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Show MEDICAL B. ?. Vo.LCM. M.D., AllS toiTLKR, M.D. 'Surf, h.o.A.) YOLLUM 6i. FOWLElt, PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS. .i??? '.Tei ?rrw? Po"' Store, EtTem-! EtTem-! BtM.t. bait Lake City. F. I). BENEDICT, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN. Oltice ai Residenoe. roar of Sarontiee Hall. W. F. ANDERSON, M. IX, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, Olltco at Kldnc, In tlie Thirteenth Ward. DO- n. C. OR MS BY. DKrjoo2St?OJT.. AND BKlCiHAJI CITY', UTAH. Dr. HIGGINS DAVIS 1Y)R akout thirtr 7ear Medieal Praeti-honerin Praeti-honerin hndand, tender. Big profei-nal profei-nal aid loall who mar reeuir. the ame. I Vs " mu"11 eaperionoe in erery rneh ofhn protenion, and ofluri adrice on Ttrr raacnhablo terme to the poeriihabi-j poeriihabi-j "'J Ter)r "aorninK from 8 until Miawiferr from 5 upwards. OffloeNo. 1 Morris' Terraoe, 13th Ward. LEGAL ... . , M. lirkpatri.k. g. A.Mann KIRKPATRICK tc MANN, A.ttoriiyiB-nt-Lu,w, Ornci Fiebt Socte Bt Tourth door wt f Ho.per, Eldredi. t Co. 'a Bank. 7,. KNOW. . g. j), JlOQE. SNOW . 1IOGK, Attrn7 and Counaelors at Law Suit Lake City, Utah. OfBoe at Snow's ornor, IstKastSt. H0TELS7 alt laitkc House, V, LTTTLK, Propriktor. I? open For the reception of gucuti. OOD ACCOMIIODATIuHl BANKERS. rittST NATIONAL HANK OF TJT.A1I. flt Iako City, Utah Tor. Wm. H. Hooper, II. S. KianHlKo, h. S. FlilN Hw-pr, i:ilrel-o jr Co., BANKERS. Kast Tkvtt.r St., Satt Lakb Crrv, lvlr r (joM Dust, Coiu. Kxohanirf, Land I Warrants, Ktc Polloctions niaJe and promptly ro-mittcd- CORRESPONDENTS: nV? 'LC?V. X York, ?nk ot Calitorma, Sao Francisco, Hrst .National Bank, ChicaKo hxcJ,an Bank, St. Uui, r ? ,a,llln1 'it. Omaha. a- Morgan & Co., U.odoii. J. C M Klllt I Ma cV t o, COMMISSION MERCHANTS HO a Calir.rnl. R,., Sn rr.acl.ee, . . Callr.rula. ZlTl" "cJ,ti 'i'i'l t th.tllin, ,f "r.er i.r .r.ry d.wnpuoa el m.rokandL.e, SMe of Or,,4tc. CALIFORNIA TRADE. EINSTEIN BROS, & CO,, Importer and Manufacturers of BOOTS AND SHOES 113, 113, and 117 Pine Street, SAN FRANCISCO. We would e.-pecially call the attention ef the Trade to our CALIFORNIA MADE GOODS! Whieh ia point of style, fit and dnrability are &. to the bwt custom made goods. Leather and Saddlery wfihouse. MAIN & WINCHESTER", 214 fc 216. BATTERY STREET, 8AN FRANCISCO, Offer to the trade of Salt Lak and vicinity LEATHER, ofall klsdi, HAUNEK8, CALIFORNIA SADDLEB, tULLAHM, WHIPS, '4 And a general assortment of SADDLERY GOODS AT NEW YORK PRICES. Send for Catalogued and Price.