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Show ICE, ICE, ICE! SALT LAKE (OS GGKF.MY, Established Jan. 1, 1800. lit d)iv--:w :s'!y in -'v'l jzrii cf r.:t;, in C-LJ j!aiuity oiid it rrif' to suit the t;m-s. J. It. CJ.AWSOX, Agent. Ipct at Claw-on's Ice Cream Saloon, i Trrst P'Tith st., wbr t-Vri id always a ')ppty o' i ft Ow.m, tr.ivl-rrriw, Simmer Drink, Ukw aod Candid of the lfft auitv at tl:e lowf-t ra; CHENERY, SOUTHER & CO,, i J Import- and Jt,.j.r9 vf -yrj arity of WIS I LIQUORS 311 Clay st., San Traacisco, Cal. Jcl9 AzTil of P.ifiV!' "f.-:ar Run'' and M'ji' "C. A fi." pure Boiirt.on M'hi'k:wi. 0r.-rI ff alfrs in kII llif rariom lirar.dfl ff Ty Hourlmrj IVhi-kiM, Native Wirif-i mid Jlrar.'li', A N .. ,t,, in WkkJ or Tim. liav Rum in wx;d or fr'. Prticrr'araV'-Miori a t to filling I ru g d - U' ord r for Ul'-l. r; i u J pur'M . E. II. KOSS, VfbolMa.! aid IlUi DoaJ'jr in Oval, Rutin and Funny From"", Engravings, En-gravings, 1 ho'rHp' k, Photographs, Photo-graphs, Chrornos, Al-boins, Al-boins, Pocket Maim nrid O harts. 'o. 313 L'ktxi Street, St. Lwin, Mo wmr t,.pli.l a' t!.' Inwf-l r&U.. trrri tor '',.rrr ti circular!. Dr. tv. 12 . ;b:)ve:s, HTJHO KOINT 1.1 EC HA HICAL D HIT! ST. T"l! fill. -I wifr. 'II r,.1 wnrrnr.t"! i,,,t I-, J-, Fur 1-n or t A' lvf yuiK rr !: i;rri 1;..r!,A , ,, l I',.,,, i , , ,, 4 O ''' 7'.' f)n ''muiIi i. i. ,i,.,-. i J ' ' V I' II. Ml'.. . ..Il l.i.l. l',ly. lion's Cooperative Mercantile Institution TO CITY A1VD COUNTRY COOPERATIVE . STORES And Hie Trside generally. Wholesale Dry Goods ! EAGLE EMPORIUM, (UpStairs.) In this Department will always be found the choicest brands of American and English Prints, Lawns, Organdies, Percales and Dress Goods, Ginghams, Cnamhaye, Brilliantes, &0., Sheetings, bleached and brown, of the most approved makes. Hosiery, Notions, &c, &e. Also, a heavy stock ot .boots, Shoes, Hats and Leather, home made and imported. Shoei'indings complete. Hetail DRY GOODS Department. Eagle Emporium, (Ground Floor.) This Department is constantly receiving, by express and reeular freight, such additions to its already large and varied stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Notions, Trimmings, Ribbons, &c, foreign and domestic, as to have to make this branch a public necessity. Much of our stock is purchased eselusively for this room, and is offered at prices uniformly low. We would call the especial attention of the Ladies to our varied and seasonable sea-sonable varieties of Shawls, Sacques, Perfumed Handle Parasols, Skeleton Corsets, Kid Gloves, Hosiery, Laces, Flowers, &c. We have just roeeived a fine addition of Carpets, Crumb Cloths, Mats, Matting, Window and Table Damasks, Nottingham Lace Curtains. Our especial feature The Ladies and Misses Shoes, which cannot be excelled for variety and price. Just Arrived Window Cornices, new and unique. D JL T 12 I M G. Three doors South of Eagle Emporium, SPRING CLEANING AND FURNISHING. This Department has a fine assortment of CARPETS, OILCLOTHS, DOOK. MATS, AND WALL PAPER, including Low, Medium and High grades, with Borders to match. A first-class papcr-hanirer always on hand. Just introduced a great variety of Home-made Trunks, to w hich public attention is invited. Also just arrived, a lull stock of CJeaals', Uoj's' and Youth's Summer Clot li i n g, From fine French Car-situere to Linen, at low prices. H. B. Clawson, Supt. EU3IKEI1 rOIt Till: lUIEI.IOAT Utah Lumber better and cheaper than any imported. $. WIDLILIAMS & CO., Are prepared to furnish the inhabitants of Salt Lake Citv and vicinity with a first class article of Lumber, cheaper than ever before offered