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Show TTa.ntiij A jjirl to do neral housework. Enquire at Mai. Ileinp-ttad'a, Ileinp-ttad'a, 13th Ward, Emigration street, , l-tmttn 2nd and 2rd East street, adv j TTintbr is Coming on. Ae that 13 the Mason of festivity yon should buy yur watches, jewelry, clocks and toys, at Carl 0. Asmus-ien's new jewelry jew-elry tad toy store, East Temple street. adv Pa is starving, the Prussians say. Gtlightly & Harris, though, keep tho Slobe well supplied with the finest bread, trackers, eakes, pies and. pastry; and manufacture the choicest" quality of pure eandies. Try them. adv A Frmfi Sl-pplt of genuine English Eng-lish Ale, Golden Crown Cigars, Pigs' !!; ,J,'ambs' torques, 4Cij &C ) at I nil. Margctts,' 2nd South Street, adv MATcniw. Tho Great Western matelies, manufactured by Paul Lcch-tenburg Lcch-tenburg aro equal to any imported and warranted to keep in any climate. Try them and be satisfied. Sold at the 10th ward co-operative store. adv. Proclamation to the Pi bi.ic I do hereby issue this, mv Proclamation, Proclama-tion, to the traveling public Parties visiting Salt Uke City and goiag easton the U.P.K.U., will" rind it to their advantage to leave Salt Lake City on the evening ti-aiu and remain over at Ogden that night, thereby having hav-ing a good night', rest, aud so he trash for travel at S o'clock a.m., when the daily express train leaves tuis de. pot At the Ogden House we offer as good accommodations as any house west ot Omaha. I roe busss at everv train to and from the depot, adv John Mahon, Propritgr, Waste Board near the U. C. depot, by three gentlemen whose business bus-iness keeps them in that neighborhood. Inquire at this office. adv Important ! Don't forget that Joe summons' Saloon and Restaurant, hotel ho-tel basement, 2d South Street, is still well supplied with Oysters, Pigs' Feet, Calves Tongues, Sardines, Lager Beer, Tennant's XXX Porter, Bar- &V AuGl-tale 'ATe&r&er: Be'ifiSs 4; Co. s Omaha Ale, J. fj. Partridge's boidc Crown Cigars and Fine Cut lobacco. ., (rea' speciality at this Saloon is resh i Oysters, large, fat and lusoions, served up in every style. A supply just received. This is the place to get a substantial Lunch any hour of the day, and at very cheap rates. a Go for Him. George Chandler, determined to continue to please the public as he has done heretofore, will keep tho choicest meats of every kind, with accommodating salesmen to wait on customers. Try him. Stall No. 2, right hand, entrance of Meat Mar-ket- adv. . A Nrw Srocc-Of the finest brands of oipn, tobaccos, pipes, pie-stems, pie-stems, walking cane? and notions generally for gentlemen, Knight personally per-sonally in San Francisco, and for sale by Ed. Hams. acy Fins Fresh Honet ia the oiub, dehtioBs aid ,.l,ap, i . Wallace's. adv THEATRE CIIAGK OF TIME. Doors ontn m 7 ; Pt rformam-e to commence at 7:31. GLORIOUS ATTRACTION! Saturday Ev'g, Dec. 3, 1370. Will bo presented. Falconer'? eparkHrtR 8 act C'jmcdy, entitled EXTREMES! Or. Men or the Pay, To rtnclu.le with the I.aushable fr,e enuu,-,i DI3YCU EVER SEND YCUfi WIFE TO LAKEJIOE ? In JUMive prM'r.