-:. WHITTIER, FULLER & CO. 8BCCESSOB3 TO Cameron, Whittier k Co. and Fuller AHeaiber IMPORTIH3 A.y DIiI.Ea3 IS PAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW GLASS, SOLE AGENTS FOR FRENCH AND BELGIAN PLATE GLASS CO'S 21 & 23 FRONT STREET, Cor. Pine Street, SAV FRAiVCISCO. C. ADOLPHE LOW & CO., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., Importer! of TEAS, COFFEES Npioew, and all EAST INDIA PltODUCE Of which they keep stocks constantly on hand tor eule to the .rojjiixftj C4. TOEVAmi. ALSO AGENTS FOR L Vlnda de X Harmony's, of Cnoli, S U K K HI E S , B.rtlett WHITE LEAD COMPANY, AND PllATTS NON-EXPLOSIVK ASTRAL OIL,. J.me. Oti,. y. A. Macondr.y. r. W , Macondray. MACONDRAY & Co., SIIPMG Si COMHISSIfll MERCHANTS, IMPORTERS OF CHINA AND JAPAN TEAS And all descriptions of EAST INDIA PRODUCE SAN FRANCISCO, - . CAL,. ' A. J. GRIFFITH, B"lIer ' SJJJ all kinds of SALMON AND HERRINGS, l'A3 Washlngteu Street, jBtlowD-T... SAN FRANCISCO. Alt kinda ef Drid, Smoked Knd Pickled Huh constantly on Imnd. CHENERT, SOUTHER & CO., Iniportcre afid JcbUn of every Tariety of Foreign WINES AND LIQUORS, 3H Clny Street. Sun Framlwco, - Cnlifornla. WILMERDIN3 & KELLOGG, Importer? and Jobbers of Wines and Liquors, IJU & il8 FRONT 8TKEET, BAN FRANCISCO. Jm pi n.noe, J,-hn Spruani-e, C. C. Chapman J. & J. SPRUANCE, Importer and Whole-rale Dfalor In WINES AND LIQUORS. IS Front Strrrf, SAN FRANCISCO. C.U.IFfilivn imnrn, mmm & co.. Importer? and Jthher of KOKEIGX A.D DOMESTIC DRUGS & CHEMICALS Fine Ksei,H.l oil., tinm.. Rool., Serda. Flnrer, (onirfa, Skills, Pomades. Ac, A"Ju-JiI' ,"t,',''r 'i;1', ''w.oi with the W holejaleand Ketail Drug BuMneje. Coiiiinntly in rceiot, l.y direct Imivrtatinn of huropan and Asiatic ptvuuctj. Exciusivu A.om? for Quicksilver. Hojtettcr'j Rittcrs, Prake'; Plaatation B it t rj. ' nlt"(. -''chcui.'.m Schnapps N'ewelt". Putmonarr Snap, And all the leading Proprietary Mrjirine lioth American and Klimpc.in. -Ordere Trornptly m. Carefully Kvccuted. No.. nrt ,3, .rKM Slr( Rclwevn Virl and SoconJ. SAN FRAKHSCO, CALIFORNIA. : EASTERN TRADE. BENEDICT, HALL & CO,, BOOTS AND SHOES, Noa. !4J9 and S 1 Broadway, . . XKW YOKK. PAGE, UKO.cV CO., Iini,rtt-rr' aud Di-aIits in LEATHER AND FINDINGS, 5(r Lnke Street, SB;)X-- CEIC4B0. ILL Tlie A.-Uional.Serie textTooks. Mm- Th It".i-,, (i...,s-r,,,,lii.., Hnri Gc.u..n , 00k. ,. chi. s,.n... I,,,,. U.. a.,,.,,,, ,,.r -tan.iMn! uiu i. Tin 1 ! v in L 111. an 1 tlx. uil,.,. ar. Uvnral.Iy l.y , 1,.., i,. .,..