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Show Commercial. Salt Lake City, Dec. i;pld Buying, 108; Bulling, 111. Wasted. Two Louies and a store wanted to rent, by Harniau, Ivory Jt Co. See their notice-. yor. a heal served up in the choicest s-vle, bct quality and lowest price, go to the 'ew Keataurant, next door to tne K K. Saloon. Finest le, wines ahd liquor! at the bar idjoininR. adv CHUSTMii Tiee-. Henry Wallace ha gol a couple of beauties for sale; ju't the thing for ladies getting up school partis. Call and see them. adv. HroiiA' Gi.N'crss Cod Liter Oil. for Consumption, .Scrofula, tc. Our Cod Liver Oil is warranted pure H Wf'OC"DLA"DOIL. It has stood the teit of over twenty years' experience, exper-ience, and ran be relied on in every particular. par-ticular. Manufactured by Hkoemak A; Co, Chemists and Druggists, Xe York, and sold by all Druggists. KoibT Rats is poor food for lighting fariaians, but Golightly ifc Harris keep the Globe well supplied wiUi the finest bread, crackers, cakes, pies and pastry and manufacture tho choicest quality ot pure candies. Try them. adv Do yoc w a.vt to make a present to a gentlemen? What's bettor than a box of choice cigars? Get them at d. Harris' Har-ris' Cigar S tore. adv Important ! Don't lorget that Joe Simmons' .Saloon and Restaurant, hotel busemont, 2nd douth street, is still well 'applied with. Uyators, Pigs' Feet, Citlvus' Tongues, Sardines, Lager li'jer, Tcnnant's A. XX I'orter, liuruiay & Fur-kins' Fur-kins' London Stout, ShuptjMi Mullet i'ulo Alu, Browur, llumas & Co.'6 Omaha Ale, J. C. l'artiidgG s Golden Crown Cigars and Fino Cut Tobacco. Great fpocialty at this .Saloon is Fresh Oystors, largo, lat and luscious, servod up in every stylo. A supply just re-cuiveiL re-cuiveiL This i.s tho place to get a substantial Lunch any hour of tho day, and at very cheap rates. ndv ' t W. II. Wilkinson, Main Street, opposite op-posite Suit Lake Houso, has alt tho holiday holi-day luxuries, consisting of groceries, iruiU, spices, tvys, and a largo stork of dry goods, boots and hon, and general r.ierehandist', which ho will sell at rea-.onablo rea-.onablo rates. udv Ti REFVH, tho Knost and fulti'-t, geese, ducks, chicken, fruit, and ottior desirables desir-ables for Now Year's dinnorvt'or sale by Al. Chadd, poulterer and piouotr greengrocer. green-grocer. adv For a stylish pair of Pant? go and tee M. Firl, Grorsbeck's Buildings, Second South St. adv FruM FfRs A. Ando.sou. sicn ot'the Big Cilove, d South street, soils all kinds of furs, manufactures ladies' and gents' fancv glove.