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Show MEDICAL. I I. I1ENEDIC T, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN. Office- at Residence, rear of Seventies Hull. V. F. ANDEKSO.V, M. D., SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, Office at Residence, in the Thirteenth Ward. DR. 0. C. ORMSBY, PHYSICIAN, SUROEON AND DKUGGLST, I1R1GIIAH CITY, UTAH. Dr. HIGGINS DAVIS 1XR about thirty your Medical Practi-X- tionor in England, tenders his protea-nional protea-nional aid to all whu may require the same, fle hi had roueh experience in every branch ofhia profusion, and ullers advice on Tory reK.unablo terms to tho poor inhubi-tnntf inhubi-tnntf ol ill in oity, every morning iroin 8 until 10. Midwifery from 8o upwards. Office No. 1 Morris' ierraue, 13th Ward. LEGAL M. Klrkpatrick. 8. A. Mann KIRKPATRICK & MANN, A-ttornoyfei-nt-Lu."v, Offick First Sovth St., Fourth door enat of Ho.per, Eldredgo k Co.'s Bank. Z. SNOW. E. D. IIOOE. snow a. irouu, Attornoyfl and Counselors at Law Salt Lake City, Utah. Offico at Snow's eomcr, 1st East St. HOTELS. Suit liiike House, F. LITTLK, rROPUiKron. It open for tho roooption of duetts. UOOD ACCOMMODATIONS BANKERS. FIRST NATIOXAL HANK Ol? XJTaVlI. Suit Lake City, I'tali Tor. Wm. II. Hooper, II. S. F.Mrcdge, L. S. Hills. HooiH'r, KlrtiTdse Co., BANKERS. Kakt Tkmpi.k St., Salt Lake City, tValpf hi tJiiKl Dust, Coin, K.s'li:uK-e, Land Warrants, Kto. Collootions mado and protuitly iv-inittod' iv-inittod' CORRESPONDENTS: Kites vt Co., Now Vork. Hank ot'Calilornia, San Franoisco, First National Hank, Ohioa.co, F.xcliancc Hank, St. Lvni.'., First National Hank, Omaha. J. S. Morgan & Co., liOiidon. WILLIAM F. CALTON, pXPKIUKSCKD WKI.L-PtcOKH. one Ij hlook W0.t Hnit two , uitll ot" lltll Vt'nrd ..i-hool-hoiisp. will ,iifr V,.!p to order on the phortwt notice and in ntiMnctory .tyle. J. C.MI-: UK ILL. COMMISSION MERCHANTS i04 nnd iOC, Cnllfoinla St., Han Franciwco, - - Calltirntn. Particular attention paid to the lilliiiK ol Tlen for every description ol mcrchan.iip. Snl nf Orrg,ftr..&c CALIFORNIA TRADE. Tmpnrtcr and JoMterf of Wines and Liquors, i 210 FKONT STREET, SAN" FRASCI5CO. Jamt Spniai;'.-. Jvbn Spruituce, C. C. Clia-man. J. & J. SPRUANCE, Iniporter. and Wholesale lA-iirc-'a in WINES AND LIQUORS, 413 Front Street, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. EEllTifl, IT k CI, Imp .trier.- jnd J fbi)er -jI FOKEIG.V AND DOMESTIC DRUGS &' CHEMICALS Flue Eauential Oils, Gums, Koota, Setdn, Flowers, Spougen, Skins, Pomades, &c, And all other Staples connected with the Wholesale and KeLail Irug Business. Constantly in receipt, by direct Importation, of European and Asiatic products. Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver. U os tetter's Bitter?, .Drake's Plantation Bitt'-rs, Wolf's Scheidam Schnapps, Newell's Pulmonary .Syrup, And all the leading Proprietary Medicines both American and European. Orders Promptly and Carefully Executed. A" os. and 531 Market Street, Between First and Second, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. EINSTEIN BROS, & CO., Importers and Manufacturers of BOOTS AND SHOES 113, 115, and 117 Pine Street, SAN FRANCISCO. We would especially call the attention ef the Trade to our CALIFORNIA