OCR Text |
Show t ri it nl aud C'losiug of Iailn IKRITALs. fr--niruiii mil, d,ilv. Tp-u. Oiori, K lio City, Wiwtth nd iiMiiinit mid Vi'twalcl'i counlirt, Kriday, -it -Ao4-Turourflj mail, daily. lo.3ua.ia Local Wt--l JurJuii and Herniuaa, T-iurnd-iy, Pm T--l- cviiuty, Tt:uadtrt Thursday and Saturday, P m (irauuml.e, Saturday, 7JU p.m Kortb idaiiu, Montana, Oregon aud Wavh- luoti Territory, tLuly, 1'- - LU ltvTiB -ud Box Eldr cou Lties, ilaily, iu'-3'J ajn ;... county. Monday and TUurs. " " Kicii cjuiitj, TLoxB'Uy, (J utb Killinor, and aJI t n icrrnediAto bfficw dily, except euii'lay, li:uu p.m gt. Georjee "ud Aniona, Tuesday, Tbari day and Saturday, 1-1:UU p.m fcaupstj county, Tueetiay nd Satar-dny, Satar-dny, ll.uOp.m. Fairfield and Cedar Valley, Friday ,11:U0 p.io CLOSING. gtt TTiroupb maJI, daily, ft p.m wtib-n. Morgan couuty, Echo City and Wayiatcb. daily, 9 " hrjuiniit and Waaa-teh countiw, Tbur-day, Tbur-day, " Wwt California and NuTaJa, Through mail, daily, 1:30 " Local W&at Jordan and Hemnian, Ttmr-day, t:'M a.m. Tooele, Stockton and GranUTille, Monday, Mon-day, Wwlneflday and Friday, 6:30 " North I-Jaho, Montana, Washington and Oregon, daily, p.m. lj Kavia and Weber counties, daiiy, S' " box Kliler county, daily, 1:30 " C-whe county, Wedutod&y aid Saturday, Satur-day, " iliuu county, Wednesday, 1:30 " gouth Pillmore, and all intermedial offices, daily, extent Sunday, 7:30 a.m. fct.'-ifcorafid Arizona, Monday Wednesday Wednes-day and Friday, 7:30 " fc.inpttu ciuniy, Monday A Friday, 7:30 " iairlieldand Cedar V'y.VV'edneoday, 7:30 " OFFICE HOURS. Oeneral DWery open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday, 12 to 1 p.m. iiuy Order atid ILeKiatry Department open roin y a. in. to 4 p.m. OtiUido door open from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. J. M. MOORE, Foetmaater. Post Office, gait Lake City. Ut?h. MEDICAL. I . 1 ). IiENEUICT, SURGEON ANO PHYSICIAN. 'illieo ut Heriidcncc, rear of Seventies Hall. w. r. A !i DEIlSOA', At. I)., SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, cilice at H-oik'iici;, iu thy Thirteenth Ward. DR. 0. C. QRMSBY, 1MIVS1CIAN, SUKUf.ON AND DKb'GGLST, 11KIOIIA.H CITY, UTAH. LEGAL " M. Kirkputrick. S. A. Mann KIKKPATRICK & MANN, A t tor iiv w-a I-Luav, OfkickFihbt South St., Fourth door oiut of Hotpcr, EldredKo A Co.'g Bunk. . 