-, robos. A:c. First-class goods ana moderate prices. adv 1 you want a No. 1 Suit, go to M. Earl, Second South St. adv A Fisk Ciianck. Carl C. Astuus-en has received, for tne Ho'idays, a splendid splen-did assortment of Toys, Je-velry, and other goods iu his line, suitablo for the season. Call at his Jewelry, Match, Clock and Toy Store, iiain street, adv Go A'D See the Christmas Trees at Henry Wallace's. adv Matches. The Great "Western Matches, manufactured by Paul Lech-tenburg Lech-tenburg are equal to any imported and warranted to keep in any climate. Try them and be satistied. Sold at the 10th Ward Co-operativo store. adv Proclamation to tiie Public I do hereby issuo this, my Proclamation, to tho travelling public : Parties visiting Salt Lake City and going east on tho U.P.K.K., will tind it to their advantugo to leave Salt Lake City on tho evening train and remain over at Ogden that night, thereby having hav-ing a good night's rest, and so bo fresh for travol at 8 o'clock a.m., when the daily express train leaves this depot. At tho Ogden House wo oner as good accommodations ac-commodations as nry houso west of Omaha. Free busses at every train to and from tho depot, adv John Mahon, Proprietor. WoNunuFii Exhihition ok Faith v a Chilli Tiikkk Years of Aoe 1 "FAtrii'1 is a "Mio Thing, ' ncr Common Com-mon Se.nse is Still "Bh.oek !" This certif.es that my little son, three years of age, has beeu paralyzed in his lei't leg since August Till of tho present year. Ho was unable to stand alono until he look two weeks' treatment from Dr. Kohf.ris by animal magnetism and tho Swedish Movement Cure, at his ullice- in tho Omaha Hou.-e, this city. I am hap-to hap-to say that he has been ftruc: y ris-t ris-t trrd, and n iw can wnlk as well a.- ever. 1 re.-ide in the 1 lib Ward. 'Signed. Charles Morris. Suit Lake City, I't.sh. December -Uli, lvTO. Dr. Koborts will heal the -ick at the Omaha Hou-e until February 1st, or longer. adv. I Go 10 11. Wallace s for yur ti.:.i-ma ti.:.i-ma cakes. auv Fine Fresh Honey in the comb, delicious and cheap, at H. Wallace's. adv Fire! Fire!! abated, and oyster-arrived oyster-arrived at P. Msrgtts' Kefreshment Rooms, 2d South Street, where they can be had by the can or in any stvle. The lovers of a glass of Genuin e English Eng-lish Alb can be accommodated by the pint, quart, or gallon. Oyster stews and lunches served up on short notice. "Golden Crown" cigars and best lager beer constantly on hand. adv. Try Ed. Harris' choice Havana cigars ci-gars and tobaccos. A large stock of gents fancy notions j List received. adv Grist to the Mill. Bring on your grain to the B. Y. lower mill, which is now htted up and turns out a No. 1 article ar-ticle of Hour giving the largest yield t" the bushel. 