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Show NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THE BEST PAPER, AND THE BEST INDUCEMENTS! h'h Quarter's 13 -umbrrt Sent FRKE ta alt subscribing, bcl'ure Dec Is. it, 1 jt next yeji'.-' M O O Tr. DK 7 St RURAL HEW-YCRKEE, i ii l MitAT iL!.iniA.i;: Rural and Family Weekly. ThL- i- not only th LarjjtM, Best mid ClieupesI, hut by r tlie lnr j;tl-C'lr-culutmg Journal of ilH ! Na tional in Oiiar:K-ter. Ably Jvlitt J, huncrhly liiuitruicd au'l Printc-l, it i- lUi: BEST AMERICAN WEEKLY It i? the Stnmlartl Antborliy on .ill br.nchesof AOKlCi LlL'Hl", ii"UiI I'l,-Tlr I'l,-Tlr RK. Xt. A a Literary nuit Family-Paper Family-Paper it i-i a tuvoritu trum Can nia hi dh-forum- indectl. MUUKha hi KAL h:i? no ' Kiv.,1 in ir sphere, an-i i tlit Liii gi-nt II-1 II-1 luHtratcd Journal on the tun ii cut en h nnui'r containi ni Mx I et n Fivr-Column Fivr-Column Page) tayuble the size ot ui'.'it npt-rS Ot' its Clasa-J A NEW FEATURE. Araone recent accession to the KI.'KAL'S unequ.iltM fc'litorinl dud i that ot liu. T. llnr Hyatt, oi Litia., n clitor ol trie I'nciUc Coait J-Vpartment a new aii'i valuable lu.i-tur lu.i-tur . iiy prompt in tiling and rai'i'l railr .i'l transit tbe Kl KAL now r allied liio fa;itic b'Ope aoout ttiu time ol ii- date. TERMS, INJUCENUNTS, ETC. TERMH-83 a yearnf 62 Numbrrs JUl-i onl- S-A.SO in clu ot IYii. 'i Ii (JimrU-r' i .n umber- cent F it K hi, m nilurtil a box e-Our e-Our C(ul) Inducement- fr JS71 ro uu i rcetj d- nte i. i3iejiiueiis Premium Lit-,A'.. stut tree to all lo r mi iik cl ub in J w; want a li vo Club Agout in wvury Iowa. A'i'lre-s u. n. T. MOOIIF., 4 1 Park. Row, i w York. Salt L-iiRe House, EAST TEMPLE STUtF.T, SALT LAKti OI T Y. TILDE.N 4t LAWKK.VCl., Prop'ra. NOTICE. In the Supreme Court for ihv 1)1 Ht rift of Limit. In 11 if niullur "f "i M. J. SNKDAKEK, la Ji.uiUruplcy. ilunkrupt. J rro 'IHK CKKOJTOKS UK SAID 1. JjunknipL. NuLicu is hereby ivnn tliiit ii Third ffonerul Myetini; ul' the Creditors of sHid Umikrtipt will ho held t a Onrt of Ihinkrujitcy, to ho luldn uT Kro'cloekTA. l.V'beTrn) Win. V.' Ajipleby, KristtT, nt hiHclliee in .Suit Lttko City, in unid District, lor tlin jmr-po.es jmr-po.es meritinnr-d in the 'J7th M-ctinn ul" the Bankrupt Aet of Murch 2, ixr,;. And you are further nutilied thut I have filed my fltml ueeriiinU as AsMm-ii of taid Kstute, in t-aid Court, itnd that nt Htiid time iind phieo I Khali upply to F.aid Court for the Rfttlcnirr.t nf ruv paid m- counts, and for ii discharge from nil lihilitj as AHsigneo of paid ftstatn, in ficeordtmeo with the provi-ions of the 2tilh miction of baid Ianknit Act. II. J. FAUST, Assignee. Dated 8alt Luko City, Dec. 3, I S70. COAL ! COAL ! CtUAl in nny d. irnl fiiimitil v. I..r :ilr nl t io U.C. bii.,t. or tl-ii.rrd 111 anv :irt. ol tbo fitv. (Jrdcm run bp Iff! nt lliM 'o-nprrnliv.