MADE GOODS! Which in point of style, fit. and durability are equal to the bcL custom made goods. Leather and Saddlery Warehouse. MAIN Si WINCHESTER, 214 & 210 BATTERY STREET, SAN F R A NC1SCO, Offer to the trade of Suit Lake and vicinity LEATI1EH, of all kinds, H Alt X ESS. CALIFORNIA SADDLES, COLLARS, WHIPS, And a general assortment of SADDLERY GOODS AT NZW YORK PRICES. Send for Catalogues and Prices. WHITTIER, FULLER & CO. SUCCESSORS TO Cauieron.Whitticr k Co. and Fuller A Heather I M PORTKB3 AND DKAl.KRS IS PAINTS, OILS, AND WIMGOW -UASS, SOLE ArtEXTS FOR FRENCH AND BELGIAN PLATE GLASS COS 21 & 2:; FRONT STREET, Cor. Pino Street. SAN FRANCISCO. C. ADOLPHE LOW & CO., SAW FRANCISCO, CA'.i., Importer." of TEAS, COFFEES Spirt, iiikI all EAST INDIA PRODUCE Of which they keep ?toek constantly on hand tor jiilc to the JOUlilN Or T K AXT3 . ALSO ADtSTS FOR La Vtlida le .V II nr inouy 's, of Cafttz, K II K. K II I F. S , Uartlelt Will T tu LEAU COMPANY, of New Vork. A " I) IMIAT T'S N N - F. X P L O S 1 V F. ASTRAL OIL. James Oi is. W. A. Macn Irnv. F- W. Mn.-ondrav. MACONDRAY & Co., sflippiJG k mmm 1 K.Rt 11 A N I S. IMPORTERS OF tH.NA aN3 UPAN TElS And all d.-.-crii-iions of K AST 1 N U 1 A F K t. 1) V C E. SAN FRANCISCO, - - CAL. a. .1. ii;iFFi rn, SALMON AND HERRINGS, 1-43 Whiii;ioii sm-fi. -paMi. SAN FRANCISCO. All km.U of Vriivl. Sni.-k.Hl jiud K.-h I inj-unii on iiAtid. CHENERY, SOUTHER & CO,, Imp-rtrr rn. .ll N r ol n . rv v.-r;rtT of WINES AND LIQUORS, Ml I lny SI i iTi . Sau Kvnm tveo. - - I nliioi ntn. EASTERN TRADE. BENEDICT, HALL & CO., BOOTS AND SHOES, Nos. 379 and 381 Broadway, - - KEW YORK. PAGE, BIIO.A; CO., Importers and Dealers in LEATHER AND FINDINGS, 50 Lake Street, H&fiu CHICAGO, ILL I). It. smtCltLLlII, MERCHANT TAILOR, "o. 517 Olive Street, ST. LOt'lS, Sends Clothing all over the West nml Rives entire satisfaction. A No. 1 establisnoient. TIic IVjitioiialSci'iCo! textTooks. The Reader, (Jpogr.-ipliio", t.'ienr.'3 and GiTiunn book' of tins isem lime l-o-n H'l"tt'i f"f -tatj.irtrd nnirnrmity in Utah, ami the otner- are favorably rrcrived by the '--l r-iuonti t. ' a PARKER & WATSON'S SERIES A Primer, and Headers in Fn, luuiI tm. Spelling llooks, In two grades. DAYIES' MATHEMATICS, The Naii"tial taii'lurl. an i iuy o .:n(l(-:-, t -n -si-t.-M and unit rm m-;'.; -i in e'TV br.wi. Il, birtving ;t-t Nx-'KB U r t-h g:i-i l.fomtlry. ' ale Hi tin. Surveying, Perspective. Ktr. MSNTEITH'S GEOGRAPHY . A sr.-A fv.f- ;d (brer I-" 1. First Le-ton. M.nnnl. 3. U x.lly.'' With istnial ,i- .t.. :.-U v.Sr.m. .u.t A Set f V U .'lip.. CtARK'S DIAGRAM GRAMMAR T V-' S Vt ""-.: I. Kirnt Lrnn In Kncllh rmmar. The .Nurtnil EnpMsth (.rammar. STEELE'S KATURAL SCIENCES A -r -:::- a Vi . C - "" h 1 ; at nral Ph lloophy. A - t ronom y, t hrmUfry, ..ilcy. WORMAN'S GERMAN SERIES (. 1-amni .r. In I m o 1. 