8NUW. E. D. IJOGE. SAOW IIOGE, Attorneys and Counselors at Law Salt Luke City, Utah. OITioe at Snow's corner, 1st East St. HOTELS, Sail L.altc House, EAST TEMI'LK STOEF.T, SALT LAKE CITY. T1I.OKN &. LAWnKXCK, Prop'r.. BANKERS. VUIST NATIONAL 11 VNK OF UTVII. Salt Lake City, Utah Tor. W. II. lli.im.v.i-, II. H. EMml-c, I., y. Hill. iltKipcr, Klilri'dgc " t'o.j BANKERS. Kant Tempi, k St., Salt Ukb Cnv, irolil Hust, Coin, Exchange, Land Warrants, Kto. C"Mctious m.clo Hiul nnnptly r.nutt.'l. CORRESPONDENTS: K'fu" it IV.. New Y.nk ; IHnk oCM.tiii 1 1 .in. ; tuft Niii.iii1 It.iik, L'Uic.go ; K.X-' K.X-' IiiIIkV Hulk, t. UlMl' : Nhuoii.I Bnk. Olll.ili.i; J. Mvifc:XU A Co,. L.'lHtjU. X t I' V - r.t ii(.e wo itr.mG rooms T-niilc Slr.',,. nrr Third Mtuili Mml. Th., H.vm' :iTT n,,v ,. n tor 1 1,0 u-0 ol Mi-inlm ii'l lln'ir Kiii-ti.l.. kii, I th t,H iriHi v w U I'O m l.ol Hll.-II,!,,!!. ,. 1. 1 ,mh,. 11 the nutiip- ol ivt-oti ,1 i'.mi.oi Uvomm M.'iiil'piv an. lAvonc Kiuiiku I' W .Ild l,l,vv., intioil., U'AKKKN HVS.-KV. I'l o.-iiliMU. COMMISSION MERCHANTS 04 .id toil C.liroriiln S(., Sim Kr.nrl.,-,, . . ( allfornlK. 'iiriio;,r u,.,,,in t0 the 6Hin( of onlor, tor every ,!,.,., morobatullse. .! or Ore, c., &c. WlJLLi UIOGInq., WILLIAM F. CALTON, p xi-KiuKNi-Kn wKi,i..iM.i.i:n. ne ',' i" " tw"'''tll "f Utb WrJ ., hl.UoU-o, nl Ji ol,. to order on (be sir -rto-il uotico in,t ,n ;it i Liotory tyle. COAL ! COAL ! (lil.I. in :iny ,1, -iro l ,,iaiuny. f..r ate at vy Uio I . t.". lijpyt, or dolivere.l in any Mirt ol tlic oitv. JnliTs tan l,o loll :U llic l'o-o'orativo Drug il"iri'',;'r :" ! Kirknr.W.s oi iosito sNlt l.ako lloii.o, (.kouisk i itmioy, CALIFORNIA TRADE. A. .1. CrlJTFFITII. L I'TCKT, H X) dh ISMOKIOD . SALMON AND HERSING3, 123 W ashington Street, - BelowDavw. SAN FRANCISCO All kindu of Drk-J, Smoked aijd Ficii.ed i'nl . ConHtantlyon band. " CHENERY, SOUTHER & CO., Importer; and Jobbers of all ihe varictic ol FORElfi.V ASD DOMESTIC WINES AND LIQUORS, Which we offer for Fale to the t ad? in T'tah, at low ra'e3 in exch.irjire for NATIONAL ClKRE.NCV "ta-h dffn'1 or approved credit, 311 Clay Street, San Francisco, - - California WILMERQ1H3 & KELLGG2, Importer? and Joboers of Wines and Liquors, 214 & 210 FJKOXT STKEET, SAX FKA.VCISCO. James Sprnaiice, John S,raance, G. C. Chanjan. J. & J. SPfiUANCE, Importers and Wholesale Deultrs in WINES AND LIQUORS, 415 Front Street, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. eedito, imra i 11 Importers and Jobbers ( FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRUGS & CHEMICALS Fine KaHeiitlal Oils, Guihk, Koots, SeetlM, Flowers, Sjjfmtij, 8k.liit, Pomades, &.cM