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Show NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, l'ocltet ISooK Jjosl. OX WED V LSD AY. THUtSDAY Ult Friday lair, between Main .Street nod the Twentieth VV rd. a POCK r, T liO K. containing con-taining -uudrr Order and a in till amount of Cash. The findi-r -ill receive 10 reward by leav.Dg it al tuia Office. A RAFFLE For a Family KcwIriK Mn Itlur, 0ralt of Clothe, Mud other Yftlunble Article, Will coine ff on January 2n'l, ?-"1- ttk Bru-h f aotory, hMli'-a-block etidtof tho v" Office. CHANCES ONE DOLLAR EACH. i;ki(;;n iiouni?, B. II. BkiDner. Proprietor. Corner Wella nd r it i r i r ( lUndoiphSlreen. j I 1 1 ) U U . This Hou.- is cntrnllv located, well tarnished. tar-nished. nd cououuj 2-J Kooin. HARMAN, IVORY & CO., MINING AND Real Estate Agency, SALT LAKK CITV. Complme vipir of ,Minntr l(rrr.rHerd' B'-kn and A Infract" of T, itnofi-tn fmm County Coun-ty Rifordrrr t lirtiftboti t th Territory to o found in our hc. Mining I'ropertv nud HfH.1 Kturo b'lURht and f.'d. limrn rented tind Collect i-mi" inndo. Mnnny Inini'd. ' Particular uiU'iitiun fiivi'ii to CoMvoyHiminjr. WANTED -Two fcoml Mlnio ylrlri-iiiK ylrlri-iiiK Smelting Or-, or which l' alt will he pnlU HARMAN, IVORY A Co. WAXTBU-A buil'litiKior u Btor ; ulco a, IU'U wiMi fire or nt roomi wl Rood ou''"0' iiAHMAN.iyf.nv :.,. WANTK. I TO H l'..NT A IIoui'O nilli l.brn or lour rooiu. K.iiUMt' for a pinull fm-jly. fm-jly. jti en rlidlljlo location. IA.Jl MAN, IVfillV ,1 CO, i I New Year's z. c. m. I. we rur.posi; Oil Friday and Saturday OF THIS WJiEK, TO DISPOSE OF THE ENTIRE STOCK OF FANCY GOODS SUITABLE FOR PHESEXTS. The Bazaar On tli iwo eTsuius? will be FULLY ILLUMINATED Audwiil present all the attraction.- of the past week. BARGAINS Will 1)0 tbu order of tlif dny. H. B. CLAWSO", Bupt. DBS3 It 2E3 T CQ-OPERATiVE IflYElTT WORKS. Jordan Street, 17tt& Ward, llalf-a-block west of tha Tabernacle, SALT LAKE CITY, Having the latet-t improved Machinery for working in Iron, Wood & Brass, Can nianufticture all kinds of Machinists' Tool, Turning Lathcu, Pan BloTvera, Gear Cutting and Bolt Screwing Machines, Cheese Vata, Cotton, Woolrii and Grlttt Machinery, Ktc, Kit., Etc. OIK FOUNDRY ilav. at i-rt-Tt-ot, be n the Most Sucassfitl in tin' 7Writon, And wc can turn out 'J-j-tin,;- trum liic tliin-nesj tliin-nesj of a Move Plate up to tna ive ones for Smelting aud Crunhliig Worku, at Low b Ignrra. We haro an A No I Model Maker, And order in that line iruar.intecd to be F-aliMaotory . All kinds of Old Iron Bought A frw mint tMiares ol' tliu Caiiil Scock can bo had on application to WILLIAM FI LLER, lcorei.rr'. SUSTAIN HOME MANUFACTURE Tlic Bel and the Chraprit 1 Have I ou Trlrri Tltrm;! 7N ri -i y.m i i: ir i c COMPOUND B3NESET PILLS. lloine-m.ndo nnd jurdy Yc-cetoblo. Twenty-fi vp rnu prr box Twenty 6 I'ilK Warranted to uro nal.xfi.cUon. They relieve Jaundice, Dyprtia. Indication. Indica-tion. Liver Cntnplaint, lirjidti di'- L"-. of Apputito and Kuul Stotiiwh. will brak up CM. Ki-vtr, Cuuifh. and l'urily tho LLmuL Tncy will t'lrn'e tlio Momucli, Krnovnto the IsyAinm. and dipd IM-on-i. Are mul in ll c- p whore I'hymc ix need! Tr a hn. You will line t firm, and never want any oilier o t. Thcy.