselor Coun-selor ot Laic. Fifth Edition. Revised and improved, containing the laws and decUion? down to tho present time. Complete in one elegant octavo volume of over SO ) pases. Bound in bast law ghecp. Price S7.f(. is a book well known to every justice- of the peace, practicing lawyor and public officer in Illinois and the Northwestern States and Territories, as the most useful and complete work of the kind extant. It ha? lately been revised by the author, and materially improved by the addition of much important matter, giving all the late laws and published decisions down to 1S9-This 1S9-This book has, up to the present time, reached reach-ed a larger sale than any other work of the kind in this country. This fuct may be mentioned men-tioned as eviuenco of its superior merit. Its excellence cone'sts both in the matter embraced, em-braced, and the arrangement or classification classifica-tion of subjects. In t!ie collection of mattor contained in the W0:k it is intended to give all the statute law and the general principles of the common com-mon law in connection therewith, which a justice of the peace, polic magistrate, c n-stableor n-stableor coroner will require in discharging their duties, or that a practicing lawyer will need for reference in ordinary coes, or that may be required for the information of every business man. This will entirely supersede the necessity for relerence to the vgiumw oi the j-tatutes-. i he arrangement of the work is methodical, methodi-cal, and of tne essence oi its value, presenting present-ing each subject in its1 order and in its proper relation with other-. The plan o the arrangement is entirely original with the author, being the reult oi study and practical experience. It has long been a suoject of general remark that tne author has, in this work, presented the law with a clearness ana simplicity of stjle which renders ren-ders the whole ali-e plain to the common understanding as to the more advanced lawyer. law-yer. The justice of the peace. o!ioe magistrate, const -tele, and coroner wiil bud in this book all the necessary forms and ms mictions mic-tions in regard to every branch of hit duty. The practicing lawyer will find in it, collected col-lected and arrange in convenient fortr,, all the statute law und decisions, with reference to adjudicated c iscs applicable in ordinary practice. The business man will find in it a com pie t e collection of lormj rcjuirtd in the transaction transac-tion of business. students of the law will likewise find this a very valuable woik for perusal a: d reference, refer-ence, as containing the general principles of the common law. clea ly stated, in connection connec-tion with the ordinary braneaes of jurisprudence. jurispru-dence. The following brief reference to the ton-tents ton-tents ot thi3 work will afford iu some d- gree an idea of its peculiar merits. The book is divided in five parts, the subject of each be-iag be-iag methodically arranged in chapters or appropriate ap-propriate subdivisions, as lollows : Part 1. Of Justices of the Peace, j election and qualification, and proceed- 1 inga before them in civil caes. Comprised in thirteen chapters, treating : 1 Of the office or juatw. 0f tD0 peace, 2 Of thejumdictioD oi jom-- 0 Uie pao 3 Of itaa different terms of anion 4 Of the commencement of suit-, and ike rvicc and return of proc. 6 Of the appearance ol the jstrtio.. 6 Of pleadjug-t. 7 Of witDCifce, compHn thi attn-lan'- thereof, tafeliig depiiiotM, and of ottttut and affirmations. affirma-tions. 