And all othr Staides connect with iiic Wholesula and Ketail lrug liusiii'?. Constantly in receint. by direct Importation, of European and Asiatic products. Kxclusive Agents for Quicksilver. IIostetter'B Bitter?, Lfrake's Plantation Iiitt--rs. Wolf? choid;trii Sclinniir, Ncwell'a Pulmonary Syrup, And all the leading Proprietary Medicines both American and European. Orders Promptly and Carefully Executed. No. 320 anil 531 Jlarktl Street, Betwoon First and Second, BAN FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA. Leather and Saddlery Warehouse. MAIN & WINCHESTER, 214 & 210 BATTERY STREET, SAN F R A NC1SCO, Oflor to the trndo of Salt Lnko anil vicinity LEATIlF.lt, .rail kliiiln, HARNESS, CALIFOHXIA SADDLES. COLLARS, WHIPS, And a gcnorul assortuicnt of SADDLERY GDDDS AT NEW YORK PRICES. Send lor Catalogues and Price". EINSTEIN BROS, & CO., Importer and Manufacturers of BOOTS AND SHOES 113, 115, mill 117 Pine Street, SAN FRANCISCO. Wo would especially call the attention of the Trudo to our CALIFORNIA MADE GOODS I Which in point of style, fit and durability are oiual to the best custom made tfoods. WHITTIER, FULLER & CO. pvccKssnns to Cameron, Whittier A Co. and fill iei Jt II oathcr IMroRTKRS AND L'KAI.KRS IS PAINTS, OILS, AND WIN3GV.' CLASS. SOLE A'iE.XTS Fi.'K FRfNCH AND BELGIAN PLA'E GIA?S CLVS Jl Jc 2! FRONT STHF.KT. Cor. Vine Street. SAX FK ANTIsrO. C. ACOLPHE LOW & CO,, SAN FRANCISCO. C.V.... I'.ll,ortcr ot TEAS, COFFEE S Ni , hikI till EAST LXDLV rKUDL'l't Of which they Kop yr.-rkf r n-i;iniiy on h.uul tor 10 me , J O X3 U I IV 'i' 1 V A 13 H . AL0 Aii KN'PS t OK I La Vlaila dc X lUrmonj ut C ault. ; S II K K H 1 F. , Bnrtlftt WIIITK LF.Al) COMPANY. of New Voi-k. 1 PRAT T'S N (n-KMM.OM V K ASTRAL OIL. Jjrue 0(i. V. . M.o'- r,-irv. , K. M.-woruiray. MACONDRAY siHum & wmmv "1F.K1 ll.t rs. 1WP0RTIRS GF lHiNA ANO JA?AS TEU And all uwvTii uiuj 01 EAST INDIA 1' KO I) 1' (.: K, SAX FRAXCISCO. . . ru H, T. HELMBOLD'S PBhPARATIOXS Hilily Conctmraitd'" CO.MPOL'ND FLt'ID EXTRACT 55 HI C 51 U . K I-j .'.ivc a:d peL;.:". reze .iy for d:se.i?e5 o: ;ne L :i idt-r. K ,iney-, Gravei and Lrop.-ie-al Swe liap. 1':.:- lEt-di ize ir'-Ti-ae the power- : di-io-:i'sn, ai.i exo::e.- 'he aus..ren: ic:c-he:il:y ic:c-he:il:y a'-'i;-.. t y which ihe in;i-:er of c:,I-ear c:,I-ear ou, uep-.'siiitin-. and ah unnatura I en-. oi'iT'-diin:; .-ire reduced. a5 well a psiiu and '.i.datnj ;ion, and i.