-.ro Ionic. Cathartic and Expectorant. Expec-torant. Ol'TIIALMM! IIALS.VM, Or K e Halm. Vahi.iole in root Diun. en nf tho Tvo. T-Q-mov-f I n IIaiii m :it i(n, l rentf ' Ihmj the Sit In, and Weak or Iiroopir.it Li .-. atd if kimi ci.i I ly bQdling nnd ctreru'tliunuiic to tho fiilit, but "..u. ;; ."'. UuLil" 04 f,,rIe""' KiiiKWnrni and o,... . Unly 'Iweiity-livc Cents j'or jt . COrSltJMIN SALVK. A Taluable remedy for Cut. Rruie, Wound., Sore.-, Kiinm. Sf.ild. uiiil for Weak or Lnine Hack, bido or Jlroaid, nud lor ninny other u.jeo. l'hc?o arid ot her home-nuido lumlly pjedi-cinvs pjedi-cinvs are prcparud by J. F,. JOII.SO., St. teotRc, Itah, And old nt Zion'x ('o-oprrative rtoron nd by other iiKeiit.t I hroiiit tmu t ( Ih Territory. Also e"ld ut wholcalo or lurni-brd on co;ji-iDifii.n co;ji-iDifii.n to rrpponibleantn. ll ibto ui d-i;iiiep d-i;iiiep urotiot K"il nt your tore, iu-k ymir oierch.int to order tbcm at once. SANDWICH ISLAND SUGAR. Juat received, direct Irnm llio Lmo Plantation, Planta-tion, a supply nt Raw Sugar, Put up in linuMo nnk', which in now selling eheupT thitn "urntr wn over robl in thix market, at tho 1 1fli Vm l CO-OPERATIVE STORE. A Krealt Huiiply It pel vert K.Tery Mont h. -ii o. ,mti:uiii(. D. DAY. n. . Cl'LMER. DAY a OOLiEPJ Whole-ulo and Retail Dealers in DRY GGODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, ! BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, BLANKETS, OILS, NUTS, &C..&C. VK MAKK BEST TEAS SPECIALITY. .ll'ST KHCEIVED, A UUt LOT OF DRY GOODS. Call nml Sfe tlicin. Kimt Dooi' South of'Toyn Clock Store. ChristmaS HOLIDAYS. GEO. W. DAVIS Bees to announce that li.j has Juki Ke-:irH a Spkndid Stock t'-jr th Iloli-layn, couni-tin f Choice Gunpowder Teas, Extra fine Natural Leaf do. Rio and Java Coffees, Raisins and Currants, Peel and Spice, Prime Oregon Bacon, New York Cheese, Nuts and Oranges, Candies and Candy Toys in Endless Variety, Cheap (is the Cheapest llou-'e in Town Tor Sam pie see the window at Davis' OPPOSITE SALT LAKE HOVSE, And Two Doom ivortli or Kimball &. Lawrence's. T. & W. TAYLOR Have received a new supply of DRY GOODS, consislmi nf SHEETING, ELEACHED, CALICO, KSCK33Y, DENIMS, FLANNELS, LIHSEY3, SHAWLS, ETC., ETS WHICH THEY UAXE MARKED CHEAPER THAN E'ER. Also constantly arriving. Groceries, Hardware. Crockery Boots and hoes, Cooking- stoves, lite. Resides their (ioods being of tlie Bef-t Quality, they a.sure their friends they will be undersold by none. CALL AND EXAMINE 1'OK YOURSELVES. WEST SIDE EAST TEMPLE STEEET. I CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR The CIr-j!--t and llc.