8 Oft Lie trial, and incidents thereto. 9 Of evidence. 10 Of tb docket, and form of docket entri. 11 Ol judgment, cotX, sad filing trnnsCrip t. 12 Of appeaLi and wiit of certio nri. 13 Of execution and gmi-biiint. Part 2. Of proceedings before Justices Jus-tices of the Peace in criminal cases. Comprised in cloven cbapt r, treatio 1 Of the powrr- ofjn-tirc of the pacc relative to tlio euforcment of tbt- tw, for tbe preTeolion and pntuiLmnt of otfenw, and prwervation and rvaucc ol iht p:icf. 2 Ofpericna capable oi committing rriiTV-, of ac- reisorK-s, and wno may 1 wunei-fi in criminal crimi-nal CO?d. 0 DefioitioD and punishment ofrimea nnA f.ff.'n I sji .-w precriUl l-y tb criminal codn ; 4 Of proceMinri wLeie a criminal olln-o, ! bt-fn commnteii. FortiH of statement of offenvi in warrants, ti Ol procr-r-dmH in rel-itioo lo itir otervane and nrety of tho p' .T-o ari'lgwl lhnvifr. 7 Of fugitive" from jiHtirc. 5 Of tears b warrant-. 'J Of proceeding and ponnlti- i In relation to tLo mi-deji'-a.tori of Hubbfith-t-reakiui,', Jiid dii-tiirbiu dii-tiirbiu woD-liii-io Beintjli':. 10 Of yiu1 '-fliug-i in cii-e r.f ;i-milt and l.-allory, and affi iiy.-'. 11 Of docket entries inrrlminu! and fcnmiuarv pro- cf.d-n-a, nnUjtutico's less in crimmtil cies. Part3. Of the powers and duties of Justices of the Peace under particular statutes. Coii)ried iu tw-ho chapten, ticatin; 1 Ol tbeacknowl.dm' ntand proof of dedi and otlir instrumenu. I Of uttaiL-nontrt b-foro Jutitirs of tba pvuee. 5 Of bastardy, uM procuudiug in casts thereof. 4 Of ooDtemiit of court. 6 Of contesting cicctioa. 6 Of coronors. 7 Ortra.c. 8 Of forciHo entry and d-taiD 0 Of iuclora' and Iu cvn. 10 Of landlord ton:.!,!, u,,.i pro-.wdiugs by dmtres for rent. II Of mirriaj;oi. 11 Of trial ol the right of pronorty. Part 4. Of tho Constable, his election elec-tion and qualification, and tho powers and duties of Constables in both civil and criminal cases. Conipritdiig fho chap torn, treating 1 Of the office- of connlaM. 2 Powers and dutltw of constable in proco'dinyn. 3 Of the liabilily of cou-tablon uU'l tiirvtifi. 4 Of the powers and duti'i.i of coiiiluUm in c ri mi ni 1 COBfl. 0 Ot lefl -nd comp"n-ation allowed 1j ronft-ild in both ci II und cnnjiD'il cute". Part 6. Oomrnon forma for tho transaction of bunine-,3. 1 Apprentir;. j Co-par Innrf hip. 'J. Arbitration n'l uwnrdIO ronyiinc..'. 3 A jjroemenl. 11 Dower. 1 Ante-utiitirf1 -t niti I'J .nut-. U A-(j(nin"il-. 1 ; Nnhiraliinlcn. tj bill ; of La linn-'j mid II I'nwi a til t t no.V- piomi-.-o. v noli.-. l.f ftln"ci. 7 Julh ol .-4 1-lo Mill . H Loud-. In one volumw, )0 pues, law binding, v. ill be h j,i v any adclws on rfyj'jipL of ol.) wii.ii tho ord'.-r. Addi' ' f7 WhlriKt"Ti Pfroi. CbicitKn, READ THIS! SEWING MACHINE Is a Handsome, Appropriate and Lscrul Present to make a lady at CHRISTMAS OP. NEW YEAR. At our uewly-fltted up Salesroom, Second Door South of the Eagle Em-porium, Em-porium, between ine Drug and Clothing Clo-thing Departments of Z. C. M. I., will be found a Full Assortment of tUcsr Admirable Sewing Machines At Prices to Suit Everybody. THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE NEEDS NO PUEEING to commend it to I lie public, as Ine following mZZ 5nS show: In l'vk) tbo?e now celcbrnt.'d Mucbine.-were Mucbine.