1 a.ir : A Kcarter. . Kthe, t e r . -r. b- k Y r ' m... rve ' ' t'-ii fi' o r- r.t : t..is .r.s. . : ... - . . - 1. BAK.M 4. tU.. ' ...... . - - nn nnnl'ctJN'DS ZU.lJUUlRONAND STEEL At Bavett . Uo(Tiuaat.. Opp1Ie f-K'l Lk. Montr. HELMBOLD'S GEXUIXE PREPARATIONS Highly Concentrated" COnPOOD FLI ID EXTRACT BUCHC, K piitive aud ?pec:.cc reniedy fordie:ie of the E. aider. K'-dncyr. Gravel ad Drai'ri-al we'.iig?. This medi.'ine increase? the power- uf di-ce-?ti"Q. and exciter the absorhents into heaithy action, by which the ma-.ter of c:il-cireou c:il-cireou dep-jsitii-n. and ail unnatural enlargement en-largement are redLCed. a well as pain and infiamm:Uion. and i? good for men, wnmen and cnildren. H HLL.MBOLU'S EXTRACT BICHV For weakness arising from excesses, habits of dissipation, early indiscretion, a'.tcndeu with the following symptoms : Indisposition to Exertion, Loss vf Power, Jimcultv of Breathing. l.ss of Memory, Horror of Disease. Wakefulness, IHmnesi of Vision. Tain in the Hack, Flushing of the B-dy. Hot Hands. Eruptions of the Face, oak X rve-, Drvncss of the Skin, Trembling, Pallid Countenance. Lassitude, Of the Muscular System. These symptoms, if allowed to go on. (which ihi- medicine invariably remove?1 soon follow Fatuity, Epileptic Fits, c, in one of rrhich the pjtient may exp.re. Who can say they are not frequently followed fol-lowed by those "direful diseases." Insanity mid Consnmpt io i I Many are aware of the cause of their sufter-ing, sufter-ing, but t:one will conf-s. The records of the insane ayiums and the m-lanchoiy deaths by consumjuiun bear ample witness to the truth of the assertion. The Constitution, once a'Jected by organic weakness, requires the aid of luedkiue to strengthen and invigorate the systcn. which il EL M BuLD'S EXTRACT UF BLCHU in-variab.y in-variab.y doe. A trial will convince the lin'Si sceptical. In tn an v affections peculiar to Females, the EXTRACT BLC11U is unequalel by any ctlier reu-edy, and for all complaint Liciden t to the sex, or iu the DECL1AE OR CHANGE OP LIFE. L V.E Y M I'TOM? AliuVK. No Family should be without it. Take no Balsam. Mercury, or unpleasant medioiue for unpleasant and dangerous diseases. dis-eases. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BVCI1U IMPROVED ROSE WASH Cures Secret Diseases in r.'l 'luir s.. .es at little expense, little or u.- ..i.irr-' iliet, no incon venienee, and no exposure. Use HelmbolrTs Extract Buchu For all affeerions and diseases of these nrgnns whether exist i in 3Iule or Ft mtile, matter how long standing. Diseases ofthce organs require the aid o. a diuretic. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT Bi t lit" IS THE GREAT DIURETIC. And it is certain to have the desired effect in all diseases for which it is recoinuieudcd. BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD! WEIjMBOIjD'S liighly Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla, For purifying tho Blood, removing nil chronic chro-nic constitutional diseases arising from an impure stato of the Blood, and the only reliable and effectual known remedy for the cure oi Scrotula. Scald Head, Salt Rheum, Pains and Swellings of the B nes. Ulcerations Ulcera-tions of the Throat and Lees, Blotrhe. I'im-ples I'im-ples on the Face. Tetter, Erysipelas, and all scaly Eruptions of the Skin, And Beautifying I lie Complexion. Two tablespoonsful of the Extract nf Sar-snparilla Sar-snparilla added to a pint ot water i- ciif-i to the Li-bun Diet Drink, and one botllelul is fnl I v equal to a gallon ot the Syrup ul Sar.