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Show NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CITY TAX NOTICE. The Lunt Notice for the year 1870. ALL PERSONS who have not Pid their Citjr Tax for the year 3 8T0. will alease Take Botice that unlcie paid on or before the let day of January n--xt. I shall be under the necessity of collecting tke jiamt, with eoet, m provided by law, JOHN R. WINDER, Collector. Olioe. Xo.lS Gity Hall. Walt Lake City. COMPETITION Left Behind 1 HOLIDAY CAKES, CHRISTMAS TREES, FUKE CANDIES, of all kimh, Plae Apples, Imported Frulta, Fancy Groceries, Pastry, Plea, Provisions, Confectionery, The cheapest in town, at HEX RY WALLACE'S. C. A. Longstreet. John Bedgwick. LONGSTREET &, SEDGWICK, Manufacturers of and Wholesale MEN'S & SOYS' CLOTHING, 400 4t 48S Broadway, N ew York. ChristmaS HOLIDAYS. GEO. W. DAVIS ItptOllDinri thtt bi hia.to-t R-(M Si.lmlid Stt-rk for 11, Uoli(Uy, rwnt-tirij; rt Choice Gunpowder Teas, Extra fine Natural Leaf do. Rio and Java Coffees, Raisins and Currants, Peel and Spice, Prime Oregon Bacon, New York Cheese, Nuts and Oranges, Candies and Candy Toys in rjdless Variety, (Jhtnp (u the Cliwpt Iloxite n To ten i'or Samplo boo the window at Daris' OPPOSITE MALT LAKE HOTSJC, And Tito Uoori North of Kimball Uwrrnce'H, CHRISTMAS MEATS! 05EEF, MUTTON And Pork, TOCNO. VAT, nicy AN U TENllf.R, Tempting to th. P.UI. uud lnviuni to Purohts.rp. offerod by .Iciiiiino & 1'nnl, STALL No. I, M KAT MARKKT. IIOIH. tho 1'iitlmt and llrnvimt th. Murkol hru.1 and f d W. J.nniutu, fl.lt I.uko City, und J. Jlmut, Nophl. Ilo ud Bee Ugai. Look out for tlio Nt.ll lighten, up tV fniley Chin, e In nt ern.t . nd (l.oorntril. JENNINGS & kAOL. OH nnn roxjuxija. Zu.UUlJlRONAHDSmL At Ila.sMcll iV. Il(l'imin. Oppnwtt HaK L.Un llnu.r. ' LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE i ''irk ivsrjiA'CK fo.nr.wv. .V'M'tls . . . sS,JOO,0(IO,00, J. .n. .UOOtlH, Agent, I'.O. ItoilMltiK, Hntt l,nlr It V MORE LIGHT! NEW LIGHT! Cheaper, more Cleanly, and perfectly free from the danger of Explosion. THE IAINTORTlI KOK-EIPLOSIVE PETROLEUM FLUID 1,000 Gallons .Tust Received, Only T3 Ccutg Per Gallon: K. KEK8E fc .. Sole agents for Utah Territory. Depot at corner south of Walker Bros'. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKERS. ELIASON & HAUERBACH, Next Door Kaat or the Herald, Are workmen who not only repair Watch eg j and Clocks, but will make Watches to order ! in any desired style, or any part of t hem, I from a pivot or pinion to au entire Watch, j Work Executed on Moderate Termg. j T. , W. TAYLOR Have received a new supply of DliY GOODS, con.iistiiiz of SHEETING, BLEACHED, CALICO, HICKORY, DENIMS, FLANNELS, LINSEYS, SHAWLS, ETC., ETC. WHICH THEY HAVE MARKED CHEAPER THAN EVER. Also constantly arriving. Groceries, Hardware. Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Cooking1 Stoves, Mtc. Besides their Gooda being of the Best Quality, they assure their friends they will be undersold by none. CALL Alii) EXAMINE EOK YOURSELVES. WEST SIDE EAST TEMPLE STEEET. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR 1S70. 1871. The Cheapest uud Hi-.