-,j , PARKES &. 'A'ATSJoj'S SERIES C.!-..f. - or A Primer, and KrMln n V ! pe 1 1 1 11 it Hooka. DUVlii' MATHV1ATI33, TI e Nn .:,! S-..,r.l. i,l ni, ,..!,;, ' -i-l.-nt HIJ.I Hiirl.,.::i h -I m v I.;!,,, . ' iTi. ;np . i i,..h, r,., r.. ,.. Arlthinrilr. AIKrh,a. Ceo.:, 1 I r , ( ,, nl '. Ptr.H-nl. Ktr. M3r,TEITH'S GZ03RAPHT. A -i. .. I. .-k. I. Flr-l Lrn... 1. Hann.!. 4. .IcX.lly." W;:h .-!.: ... ,;, . , , ; . . M t I all .'laps. CIARK'SCIASAM G31MVs o T - I - : o - s . - . ' . A .- y Fir., !.,... KnBll-h .r..,m.r 1 he Xurm.l Enjli-h l.rammar. STEELE'S NATURAL SCIENCES JS"-: :- " : ' '--- Xal.iral Philo.oj.hj . ., ron, , C hfml.ln , .eolosr. ' WORMAN'S GERMAN SERIES (srammar-. In t n (.nil..: A Header, a:.,: fir h... ii.E.-r.. , ,,1;,.; '. ' . - l r. :". . - '.. IV .7,. A. S. BAHNr.8 CI' iiirii;3. .rtii n t HELMBOLD'S i PRFPARATIOXS Highly Concentrated" COHPOOD FLUID EXTRACT iBUCHU, i. positive and 'ptciac remedy for difC-ase oi the B. adder. Kidneys, travel and Tbi? medi ine increase? the power-of di-ge-jtion, and excites the ab---r:"rnts into healthy action, by which the matter of calcareous cal-careous deposition-, and all unnatural enlargement-? are redLced. as well as pain and indamin -lion, and iraud I"ir men, wumen and cnudren, H HELMBOLD'S El R ACT BttHV For weakness arisini: from excegses. habit; of disi-ipation. early indicreuon, rt'.tendu wuh the following symptom; : Indiepofjitiorj to Exertion, Loss -.f p.wcr, liSieulty uf Breaihinp, T--s of Meuiury, liorrt-roi Disease, Wakeiuines, Dimne ot YUion, Ysiu in tne ii.i';k. Flushing of the lioiy. Hot Harui?. KruiMions of the Face, eak .V rvc-. Dryness of tne s-kin, Tremu.iLi:. Pa lid Countenance. Lauudu, Uf the -Uuscu'ar System. These symptoms, if allowed to go on, ''which thi- medicine invariauly reuiuTiv j?oon 1'oU jw fiuuity. KulcDtic Fus. At . in one of irhicu the p.'tient may exp rt. Who van pay they are not iiequenily followed fol-lowed by those "direful diseases' Insanity and Consumption! Many areawareof tuecauseof their suffering, suffer-ing, but noue will cuuf.s;. The reoo.ds of the insane asylums and the m-lanchoiv deaths by consumption bar ample itnccs-to itnccs-to the truth ot the assertion. The destitution, once a lifted l.y oifrat.ic weakness, requires tlto aid of medicine to sirengthen and invigorato the svstem, which UZL MliKJhU'6 EXTRACT uF BfCilL" in variab y duej. A trial will convince t'je Ui'isc sceptical. In many ati'i-ction? peculiar to Females, tne EXTRACT BLCHL' is