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Show . Thomas Latimer. W. H. Folsom, "GeoreoII. Iaylor. Goorse Rouiney CHANGE OF FIRM. The Plftninp; Mill, Sasli .and Door Factory Fac-tory of ' IFOXjSODrfC, B.OBrNEYCo, , "Will hereafter do business under the iirin namo of LATIMER, TAYLOR & CO, C A CU Of all sizes on hand and made to . Onon order. nfintJC Raised panol, moulded, Bash ' UUUflO doors, large store aoors, any thickness, size or kind, lur-nished lur-nished to order. WINDOW witn gtons, .beads and sash, FRAMES 1 - PRfiMTQ Panel frames, plain doorand inHlVltO window frames. . BLINDS Stationary and rolling slatts. MP II I niMPO Trom 1 to 12 inches for lYlUULUlnUa doors, bise. archa-trives archa-trives and cornice. CI finUIMP Tonjrued and groove and rLUUrilllU s.iuare-cdge on hand and worked to order. I IIMQCR Planed out ef -winde. to a LU ill 3Ln thickness, and ripped to any desired size. Planer and Circular Saws Runniag all the. time. ; . MINING DISTRICTS Supplied on short notice. ' ' Give us acall, oraddress by letter to Box 66 LATIMER, TAYLOR fc CO., ' OneBlock westof Tabernacle REVERE : HOUSE, (Late Omaha-House,) Will hereafter be conducted as A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. In all its appointments. It will be renovated and re-furni?heJ, and its management attended to in a manner to insure satisfaction as to Fare and Prices. The Hnii-e will be conducted strictly on The European Plan. Jhe Resaurant OPEN FOR MEALS AT ANY TIME DURING - , --, TAi DAY.- ' jI7 B.P.WHITTEMORE, Prop. H. DIN WO ODE Y, FURNITURE DEALER ... And -' : - ' UNIOLSTEKEK. AU kinds of IMPORTED FURNITURE Constantly on hand at the Salesroom, EAST TEMPLE ST. Every description of HOME-MADE FURNITURE At the Factory and Salesroom, v FIRST SOUTH STREET, S. L. CUT COFFINS, PLAIN and OUXAJIEXTAL si Always in Stock. " Z. C. M. I. ClothingDepartm't FRESH ARRIVALS Of New Goods in Fall and WINTER SUITS ! OVERCOATS, CAPES, TALMAS Military Clothing, &.c. Also a Foil Variety of G -NT'S FURNISHING GOODS Gents', Ladic.-t' and Boys' . BOOTS & SHOES Gents' Youths' and Boy.,' HATS and CAPS. TRUNKS in all style and iiualitie?.. Valihv.h and G'abpet Sacks. Carpet3,rnatting,Floor Cloths H all Paper awl Decorations, i Always on hand and for sale by the yard, a . tarije stock t French ami KiikII.I, Cl nieren, Oor.ttktiiH, Heavers, Military ;lolli, llnin. Hade Tivtcila, 4tc. SUITS MADE TO ORDER ! '.'ritlcinonV Clotliine. or Militrirv Hint iiiwl! to or'f.T in tb) ftwtJi Styl'j ti K;i-;fi ii,n un tht nh'irt:'t nt. Kir-U-cla. i-it and V ork ffpn.n-'hi v fiunrnntoe'l. MILITARY TRIMMINGS IV filtKAT VAIIIKTV. nil H. I). CLAWKON. Suit. UTAH CENTRAL RAlUtOAD.' PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. On and after Thursday, Dec. 1, 1870. lally Trains Leave Salt Lake City at 5 a-m. and 2:45 p.m. 1 Arrive at Ogden 7 a. m, and 4:45 p. m. Leave Ugden at 8 a. m. and 50 p. in. Atrive at Salt Lake City 10 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Fare from Salt Lake City to Wood's Cross S .70 Centreville S .90 Farmiogton SI. z Kaysrille 1.5 Cgden 2.50 Fare from Ogden to Kaysville SI. 30 Farmington 31.65 Centreville 2.U5 Wood's Cross 2 2-5 Salt Lake City 2.50 In addition to the above AN ARRflMMnDATinN TRAIN - Will run , ' DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED. Leaving Ogden at 5 a. m. and Salt Lake City at 4:40 p.m., On which full fare will entitle the purchaser of a ticket to return on the same day and train free, and will stop by arranging with the conductor at any point on the line to take on or let off passengers. Passengers will please Purchase their Tickets at the Oincee. - Fifty Cents additional will be charged when . the fare is collected on the train. For all information concerning freight or passage, apply to D. O. C ALDER, Ticket and Freight As " Salt Lake City. JOS. A. YOUiG, Supt. df a-- LIVERPOOL & QUEENSTOWN. IN MAN L