-t I'mi-e in Salt Like City to Buy all kinds of riturrs, gr)( i:hii:s, CAMHHS ic, CHRISTMAS PR ESEATS A A II GIFTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS TEASDEL & C'S Main Street, wlic-ro a lanre iiti.intitv can Ik; found at price that will GUARANTEE 'PURCHASE;!. A MEKKY CllltTSTMAS AND A HAITY NEW YEAK. ANOTHER ARRIVAL of (be celebrated CLE US snnG MACHINE. C. H. Bfc.rrT. (. F. JITrmv BASSETT& HOFFMAN HARDWARE STORE Ml Windj or HEAVY HARDWARE, iron ami Mt'tl, Stoves and Tin W-are IILAVKH.MI I'll TOOLS. A grlcultiirnl 1 in pip iiif ii t n Anil kilning ToiiIh, At loivrt Iltr. OrrQMTK HALT I.AKK IIOCKK. THEODORE LURRK, Munufueturor of LADIES'! FANCY FURS; Hunt Tfmp Ntrrr(, At yinroni-e Hwlnir Mm -hlnp StiUv-rooui, Orpo-ilp 8alt Ijiiko limine. Due on bund und fur fulo u flno n.-purtiuent of HOME-MADE LADIES' FURS t'f nil Mitfl AlniUit Mltth, Kmttiir, I Miti'liUl, (iii Nipiirtrl, Altnkut 1'ci-bIhii l.nmh, I I. kt Mnrr, K rl in ttrr, I HliNnInu nnat Krcitrlt Coury, Vf nil nail irr JtIuUrnt , A v. .A. v. j Whl- h t ..tier nt vx.'cr.lihKlv on ,.rj, tVl AM khoiIb w.mnntftl ii rt'i'i-n-onti-.l ir iihmi. v rnuniHl. I.h.Iioh' Fum ( miv riontriW inn mnin In nr.lnr in tn knutnUko nuunior FOK SALF,! A tow hunilrr.l "I'Voi'' in tho "l.. t (I..nr In the Kurrkii," '4'h "lint io IkmIo" til -inn. ml t, I. ul .loo Willdp)! P huv tnrl InUlO' lt'lirnfr,1 " Km fl. n" iuftunH. ' F.ntjuir m ,uno s I li n) , I dunlin Nmuo H'tomcnt. ' D.DAY. O. F. CULMER. DAY & OULf.lER, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, ; HATS, BLANKETS, OILS, NUTS.&c.&c. W K. MAKK BEST TEAS SPECIALITY. Jl'ST RKCKlf tD, A FINE LOT DF DRY GOODS. CrII and .See them. First Door South of Town Clock Store. F. A. liOFtI.A. A. 1(1, REAL ESTATE MROKETiS AND GESESAi. ' ! COMMISSIDN MERCHANTS,! frttri Klrl Snth Street. First door VVcxI of Ktmhall A- Lawrence. !oU l.M.c Oily. lub. TWiil K-I.! b 1. 11 fill uJ fold. liou ren'r i. Colloclio.ji made. Mr haudio ard otlirr t t"ii)il property bought ;tiid old by priTitte t-.ilo cr a notion .Money drAneed n propvttyto hf fofi. Lo;ns negotiated. Con v o.. HiiouiK done. i 1 A farm of lt acr in Brighton Dijtrlct for ralo. 'J, lip fa ni ip entirely UiK'cd. Inquire In-quire at tho Kc:l KUtc A(T -n.-v, f. a. iiuffMax a co. J-Mrtlf L.t in B'.r.cV SI. FlM A, onlv half h Muok iVoin th LtnU CcDtral Hnilroad depot de-pot lor (;. K. A. H'TFM AN A CO. 1 Kel K.-tate Amenta, 1 ;i I'T-'Prty wan'ed for rinsinese piirpo5w I v-ii Main -tree!. luuiro at the t'osltstata ' Akienov, j K A. HOFFMAN A iV. I 4 Mores ;mJ dellin..-. wntvd to rent, I inquire nt F. A. HOFFMAN A CO. a-Himl Ftie for rait, in HlooV T3. Ftntt C, and in Hlocfc . H. 1:; mront F. . HO F h M A X A C Mou,i:irs i,oi - mnt oil. ''' 11 " '" ' li "I H'o . l.. ni F.llllt III. 'il. ; lSi.J-LmuInn Ir.tornnti.Mml Khibl-1 Khibl-1 1. n . ' I Mo. i.-i-.;(-ii KvUlbii,.,,! or Kiwhf rli Cfolvl .Mi,nl Itoyal H.n-irtv l,.r the Volf:iro ft . .M'wuv. ii') -Ur-vit V'liil)iii-Ml ill S.o'ktlolm, li.T I'lirn jnt'imithnnl KvhiUilion. A I Wlllll 11 ( i n 'l. I ' if l) l ( Ml nnii'lK lir.'ll!!- . . .1 1 . ..in,. I I, I. 1 w li, k 1 v I,,.,,,', riiiiiit.nl nio.ll, il n u i lii il io,. In V'i, ,),,,. hK, ,T ii. M, - I N, ifli ,l N.'iM iv inul M,,li. ,1 v ,, iiIiiimiK.i I lll.l.lll.l llmii.iiii. In 1 r;rt ! oil,, vi.. 1 . ,.,... I.I,,,' ,.nl ,ii,. I v. In 11 1 ,J - I.I I iiii.iI I , .,-..l II , .. ; .. i.,,,. ..,,. ul, il., i il,, il i , n ii. I Ii4 i , i r , j,, j. ,,,,, . hi.iiiI nil il." 