- puod iV-r men, wvmen Mid cai.dren. H H. T.H LV3 ID'S tXTRlCT EUCKU For weakness ari-inf: from eice??es. hjibit? of dLL-ipaLiuc. eariy inaiM'retiun, aMtndcM wuh ;he Fjiiuwing jyii.p;eu:s ; Idi'pvfiiio:; to Exertion, -if power. Jit5.u.ty ol Hreatniije. Ls of Meuiury. Hurr r 01 Disease. W atKe!mufi, Dim Less Vi;ivn, P iiu in me Jjack. h'm-j .ug of the Lo ly, H i H.'i..p, rupri(.us of tnt- Fuce, V oak .V rve-, Uryucss of tue Skin, Tremoang, Piiihd Cou.iU'iiarioe. L-ts-.-uiide, Of the Aiii.cular t-y-tem. These ;ymi't"ni5. ;f allowed tu go on. iwidca Uii- uit-aioine iuvariaoly removes soon toli nv t amity. EpiK-ptic Fits, Ac, in une of TriicQ tue patient, may csp.re! S tin cm say tuey are not I. e.. uenily i'l-luwt'd i'l-luwt'd oy tu-'se "iireiul uisuiiiijfr," lu&uiii ( y and Cousiiinpiiou. Many arc aware o; tut- cause of their suffer-itij, suffer-itij, but .miie o-iul' ;s. lae re.'o.iis 01 llie tLi.-ane asyiuu.s .r.d the m iam-hoiy dtal-isuy L--in;uujp.i'j.i bcr aaipie w iiuesV tu the truth oi tue a?ert i.--u. Ttic C.'iiitiiuii'.n, mice lJt-cted hy orpai jc wi-.ikiK'.--'. 1 L'lLii'e- ihe aid ul' medKinn u 1 n-iigihen ai: i 1:; vigur-ttc lit? e - to n w 'i ii ", ; 11. 1. ii r.L i li'.'LL)"- E i. Ii l f 1 if ta'c'il t jUivariablv due.-. A trial will conviuou t'ie I LI. SI rL-t-plll-.il. I -i 'i;.u:y .1 hi eti "ii.- p vuliar to l-Vnn lc-,t n v 1 ii 1' A C f 1L11L 1- u'ir-iu.iit. 1 ijk .n.v I :icr 1 t-LL.eaj . .mi lor ai, c..niitui ut i t-.at-u t i ; 'i. :iit- s-l-. 1 1 r :n 1 be j DKfLl.K Oli ClIVNt.K OF LIKE, U j teles I ' -Y.i: fYMI'T'Oh AliuVE. No Fauiilv sliould be without it. j Tak"U i DulvatL.. Mercury, or um.ii-a.-ant IE' lu.-in-j for uaplea-aiu a..d d ;iiiL;e!' us lii-- 11. T. IlL-liiiboUI'-t Kiirucl Ituchu IMPROVED 0?r. WASH C'i ro- Sot-Tt't M:m'. in an .. ir fl.i:es at Imle fxpi'ii-o, hi- k r ii'i e i.i.nre a aiei, co .nc-Jin e tue no.-, and noe.pu?ure. iwi Use Helmbold:s Extract Buchu F r all a tl'.-c !. ami d i -v. -..v ni r lies - orL'ani I wliethi r exixl iny In ."Iiile or t em ale, 1 irom whatever c.iui iri. ill ninir, an-1 no, malle h w lonp ia nd 1 ug. bis-a es of these. irijans require t tie aid i. ;i diu. vtio. H. T. Ilclmbold' Kxtract of Buchu ' IS THE GREAT Dll KLTIC. And it is certain p have the de.:hed -rlrct in all diseases fnr whieli it i- rec jiaineMi.ied. BLOOD! HLUOD! BLOOD! Jl. H JlUjMBOLD'i Highly Conoontrntcd Crnpound Fluid Extract SarsaparLUa, For purifyinar the Hl"f"L removing ill cbro-nic cbro-nic couetituiional ilif'-asee ari-ii-u fr.ui sn iui.Lire ri.ttc rf tin Illond. and t3C only roiiable mid eTwtual known remedy fur the cure ot .Smiula. cald licnd, i t Rheum, P uns and S-t 1 1 mi:.