to the public. Having a largo supply of every kind, on hand, and our mill running in tho best grove ol'timlrKr in ttah, we will furnihh Lumber, at the following rates at the IT. C. IS. It. Depot: All kinds of Plank, Scantling, Joist, Flooring, Beams, Rafter.,, Inch Lumber and Sheeting, at $37 M per thousand. First class Flooring, Finishing Lumber and Picketing, at 1- .V) per thousand. Parties requiring a bill for building will do well to give us a call, as we will furnis'j a general bill of lumber cheaper than any other houso in the line. ALL KINDS OF PAY TAKE.V AT MAUKLT JIATLS, hgg-, Butter, Flour, or other productions of the farm. Also, Stock of any kind, Shte-p, Cows, Work Cattle, Wagons, etc. Store pay at cash rates, or even cash itself not refused. SinAES CJIIEAS'EK Til AX EYEIJ. On good security we will also give time on part "payment for large orders. Wo bhall open u lumber yard in Salt Lake City in u lew days. All communications to be addressed for the present to! JoIiua YYilliaiun X Co. Weber Station, CP. R. It. SHAKERS ! SHAKERS ! SHAKERS ! .1 , . Wa. C. Mi. 0. RETAIL DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT, lVA EftilS'OKHJM. We nre I'iii,i' SHAKES! AIIl Vsal-s BOaeBa. II. U. CJ,A W,0,, Mipt. D. 0. CiLEB, WW. 8ALDKB, fl BOBTE AJJ Calder Brothers, Salt Laick City, IJookscllcrs, Stationers, And Dealers in Musical Merchandise and Fancy Goods. Miflctl anyone Books, fr PuIiIk, Privnt ami Sunday School Librarian; Sfhool BX)kn, Maps, Glohw, Charts, uid all oiIiat artiole u&i ir Hf.hrnn. A complete assortment of Hinnk Root", Writing Pajwr, Pocket Cutlory, and Btationai. Albnnifl, Pocket Rooks, Knnivin and Croino. A full itock of Wupicol TiHtniments and Musical Merchandise Geoeral Agentu for all af tho bt piano and organ manufacttirprs, and for the publisher of eobacription books. A 1;xrg Aiwortnint H SUNDAY SCHOOX PRIZES J niit RocoirwL M M I fMr IMPORTANT To Tvry LOVER OF IS'ATURE ! THE CELEBRATED PATENT CRAIG MICROSCOPE. During the past Six Years its worth has been testified to ly thousands of Scientific Mm, School Teachers, Stu dents. Physicians and othn-s. Simplified and Adapted to Popular as wll as Scientific vse it is an Optical Wonder. IU Mign ifying power is Ti:.V THOUSAND TI3IF.S ! Combining cndltss instruction u-ilh amusement ; A Beautiful Gift, and one that never lo.-es its interest, reveals the vns'oi xrondert of creation, Ed in Vinegar Animals in water, Clitese Mites, Siignr and Itch Instcts, Milk Glolvbs, Adr.UrT'.itioits in FoevI and Drugs. Al-o the Trichina Spiralis or Pork vcorms. A very beautiful and ornamental In:-tniment, sbouM be on tLe table ot every Family, Pliyieian, Scientific Man, Student and School. An Unseen Kingdom is pened to the eye by this Instrument No lover of the beautiful Miould be without it. Every Instrument ii pat up in a neat box, with full directiens for using it. carefully jiu.-led on the cover. Thousands have been sent by mail, and the proprietor guarantees a ?afe transit to each instrument. We are sending them eveiy day. Price by mail, postage prepaid, ?-'.T"), or with two Mounted Objects, $.;.X. Addle.-, K. H. ROSS, 31 i Lcxjust street 6u Louis, Mo. II V I G nous E.. KaropcuA Tlui. A First Class Hotel. I.v-nliiin miurpa3I, Winff nnr Tnioo inftna k II...UH. aii l A T MrArl'l Iiw ni tun ol r... l!ro:,.w.iv antl TwrKlb -W, Nw Vork. G. P. HARLOW, Prop. ST. CI.AIR HOTEL, (Vr. Thir.l n.d Muk. t Strf.,f, ST. I.OriS, IO TERMS $2 PER DAY. Hou.m lurni.hM with th lt TrlnS tt. Huu rnlr.Uly 1-Ktl. Hn-J Ur all train. r.ciiroi It. l;. aiui jUuul'Otat tickol oQ':c iu Uifl b J. CIIESLET, Propr. T),-P'i-i;i m-tt und rMin-rivl. I'jin haM t$ ll-.