- Drue htnro, or at It. h 11 kwooil, nppiixitu Sail Luko JIouho, OF.OItt.K It IS1I.M. TO PRE-EMPTORS. We nio now prepurcl to furnish A p rim It 111-11 1 Lmul Script For tho Inofitjon r(f tiovernmcnt Land nl fAi per rjuarttir pucliim. HOOI'KK, f;l,l)l(K.)Ufc; A: (. Hylf Lbkfi City, nv, Jh'n. HHW ADVERTISEMENTS. XOISELESS FAMILY SEWING MACHINE: is Tin'. Standard Machine of the World ! The Special Commit (ee appointed to txnminr and report 011 Sewing ill ne bines nt 1 lie Nor 111 Carolina Slate Fair, held at Knlclgh last week, awarded a Gold Medal tot e Florence Sewing Mnclilne for tlie ease and quid ies of its movement ii, pet fret ion and large variety of work., and its valuable new featuren, mailing ma-iling it the most valuable Sewing machine for family use. Parties contemplating the purchase pur-chase of Sewing Machines are requested re-quested to read the following from the New York "Tribune" of Oct. 19th, 1S70 : SEWING .MACHINES. "We have recently had ocension to mako some inquiries into the progress of improvement improve-ment in the mechanism of sewing machines, and were not a little surprised to learn that the central idea in the first iuvenlion the shuttle still holds its place-, thoutrh many i-ttempts have been made to supercede it. The shuttle, in combination with the needle, is still the u:eans used to form the stitch, in the leading machines, and we find that the growth of trade is chiefly with the shuttle-u;ing shuttle-u;ing machines. The improvements that are taking firm hold in practical use are. therefore, necessa rily in connection with the shuttle, either in 'he detail of the shuttle itself, or in other p.irUs of the machine connected with it, to cause tbe whole to operate more perfectly and uniformly, and tu simplify its . U Miny important gains in this direction, made since the fr.-t great invention, nro undoubtedly un-doubtedly emhodlcd in the "Florence" ma-chide: ma-chide: and we recommend our readers to carefully in-pect the "Florence" before ma-kine ma-kine a choice. 'J lie points peculiar to this machine are: An unu-ual aii'.omii of money is scent in maKnii: tlie "Florcnrc," thereby .-ouring tho be-t material 'steel, for instance, where nt be - s use e- -t - ir' -n '. an 'I the r not liii'sh of important parts 'the shuttle, f r example, bcinie rigidly reincted if it varies from the standard 1-ir.Mili ol an ioeh! It i? constricted con-stricted on the im plu-r sritntiiic principle-, entirely disp n-ing with the cog-, and cam-, and link- wnieb -o often ircl perversely out of order and ut -ly i.-rplex every one bui thriT.n ti ed uiiichini-'t by their unruvount-able unruvount-able lreaks. I tic "i'lorcncf" is ,-o ee-ily inatiaged, and its ue is so readily learned. : that an ordinary girl of ten has .-en.-o and m 'i--lc enoueh t 1 run it pe rfectly. Tnelock-.-titch, a- made by the "Florence" id very re iihir mi 1 perfect, very -t rong and clast ic, iind i. draw uiio Le taljric evenly, grad--nm-l .-tttti: ly, without Ii fKii.. an t itMiout ciu-inc the ,-eain to pic k- r, or strainlnt; the thread .-o n to eiid;ing.-r i'.- breaking; C"n-seijucni C"n-seijucni ly, ei y fine thread? an 1 lif t '.ibnr-s can h.- u-ed. iJC'ides tin- liie ' Florence" inal!hu the eht-npe-tt styb J al-o makes hree additional .