(tinn, the rrrst -uti-al and ircn?ation;il Draa. entitled T II JZ IO.X KH IP. V .11 sii'm.y appt-f. !Ht. d Mt Conlttork, npported Hv (hr LRtiri lhr Ilr-am.ii. t onipRii y. PI AM) IMFFL.E. Only 300 C hncr. l One Dollar Each. A fpven and a half ocUre V:w. fi, Kx-im-.B tk.e ln-irur-ent a.-,u hay sour ucfce; or tfie Kse at MRS. lOLtBHOOK'S. for sale I A ie hv.cire.l "i-rcf in the " I :i: io"' nJ ; "La:".,'t;;e" L-da, Jin'ie M:r.-: Di-lri t. 1 Eun!irrr joc H..ioxs," 0:u;iha llou.-e E-cmcn:. j 000 Kmpiy Boll U. f,,r a.T(rj. c ..-.P , M.NS BOUGHT A31 SOLI). AV. I OF1XEY, Apent for the -sile t pun-ha-u ol fining Xniert'si-, fflers for exhibition iu purchasers pur-chasers or sailers, List of the Various Mines yet discovered dis-covered in I t all. Witli iivrraee Ahs, and j.rice per Ti u n-lr- d or th nwind leer, -ln-cimens o.-i cihibiiiorj. Can be conferred witli it ;he oQice of Mo.-.-rs KIRKPATRICK MA.NX, Attorney- at-La. First a h t Now specimens maybe left eitlir at the otliec of .Jesrs G"uM A Wooawnrd, or ut the ofiicc of Messrs. Kirkpatrick A: Maun. i:x(iivngi; AM) 00.11 TEMPORARY 0 : Gt.uld A Woodward's. . e t. The Sei-retary ni he in hum... :ic Diiil to explain the Ubjceru of tbe lns.iiution. th", i Kules and ReRiiliiiion; enter the iiaiiics oi I urpiicanis for Meuibt-rf hip. and rec, iru Entrance En-trance Fees. MAKKN llU.hY. I'li-fiidnnt. MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE. Hulf a bloek west of President Young Kosidence. JOHM V YOU G, Esq., Prop. Native Beast., Birds and Rcptllra, Wolrerincs Iioan Fikr. Mnantain Deer. hyax. Wild Can, ic. luiporiiint ooll.iion .f Natire M:ntr!f; Admission, 50 cts. Children, 10 44 Open er.rr inr txrept Sundar, from ? a.m. to 5 p.m. Feeding Time, 3 p. in. BARFOOT, ManaKrr. "" D. U. SHUCK;!., MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 51T Olive Street, ST. I.OIIS, Snds Clothinr all over the Wct and gitce eonre sati.-Uction. .-i No. 1 cnabli,nmeDt. "A Repository ef Fashion. Pleaanre and Instrnotion,'' i Harper's Bazar. .A Snrploment containing numernn- full -!iied pltern of ortul ruoles aomkauiej toe paper erery fort.'jht. liarper'B Baiar oontaim 16 f.lio lhe.io or U.rper Weekly, rnmcd on u-ei"y u-ei"y calco'J"reJ PPr- nd is puMwhed Jiotlcea of the Frei, D.nVrT'j.8""'' c"0UiB'- h"d'' i'tr. pjlteroj. etr . , t.ri.i, 01 m,,pr ,', iutc.D.1 inters,! to tn 'am,!, ; krii.-lV. ,, drc-' '1 b..J..k.er'., , u hr.t.me,; ,., M utlr f, 11 Ad-ptr-i to the cirri, ki, in.nderi to ,.;.', and m.lr.c;. and ,, h. .e-w-,. p V. "1 'llerary D,a;er 0; ,,.,; , ,. , ,,. .urnnr.r.t ,s-lt :!e ivumdt V),j, ,.,, 7 M V Ji!:' 11"J"- d. of lax, I e-.a.-,d ,i. puM,.her. have 6, led tt. deu.nd 1 r, . li.rp.r- B.r.r ,. road, , ,r ,.' s . fc. . em n 1'i.t. Mim'. wh,-h the 11,-, r, , ' lao-t i. !... ...I til a-a ,',', , -e .i.r, ;,r il i- intend .-t:.. n,.,-,r.' and d.-ic:,'er. i. teire fau.;l p.