-t riace in .Salt Luke City to Ruv all kinds of FK LISTS, .'A.Ea .vc, c s 1 1 1 i vim i a s vi i s: s i:a t AMI GIFT.S rem Tin-: holidays Main Sinn, v.lu'te a lirjo ('.iantitv can K- f.nind M yr.iv that will i;i"ai;ami:k rrr.ciiAns. MM: KV llllIISTMAS AMI A HAITV SEW -Y l'.AK. ! VN0Tlir.lt AltltlWL or (he rclebralrd BI.KKS M:M1(. .MVflUNE.j ' i Mount's oi - i.i i nt oil. U.. . th- Fu-t 1'r.iv at 1. ,1 t ilnnnv Klnl-itiun. ; IN 'J - Li'iul-ui li.Urii:liMittl Kxliibi- ti'.n. .'- IWimi Kxljiliiti 'M of I-'i-h.-rir-: (i.dd .Mr.hl ,.f K.iy.-il S-,-;, ty joj- tho wol f:iro of N orwii v. lst; ;r'nt Kxhibiti-.n :t S-k h-'Im. l'.T l';.ri! lntrrtiniiiMiitl JAIiilmmn. At .lu h it l .k It. t, il pnrc aiii-ii- ,.il- -i, lit r.tuie-ltl"H. ll 14 ir. . H'tm-H-in I l i HKltlT liiitifiil nj. -li. al nut h'T it li-e m 1 -i - i v :il . 1 1 , I-'li.al Nx-icty il oii.v nud ,Mli l Nvii'h vl Ci t L U in If i laud and L'ui li.ttii. )ir. J A. Sarv. vl Y-ik. -ai- M.dlei' pi.-,-N in tlir oiilv one ' 1 '"Li.U ."d Lir Oil p.uld l-e hh.1o." ' ' I lr. J. Ui n it Sinnsn 1 : "I lio plv ritd it , rIiii.-I .l.olj. ihi'I ba-.ccvriy i, .o,-n l-e y-ilettly K.tnMi'-t mill ii." r-r ndr t-y I'm and Ch-i-dt. V. II. Su-hlctUJlo ft Co., 'voi k, As- ut- for llio l'. K mh I C-n i'li C. II. IUvmtt. ti. t . IlcrrMA. 8HSSETT ti HOFFMAN. ir jl-; w HARDWARE STORE All kind, ol HEAVY HARDWARE, iron nml Mecl, Stoves and Tin Ware III.A KK M I I'll i iioi.s. AfciOviillurnl lni'hiitfiiu Ami iMtitlitK I'uol.. A t Low r. Knit'., OPPOKI'I'K KAI.T I.AKK lull .K. LIVERPOOL ANQ I LONDON Md GLOBE! niti: inm itwiK nmriw. I tsoriis - - - sls.JOO.ooo.oo. J. M. JKIUUK, An- . I1. It. Dull. K,, I,,,!,,, y I . i i r. a. lion-ma' co. ! REAL ESTATE: MHOKKHS j a'.d i. -t . ; C0MM1SSI3I MERCHANTS.; Ollirn Klrt ioilh Mnrl. Klri door ct of Klmholl V l.Rurtorri nlt I.nkv l ll . I inli. rente I. tlUx-tu,ij nirtiic. M or. iian.ii-r ,-xt;.i 1 otlior pirn.tl priM'irty bought mul ..M by I'rivwto ,:tlo vr u-li'Mi- Monov ivunot .i ' t'O property to be foul. Loan? ntcotuitci. , Cvn ritiicins done. I 1 A farm of ItX'trtcro? in Tvisli t-n lMjtriol for ti.il e, '.'lie t i in i. entirely lviioci. lu-. lu-. O Hire nt th Kertl r't;it e A r;:. . ! K. A. JU'l I'M AN Jt CO. I , J llu',1 a Lot ir HlocV M, lM.it A. onlv kU h hloek Irom the Ciah CentrHl Iwilroi ue- j 1 pet br ?:iie. '. A. IIOITM W A CO. I 1 lve.il K.M.tte Acu;. J rroperty nnn'el I'.r bune.- vrpoeji on M.-un Street. Inquire nt the ie.il Ltte Apeney. F. A. lU'KFMAN A Co. I 4 Stores itini dwellinu-s w:intol (o tw.. inquire t K. A- 1HU KM AN A CO. -1tet FtisT r.-rlein 1'bvk Ti. I'hitt C ' antt in Hio.-K ;V, I'l 4 t i. in nirpat ' F. A. HOI t MAN .V CO. PRACTICAL WVTCHMAKtRS.; euason & hauerbachJ: fNrl ktoor K.MMt of llif llerniti, j J Are woilimoii win n,.( ,,nl i ,ur Wthe I mi.I lutl ivUll'ioUo U ' uohoMi' 't,i.T 1 in miy tl.ne.l Mvte. (T '''"I '1 'li'ii,, fn'iu h rn.'t oi pillion to ii n eniuo V ' ' Work Itsrut'trd nu nio.lri mip ' i N.!ll!.l. NOISELESS FAMILY SEWING MACHINE Iti TI1K Standard Machine of the World ! - The Spiciul Committee aOD,. to examine and report onE'i?,'"1 '1 at l.lne, al the Win C.t , State Fair, held at Kalel."01'" .veek, awarded a Gold Medal , . " Hlorenee Sewing Machine fir.S case and c, niel . of 1 1 a movem. I. e. feci i,, and large variety of wVl' and ilavalnable new featnre, ? k'..R It th. ,sl valuable St't. .Uacliine for family ue. ""ing Puitic. contemplating the purchase pur-chase of Sewing Machine are re qneted to read the following fP0J the New York "Tribune" of nct 19th, 170 : V.'e .have rectnt:;.