- of the IJ nc-", I teerft-tii teerft-tii nfihe In mat and L ec, Blnt'-hea, I-'im -pso-on the Kace. Tetter, Erygi ielas, and all si-aly ErupiH'iif of the Skin, A nd B e h n t i f y I n r the CnmpUxlou. Two tal)'e-poiinsful nf the Etrat f ;?ar--j.iparilla added ." a pint ol water erju -.i io fie Li-b"n Hiet Orink. and one botileful is fill I v e'iual to a call"" ot t he .Syrup of Sar.ia-parilla, Sar.ia-parilla, or the docoolion a Usually made. II. T. HEL.MBOLO S HOSE WASH, An tx-ell'-nt Toii.,ri f-r ili-ea-ie? ari-ing Irniii ha'til- L-f 1 1 r-s . 1 . 1 1 1 n . u-C'l in 0'innec-ti 0'innec-ti :. wrh fie i-.xtraets Liii'hu and ran-npa-r 11a. in Mi'di iiis-a.sci as rec iiiinenoed E .'id eiit-e ct 1 he iii T po ni b I e and re 1 1 h r. c c :i a : .l'.-'.er wdl a in pa y t ne n: 1 nr . ,- ex p, i'-' t direr.':..; in: n.i, with itr-i itr-i U"L) ill-' T h l s 1 s us 1 1 1 ttie it n Sr--e. and u i' w., rd - o ; K ' u n-'i . i': i t e l cer t ti'- t and r"-'1!! in etid : iry I -t e - r. in 1 ny "f wh i -h re I '"in he liik'ae-t f'Hin-p-, including emiu'-nt 1 ' h i'-i .1 11 i' 1 rc un'ti S; . 1 (" in en. V'-. 'J h e l'r""n t r Ina- n-'er re-..rted t. ihnr pnbii-rtto-n in iiie n.'.-ia( erp ; h" rmt clu t 1-. " r--:u f '-e r. T ' lj . ! t, rrt 1, k h .-,.i 1 : .rd Pr- n , x M-.ii.. nd d ii"t !. J t- !.-..' i M- ii.- n- Iik- ih- I;,.ric I ' 1 1 1 ill ; 1 - !i .lj, i -:.ih I -i:la '. pur. Hid;.- I. ti'.il'faf i i'l i ' l - I" 1 'J '1' T l"Il I,T lit ii '' io - ' - o- . , . . .- ., I. I ' '- . 1, L , ' r , I, i. a 1- a Ll, ao el e . .0. . I i ' : ll.Ve.ei aLllil,.lL"-l..' ' - , ...... , ,. ' .'"', . i K a ti.--; ..." 1 ,: . w ... ,, ' u M. T. ji:.L ':b uo. i II - T . H. 1 i h .1.1. I 1 . If 1. 1., if r. I W.-imIiihi... : I . Ii. .ml 1. a . , . 1 . I 11. 7. Mf In 1 ti - l.,.ol. I ft I i.llill -I . ( I i M f . i , 1 I . Li u are j f CnunU.j ..iu ! ASK. FOR H. T. HILMCOLD S! lAaK NO ( ) 1 ii f. i : CAL1FCKM A TRACE. "'s.'Tkolden & cc.r' FOREIGN UK Y GOODS, Linens, Dress Goods. Hosiery, ic. if at SO SANSOME ST.. SAN FRANCISCO. Lenient Leaienhaci all., li.C- Itobin, DIXON &, DAVISSON, Importers of ENGLISH, FRENCH dt GERMAN i 1 atrfeee Xonons, White Gikmis, Pocket Outlay, Busiery, Perfumery, Linen irj-r's. n.tvitg rL.lcat rurinfrrs iu Kurop. and birj-in birj-in d.rwt c.-'rcmucictttK-'n with tki ni!inufa-:urT, t &re nAM(rd to xrvute all crder-, tuiJ Sell ftt at Low Rnte as New York Importers. We invite in attention of BUYERS FOR UAH TERRITORY To our Sirn-k. which in the luT;:!