1 am also prepared to grind buck wheat. adv Charles "Wilkixs. Everything in candies and confectioneries confection-eries for the holidays, at Wallace's, adv A Fhf.sii Sccply of PigV Feet, just received from Chicago superior quality. qual-ity. Joe Simmons, adv Hotel Haseinent, '2d South St, Wltll E House S. Bamberger A; Bro. Proprietors; first-cla-s family hotel ard restaurant, reconstructed under nevv management, Main street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Largo and w-ll furnished rooms and all ihedeiicacios of tho season at reasonable charges. A ladies' dining room att iched to the spacious refreshment refresh-ment saloon. Board and lodgirg 2.00 per day; by the week. S l'J.OO: day board S8. (XI per week. Frth oysters just received re-ceived and ser-. ed up in every style night or day. Free conveyance to meet ail trains. S. Bamberger Bro.. adv Proprietors. HOTEL ARRIVALS. December i!.'. rOWNSEND HOUSE- E A A'len, Omaha; J L Stewart. Council B.utfs; T McP.oy; Y" H Tj y-lor, y-lor, Brooklyn N Y: Simon Held. S; n Francisco; S E Underbill. Omaha; J X .Mason. A-pen. W T; W O Smiih, New York; W H Danielson, wile and two children, U S A: Wm B Benson, Xew Y'ork. salt lake no Use. Wm Xel-cn and wife. Tooe.e. J fluke. East Canon: II S Cowan-. R Warburtou. Edwin Broa.'. Tcoe e: Ml iuerlich. J-.a-t t anoo. J C Daley. Sacramento. OMAHA KorsT. I Bo.o i s-- r- r ;?. T.-re - "..at .-.- ;raj I Ch.i Hrown. Omaha. X1- JoVnry Keiiv, M'v Jane (.i:bn. Ms J i';a lo-Kni. Nevada: L T .';n;.:. Cot- tonwood; Piter Acer. j. 3-! 3-! wood; .1 S Mather. B n.iur.n C;,?.- n G F Su'.cv. M W Men,:!:. ('; !;: i City; Jno J W k . sneiaian. Wy- oming '1 etrucry. ! white uni's ... I .1 .l,ri O Wi'.son. B i.i.au.. Bey FiiJ. Faraiincton: E W Carter. W Hartford. (Vtn; Sd 11 . ('; r Creek. M T; Thos Fori. He-no. Xcv. Mrs D Kioc. Xewc.i-;''. Ca : W B Blackweil and wife. 1. i Mn.th. O,--I de n. ' THEATRE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS! u k :x i: k i t OF Mil. C. W. CouldocK An 'l !:.- :.).rv-iTin.'o luit i.c r-i' MISS COULDOCK. Friday Evening, Dec. 30, 70. ! W -;i j-.i-t-n "ri"- "i lh ripnu-if;il D'jILcs- J ' c iiyaiLa e-t 'i'-J 1 iit WILLOW COPSE Mr. COl I. DOC K Ioin( t,'-; i ft r i -i- 1 . on m i LIKE FILLUIX; j cr.-.Lit; w,-1) 't L-i'b.e l'r-.t i FATAL INITIALS! A, N i i IiIEKAGERIE. JoiiN vv. (ti nu. ii . t . .t t i I'.t a .i li , i tl , ii J Id j.uU k l mi i i u . ." f i. C hiiil; i :i. JO " i- i.' Y t rtliii 1 line. :i p. 1U, I. I.. HARKM1T, Mncr. SOUTH EE 2s' V AH ?. P Y P 3 c C v iu.HlL wj Las LU-. j Carrying trie I . S. .Mall. i Aid Wtlli. Ftrjo to. Eiprist Tge s-jir-.-sfj ;.s r-w r-.r.-:s Iily j PROVO & FILLMORE. I run on a.:eru;e aA.v; r j Meadow Valley. Star District i and St. Ceorge. Cor.nec'i; ie with : r Tlntic and Svirr Mines, Mnpitt ! and A ritoua. i (t--l MfaN s-q ar."'v..-as-:. r.s r.'l ;i!,r; j tbe line. Time ti m t-T.