unetiuulei by any ttii-r reii-edy. am' fur all Complaints inciden t to the sex, or in the DECL1AK OK CH A AGE OF LIFE, L siiK sYMl'TuMS ALIOVK. No Fa mil v should be without it. Take no Balsam, Mercury, or unpleasant medicine for unpleasant and dangerous dis-saes. dis-saes. UK LM HOLD'S EXTRACT BICHU IMPROVED ROSE V. ".H Cures Secret Diseases in a" -s at! little expense, luilo or iiu ... , uii-t, i no inconvenience, mid no e..j ire. j m v se uelmbows extract Bucfiu "l?. .V? "? ot thc.-e ore.i, I frXi.. 1 V . ss ""le or Female, rom whatever eanse orUnnuinir, ,i, uu mutter bow long standiDK. Oisea cs of the," organs require the aid 0. a diuretic. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT UlCHr IS THE GREAT DIURETIC. And it is certain to have the de-ired e fleet in all discuses for which it is rcoornnicndcd. blood: blood: blood: M BIjMBOLD'S Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla, l or purifying the Blood, remnTinir -.11 chronic chro-nic contlHutional aiseiwes arising lr.,m an .inimre ante of the Blood, and ta. onlv renulile and efectual known remedy for the cure 01 b.-n.lul.l.. scald Urnd. fsjlL Hheiuu, I ..iu and Swellings ol the li ins Uluera-tio-is ol the I hront and Legs. lilt, hfs, Vim-Ide, Vim-Ide, untbeiace. letter, Krysmclai. and all scaly J-.ruptions oi the Skin, And Beautifying the Complexion. Twn tnlilrsponiiffnl ol' the Kvtru-t ,, ,1r .-uparilla added to a pint ol water 1. t V,' t .e Ll-b.,n PictPr,1,k, and ..nc bo.uVm j. rally t-in.tl to a g dim, ,. thcSyrnp f,, ., parilla, or the decoction an u.-ua.ly nude o IIEL.MBOLD-S HOSE WASH. rV,'tX'hl!"n,rI,0''i"U '""! ri-ing froiu h.,bi - or d ,... u-ed in connt c Jlachu and .-..,r.a,.a- K i , " S,"CKh r';r '"'ncnacd. fc. id. uce, .1 1 ht ojost ru-poufible and rviaide Wia. acter will acco.n p;, ., v ,,,e lc,i lci ,..e Also explicit dircclioi,., tor u-c. uitii i, 1 ,-i.KKOS ,-i.KKOS no t s . upward-of ji.i..i un.o.icitci cert lic'.ies ail. rccoujincndalory letters, mam- of ,,, i, lrom he highest source,, including cuinc, B,,cinn? Ulergyujcn Si .l.-iuco. , n, 1 ryKi..r lias never re-orn-d t , ,.,r ,lui,.i canon in th . ue..,. crs ; he decs not d, this, iron, te fan, ihat hi. ani.-i,., r.,k ., standard Preparation, and do not need 1, he proppc I up hv c-rlill a lie i-c nee of .vl.aJir.Of. like the ,.,rj, Column ,!,..uM -tau-l miu,. ,., m.,;, haying la.,,.,; . ba-,.. I lor 1 . pillar, and liuln alone lor 11- Cajol il L My E VI act ar.-ap irnia 1- a lllool ),(. u'y i; ..!.J i- a Ii.ur. and wil, act a.