-! and nio.-t varied t-u the rafific Cot. TOBIN, DIXON at DAVISSOX, Ssn Fn,irico. Cal, CASTLE MOTHER?, rM3?onTEns U 'HOI.KSALK fiHOri-US, 2 1 : 1 mid 'Jli From Sii-rfti Sail Fraiii Imu, - . lull inriiln. 1 JTHy,G;srT-.!0.i i -.V' 1" l VN C I e o CALlKllllM , Call attoution la, tlii n- In, a: ami w ell as,,rt,l leek ,,( I Dress Goods' CumprMinn FRENCH FLA'D PO.-LINS, L.inpress Clot lis, 'I iiiuke Clotlis, III All Color, FRENCH AND ENGLISH MERINOES, ETC. ETC. UTO. AUo, full iint-i ol 11 0 s 1 ii r y, AVliite (.ooik, Linens, TABLE DAMASKS, NAPKINS, Towel i iikh, Kc, All of which th'T "IW t th IawmI niiu-kt Troprif tnr nf th Rimf 8i.n and L"t AntL-lMi Vid- Ij-'pa't U-I tllt'kU-Of till NATIVE WINES AND BRANDIES M. KFI.I.KK Al (()., C iriit-r t'.HttTj and Wahu,trt"D Ptrl, Sun FranrUr n, - - " n I Ifornla, A ngrltca W I ne, Klrlorirlo ' I ne, Mile -rlxlrn ' Fort ' Wine Htllrrt, Sherry ' Ore Brand)-. Ad 'mr Win M Hr"l t B-'trHnt'-'1 t nr 1 1) pnr. ' ar '1 oT.r llir "i. ar-H I,kf f' tV ( ..r,,-,-.t, ,ri 'J.. ,,,,', f, .-tT Mi r'r tOa in-l"iil'''ii it -i1 t ' '! I ,Hk-' it l H C , m, n ., A I ' L.. 1 . , b 1 -a ..f It If HAH II '(MiiMII l, A K- 1,1, MU IrftKo U . WEIL & CO. i JfdKTt V f.F Cigars and Tobacco ,- f- - ! ' .r H f V A N ' I ' K VAM'Mfffil'V, tl, il nnt Z4T, hum hi., - r- - : '.--: 1 r -, : a - ...1. . . - ,v c i - : .1. I. I ! U I O , C.nMI.,0 I iM..iJUiro ; - I H J - t , M I I H II' UI Ii, III- I-. It IN nil t i.o ft'.tn ft t- . .... -'Hi h, . , . I ,., . ,. ,..-.. i 3iiTTAP HCLSR03 &Cj Stoves 6c Ranges, ;K:ET'p:h TJ t PLaiF, '..r. 7loa. l,.. I., ..I. AIr, r - i--. L.t tl iiiid Xi on riio. TI N VI taitllly ' ' ' : I 'J' le ml MOUsfc (aJfti,,.. laaC M UaV.aF( '' '' '' - 0 to 1. I'a.:...:.. i - : , 1 ... - n .,, , N n.. 1 I I a 1 1 .1 ( alirtar l. aanal o.. 11 tt 11. l.a.l, .i,r,ia, iAN la'.AMl.-CO, C'Al- IUIAH CENTRAL j n a ilk oa n. j - T"; 1 T'" 'r. i j PIONEER LIME CF UTA.i Ou and after Thurdm-, Dec. 1, 1870, laily TraiiiN Lesve l.aVeCity a: 5 m finJ i-v p.ir. j Arrive .st Ofder. T a. ir, ad 4 v p. aa. Leave ' tf d in 't S i m. an d A1 p. .ri . Arr.ve at Salt Lake t it.v .0 . n and 7..V p.m. Fare from Salt Lake City to Woo.-. ? lo-$ .TJ Con. rev. . J A' Farmi-.EloB S KavTilie 1. 