-titclie a double lock. & siiikIu knot aiol a duh e k no 1 whi h are st r 11 -er icl more ei a.-t u- than any other nt itch, and w hu h are m.idr by no other niacin nia-cin in-. The " Florence" 1- the only much tie th.it h i a rcver.-iole (eed, whereby the direction di-rection of the sewing can be instantly . chauKcd without .-topping tbe work, thus eii-tb ing the operator to uilt or einhroider 1 with unusual facility, to -cv backward and easily stretjgihen a neaiu wherever daired. and, 11 .ally, by a tew repuated stitcbc-, to tii-ten ends in the ijuc ke-t and stronge-t way. It is the only ina.'hiiie that had -elf-ij otuiK i-liutile-t hread tension, which w-irk.1 so perte -tly that the operator can run nero-i" the eiivb-nt mam- and H'Vf the hnest linen and th' ttiirke-t broadcloth it. imm-d imm-d 1.1 ie MC C'---ii hi w n h on 1 bre 1 k in, 1 he t Ii read Htid wuhoiit clniluiliiC the needle. Hitch or ten-ion. 'Jhe"rlo i-nce" draws the thread into I he clot h Wi 1 h u ne 1 uale 1 precision ntl certaint by mean-1 of itn ingeniouB uto-niatic uto-niatic "take up" wheel, which di,-po.-ei oC the sla.k thre .id I-T alier t lie it itch w it u an accurate prom pt n- - that prevents n 1 Minrl- tnt or dropping ot niches, mid nllowt the operator to -e back ward, or to run otflho cloth mid on nciiin, wnh prrleet impunity. It hiu aniii provid rbn'ie hemmer, e.clu- ivel its own. whi'-h is miti.oted with e.-e. and Hi. I make a hem of any width on any m at erial It pot on y makes a perteet gather and hews ii to a b md Ht one operation, but it lieiu, and hindH, Hnd felm, Had quilt-, mid , c jrd.-s uud tuciva, and h'a thorn, uud lrailr j without i.aini. tuch cpccial provision if made unit n-t ni.iiiriou.- we.ir that tlie "Florence" "Flor-ence" i- diiimed mid ttmirantcrd by thct'oin-p.uiy thct'oin-p.uiy to hut iwico a long without repair as anv other cliultle machine in llio market, without the slightest dithrulty. livory part ol tho "F'oreocc" i- !-o perleetly ami pnrma-nen pnrma-nen tl v ud j 11 - te 1, and it lia no tew joint a nil points 01 liict oii. that it run.-Hith the ut-111 ut-111 et ea-e. J'he n'eu j K,t and t h reai led. and the Milili i- 1 en it then el. -loot ned, or rever-eil with the utmost ut-most i-iiMi. Iii u-ing tlio "Kb relics" neither the wirk nor tlio operat tr dre- m Ijjilile to he soiled. 1 ho "i-l.rcnce" with all these c aim" to superiority, sells at the nunc pnct-a. pnct-a. oi her lir-t cla-8 machines. The.-o ndvuit ta::e- ; l.iher:ilitv in manufacture: f-imphciiy o cnii-triiction; Facilii v of maiiiineiiienl; Variety o St 1 (ch c-; Hever.-ibln let d; !Selt-adjuitiiiif terioiii Atlt'iuialic lake up; Iiupri'voii hemtiHT: I'rovi-ion nKiiin-t wear; P-rlc.