- .a n in all ca-r,. U.lli are prepared on purely ''"- u and a c ,o. , niea-u c, nl , ii:,er that cn m . r.aay and eon.nMive le.r w II l.t a , ol(p,r. -on ..r n,,r pr.., c. wrh li.o.efe, (.., ,' .t;e loll., w ir.a aorh.. 11 "I' "'a 'TV : -'.e I I i. .-ce l'r, ,e--or 111 ...,,' va n , i. ' . ,, me Vr. , i-j ,rk ' See ten ..... n , , ,j, j,. ,,, , l'"V : . 1'fi 1 1 "' Se. rem.rfc, r--, , i.r ,r. ) ,.,.,, M... I-i '!... i .n en.J VI . ' 1,., " ''" K .' " ' -- I-.I 1 l- '. 1 11. t:.e ir...-.,. :,...... k ., . an I Va-11 ' J , -r . 1 ! -die .-. ...r.. ,, h.,..rw. , , v.'e'-e i',','' ti.,:w ol I.',- r,.,, MS " " '' - '! '-.r.-Ur-i w-.,-a. r D . . J,.;.:ri.,. . . ,.,.r ilrr-.i,-., ?, :tf., , T, . H. T. HIIMBOLD, L : .IA. H. I... Iinl.l'. Drnj and t I,, i,ni .1 a rr hnu.e. 3 V. . Ill tuol h f, . . V . OR TO Mrlial.nl, I'. M.dlral Hip.,,. 10 1. on.n T.ntn r. , P li 1 1 a il . I ,. h I a Peftit c.t OoniiTe-i feit- ASK FOR IIKI.MHOI.DM I TAKK NO OTUKII ' ' ! CALIFORNIA TRADE. j S. P. Holder.. Js5. iloorLeiJ: S. P. HOLDEN & CO., In:prters cf FOREIGN DRT GOODS, l inens, Dress Goods, Hosiery, ic. 2S & SO SAKSOME ST.. SAX FRANCISCO. London : -7 Leadenhall K.O. TOBIN, I DIXON 6l j DAVlSSOfi, Importers of ENGLISH, FREXl'H A. (JKRMAX Fancy GvoJ, AirJaicrt 6".mV Fuckct Cutlery, JLtsicrp. Ft rfumrry, Linen 11 'JkJis. Hiiiini; re-ideut I'itrirx. in Kei-ope, uu '. n-z in di:-&.t c-'inmiir.icjttiou with th,- n;LiiiT.t, u;rrr. we are enal-leJ to execute nil oripr, an. I Stll Rt as Low Rte- as Xw York Importers. Ve intite th- Mit-mion ul BUYERS FOR I'TAH TERUlTlUl. Tu iiur Stork, which ie the la? -.- nui m--t Tr.etl "n the Pacific Comm. TOBIN, DIXON & IAV1SS0N. 5an Pranci-ctt.Oil. ESTABtilSKTiD J05O. CASTLE BROTHERS, IMPOHTBns WHOLESALE GROt'I-RS, a 1 3 and 21 Front Si r .'! , Snu Fran. Uco, - - CnUfontla. MUHPHY.GRAKT4C0. a-vrs if li vrs Cisco CALIFORNIA, Call a, Ir n, ion ,o tliei, li.i and Weil a.,. r,e,l s,, 1, .., Dress Goods f"iniu i-ii, i. FRENCH PLAID POPLINS EnipiCKs CIotli, Tniiii.se Cloths, In All Colo,.. FRENCH AND ENGLISH MERINOES. AIpo, f.ill lin... ei 110 8 1 KK V, VJlM (aOOtN, LilH IlS, TABLE DAMASKS, NAPKIXS, ToMelins Ate, All t-l nhih llir-y oftVi at the ..vt.-t lu,v kt-t r..'.. . IV.rrii-iroftl.B-i? 9.im mi.l l,.. An-- I-, i yardt. tr Ibc-aleui J,,. NATIVE WINES ANJ BRANDIES , e.. . r. i. i, r. IV a. . t,, 1 Coin.-r f.f I nMery fttel tVa-lono n s 1 ier I . j Sn Pranrl.ro, ... Callr..,, A nc. ilea Win. , V lil.o rolo H In, hlle " IH.rirlra ' . ''"' " IVIm Miller., M,,r' " .,e II,,,,,!,., , A 1 onr Wme. ,i. 1 flrari ua i an,, .a . , , , , . r ,, .o l n,.r it,r.. ,.M ..,a Ji-KaUUk.,, ,,,.. Z,.. ., rf"Vi""."" ",-,"nt,,'" " I ... s,.,l , ,.. 