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Show AT THE MAMMOTH SHOE AND HAT STORE A JLarjre Slock of "Winter CAPS! CAPS! In Every Style ! And at Every Price ! CHEAP! CHEAP ! CHEAP! Now is your time ! Come on and get yourself a nice warm CAP ! Don't stand Freezing, but come on! They are on Sale at MM L7 JW area JBJ s JfsS t S SOUTHERN MAILS, EXPRESS LINE Carrying the U.S. Mail, Ami Weil, Fargo fc Co. Kxpress. The underigTif d i? now running a Daily line ot SLaged to PROVO & FILLMORE. On and after Nov. 15th, I$7u, stages will run on alternate days for Meadow Valley, Star District and St. George. Connections made with stages fur Tlntlc and Sevier Nines, Sanpete and Arizona. Good Meals and accommodations all along the line. Time to St. Ueorge and Meadow Valley Mines, 3 days, 10 hours. HIGH WHITE, Prop. Office at W ells, argo 6c Co-C. Co-C. F. SMITH, General Agent. rwr bis. a' WILLISTOfi'S CELEBRATED COMBED SEA ISLAND SIX CORD SPOOL COTTON. Just Arrived, And for sale, wholesale and retail, at Z. C. M. I. TWO SPOCLS GIVEN AWAY For every one not entirely satisfactory CITY LIQUOR STORE, Keep constantly on hand, AVliolesale and Uetai, Choice Imported LIQUORS AiND WINES, At Lowest Kate. GROESBECK'fi BUILDINGS, East Temple (street. TRUNKS, VALISES, &C..&C. Manufactured by C IW M m M On hand in variety at the Clot liiiijjr Dcpartraeut. Also, EGG BOXES, APPLE BOXES, And General Packing Cases, Mndeto order at the Trunk Factory at the lowest prices. n. B. CLAWSON, SUPT. 2. O. M. I. Clothing Departm't FRESH ARRIVALS , Of New Goods in Fall and WINTER SUITS! OVERCOATS, CAPES, TALMAS Military Clothing &c. Also a Pull Variety of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS Gents', Ladies' and Boys' BOOTS & SHOES Gents' Youths' and Boys' HATS and CAPS. TRUNKS in all styles and qualities. Valises and Carpet Sacks. Carpet$,Matting,Fioor Cloths Wall Paper ami Decorations. Always on hand and for pale by the yard, a large stock of French and EiigUsli Casstmere, Doeskins, Beavers, Military Cloth, Home Made Tweeds, &.; SUITS MADE TO ORDER! Gentlemen's Clothing, or Military Suite, made to orderin the Newest Style of Fashion on the ahorte-t notice. Firsi-claes Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed. MILITARY TRIMMINGS IX GREAT VARIETY. II. B. CLAWSON, Sift. H. DINWO ODEY, FURNITURE DEALER And Ul'flOLSTEKIaK. All kindd of j IMPORTED FURNITURE Oonstantly on band at the Salesroom, EAST TEMPLE ST. Every description of HOME-MADE FURNITURE At the Factory and Salesroom, 1st South Street, Salt Lake City coffins, PI,AIN and ORNAMENTAL Always in Stock. BENEDICT, HALL & CO., MAN I "FACT I ', RE R S AND WHOLf'SALH LKALKHS IN Boli-and Shoes, h:,i, I'... , . i:m :bhi r.i'.i i':.i:;;.hsTitBoiiT, On hl-k Kt t Br.h.nv. ) "'' i.1 IS -V . IMfluu. READ THIS! r -y. Is a Handsome, Appropriate and Useful Present to make a lady at CHRISTMAS or. NEW YEAR. At our newly-fit ted up Salesroom, Second Door Soutli oft lie Eagle Emporium, Em-porium, between the Drug and Clothing Clo-thing Departments of Z. CM. I., will be found a Pull Assortment of these