-a -p.irill. or the decoction il usually uiatie. o HKLMBOLD'S ROSE WASH. An ex el lent Lotion fW diseases arising from h;ihit- uf di-ipat i"ii, u-ed in cunnec linn wiih the Extrar-t Buchu and Snrsjii.a-r Snrsjii.a-r lla. in such di-eases as recommendeil. E t'l'ieni'e ol t ho inurt responsible and reliable haractcr will accompany the medicines. Also explicit direction- for u-e. wth nr.v-iRnns nr.v-iRnns ty TlTni uAXns living witnee", and upward of fV"i unsolicited certili'-Htoj and recommendatory letters, many of which h rc from r he highest sources, including etui tie nt Fhy-icians, Clereymcn. S:;itesmen, Ac. 'J he Frui'rietor has never re.-orted to their publication publi-cation in the m"parer? ; he does not do ttns. i rum tii c fact that his articles rank as Mandard Preparations, and do not need to be pro I'ped up bv cert ; tl ea tes. 'he ci-nce of Medicine, like the Dric Column, should Mand m in pie. pure, maie - tic. having F.i-'t tor it- bi,.-i-. J ridnrfi'.n lor H-pillar, H-pillar, aL i iruth alone lor U Cui'ilal. JL :ic,-; niy E:ra't L.. h u i- a Diuretic, and whl jo-; a- -'jch m ail c-es. B-t h are prepared on purely sc icn t : U pniiC pic- in v-i'-uo a:,d art t.ie ih'-r . .t- L. r aic-u e- d e;::ier tii.it cn he il. ie. A r- i mid c-n-'.u-ive te-t w' ,1 be a r in, rr; --- .n ' f n r pr-per; les with tho-e pet tr - n in ; h f i I . r. e r 'a s . -ee i) Mi n-a ory the n::"l .-ee 1'p, ;--. r in'n.'v.ii,ii'ii worK ':. ilk; i'r. " ,e .,: j'i.wi". rc:;: rk- u-j by l t'-l' i IT. Fj-v-:'-, 1't, ee rt::i-'i.-K- :;'-ii Vy Dr. l.rVP.v -IK.VH-,. c..,.-jr..:-d F:.-lc...r. r,l ,1 , - : the K i....."fe ul ,-. I r- t. i. j i : .n ':.c ;;.--;.-t.- : t .-. - K hi. 1 W i-:. J. urn W. , -f- M I-" rg X v;"w. ; -j -M .v pi s. -'. It t-i.-. h.'W ol Lie l.o.v... L-i cf t ': f-rge f . .-t oi -x't r;.:iarl wrK- r. Me:.C.r.e. D i f. '. Dr,. ;j.?:s t rr . A ilro-- I.::..-? fr lf-.r-t;,' r.. ;n c t!-H.T.HU1KBOLD. t!-H.T.HU1KBOLD. 1 IPAL I'i::'.';" s H'lmhold'. Drue n hfrn''.l .rchou.r, 51, Bto.d), S. . f,K TO Hcimboi.r. M""r'u,?,"',,i0, onlh Trail. ! f l 1 1 . d r 1 1, h 1.. Beware of Counterfeit. ! ASK FOR HELM HOLD'S! TAKK NC OTHKR ! CALIFORNIA TRADE. WEIL & CO.. TMPOKTSU3 0" Cigars and Tobacco Proprietor? of the HAVANA CIGAR MANUFACTORY, si-il, 343 and Front St., Soiukwesi corner Front J: Sacramer.to Sts.. s a. It A IV CISC o. J. EVEUDLXi V CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS 4S Clay St., San Francisco. DEALERS IX OREUOX PRODI CK. Are C'-nt. tally m rvceip: of Orp.in Haui. K.-cii. Lard, s-t::n.'D. A,'. Starch, of vi:r own a:;d Ki--ra a,:,!;:.:;: al-y on h.t:.eL BRITTAN, H0LBR00K & GO Importers and De.V.ers in Stoves 6z Ranges, SHEET IRON ATIN PLATF, Copprr, 7.lnc, Shrrt Lrad. Wlr(, Xjoad rtiicl Iron Iijpo. TIWKKV tiOOIW, Tools and Machinery and General MOUSE FURNISH. NC HARDWARE, Embracing Plain, Japanned. Planished and Stamped Ware, Xos. 11 1 lit 113 California and o. 17 & 19 Uavts St n ets, S A X F R A N CISCO, C A L. S. P. Holden. J as. Moorhcad. S. P. HOLDEN Si CO., Importers of FOREIGN DRV GOODS, I inens, Dress Goods. Hosiery, i c. 38 & SO SA.NSOM K ST., SAX KKA.Mls.CO. London; 27 Leadenhall M.. K.C DlXOfi & DAViSSOTi, Importers of e.(;lish,fkecii &. gehh ax Fancy Gool, Milh'nrn (?,., .