-e ai.i Me.tu.'W . Valley Mine., o d.i !, U nour. i III fill WHITE. Prop. I finest e;:s., arcj A C. V. SMITH. GeiKirni A:.t. ' a IW i WILUSTOirS CELEBRATED COMBED SEii ISLaND CO It!) SPOOL CuTTON . i -Viia lor -:i'e, wim-U-mi p ;r.i.i ri'i ul. :il I 2. C. M. I. Vii3'iW,ZV:H - WAY For uvtTy (.'in: not tuiirL'iy nt itomry rj? ,t n IfLif Urn BOOT AND SHOE JKI I (IIH 111. At th.; -ur el thg "BIG SOOT" CiiH Hlld ESHTliil; "HI' t In ill O Stu k ct' And I in ioi- t-tl BOOTS AUD SHOES in pre ril nricty, -Uit ;if i-r Iloliila.y riTKiilH, UKh yndCliiLliruMADK JO OKLj;H r-HtK-laL'tmiJ Uiilunt' f I. lU i'j, LliVt .Iu-1 n - 1 ',.' i f- j ; ,j . I.f "thr. Inr InHlriff I h unci (,ir-nun (,ir-nun l.lf M.. ,,,,,,,, m jlKl (if I O ml h i k, . Mild J) k llMl . ..t I (.(. I , NIMl llirn..i I, tall... ; .... M (llj kiifcta of tii5 t iiiliit((-, ( tu-I tu-I tillai. ! iliiJ i;oc. i ix i ' rt.j'i . J r in i .nj''''h .v. . n-t r .' I..,',1 , ,,,, i - I, i.'..vv.-. : ,ZU1UUiJ..'.',;TlLL ; l r:i--( It i Ii.finiair-.. f t , it kK I - L I Ion TO PAL - tf.P i GF3. I I'- 111 I II IM I ! . ,n I -( l i J) I j Hll'lf II, i I.HH I IX. I A f ( ; CHICAGO TRADE. I CHASE, HNF.FD & 10., j SI -511111 Waur !.. 1 IliCAGO. Oils, Points, Glass, ac, WILSON OIL TANK PA13E, 11 UO. A: CO., I LEATH1R AND FINDiXGS, j 5 0 Lake Street. iK- am, u Lake Snore O.I Work;. MAXWELL, WrtLELES & C., V inufi.vure-s of Engii. !. i. Tallow. Lard and KOL. .li-. Dealer ::i Ht-s.iiih' CsrVr., M'Vhie. AfT-c: for ;l:p n; ci" PKATT- ASTRAL OIL. A (."i-;: is of ;fcv V.r.a.. VHi .u.i OJ Li:J 0. IX US:CR CR. R.0- AN i ?;N P-'IKT lr r.u lo :..L Kv S. B: ..'to T.i:rt, ?;k: r. CHICAGO. (.lice. A 1 1 ! i p. o : f - I . , 6. M" a; or tirot . VAN SCHAiCK, STEVENSON & RtID, "XV llOLl'.K A 1 10 DKUGG1STS Oealr i 1 n PAINTS, YARN.HEf, CILS, DYE STLFTS, BFUSHSS. Window Glass, Glassware, Patent Medicines, &o.. t&o, 90. 94 A. 94 Lakr M.. cor. l. ai boi u, Vuli a 1 .!.. oxi-i ri- iv-r in th.- T, ir-t..rl irini. v. i- i t-i ,,ro ,,m t ..l.-;u.on in QU-wH (-1 - p.t; K.ii; . MA KLtY. A' LING & CO, 1 ,il.,-. io: .11-.1 -1 ...-. i- i Hardware Cutlery 1 Ink M n ft, ( I1K A.(V - - - . , L 1 " NLW y r: I (I a. e. Pool, Nairo. Kimball & Co., WIKM.K-A! V. CUOCl'.liS Wm i i h m.( coi . i. limrli, J. II- Ill l.i.l K. N,.Ycrfc. C. A. l..,i.t-ii-,-,i. ,1,,;,,, LUGiTRiET ii, srDSV.'ICIf, M mnitncluro'M ul :ml ln.ii.nio It- ( i in &30YS' CLOTHING, 4fl . IKS HroiMlti n) , N, ,v ol fc. K.DXNWOODEY, FURNITURE DEALER An.i uruoijNTi:ci-:ie. All kiln, ol IMP jRTEO FURNITURE I t tnii i It -n I hu I hi i li H ,1. ronin, mast ti:mili: ht HOME-MADE FURNITURE Ai 1 1 1 Kt"fv m i. -1 I ir"'pir . I Rt bnuth Btrt. Suit Lak City COFFINS. IM,I hikI OH . A M i;,MA I Alwuv in Htofit. CITY LIQUOR STORE, K'rr'.n.!i,tlxt,Dti'r'l. W ImI -nil- j.txl Hi liilJ, IJQU'iKr.AM) WINKS, A ! I.f.w-r. 1 It (I F, T H H ' Ml I I. ) 1 (, I N.l 7 j.l. ,TONSf)lA I . i' .- I-. ,..u -I -.11 I..I " a ii ;i i: n x iv ct. LlirAE DO RUSSELL'S '.i i i , H , . .1 I I. I I H 'W1 ; , . . .-u I . . n .: . v .;;";,''.,', ! i . ii i mt W .i r ; . I ti- r I t I BATHS, BATHS! V, ;i fill J' i "i " - ( a r Ii I'l tl li t r . , . . ' I-' I--' I... ".i. I t'iUUW Urn 1 I. ! Hl.'l 1 (. . ..,' -).'..,.., II. A HAOtli. |