-t and p ruianent :idiu-,lmcntL - -- --,,..1. i ...... n,. .not jfitcn: t'leanllin an 1 chea nr-.i; The beauty and bih linih of the marhilio; Make I he "Florem 0." deralel j peaking, peak-ing, a inaeliim. n hicll to be valued, need- hut to In- tried. No family rail atlord to be without n -ow-illr inai-hllie. and e liope that betorc long one may le liiuud wherever "flic Tribune" i" weleonu-. TO THE LADIES Ol' Snl LnUo ( ll v, nail lln niiKli-ontllw niiKli-ontllw Tr nl I orl en nf I tli, I I u It o. ,! tm I n 11 n and WjoiiiIiik Wo cxlrinl n I'liiilitil invilntiio, l) full ul nur nllico, ami cvtuiiinn tin1 I'Morptico I'litiiily Si'winj; Mii'hinn( wliollu'r tlo-siK'iino- iiiwiinliiilo nnrliusi! or jnt ; il i nur bii'.inr'-s ninl lli'a--uro to solicit clii-p pMiiiiitml ion iiihl roiniiri on. 'o hn n uu cliil.i ion, in ordiT tin more easily to I'splnni oinlH nf l i Iforenci', in which -ft ,1 -ii in u peril ri(y, 1 be nia-' nia-' liinr. nf arioim tnuUui's, i 1 1 T 1 u I i 1 1 llio (Jrnvi-i'iV UnkM-, Singer and Wliclor V Umui. In tiinkiiitf s 1 1 1 1 1 i!oniuiii-"""1, i!oniuiii-"""1, ti" unliiir tHlvnnttiifo will be lakcn "f rival iitnchiin", lull on conlrnty H";.V will ht kept by u compuloiit mn-('liitii mn-('liitii -t in I he be -I. f rutin in order, (S'Mllc (if tlll'tll ri " J 1 1 i 10 MM 1(00(1 Ml) ollgi-'1"T ollgi-'1"T MH a locoinolive. CHAS. S. HAMMER, Emeriti Ak sAJr l.AKM HTY, UTAH. AMUSEMENTS. THEATRE CHANGE OF TIMK. Doom open at 7; Performance to commence at 7::i 1. RENEWED ATTRACTION ! Wednesday Ev'g, Dec. 7, 70,1 Will lio pre.-eniod the bc-auiiful iJnmc-tic Uramu, eiuiikd THE ROAO OF LIFE! ACT I. The Village. Labor and it Lesaoii. ACT II. The Metropolis. Wcaltli and. Its Temptations. ACT III. The Hentli. Wiuit uud its CoUKt- qnences. To conclude with the Laughable I?aree entitled The Artful Bodffer In active preparation, the great Nautical aud Sensational Drama, en titled THE LOT KIIIP. Will shortly appeur, Mv. anfl Ullsa Coiildoclc, mipporleil j by the LnngrUhc Urnmatie Company. MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE. Half a block west of President Young's Residence. JOHX W. YOUNG, Esq., Prop. Native Beasts, Birds and Reptiles, Wolverines, Be:irs. Foxes. Mountain Deer, Lynx. Wild Cats, ic. Important collection ef Native Minerals; Admission, oO cts. Children, . lO " Open every day except Sunday, from Q a m ti, r, n.m. Feeding Time, 3 i. ni. J.I.. BARFOOT, Manager. PIANO RAFFIA. Only 300 Chances, at One Dollar Each. A peven and a half octave Pinn. co?t $42". F-tamine the instrument and buy your ticket.-" lor the Unfile at .MRS. COLEBKOOK'S. rlFSS BOUGHT AM) SOLl. . ,. OFFLEY, Apent for the ale or purchase of Joining Interests efles for exhibition to pur-iba.-er or seller. A List of the Various Mines yet discovered dis-covered In I tab, With rtveratre A-.-ay?. and price per hundred or thoucand leet. -in-cimena exhibition. Can be conferred wit li it the otliee of Mes.-rs KIKKPATU1CK t .MANN, Attori-cv- at-La . Fir?t .u h .t., SALT LAKE LT TV. New fprcimens maybe b-ft eitlier at the ntlice of Me--rs. (ji uld X Won iward, or at the ollico ol Me-frs. hirkpatrick A Maun, H . W A LUCE, MAM KACTURER OF I'URl' CANDIES SURPRISE BOXES l'OP-OOH.r 33-C3rS Kecc? snpplicj with OilAc;iCK. l.K.'IOX. M TS, KAU V tillOrKlllKS, S.nOKKl TO . IH S, UllLOl.. .1A(.KS, A.C. CONFECIIOhEST, PIES, PASTRY, A VP ITiiie!t li-.