-. Yankee Motions, U h'tc G'o'nis, Pocket Cnthrv, hsunj. lrfumvryy Liiint Il'tlkchfs. lliwinp rt-i'lciit '.irtm-r- iu Kuiopi.. mul t-' iis in dirt-v t com in unicat ion with l W iiifHiiii;iciiiivi, we are euiiliU-il to txeeutc ori.i-i, ami Sell at as Low Rate a a New Vork lm porters. We invite tbu attention of nwxans pon ctah tkuuitoUV To our Ptnrk. which is the larixt kii1 niot varied ou the Pacific Coa--t. TOBIN, DIXON & DAVISSON, San 1 ran. i-co.(.l. KrSTATHjIP.il -: X3 105O. CASTLE BROTHERS, iMPoriTraris WHOLESALE GROCERS, 213 And'413 Front Street, San Francisco, - - California, MUBPHY,GRANTtCO. KAN riCAM;H.:0 CALIFORNIA, Call at tent inn tu t)x-it U tit at. ti -1 1 a. oi Dress Goods FRENCH PLAID POPLINS, Empress Clot lis. 'I uini-c Clotli'-, In All Color., FRENCH AND ENGLISH MERINOES. ETC. Tl'I-O. KTC. a:.-., i. li l . M II 0 S 1 K I! V, " " 1 1 i t (.(lO(I. l.ilMII, TABLE DAMASKS, NArKI zm. k i : i i i : i :-;:ai"IV" :-;:ai"IV" wi.itw -r., j.-w M. K KI-I.KJl - O., j f rf . bft T . - : .- '... jfranFmnclno, - - fnlilmiilr. Ai.C'lltn Wlnf, -- l-i'iii'lii V iim, While " 1 I 1 1 .. -' Port Whir, Ititifi i, hhriT) C i p i J r 1 1 I A i --:r ,;j r.T-.-l ' 1 j t , a-V-f";: U- .'. .1 ' ( : ' v V. -;. - C y.. cat' . rj'l-r'i-Tj ''. A. t '-...- L I) U. P-TT A. I n '' - I r;nMf'T .'. ft 1 C H A It D ir'H iPHIM). A :.: . -i, I . r C : . UTAH CENTRAL Si A ! LltO.V I). ) ,i ,ll.MIIIII vai -. rf '.'.-i W. V v "I". TV i PI3Nt'R UN OF UTAH. On iiiulnflM I'IuivmIiij , lt c. 1 , 1 s 7 II, IJail I'raiii l..eiv.s,lr lAr 0v a' .-. a III I. I ' 1 MM'-. Arrivo :ii (lt.,l,.-, 7 in. .il 1 , .. in . J Arr vo ;u Salt l.a ko i ily 0 a. li. ami 7: il ton . h'i.rr from ill l.nkr t'lly lo Wu. .i's l'r,, s .... - .7 1 I'm ill.. " l-'ann t:,.n s;.. ' k...- 1,1.- I.. . I. ii I'lii'f from Of;il-.t lo I I .11 re. i , le - "-, ...l's l i , ....'. . J -..Il l.;.lv0 Cll.V -I 111 .1 ; I I , III,. ,e.., ,. AN ACCjM.vl.'Dri. N TR MM Will ran DAILY, M'NUAVS lAOKl'TKIi. LeavinK tbdt ii at ' a. in. hu 1 S.t .n Ct i I'- On whi.dt lull i.n-e will i-i,i i:,. ,, ,.,,.!, , o a t ! koi to , ui n on 1 1, - , in,. .1 . . ,1 t r.nn 1 1 'f a nd ili . t o. l. i , IK n j- 4, i i the eond nM'T .il nn ml ,, tl.e Iim lo lake on or let oil ilu-xui'i s. Pasin (rcifi Avtll il Nsi- I'm Im-r (iirir Tlckt-itf hi i ti- Oitu Fifty Cents addiiinnal will b, .duirKed the Lire i .-olU'rlfd on te umn, For all inforii);it ion eont-.Tiiintt freifn nr pio-ace, H'dy In O. O. CAL1) F. K , Ticket and Kreitthi Ag't. Salt Lake City. JOS. A. VOl , Supi. LIVERPOOL & QUEENSTCWN. ."-.-r r. ;r-- INMAN LINE Of HojhI rl n 1 1 I . ,n r i . . mu f i it tn ,Nw 1 nik Every Saturday, AMI 1 1 I'll :i f k Tii'i.:i.y. fn 1,1.1 I', .(r, I" I.!..") I. I I ' ; 1 iio SI. ri K " i " ' . , au.oo l'n..n ,r from I.I vr . pool . o Nr w 1 ... I. .bin, ... . hlLIHr, - - l''i,.U ,l lit ' Keun.l Tril.T.Arf. i.-l tt r..r ..w i .1.111 ... I 1. I -. At ..i i , I:, r. . ...I, I); WI I.I.U.M I A l,. I.. S.il "v. t PUfiELR iH3ri T i.uUTt LAiT. CnlCACO 6 HOnTH rttST'N rr. - - -- - f a a' If T " ' W i f RAILWAY Shorn-, a it 'I UniLfcl ll-ml. fi-tri I , , , .. -i- i.i i t A " 1 i - i ' i i t i i P.llhMl.ll PlM. II. lit H,Ml Hl4,ln . . . p...., io,.M (.,, ,. ,,. -,; : -ini. li - i . . 'u I- . ti , i (III. -. I lll ,11..,. ... , I . t I- I I. . 1 ... - l, ' ii. r. -.-'.i-'"- -y- ' . L LL !..!.'. i - W. r7 (.'. Um(i Aui, filial.. Ar ti, |