'I ' ' I n - il.- I v li, ii, V,,u, .ll. rhlrllrllii A M, u,b, ' AiMif .r tkir. r s ., ,1 (,. i, ' FLflll FAMILY SEWING MACHINE IS THE Standard Machine of the World ! Tlit Special Committee i., to examine and report on E.lr. Machine, at the Worth c., Stale Fair, held at Kalel.l, ,,n week, awarded a Gold Medal .. ," Florence Sewing Machine Tot ii' ease and qnlet n esa of It moem, " perfection and large variety of n ...i!' and It. valuable new feature.. J,.' king It the mo.t valuable SeTu: Machine for family u.e. 4 Parties contempl.tin the pur. haae of Sewing Maehlnci are re. qaeated to read the following fron. the New York "Tribune" of 0ct 19th, 1 670 : SEWING MACHINES. W'ehave recently had occasion to ttaka some inquiries into the proereea of imuroTt. ment in the mechanism of Eswinr mahicrT and were not a little surprised to lferD ihV,' tne central iaea in the firet iyentioa-the shatile-atill holds ltd r-lac. thoart iMty i attem pts have been made to supercede it The chuttle, in combination with the n-j is etill the eans ued to form thesfih V" the leading machine?, and we find chat h. growth ot traae is chiefiy with the huuU uniig machines. The impro'emeDt that are takicc tra hold m practical tue are. therefore te'u rily in CJDnecUon with the shuttle, either in the detail of the shattle itself cr in other parts of the machine coLtected ith it. to cause toe whole to operas mot perfectly and uniformly, and tu simplify itJ M-ny important gain; in ti; diretti'-a made (-icce the i:rct Trent invention, are oV doubted ly embod.ed in the "FJorenc." tnt-chide: tnt-chide: and we recommend our reader to carefully inspect the "Florence" before ma- km a choice. ; Ihe points peculiar to thi ma:hme s:e: An unusual arnount of money is eat ta j mastng the "Florenee." thereby t-ecuri the bt miteriil i.eteel. for instance, whtre j othere ne caet-iron . and tie ner". tm-h".f ; important prta itbe -huttle, f-r emir-'-i beinu rigidly rejected if it varlc? :yJa"'"( etat-dard l- 0rh of an inch!' X: i: c-.-a-1 strui-tfd on the simp;eji Fcientibc j "icipir' I entirely dispensing' with the c"t-. a i uil' j ard licks w'uch so often get perverTeiy vit j of ordt-r si.d forpIy prrpltx every re za I the (.racriced uschiL;it by their uns-' v.::-j v.::-j able freaks. Tne "Florence" i :1' manared. and v is f readily l--r-ti. ; that an ordinary p-.rl oi fen has ftne l museie enough t" run it perrectly. ioe- Etitch, as md.de by tbe 'Florence'' i- r- ) re nlar an 1 perfect, very strong and elainc, i and U drawn nto 'he fabric even ; umII , esac ly. without jerkicp, and wi,;. j; . cau-ir x the f-em l-- puck- r, or ? trait ng , thrt d to af to ecdanecr i;s breakin.-; c:;- seuently. ve;y bne thread and lip-; j;-r can be u-ed. Besides this, the ' F--fie" Un al! bat the chept-t styles) ' three ad Jition.-il stucne a duiibie i j finicle knd and a doub e knot. r.i hat srrocier -ud more elastic than anv -..Tier ! ;itch. and which are made bv no oner nar ; chine. Ihe " Fiuienoe' i- the on It iesc'e I tht hi- a reTer-i'o'e eei. whereby -.he ii" . rectioii i.f the stwin: cm be "i-;;azj j thai. fed W'.th-nt et.