-wli Urond. .10 11 A b()W SOXS OCDKX STATION. Kec for irnle the lradinK newapupfrs Hnd periodical.. In.m hII parti of tlir country. Sl'rcocopic View of ii ountain fcenrry .nd objcctfi of intrp'-t on the urcat transconli-nontul transconli-nontul rnilw iy, rhotofrraphi ot letdit.K men. Stationery, Fruit, Oundie.-i. Ac c Til K MALT LAKK DAILY 11KHALD Cn always bt had at iM'V.rs. Low' M.-itid. ' GIANT POVDER Proof of It Superiority for If lasting 1'urpoNe Uoi.pkm CiunioT Minim. Comint.I tiiUep City, Idaho, tict. is, ISTH. .Mom. llaniliniinn, NcPnon A Co,Rcnt5 tiiant I'onder Ct., San Fianci?co, t ill.: l)t AK St Rr I n reply to your late favor. I itive you tlie bdlnwiiiR r- cult of my workinic hero: Tho cost ol drilling, which eost under un-der th old f-teiu o miuiitkr here, MM pur loot, with tlio cootie hand nysiem of workine and tiiant Powder 1 have reduced to a co-l oi per loot, and when under the old h tem but one loi.l per day w.i driven, my uich are cail uiakuiK one and n ball leet. ndcr the old s, stein itwinu (.." I Vet H.niatoi co-;t S.a per fool. Paine ii now co-itHipine J(.7." .er loot with the came dillerenco in time an Miown in drill iiim. mler 1 lie old f.vsictu. uur mine could never be nindo In yield evceednm -4iH t,ni p,-r month; with tiiant I'owder and sin- le Irnnd drilliin;. I am now fnrni-hinc monthlv I.Pini ton.-ai a redu. cd cost of at lea-t pm-emit pm-emit lem "T Ion thiin under t'le old iv -l oni . Ill oonclii nm will stale I hat the iuMihbor-inii iuMihbor-inii in in i.-, Ida Fhnnrc and Oro Fine, mllu-enced mllu-enced by ieultu in tho tiolden Chariot mine, ha e adopted ,-iiiKle hand tlnllim: and tJuinl I'owilrr, tn the utter cvdu-ion of do:tl.le hand work, larpe drill-' and common hliiling p'Mvlcr. I n cnnol.oriii ion o re-nils in Uol-den Uol-den ( batiot mine, I refer .vim tothel're-i-dcnl and Unmd of Tru.-iees, rcMdent in your oily. ours, reiirt-nuih', JOU K. I'ASSKI.S, Superintendent tl. C. M. Co, W It Dfl t a H Z I UK Grocery Depa.'tnient, IION'S CO-DPERATIVt MERCANTILE INSTI1U N. II. H. CKAHSON, Supl. k NEiW SUPPLY! ol' (be i clflaaied i HAS JUST ARRIVED. Kiobiai iiig heavy and Hsht FARM AND KUY3S WAGONS llic favorit T- c A. O N D and other LIGHT SPRING WAGONS, Very desirable for Family use. The StmleWker Wnpoiis are manufactured out of tho very bent materials by tbe mest competent mechanic's in the country, aud ar. "WARRANTED FIRSTCLASS. yOB SALE AT CHEAP RATES. JOHN T. CAINE, Agent, Salt Lake Herald Office. Q HQTELCGOKIKG STOVES o. 1 Complete, UF'or Sale at Hassett !c Hoffman's, Opposite Salt Lnke House, Main St. Z. C. Sl. I-. HOME MANUFACTURE! We have bouRkt out theuock and machinery of the "BX& BOOT" ESTABLISHMENT. And can now supply a first class article of HOME ?IAI)i: BOOTS AND SHOES "Warranted Superior to Imported THK N .VI,EKO03I Is arranged for the special comfort and eon-Tenience eon-Tenience of Ladies who wish to Purchase or tee Fitted to Order. SHOE FmmfJGS In full stock for trade use- Alfo, Iji 31! 