1 II. IV.tv. ,.,a i, t ,;, .,,,, i wn.a. lor 1. RHIIAIt M , M,t a.-e' eal !,...( ,,v' WEIL & CO. Cigars and Tobacco I'" I.-.'-. ,r... fa. HAVfS nnn V.AM KAflnl y 14 1, '4:i and u.? Kri.nl I ., .-ou-hwe.t ortor 1 rom i ra.ra,i, .,, ft " 'v s X . c , j I. I dltl Vi. ,v , ., iCaMMlSSIQ.M MiRCHAf.fi S la si , , Ki.n. I.. , TlKAi Fits . OIIK.C.ON r It CI I, I y. . j l-'-l. ---In. Siai-,1,, ,(.,.,, ,, ,;.,.,,, , I iB.MTAN.HOLBaOOK&C-ji I I:..p.,r,.r. I.,. ,. I Stoves &Z, Ranges,! ; SHEET IRON ATI PLftTF, i '.r. Zlnr. Sheet , M ', , 1-1 Ml-. T-.cd rind l, ou , J tJ T'WIIIV .)l)l) KO',,E fORMIbMtsr Maowa,r Iv" N.... Ill 1 1 I c allforni. nn.l N... 17 19 u.vu .,.,, .N i;.NC-C. (AL UTAH CENTRAL J A I LI. OA !. fs-'i'-- PIONtsf, L'.-. 0? UTA'.-i, (In nn.l an,, II,,,, . tnv . ll.e. I, if;,,, 1 '' ' f C I 11 ! ..ill. i ( i, in, Arr ,,-U Salt I..,Ke I'uy'",! a.'n ano 7:"A .,. Kare lV.uu Sail Lake lly ,o ,1-s t'lo s .... - ,, ,-, .r, , ; . .".::::.;1.:.....K.:;:.:.:::E..::-.; l-'aie I,,,,,, Of;,!,,, , 'V 1 ' : '.''-X'r.'.U f ''" alt l..,l,e Cm . "., !:.! ..i.: i:.e ..i.e. ,. AM AGJLiVI.VI :D!iJ! TRMW Will rna 1'AllA', SI NDAVS llXv l i i.Jv Leaving Ugdenai :., , ,,,,,,,,,, Lake fit, I,',"",', V1,'"," -"I "Vile ,ei.,.l,er r I 11 lit' . :t .. nil. .I,,,, I, .. , . - . " l- end e,or ;,. ', ,.,a ,"f, "", , ...keen ,.r le, ..f, p.-e,,'.,, '"u "' P..-livr, ,,,,, ,,!,..,. ,,, III. Ir 1 Irkrl. , ,,, (lli, , ... fifty Cm, .oi l:,,,,,, iM . .,,,,, i , the 1 ,ie . eolu-e: n ,he lor all iiilor,,,::,,,,,, o .n.-erning Ireight r pa- ate. nppli tn D.O. AI.1IK.K, ,hk , ,, .riti, AB.t -a I l.al,,. CUV. n. LIVZRPC13L Q'JiE.'.iTCV:.. rl -K JV ' , ; - - - - . " IN MAN Like or it.,,., ,,,, , UB Every Saturday, AMI lti rn;itt' Tbj,h5;it. t ....I., p. - , . - i. . ; . a , .1 ,, " ;,., l'-.aK, ,r, I.I, , , ,,, , RM , t - .'.,. Ill Of. ' T,.,. I ,, ,,,, ,, . t, .1.111 ... II 1. 1 , , , 1 " .. ... 1 ...I. i W I l.l.l A M i . ,,, . -'''.- ' ' 1 ' .. PUHlLR iH3Rr KCUTtEAiT. CnlCnCO 'a. Nji-.Ttl.iLSl'K RAILWAY sl.'i. i. ,t ,t ,,,.., I, ,,, , .... I, . I ., I, I , ,, ,1 , ,, . , . , 'll.e I... I ,. ,. ' !"' on','.. ,.: l; ': ,;'.: ;;;,-:m ''"",;:.a,';::-.1 M".'..K ' '' ' ' ' 1 I .,i , , . .. '.'."'. "." ' " s ' a ' ' ' ' ' - ",,.,, " 1 ' '- ' ' ... " f.','l.",i , '' '':,.; f "" ' " " " ..I.I..PII, t. , .:;f 1, tr.S, '- - ' ' ' ' 1 1 II. P. - o. . ,r t.;;:i |