-v i I tlill ;Iri I ho Ni'iU ! (ii-. :L-i iui4 nn-lum. nn-lum. H (lio hi ahly, in'rt.'- mui lntnitY ol a pisotflr wpio nol tii uuti-ll l' Hm ttrlnri it o' Cilsl,,!!,, til" M'.llllt U- 'i MU' IM '1 lY d.Ntll ."fnrr ho w;i ron-.-iMtm "I ilun'T, Th" irnhv-rnh-nl.In loiiiirvs whii'li urruinpiitiy PvpopM, pir- Imlo nil iliuM it lu (ho i Imi m tt't' l tlin inahi'lv, fninhnt tl.o onmv pi..n.lly with Tabr(it' KFF)RV..'nT n.ini Ai'MlllNT. Thit pt.wnnt pp Ifin nm"l(i tho di'a.rt at all p-mila in ti pakrnd Mob a h, Iho torpid Uv.ir, ll' rinh-piitrd rinh-piitrd bmvi-N.l lit Mi.i.tiTi .1 nrrvi -imd hv r-ntnriiiK r-ntnriiiK II tl..a )rnnnt o Undr natural c-militions iifliM vli U' mi How to Make Good Strong Vinegar I IN ONE DAY, From ' UIt, .Hori; Hum. M din r n, j,ugr, Win or Mc Julie l any Fruit. 1I rrrt latin alnlr nntl prnj, Com I not niiu-hir IhtU f (Uo pro r nl hIIom ( hh r tu lour In Imrrrl iy 1 1 ' i run ninkr iti fnU dln tt-(Imiaaint tt-(Imiaaint on rrrrlpt of FH I'cnti. Aililrrval . S3. EnnJiorp, Mt. Louis, Moj I f imJ ' Pioneer Line of Utah. t h us i is a ri r t w -y-f. - 1 4 Trains loave Salt Lake City daily at 5 a. m. and 2:45 p. arrive at Ogrlen 7 a m. and4:4sj p.m.; leave Ogden city at ' 8 a. m. and 5:30 p. ru.; arriv at Salt Lake city 10 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Ia addition to the above, an ACCOMODATION TRAII WILL RUN, Wednesdays & Saturdays Leaving Ogden city Sam, and Salt Lake city 4:40 p m, on wLLj full fare will entitle the purchaser of a ticket to return on the azt day and train free, and -will stop by arranging with the conduct;;, at any point on the line to take on or let off passengers: Passengers will p.ease purchase their tickets at the offices. Fifty ditional will be charged when the fare is collected on the train. For all information concerning Freight or Passage, apply to D. O. CVLIDER, Ticket and Freight Agent. Jos. A. Young, Suut. READ ! READ ! READ Zion's Co-op erativs Mercantile Insfa ELDREDGE & CLAWSOIY BUILDINGS. Groceries, Hardware &c AT RETAIL! This Pepaiuuent i.- supplied with an immense Stock of Staple & Fancy Groceries, Hardar; loot, 'Agricultural Imphmcnts, Qucettstcore, Wii'. Ttr.W-Slortt, Ttr.W-Slortt, Jieapers, Moicert. P'-r: nud S'd.y Rak-s. Ami Oilier Macliincrj". Our assortment includes a lame variety of articles not generally restores, re-stores, hence we are induced to offer them tit retail to meet a public o--which has been heretofore unfilled. We shall continue to supply the ; trade nt our usual low prices, and an inspection ol our stock o.i:i .;-;-atisfy the closest wholesale or retail buyer that it wid be to their r make" their purchases at the ' Orocen- Pepartmcnt, Z. (.. M. L If. li. CL awso. sur' THE AVERILL CHEMICAL PAHiT C03IPANTS Kn.braein? over A HUNPKKD PIFIT.KKNT SIIAPKS. prei :' immediate application and rcquiiin.v' no mixing, just nwiuM and for s;ile at the DRUG DEPARTM'NI Z. G. FJL I. The ingredients or those Paints tuv simple and indestructible. ..!;';' -y ties with which they recommend themselves tiro: Cheapness, i " p1'-rioiily p1'-rioiily of color, an unusuallv smooth and glossy appearance, less latvr ; , in laving, no trouble of mixing, will Maud tiro or ram, and dvvs m'i , peel nil' with ntmospherie changes, nor chalk otl by I notion. i'. ir-,1 oheaiiest, most durable and most popular Paints in use. . ? Tl... XVKKll.L WIMTK PAINT is a .INC PAIN 1. iV"'"-' ' lead, and is of equal superiority and popularity. ltKINC Al.ONt) YOPK PAINT CANS OPKN ANP Vl'l P.V TllK (i.VLLON. A lull lino of ror'i?;ii, lloimvstie and Co Liu1,,p At tho Pmg IVpaitment, . C. M. I. Si. J5. (liAWSO, "I'1 i |