-rpicf tie work, tha I en-b ine the operator to quill r embroider with unusual txfihiy, to iPjr bsrkward aid easily strenfthen a eam wbererer Jesired. and. fi-iallT, by a few repeated ititchw. W fasten end" in the uiftcwt sni iTrer-fet ' wnj. It it the or.iy Kac::Lr that hs 1 ay u jib it shut tie-thread ;eaion. a:'i w-.rk? to per fe.-tly that the operator can na a eroe the eaviost rr?ms and -ew the 2 rest linen and the thickest br.'adcloih iz. in.ae-diaie in.ae-diaie cuccrvicii withonr bre'Kin the and without chsr.sin the ceedie, ti'.ict r tenjien. The "Fio ence" draws tne :2reJ into the cloth with uneinaie-i prec::.3 ma cert)int-". by mean fan icjremo ..Jii-I ..Jii-I matic "take up" wheei, which di5pi.--es of Ihe flack thread left alter the ftiuh w.iq an accurate promptness that prevenu a 1 scan-in scan-in or droppms of siiichci, and allow t oper-itor to Jew backward, or to mn off:i cloth and on aram. with perfe-t itapriity. It ha an luiprord la'ic hemmer. eiCiU-fively eiCiU-fively ih own. which i? menaced witb ea, and will make a hem of any width on aj materittl It not on'y mke a pertVt irntier I and low il to a bind at one operatkn, ta it h-nis, uud bind, and i and gutltJ. : C'-rd. nJ tacKs. And t-itht-rs. and Cr:ii without bjt;r.. fcjch special prorif::i -made ava Dt in.iurioii5 wcrtbt the "H;r ence" is claimed ard fruanintced by tbeC- a-! a-! p.iuy to la-t twice long without re'iiru : any other shut i le m.-hine in the icriNi without the flu-hp- daliculty. V,v--- r-rt of the "F'o'erce'' i so perfect ,y : ,f.-r-nentl adj;v-tri. and ithasoiw i.iL:. points of trict on. th.tt it run; w;;b lie lu-t ease The needle ij se; a:d ihre.idcKi. and tho stitch ie Icnfhe: fi, .hortnil, or rcverst-d with tie st-UK-.I e;i,-e. In uinc tlie " FlTeoc'' neicei the work nor the opera ( t dres it ip.e t be toilet. Ihe "r loronoe" with ail Co?t C aim- to superiority, sells a4 the aaie price m other tirst ci.isa ui-icbioe. Ibe? jve lav.s. ; l.ibvrahty in mMtiutacture; S.uiphci'T ot evinrt ruction; facility of m.-ii;scment; V triety of Sou-he; Kevorsible tev d; t'lhd.'uiitirii tericn: Autoniatio rake-up; I in in e hsu-.ttien Provision (;r.int wm:; rertivi nnd p rnianeut a i;u:r" r asy risu at ion ot netMle and ftu:a. Cleauhuc.t? an cheat lm: The besuty :u,d his h fimh of the ipV. l.,lM!ie Floruv a," nifHieraioif i";. h uiaclune utoh to be valued, aeeJ' to or tiled. No taii.iiy c;iii att'oni to be without a-' in. machine, and we hope tbt be:' ' H one iiiny pf louud -hererer "The In- i? welcome. TO THE LADIES Of Suit I.nkc t My. and throw!" out ihf 1 n ltoilt f I ! Itialio .MiMiiana and W y uinln t Wo citoiui a cordial innnB f Hi our ortioo, and ovaniine the fiownw Frtimly o itur MhoIiukv ubcthor of siiiii,; .im.n(ijHU puiviir-e '" 11,1' ' ih our liujtu5. Mti.l idcaautv 10 cloo oaHiiiiiiHiiou and ouur-anor.. Imvo on ovhilnium, in vt.ut I u',r rsMly to ov.!,iin p,Mt:t of iki'.VtVa'". I wliirh o v't.'iiin Mi)orioni v. " 4 rhino-, of r:i-i.i niskors it tirvrA Itakrr. Minor 1" ' V trMl, In l),HKi K ' J n'li, tut nl':;ir nkini;to wii) bi''" l rtvl ni;u htno. bH i'" tr i i"' thrv will lo Kopi hy s i-oin)M'tr: X i; ,'liini-l i-i ;). l-ol' of MUiiiioa nor r t t.MN'tni'ln r. 1 CHAS. S. HUMMER. S VI, V l.AWK. MTY. T' T 1 |