Admirable Sewing Machines At Prices to Suit Everybody. THE SINGER . SEWING MACHINE SEEDS ISO PUFFING to commend It to tlie public, as ine following JBET rJT SS show: In 1850 these now celebrated Machines were first o tiered to the public and in the four years succeeding 4,0u0 were Eold. Today To-day over that number are weekly turned out from the factory, and yet this immense supply sup-ply i; not equal to the demand. At the end oi the year 107. upward of 200.0CJ Machines were sold, and in the then following years, from 't S to 'To, the number had been increased to upward of 500,000 MACHINES SOLD, One third of ivliii h were disposed of within tlie preceding twelve mouths. From the fnretr'.iri? it ""ill be -ecn that during dur-ing The ld-r three year.-, the pales havo oecn upward of titty per c ut mure than during the whole of ihc seventeen previous years, THE PEOPLE'S VERDICT, after a score of years 1 lioroitgh trial in i hut (he SEWING MACHINE U adapted nil kind.- nf w.-.rk. 5ewing i? readily the tuicke-t and mut "tubborn material ma-terial a tiie finest and most, delicate fa net; with a glitch, that for event;, perfection and durability if unMiint'd. Aceoui pan ing each .Machine are printed in.-t ruction.-. o phiiu and e vy of comprehension comprehen-sion that, aithouci wc re-, oujinend customer custom-er to take at it vi one lciieuu lrun the 0j erator, ii is scl 10111 duiio pure lurn f-eeiog at a g.ance tbe Miiiidi-dty of tlie Machine and c-'mpletenc-i of the con-truciion. borne ot the OP THE SINGER MACHINES AKE Simplicity of connruction therefore le-a liauiluy to get out ol repair. fchort, straiRht needle liable to bend, break or skip the stitch. The buttle is carried: friction, wear and the ncceaaity of greu?mg the race are thua avoided. j Readiness with which the mn?t inexperienced inexper-ienced can adjust the tension of the thread. Freedom from wear. After twenty year? constant service theho machines have never boen known to wear out. They ere noi?clee, rapid and ca,-y in all their mjvemeuui. All our machines uro adjusted and Put in thorough ranniDK oider.lpy com petcnt Ltndr. belorc delivery. l'urchiuor' theretore have no trouble, but can eucccidluUy ojicrate with them at oaco. THE NEW BUTTON-HOLE :si c ii i E s aru thoroughly prnctical and will perform all that wec'aim for tDem, The Jmprovcfl MANUFACTURES MACHINES for heavy work, are too well known to need evmment. Wo also keep in stock tlie Nkv) Medium Noisdatx MANUFACTURING MACHINES , Our stock of theSinirer Hewing Macliinoa if very eAienivo, i uiorjiciim every variety ol unioli, from the plain Machine, mounted on black walnut table, oiled, to tho elaborately elabor-ately pearled Miudiino, w it n cabinet owe and tolding cover in mottled blo'k walnut, ruse, wood, or malioK-iny lunbly 'oli-ln d. hvory Alacliiuo iH lurnifhed with tho am e comideto turnituio. itn ludm tlio new hem-mcr hem-mcr (oewing nil width-) and feller and braider. brai-der. Wc gunrniilt-c our iMurhlnes to do Hemming, nil wldf Iim; Kelllngt Hemstitching; Hem-stitching; Ilriihllngi ilnglc liumingt Embroidering (no chulu afltchj) Giitlierlng and hewing on at xnmo time, with or without n hand, on the edge or In t he cent er; Cnrdlngtl'uck-"Hi Cnrdlngtl'uck-"Hi (tulltliigt Ti liiimlngf lllndlng, all width n ud hi tut etc., et :., el c . WE JJELlVEa MACHINES Witll'inl Ailililiimill. (,'liitnr T AM. I'AKTK OI- THIS city All Uinl- nl' .cwiii;: .M:n-liiii,' liuimi;,'li!y Kci'iiin.'il mi H..