6 Cifden Fare from Ogrden to Ksysrille Faravrcton $-.tv Cen.revi.le - ko Wou'n.r.'W .... Salt Lake CSty ; v In addition to the abote AN ACCuMMODATION TRAIN Viil run DAILY, SUN PAYS KXO.ITKD. Leaving Osden at a1- a m. aud Salt Lake- City at 4 4-J p . m . , On which full fare will ent tie the puivhajer of a ticket to return on ih name d..v nd tram free, and will plop by aTinp.nj, wuh 1 the cond ;Ctor at any p nnl on me line to j take on or lei off p..venire.-?. Paaaenerfi lit plrase Purehane their Ticket at tlie Ottlce. Fifty Cent. additTonal will be 'harped when the tare .scolitoted on :le ram. For all information concerning freight or pHvJs-age. apply to D. O. C ALDER, Ticket and Kreicht Afcl. isii.t Lake City. Jos. . ot i; suyt. LiV.RPOCL &. QJ-EaTCWL :''.. ' , - s- . i, . . . -.siSjvs-ea" .A' - s '.. ' s, -, '''.!T.'.'.'-.- -' ' '' " : IN MAN LINJ: Of Hoj Ml Mull M. H1111 1 . ".MiUnt from r v i k Every Saturd:.;, AM) Allei iiali- t n . r hln r-i.H)tf. t.i Livei po.-l. l.r , Vim loirt'i agr rm ., ;(ii.(it I'bhh h fte from L I e rpnnl m m k Cnl.ln. ... r,,ah 7VtM, Met-rage, - - n'uiuii,i ;t,tH) Round Trip Tickets iv-ued Ht very low rate .loll t 1. 1 . a M( la- 15ro ..in y. New mk, Or WILLIAM CA Lit H. talt LmJ- v.ity. I tub. PI JNELR SHORT ROUTE EAST. CHICAGO Si NORTHWEST'N RAILWAY horteut anrl Uulrke! Houie rVnm Omaha to I hie go mtd ihr Kni, The Ka'tem Kiprn- lenvei- OhimIih U-iity in eoiine'-imn wuh iraim on the t. enral hih! InionPaeiltC mil mad, mil t n e iuChl-c-f u in ad 1 ance of all t h -r rnut e. A Dew and splendid lina of Pullman alar II ot -l and llrln( ( our h Ha roenilf been built i- r tbl Cmpanr. Tti tirifo di1 N1.1II1 mr Imn la ti. 'i.rf,f RmiI whj Ih.( Onmlm AM ('In. lint ny I fUi.lt uriM. TH It K K T It A h H A'i't, n. wlmb 1 1 m. M".niiri Lav pkw riulti pKina D'.r ip-riM in iitudtt.y li I....I 1.1 mud liaikand njn ppiriK It itb tollnin m k ! Hi mM m.-Urn in titi, it (-iiia.il I ), 1, l.jt-l h aril ) ,m tr of Ita .liia 1 1 if aliorlfat Jin, iitlfi 1.kv.lii.t Cut. Ik an huiwu i--h 1111r.pn.ll.- ii peed, Comfiirt and Hmtrty. Bt h"k"l llii..iirl, H M.inu t and ii t hki tir l'r ip aiifiat mi Oiulia 1.1 tli ' t.. .Him ti'i)'ln, thr..nfch 11. kU. Iv anr and 0 1 u kt-4 tn Cbnai a"l fi'.t t li- i U-l u ICsiIvh). PliKl) iau .,.ini pu vt tl tti- prim iin.1 )aoi4t tnl -i.n. l.-xt .til.. tl.f UUWI WlM, a IK I .'I W II. t I'll'l . f I' 11 ay I utHi' ( Al.liKM Hh'K ' t-i-r. 1 ..,.,.. I (U.H LAk t). F'.r any inf'irrnati'.r) in rnar1 ir. Ci-.l i ni i lj ta HARRY RQGtRS, Hf.OlU I"- I Ml.'l I a.t ii. y. i a in o-iii, u. ., i .,( a . . ' I,.. 1. b. 1 I, 1-1 1. a r. Hl 1- 1 W It H-runa.14 i.'.l Aie-iii -,..,, |