- bd occasion to Cav. enrne n-.mne, n.to tne proerwa ofimve ment in tn n: trr-r.i-m of sewing marV, And were ri.';r a i,t;'e surprised to learn t' thec-ntr.l.i'iea in ine fir-t iuvention-nte -DUt'.le -till hO.ar f f'h, thoQEQ mir.l lt:emp'- ,tye oeen. mi.ie to eupe'reedit ioe puttie, iq CvinoirjatiOB with ibeneedi i: still tr.e can? ued to f- rrn r'nS:r4- J the Iil? ti.ao-iin. and we find that'tct growth of traae is chieSy with tne hnt: u-irig nachine-. The irrprovement? tljat are taking firm hotd m practical ue are, therefore nece-a riiy in cune-uon wito the shuttle, "eiSer iu tr,e aerail oi t&e tcutile i4X &r in otner parti of the Jcachine connected wuh u. tocau?e t.ewao'e to operas more per;ec;iy and ucuormly, and to eimpIL-y it Ure. " " ny i:::j.r;;,it pit.- in i'-U direction, rri'ide ? in.je ;ne rr;t (Treat invention, a-e on' d-,uhteaiy cLti'oi.tj in the "Fio.-cLc." ma-ohide: ma-ohide: i.r. i we rt-jou.rr.end onr T-i to i-a re! i?' y in-rect the "Florence" beftre ma- i tie r-'intf peculL.- to inU machine -ire-An u:u-u,iii;-.(-:ou: ;" money i; e..eu in !(.;i:-:.rg the "'Fi' rr:c-f," thereby se:iH-.g tLe be-t indteril ;:eei. f.-r initane, where oiber- u;e c i -ir--n . m.i tbe " nest iiniThof itn.or:a:t i arts ''he -huttle. fr eiap;c', beini: ri?iiiy reeded if it vris rrrn: th sta-.u-rd l-t".';h ot an inch:' Ll u con Ttrut-t-d en the p:e;t fcientiac i-rinciples, er.iirely d.-;. njine w :hthec-". and cam a-dlink-w K-q of:ea cet p'erTerreiy c:: oIoiMcrand eor-ly pcrpivi every one bi; ti e j.r c l i t-i .a l by tbeir un iC-Ohil:-ablc freak?. i ce "f lorest-a" is o e :hj inatifeied. i:Dd i:- ii:e i? io re-dily ieirsei, tii-t an .-rail ry t- 1 1 . f ten t v -e zzi Lcile CRKii'.-li t run it i crt'ecrty. X..eio:i stitch, ai uijae by ire "r.o.-ence" i; Terj re ularni pericct, very irrocg an", e'.iit::, ani u drawn .n;j the iar.c even:y, :i. uil . e:.c ly. wit favut ;erkirg. and wi.i--; cau.-irg tnc rt.ua w pu.i- r, or etraicxg ;hrt d o a? to er-drv"er i' breakins: ecs tquent.y, ye: y biie tnrt-ad; and ligit jcr:- cz-i h- u-.-d. Fo-i'i-rs tut?, the ' Fren' utailb:;- il.e efct-pe't r:yI- alio nii brt-e a i- :.A rt:t--c: a d-.-utle h'-i. t ka. : :-. 1 a d..-;be kr... -whi i: -; -ir-'U-er ni tore e..i.-tic thn ary o;;er rtitih, ar. i w i-h are Ljat by to C'.herz--t 1 lo "i- ,i-ren:t:" ;he only msch :s ih.i h'.., e eei. "htrreby tie ci- rt-uion - f Te sewir-j: cm be izliz-ij chaigci wimi nt tie;' :cc the work, ra en -b ine te t i-er..: ;u;it r emoroider i:h u::u-u..l t.n-:l::y. ,, e- baokwirdf sri ea-ily etrenfthen a eam wherever de;:red. r.d. t: al.v, rj a :-;w repe-a-cd s;;;cce, tc ts-Kn i.d iu l":e ju'.,-kft and stro:get way. It i? the on. y u.Acaise irat hai irlf--i0.i it tic ':;u:iie-;h'e:-d tecjion. wBi:k wo-k erie -Ti th.it trie e perm or can ma ai-r"f? UiC hoaTii'it fraturai d rew theTceei I r.en and ttic tMckc?; br-adc'o:h in ixe-dite ixe-dite u i. n wr,u..ai broAt: thf thread and wi t-.;: oh .r.c.l.e Lee-lit. :;:h cr tei,f:on. i .