-i-xiiuilfl'! Ti'nns. KmIIH'IiiIj'T I h l AI MMIIIlut h Slll, mm mm Tun ilimm .iiiilli nf do I-',ntlr K m-IH m-IH ll m . H. B. CLAWSON. Supt l NORTHWESTERN Mutual Life Insurance Co. JOHN H. V X DYK R. Pre.i.UBt. HKUER SMITH. - Vico-Pr.'iU.nl. ALU. (iAYL'jR. Socreury. Home Offlcr, nro.ttwny, cor, of YVla-con.lii YVla-con.lii St., Milwaukee, Wli. Dr. S. 8. WALLIIIAX. I.en.ral Anent Kucky Mountain Dulriei Col.rado. Wyoming. Utah and New Mexico. PETER G. FERGUSON, Annt for Utah. Office la Hooper, Rldredgc dfe C'o.'i nank. TRAVELER'S INSURANCE COMPANY, OP HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. Insure ngaint Accidents ciuinfr Death or totally Disabling Injury, PETER G. FERGUSON, AOt.ST, Oflice ut Hooper, Kldrodga A Co.'b Dunk. C. THIRKH1LL, PRACTICAL 3Icrchaiit Tailor, FIHHT SOUTH 8TRKKT, A few doors Kant of Poat Office. A 1 I I.L STOCK (11 FHKXCH, KNGLIS1I AND CAI.l-FOKN'IA CAI.l-FOKN'IA CASSI M K R F.S, WINTER i: (Hill, K T c. Ooort Workmali!iii nnl Pcrleol SatiUolioB ti iiiiriiutoeil. DIEBOLD & KIENZLE, Sii. . f.-nri, ., tl..l.M, ll.ihtu.iun A C.v, C K I , K li 1 1 A T K II CI NCI N N AT I 1 IRK AND lit RIII.AR MtOOl' S A SP JE S , And iirK'iit' iI:inil io nnd Aiilciiimlin tluiik sK!2 a. I'ltATT.t COVKKT, (i.'norl AguuH, NViihingt'in 1,, Chicago. II. II. r.AWSIIV, Klil.l. .. . 31. 1., Aficiti for I'lnli 'rrrrllory. BATHS, BATHS! W arm Spi inu Ifal lis ! Ii-lvnt and 1'liinHr. '1'" I't'ntio.l iltil. at n)-n lrt I lit? UUc nl nil en -(in Tlmir iiirilirimil ju 'rl inn nro n wi4lj known tlml it U iioihII.. ((, ftiunipniln I hem. Illli Pro.itn fl.il hd, (hn Inr. iin.1 Inmrlidnit- I ly Tin nilii rinnun llnti . .r I,i.'ll.t nn-1 (,r-irtliu.n r n,,w ..(.n 1 1 , A II IV 4 I . II, 1 Trucked SALT LAKE LIMBER YARD. Hair-I.Ioch Sonlh r. v. i poi. I i. w. r.MiKiirnsr, vv, Zion'sCooperative Trlercantile Institution TO CITY AIM) COUiYTIlY CO OPERATIVE ST0I1IS Ami the Trade ftencrallj. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS! EAGLE EMPORIUM, (UpStaiis.) WINTER COODS! ios.ir Shau !., Nubias, hosiery, .iiiIc fehawls, I.iMxIs, cloves, Children's 8hawls, Scarfs, Flannels, ISlankeis, Counterpanes. .leans, Cassimcres, Linseys, DOMES i iG GOODS IN FULL SUPPLY AS USUAL, ISoots Si, slices, Kuhbers Sc Arctics, Men's, Hoys and Children's Huts. H. B. Clawson, Suptt DES33H.ET j MEHMiVE NOVELTY Mill Jordan Street, 17th "Ward, Htilf-a-block wet tif the Tabernacle, (' SALT LAKE CITY, Having the latent improved Machinery for working in Iron, Wood & Brass,; Can manufacture all kinds of Machinists' Tools, Tnrniiig Lathes, ' Fan Blowers, Gear Cutting and ' Bolt Screwing Machines, Cheese Vats, Cotton, Wooleii and (iriet Machinery, Etc., Elc. Etc. OUR FOUNDRY ilui, at