-,,., '.,, "turn. ha.e ar, , ,A ,. , ' vrry ix-an I. no. ft r , Ice Nat"i.:u V, 'v' mentor " BRip no. mi. Terma : Harper Bazar, one y-r ? An eitra r Iv y --.j !r "eeal, or Ear.r 1 .., ,' t : ... . ""') Hut,..: t .-rt, r, M ' -. "B' ft-i--i. i.r .-.I t i , r wil .-.o' eitra r j . ' ; - i--r . ),.:.- : , ih-i . M..rs..,;-. v.. k T j and r ..(:. a . i :- r - . . a - : . t . " PIT I'er: io a - to 3i I T-t f or !.. .ear. " h .-k r.nrr a r. -e ; . a. J-. I. a I 1,.:.. . i:.-:.- ir tbe -... . e .far. -It ! .ij .L rreea tt. ,.- -"-. 's-r. w I '.j-, 1 I.-e z :t I--e;.a' t : -r i -a.- ' ' ' I T P -;re . c ' .r: . o , r ' u .' 'V. t"".j.i diebold & kienzle, TELEGRAPHIC! CHfr .DESERET TELEGRAPH CC, 4 FE w;'J An i ararec:'; IacT-cu; aca Au:c-u:a;i;' ! Bank a n:e..;Mo: Tw;i, ir bttw m SALT LAKE CITT A D PK ATT jc COVEF.T. Goners. Acor.:, . , TW , VTfi . , ! vl AVab.:Eg,to-1 5 C;,;cs-"" To c EMS :r ea lat.uM&i wwt j H. B. CLA-VVSOX, Svpt. Z. C. M. I., A. MILTO AirstBlV, Smpt. Agent for Vth lerrtiory. TOSORI VL? Cottonwood Klines. ffr5oi who (ipim e:irjr th;r Rj np I: tor wast Fash:eBble Li Ski.ll ' Coitotwooi Can-.n. shou.d furcku trt Cai.iiaCO xide Hay Press, UNCLE BOB RUSSELL'S J ' W aiek I kav. Ir sal. CHIAf . Wbc haj A.eciate4 witb bim Sir. Jl'Lll S Vl-VCER. t the old , ad on sec- rJ south F- KOWl,TO, Street linir Pres:rr. Shaving-. Soatrp.'..- :na:een:k Hi 4, ir.c. aid all kinjt of Hair Wo., from a rir 1 - or,,, s . to a done in a inaaner warranted to x.Te ,,r '-KILL?. Baatr. I.areuas Jk tH.1 jati.taetion. , lank. T. & W. TAYLOR HAVK Jl fT KKCE1VKD A LARGE LOT 01' COOKING MO PARLOR STOVES ! Cheaper than ever Sold in the Territory. CALL AM) SEE THEIR Splendid Assortment of New Goods! SAMPLES ARRIVED AND CAN ;k Koi'.SH T WUO AKE AUEXTS I'ni; TilK CK LIU K A'1 F 1 ' BLEES HMOHIPJE Liuk .Motion, Lock StitWi. .StmiKht N.-il... -Mil H t ion lt, ,,,,,, 1 1 io UcavieH mid Liftnlo-t Work. WORE MACHINES TO Alt lilt E IN A DAVS. Our Dry Goods, Crocery, Boot, Shoe, Hardware and Crockery Departments Are being daily replenished with a full vtirieiy ami i ,,ric,.s t0 M1,fT . THE A7ERLLL CHEMICAL PAINT COMPANTS FAINTS, Embracing over A IIUNDUEI) DIFFF.KKNT SIADKS. 1Tl.lrwi im.nedmtc aW.hcat.on and ro,,um,lf! ,ixillf, JJ anil Itir snlo al tho DRUG DEPARTM'WT Z. C. Rfl. I. Ihe lnfredionts of tlice 1'ttinlN are viinulo -.,,,1 i. I , t, tie. wuh whieh .hey woon.mend Zu Z'f''-, K nontv of .olor. an unusually smooth and . " , . t l' "'" ""rd 'tfflBfftf vstrf. arse Vsw ' fad. ,Bd i. of equal rmmori,v Bud ,,o,,ulr,ty " 8"'N0 A,0N0 wi!rKsit&,$r I A full linn of 'I'orcig-n, DoincMic iuuI Case Uquar. At tin- Drug Depiirtment, Z. C. M. I, Zion's Co-operative Mercantile Inst'n WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY AND HARDWARE DEPARTMENT. KLDKEIX.E cV CLAWSO.V I'.L'II.DIX.s. Von eat, find at this He art,,., nt of Z. C. M. ). ),Hu.r ,t(ick f LAMPS, CROCKERY, HARD7ARE, ST.VE, .MLMaNG TOOLS, JJLSTL(; i'OWDKi;, Mnplc and r.-mcv (-rocciic,, i l( And mi Set More for ycur fioney and OrJers thn you can at any other House in Utah. H. li CLaAAVfcO., kB., |