1? XI 33 ! LEATHER, LEATHKR, Of all kind! on hnl. Be .are and notice the Sign of the .i ii i , -. ii i , . 'i' " EB.CLAWSON Suoc PRACTICAL WATCHMAKERS. ELIASON & HAUERSACH, Xext Door Knst of the Herald, Are workmen who not only repair Watches and Clock?, but will uiako Watches to order in any desired ftylr, or any part nf thorn, from a pivot or pinion to an eutire W alch. Work Kxecuted on Moderate Trrmi. THEODORE LUBBE, Manufacturer of LADIES'! FANCY FURS Kat Temple Street. At Pbieiire Sowinc Mac-binr Salesrooni. Cpposite Salt Lake House. lliij on hand and for sale a fine a--?ortment of HOME-MADE LADIES' FURS Such as I'lnh and Alaska llttik. Kiuiltir. hi tt - It 111 it , It ulnii Si ulncl, Antrnknu, IVioinii l.amli. I kiniirr, Krlunirr, KuHilii nnU Kreiieli 1'oitry. I lull niul Kant rrn l1ln.ki np.,(&r. Which 1 oiler at exceedinth Io prices All Rood warranted iik rem ccnl ed or money rolunii'd. Ladies' Purs of any deseri pi ion made to oidcr nt a u orkiuHiiliko niauner TNT O T X C? n ! T loraph OiWn A It K XilV Ol'l N AT 1KV CKKKK, Suit Luke (Viiniy, N li AT l.KIII .ii.l ri.KASANT cliiU K. I 'lull Coiiiily. A. M. VI SKH. H.DINWOODEY FURNITURE DEALER And UI!BO.TH;i. All kin.ij nf IMPORTED FURNITURE OonBtantlyon hand at the Saleiroora EAST TEMPLE ST. Evtry description of HOME-MADE FURNITURE At the Factory and altsroom, t st South. Street, Salt T,aVe City COFFINS, PIAIN and ORNAMENTAL .lwa.TS in Stock. SOUTHERN? MAIUEXrS Carrj lug the U. S. Mall, And "Weill, Fargo fc Ce. Eiprm. The undersigned is now ruaniDg a Daily line of Stage; to PROVO & FILLMORE. On and after ot. loth, 1570. stages will run on alternate daye for Meadow Vallsy, Star District and St. George. Connections made with stasei for Tintie and Sevier Mines, franpete and Arizona. Good Meal? and accommodations all along the line. Time to tt. George and Meadow Valley ilines, 3 day;, 10 hours. HIGH WHITE, Prop. Office at Well;, Fargo AC. C. F. SMITH, General Agent. Produce Departm't, z. c. M. I. Entrance WEST END EMPORIUM BUILDINGS, opposite Meat Market. We are constantly Buyinp andSeliic; Hides, Wheat, Barley, Oats, Onions, Potatoes, Butter, Eggs, ASD ALL KI5.BS OF PRODUCE, For which the Highest ilarkct Prioi will be paid. H. B.CLAWSOS, !.p l. 3Iore of tlie War! IX PEACE PREPARE FOR WAR! : Get vr.Hr Gon?. Pistols, Pulleu, Shat. F'-'- I ing Tackle, and everythinfr necessary t. I defence or for sprt. Also, Saddle. Bridles Whirls. Spurs, A-for A-for racing or riding, from JAMES H AGFKi Picn of the Bip Gun. Ea. t Temple .trt. WM. H. H. SHARP, Resident Dentist, SALT LAKK flTY. T r r T 1 1 l'r"i "i' ' lul1 f f; in',7'.' I H- I H n 0M. rutin. SiWrt. A": I LL I II nunnnf. Pasf .m,l Vulwp'-'M Rul.b.-r. iron, f-'- to f UV i-.-r full set. nJ iMactivn furntcl in all o'. Ttfth FllUd wUh (!oM nd Wr-r.i.lcA. Wr-r.i.lcA. Trtlb Kilrarltd vltliou rl- tH KK K-Firt .l.'or .! of P"'"" I t". II. ItlMKrt. r ll-'l"" BASSETT & HOFFMAN HARDWARE STORE Ml lin.lj of HKAYY UAKDWAKt Iron mi, I SI !, Stovas and Tin Ware III. t'KSMITII TOel'' A u i t.' 1 1 ... n t 1 ... lr m.'.H ru. A...1 Mini" r' I ' II MTC SALT UK |