present, been the MM Successful in thi T'.rrit'j)!) And we can turn out 'lalinf from the thinness thin-ness of a Stove Plate up to tnastive one? for Smelting and Crushing Works, at Low r igiire-. We have an A No I Model Maker, And orttrs in thnt line puaranteed to be All kinds of Old Iron Bought. A li w mure Shares of tho Capiial Sioik cun be had on ai;!iea;ion to WILLIAM FI LLER. Jcrctary. TO PRE-E.MPTORS. We arc u.w prrparrd to furuirh Aarieiiltural Laiul Script For the loc.vion of Govcrnmeiu Land nt S Si jcr quarter Mviicn. HOOPER. F.LPREUGE & CO. Salt L.ike City, Nov. i7. Cottonwood 3Iines. Persons who design telling their "u ,,, CuttonirociJ Lanjn. should imrcha-t a ( claei Chieago mde '" Hay Press, Which I have for sale CUBA V. B. F. K.VOWLTOS. Xiueteenth Wa.-.J, OrL. 3. HILLS, Hooper. Eldred?e 4 r, SHAVIXG i HALR-DRESSIXG NALOOiN . JOHN SQU!RS k sons, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Firet door south of Bp. liunter'f re-i'Jtace. Private Rooms. For Cutting and Dresiiiar L-iie' and Children's Chil-dren's iiair. JIAMFACTIRED HAIR. Every description of Hair W.-.rk iu?.de to order. A quantity "-f Lidie' Switches on hand. Ornamental Hair Work. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Watch Guards, Bracelet, Rines. Necklaces, made to order. TOXSORIAL! Ifyou Wint Fahionib.e ard 5S:!i:ai 13 A. II TIT XH. I 1ST G- 0 TO UNCLE BOS RUSSELL'S Wb h' a?ocitfd with him -lr. JIT.IT? S AtEll, at the old s a d on e. n-i .-, - .ii Street HiirDre?ir.ir. ihit"ir.r, :: ing. ttud all kinas of Hair ork, fr- nia . i to a wie. done in a manner warranted ;c g;re sut'oiion. Zion's Co-op er ati ve Mercantile Inst'n WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY AND HARDWARE DEPARTMENT, LLDItKlMJE Ac CLAWSON lit lLOIX;s. Vou ean fiinl at this lVir!nient of ..CM. I. a Ix-uer suvk LAMPS, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, STAVES, MIM.Xir TOOLS, Ji LASTING roWDF.K. Maple and Fancy Ji'ocerit, And e:ui Get More for your Money and Orders than you can ?t any other House in Utah. II. 15. I. VM. MU'I THE AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT COMPANY'S PAINTS Kmlnadnv- o..r A 11 OK F.0 PUTKKKNT SllAPKS. r.vr"v,l I t inmu'iliiilo iiilii'.'iiion Kinl rcniirinir no mixiinr. jnl rNvi.l and l'or ni!o at tho DRUG DEPARTMENT Z. O. Rfi. . Tin. iiiKio.lh'iiN il' tlu-M' Paints aiv sunplo an.l iiuh'-Mtiu'iil'li'. Tin' 'l11'1 lii-s wilh whirh tln-y n-o.inmn-n.l (Iicium-Ivos aiv : 01n,ai,ii,v ilni a'.-i.ny. 'i" rioiity of oolor. an uini'-n illy ytitooih and jjloy app.-.f.-ajuv. lalor r. ' in laviinr. no ti.ml.lo ol" iniinc. wiil Man.l liiv iv run. an.l il 'v! ":i s '" in'i'l nil' willi alnniphri io ohaiio, nor fhalk oil hi- liiouon. Thov '"' ' host, ohoaM'sl, (invM ilmal'lo im.l w( popular I'.unis m no Tho AVKlill.l, Will I'lC IWlM'is a.lNt' PAINT. mhi' '"' initl. ninl is of r.pial Mipmionty uinl popnlariiy. BK1 NT! AI.ONti VOTK PAINT CANS OPl'.N AN! PlTUll'sK HV I I I K CAl.l.ON. A I'nll lino of I'oi cliin, Doiurslie and Cjim' 8iliu",,- At tho Pun; Popailiiionl, ., C M. 1. II. it. t'lj.l VM.. H . |