-were first offered to the public and in tlie four year? succeeding 4.0Od were fold. Today To-day over that number are weekly turned out from the factory, and yet this iiuinen."e supply sup-ply i not equal to the demand. At the end ot the year 167, upward of pjO.UOJ Mat-bines were ?old, and in the then iollowiu years, from 'rS to '70, the number had been increa-t-ct to upward of 500,000 MACHINES SOU), One third of which were disposed of wit b In the preceding twelve months. i'rotn the fn rejoin? it will be .-en thut during dur-ing the lar three year.-, the cale b;ive ot-en upward of fitty per cent uiore tbuQ during the whole of thu seventeen previou? year, THE PEOPLE'S VERDICT, after a score of years thorough trial1 lit that the 5 H f .:b SEWING MACHINE is adapted to ll kind ot wurk. tcwiuir tu readily tne thkke t and uiu.-t rtubourn material ma-terial as the fine-t and mon delitato t.i'Ttcs; with a etitcb, that fur ovhl-;i, peritenon and durability uup'ju 'H'"''- Accotn pan ing eauh Machine are printed in-truclion-1. eo plain ni c try . f ctuprt-ht u-sion u-sion th u, aithouu we n .-ouiuitud iuium-era iuium-era to take at n-.i-t one k'-j-m lr-in the Operator, Op-erator, it U e'.-ldoin d n purch:i-T rc-ing-at a glance tne eimphcity oi the M.i'-tiiue and cuipletenca ot the eun-truci ion. Bume ot the AD VAN TAGE S OP TIJK SINGER MACHINES ARE Simplicity of construction therefore low liability to get out of repair. bhort, FtraiKh' needle lep? liable to bend, break or akip the stitch. The "buttle ia carried; friction, wer nnd the nccoaity of grasmg the ruco arc thus avoided. Readiness with whih the mt inexjtfr-ienced inexjtfr-ienced can a'.lju.jt the tension of tno thread. Freedom from wear. After twenty year constant service tl. -e machines have never been known to wear out. They are noi.-elc?, rapid nnd ca-y in ;ill their inoreuicuu. All our machinea nro ft'lju-tttd ninl put iu thorouir h running oider, by competent h:i ndi, betore delivery. I'lirchH-erK thurrturo hnvo no trouble, but can tmcce.full operate with them at ouco. TH NEW B JTTON-HOLE MAC 11 I x i: s arc thoroughly practical and will pn furm :itt that wrrbnm fr thrm. The Jmprovn!, MANUFACTUR13 MACHINES for heavy work, arc too well known to need om merit. We aUo keop in stork I lie A' (; Jfftitum JVoi'.n lew MANUFACTURING MACHINES Our atock of tho Sinsfor Sewinir Min-liinen 1? very eifonrtivo, finbracitiK every vurietv of finish, trom tho plain .Machine, mounted on black walnut table, oiled, to tho elaborately elabor-ately pearled Machine, witu cabinet cauaud folding e vr in mottled black walnut, r-ice, woi'd, or mah iRtiny highly poli,-)n:-l. tvory Machine m lurriinbed with tbu umu complete lurmiuio. luciudiu tbo nuw huiu-mcr huiu-mcr (sowing all widths) and toller and braider. brai-der. AVe guurunteo our Ilachine to tlo Hemming, all vldth( KellliiKt ent-ntltchlngt ent-ntltchlngt liruldlngt IImkIc Huflllnm KmbrolderliiK (no clialu Htltchjf OatherltiK and Neiviiiir on at same time, with or without a baud, ou the edge or In the ccutcrf CordliiKl'I'uck-Inm CordliiKl'I'uck-Inm UulltliiKl Trlininlnm Hind I tig all wldt he and kind, ete,t cl c.( el c WE DELIVER MACHINES Wih'jiil Ailililiunul (Jhurie TO A L.L. l-AUTS OK TIIIM (111 Vhm All kiud.-i "I' Suwinj; iMuchinc (Imrougbly 1 J :ii rcl mi Hon-son.-iblo IVniiH. K'jliM'rnl;1!- tlio .Mammoth SiK", Two dun-n Noiilli of tlie ICngle Kin-porliim. Kin-porliim. H. ti. CLAWSON,upt COMPETITION Left Behind! HOLIDAY CAKES, CHRISTMAS TUEKS, ri'RE CAXDIES, of all kiiult, Pine Applet, Imported Kruite, Fancy (.rocei U, i'ailry. Pie, Pro Vinton, Con feet lottery t The clieape-t in town, :it IIK.MIV WALLACK'8. NORTHWESTERN Mutual Life Insurance Co. JOHN' 1. VAXDYKR. Prr.i.lont. lIKHKIt sMI I II. . Vicc-l'rc-i.l.nl. ALci. I,AL"K, S.