-.i-"t-. en-re" ar.ir ti tnreii into me cl--:h w ;h unojiihioi pre-iiin tzi rertu:.:-. (y irtsr.- ! .n ir.re-ic-; aa;o-":..!e aa;o-":..!e i: i " nhH, wr,;;E CL-p-rres f II. e ? ;.t.-k t h -c.id k :t :.:;cr the -r.u-r w;;j u aocur-;e pri-:r, ptr.e-? t ,r preveiy s I iLi i-ir.tf i-ir.tf oraropc i.c ,i 'inches. cj ailow t t i cr.r.-: ; i-ckwn. cr ; run otii cl- h 1 t r. .n. p--r:"v: 1211 -ni t. I t t-.a- :,a i;; ; i i r-ii jc beicxer. eiv-.a-ivvi i: , Hn. ktiv'b u- ii-tavoj T'.th es, .ir.d i,l n::-M- a hctu vl" ar,y w;i;b en a-..i.--ri:.l Ii n.'i tMity i:!;is a pert"et CSt'-fl aru m'u- it . j ;i .,; v: era lion, est it uor.iN r. d i-in.i. i foi . and c: ji.s. i'i o.t.i-. . i Mr if. i i:.t::u-r. aria br-.it wrhoii: ,-. u.h m ivi.il p.-ori. b icr .'.r.i usi i;. un we.ir lh t I tie "Ft ill " i- i.-. . i. -.o i :i- . I cod by t heC 3-p..n 3-p..n t- l;-t tw..e i.-rp: witQ -ut roji: I av. other l;:::e iu r-;- :ne in the rriri V vi r. :hf mupo-i d . h.c.il t . Ere-? rrt ot '-f "V -r- cr" i j fleetly srd p-zi-ii e -: 1 y m. vi:-i- i. and r. I. as u w :o:- 4; pi';:-, i 01 17;."; .-n. t;..i. i: runs :;h ;ie s: Tr..--i e -o. i no mx-'ie t? set zi th ri ..-ie 1. i c ;i:ch ii lencLbew, ciioit'i.i i. i.v.r.tj w;:h 1--. 1 u- ; 1: O, "1-rvre ' ce;thr the r;"Tt,-,c. (i.t; r'f are ;s is;.f: le f.-..ni the "r.otencf" wild ail Ui 0 .n ; - !m - .1 ri..rn . ;-e:i? at t bt sraf rtcf I'i'iior tir; -oi:-? ui.-clui.e. Theie aa-n Uki - . l.UHv.i,:;v i:i un nru tu: .ii I '.101' y 1 ; oon-truo;ien; 1 .i.-i.ii v i; ; ,in.ifimn;, V .,lr;y 0! ; t-ae,; Ko erricle io d: .e'.l-d ii-lHU le'-Jlcn; AiU'Mii:,;i.- t.Ae-ui-. lairr.-vea leiun-er; s.4i;ii t r ritei 1. ii p rmsnent s 'y,ir--f' t-v r- wii ,-;:on ot reedle nd ftttch: v..'.;iiu.i n chr..i 11. -n,; I '-r be Mity i:-d b-;.-. r,;n-h tho n:-' R M;ike ibe "Kloroi.i-." n;oder.tietr frHl in a iv I.' ii me w a ici lobe v. ueu, cee; lo h f t rirM. !:!.. :i e.m Mi io be n heat a ; in- u, .cl-.iiu-. t A wo biMpt th.it K: t ;''i" I'liMi: ;oiii,i whervu: "Xhf is welootue. TO raE LADIES Of Sil l.nkr liv, mtd liroS-' vS lie I f 111 1 111 tr of lil n ho Moomun ami V out I iu. N o o' ra :, . oin.,I i;i U ' i.t o,;r o;l o, H;;d rvsunno llu F.".w K:tiu:.v ox.v M;tv!.ir.o. viajhor mw;tih'.s: i:t'.;u.; o -urk hs. or ik. c!i;ii: :w.;..h .'.(': " Imi,. 1- v 1, 1 :.:;, 1:1 -,ier rlun.- ot htm.i in-,:.,-. I K W-i ''-S V Un-wr V V- l,.v. ,V i.-r -.1 WNv .t - il-n. In u,t.'M:u -h lV:,"',:. MMl. HO lilh;lir H.i.H ll-,!.!1 .l'l l'.- l-.k'D ..f IIV:ll m.H, lli.,. (.-.ll ,.n C '":,,T !h.-v viil .,. k.-,-t t-v s ,v-nviv-:--l V1' -l.r.il i- t! "!. ' .-I' r.:-n-: '' ,s..n I't ill. 11. i,..,,.i.v "-.r li.- a. 1... ,.,n,.iu i- 1 CNAS. S. HAMMER. I. m 1 nl i - i. i i.aki; i 1 rv. i i .wf |