-croury. Ilom Ofllr.. Ilrnnrt wmy, cor. of Wit-cm.. Wit-cm.. In M., Milwaukee, Ula. Dr. B. H. WALI.IIIAK. ilpnor.l An.nt llocky Mounuin Di-lrl-t Colorado, Wyoitautf. rtuli AD.l New Mexico. PETER G. FERGUSON, AkoM for lull, i Office In ltooprr, Kldredge 4L Co. ti a n k . TRAVELER'S INSURANCE COMPANY, OK 11 AltTKOIt t, CDXXKl'TlflT. Insure utfdin-t Art'idnnt oiUMiiir Ut-nth or tntiilly J)i-nl)linfl Injury, PETER G. FERGUSON, A'. KNT. (Illiee M ll'iuoT, Kldrodgo it Co.'s Hunk. C. THIRKHILL, 1-HAtTIl'AL 31 crclm nt Tailor, FIltHT Width MIU.F.T, A frw iloni-M V.ntt of I'o.t OflU-c. A 11 1.1. STOI K III FUKNCIl, KNGL1SII AND CALIFORNIA CALI-FORNIA CASSIMKHES, VV I X T F. 11 W O O I) , K V V. Good Workinan'liii, Hint l'orliK-J SutiMaclion i mini ill ot"l. DIEBOLD & KIENZLE, Hii--iv"rn t DIkN'1'1, llulimuiiii ('., CKL K 1! 1 1 AT V. I ) CINC1 N N AT I ITIIH ANU IIDIHII.AK nioni' S A IF A3 S , Anil SBruiMil'. MiiK'ielio iniil Autonmtif JJ.in k K 2 mm I'll ATT .V COVKIIT, (.ii'in'i-al Agentu, Wnshingtiitl St., t'hicK". II. I.AWK.N, M.i.t. . t . HI. I.. Awriil. rr li.li 'I'r r ill or ' . Truckee SALT LAKE LUMBER YARD. Ilnir-Itlorh oiith I". V. I( p(. i. w. TAiiKiirnsr. r..p. JUST" A US Et I V E 1 AT THE MAMMOTH SHOE AND MT STORE A Jj;ii'j?e Sloclt of Winter H A PC f H APQ ! In Every Style ! And at Every Price ! CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP ; Now is your time! Come on and get yourself a nice warm CAP! Don't stand Freezing, but come on! They are on Sale at BENEDICT, HALL & CO., MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IX Boots and Shoes, HAVE REMOVED TO Xos. l.'M and V.W GltAil) STREET, Corner Croy, ' XV YOVt One Block Eat of Broadway, i Uij I T lvJIliV. ion sCooperative Mercantile Institution TO CITV AaD COUNTRY CO-OPERATIVE STORES Aisd the Tratle seuei'all.T. WHOLESALE-DRY GOODS! EAGLE EMPORIUM, WINTER GOODS! Ionr Shawls, Nubias, hosiery, Miiirlc Shawls, liootls. iloves. Children's Shawls, Scarts, Flannels, ISIanhetS, Counterpanes, .leans, Cassimcre, 2inseys, DOMESTIC GOODS tti FULL SUPPLY fS USUAL ItootN Mioes,Kubbers & Arctics, Men's, IJoys ami Children's Hats. H. B. Clawson, Supt. Zion's Go-operative Mercantile Inst'n WHOLESALE AND EETAIL GROCERY AND HARDWARE D E P A : i T iVi t. ti T , IM.DiiKIXir. A. CKAAVSO.V 1511 Ll) l iCiS. Vou e;ui find :u ibis i;uur.ont of '.. C. M. . a bcucr stock el LAMPS, GROCKEHY, HACQWAHE, STOVES, ; MLM.Xsi TOOLS. IJLAriNG TOWDEK. Staple and Fancy (Jroceries, F-tc. Ami can Get More for your Money and Orders than you can at any other House in Utah. 11. V. L M(". Mil''- THE AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT COMP ANTS PAINTS KmWaeins over A UU.NDUF.D DllTT-'.KKN V SU APV.S. riTred f iiiiiui-diaie aiU'lioaliun and iv.iunns no uiixnis", just riwnoJ and for 'o at tlu- DRUG DEPARTMENT z. c. m. i. The inn-oduMits of (lio-O I'ainis aiv simp!,- an.Hudi-tnu'liKie. tii with which they iwvuum-ud th.Miivlv aro : Oho:ipnev. dt"ji,,,,tf'-' "aiwi rioiitv of color, ail uuuuallv suumili and i;lo-v :ii'.-:n.nuv. les -v or in laviiK. no tmublo of mixiiK. iil Man.l luv oi r.-uu. ",ul a'vVJ; . 8, pool oil' with ntnuwi'hiM-io chano'S "or elu;k oil by In.-ium. i '. host, eheapr-'t. int ilnniMo and most p,-.u',.iv PaMit in ;'-. ,..;nt n' The AVKKM.L WIUTK 1'MN V is a .INC I'AIM. nt' ,,a-d, .-intl is of (-.pial mipei-iority and popularity. mM0j Al.ONt! YOUU TAINT CANS OIT.N AND VlXU IUU:V HV THK t! Al.lAlN. A lull line of Foreign, 5otmstit' and dsv Ill", V At tho Iik I'. pnui.-iil. .. C. M. I- it. ii. rs,vvv !" |