INE Of Royal .Mail Steamers. Sailing from ew York Every Saturday, AND Alternate Tuesday. Cabin Passage, to Liverpool. (cH) $75.00 Steerage H . (our.) 3U.UU Passage from Liverpool to ew York Cabin, ... (GoM) $75.00 Steerage. - - (CuTtucj) 'Ji.OO Round Trip Xicketd issued at very low rate JOII G.DALE, A'-at, 15 Brodwiiy, New 'urk, Or WILLIAM CALDKH, Arent, o-T bail Lase City, Utah. PIONEER SHORT ROUTE EAST. CHICAGO & NORTHWEST'N RAILWAY Shortest and (Quickest Route from Omaha to Chicago and the fcttt. The Eastern 'Expreni leaves Omaha dily in coDnection with trains on the Central and Union Pacific railroads, and arrives u Chicago Chi-cago in advance of all othor rouica. A new and splendid line.of Pullman Palace Hotel and Sleeping Coaches lias recently been built for this Company. Tlio Chicv(co tuti Nortb-wextTn is tlo Ploowr K&ilway betweeo OrimJia and ChicaKo, liaring bt com pltd sobw Til KKK V li A Kij A i O; nc wbicb time, the 51aiiMf-rji have a pan J o(ithr pwni nor expDM Id prftiDg Iu rutwl-ll tuo trsvck and empping it witb roiling nUs.k of the m'rtt ni'ffern improrcmeriUt; tlm, tOKother with th-fact th-fact of tta Mtik the Hh or tent lino, ofT.ri . thu Traieling Publican Kantero route uucjiiallMl I- Speed, Comfort and Safety Baggage checked thrfmgh to all ikmjjU twt no extra charge for tranrr at Oinalia or Chicagc to jmrliba holding tl-rough tir.kfta. iure tud t-k for Ticket Tla Cliirar Nortli-wi-Bteru Ratlway, whi' h ain be obUut.ed all the principal railway and sloani boat ottitem th UniU-d titatea, arid -f Wm. Caldi.r, Ticket ngont, office at CALDKH UKOH.' tilore, L.utt Tompledt halt Lake City. For any Information rn reJird to Frt'ig)it, apply to ' HARRY ROGERS, Vc4Uitu taxa'f and yr'Vagvnt. II. P. ar.'ANW(D, U'.n. Ti- k-t Agwnt. Chicago K'J. h. UUNLAI'.lnn. ral rtnpt. W. R. HTKOS'I Ocmral Ant, 0-n'liV N-b MOKE LIGHT! H auiutfnr mi: . THE DANFORTH FLUID Id llio Lirlil. lot the Penile. Oiil 'AH per Uitl. liY TliK i'lVK OALLQNH. 1IIK (IA.1.JKT lll ll.M'.K, Withum Chimneys, t i o tliiiiK TIIK I'AC'K It A .11 t' Aro tlio only perfectly ca'o liiuips, AH SAFK AH ("ANOI.KS. A NtW AfWVAL OF tAMPS, LANTEHNS AND FLUID. k. iti;i.si; .v o., "i Corner Kiulh of WiiIIct Urm'. LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE i Nil: im it( i; oiirv. AssHls - - - $is, 11)0,000,00, J. m. Mumi io, ai hi, ' I". . Hiill.lInK, H,.lt l.nb.l ll, CHICAGO TRADE." MARKLEY, ALLING & CO, Importers and Jobbers iu Hardware Cutlery 51 Lake Street, CHICAGO, - - - - ILL.. lis DIEBOLD & KIENZLE, Succeors to Diobold, Bidamann & Co., - CELEBRATED CINCINNATI ! FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF ' ' S A FfE.S, And Sargent's Magnetic and Automatic . - Bank , . PKATT & COVERT, General Agents ' 8U Washington St., Chicago. H1. B. CLAWSO.V, Supt. Z. C." M. I., Aceut for Utali Territory., ., . . n30 KEITH BROTHERS, Manufacturers and Jobbers of HATS, CAPS AND FURS Millinery and Straw Goods, 08 &. 70 Wnbaili Ave., rtTTTfl A fi H 3 cfc 4 Dearborn Place, IIULLIUJU Jl HOUSE B- II. Skinner, Proprietor. Corner Wells and pTJl p p ( Randolph MrteU, , UlllvaUU. This House' is centrally located, well furnished, fur-nished, nd contains 250 Kooma. . du CHASE, HANFORD & CO., 51 Sonth Water St., CHICAGO, Headquarters for Oils, Paints, Glass, &c, Manufacturers of the celebrated WILSON OIL TANK PxVGK, 1IUO. fc CO., Importers and Dealers in LEATHER AND FINDINGS SO Lake Street, smV- CHICiEfl. ILL Lake Shore Oil Works. MAXWELL, WHEELER & CO., Manufacturers of Engine, HlR"'. Tallow, Lard and WOOL. UlLfy. Dealers in liendlilit Carbon, 'hal3 iilcphunt, iical and purtu OiU, A .-a La ur Uiu sale of PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL. A genu of the Wwt VirciDiaOil auJ Oil Laud f, ! I JtANU F ACT ITS. K8 0 1 EXCELSIOR CAR, RJQF AM J IRON PAINT lor Tin and tiliuI" K'X-f, bnake Ti;U'r(, Ac. Factory ClUCAtiO. Offico. ZT k J. 'J lllinjie .--t., 1"3 Water btrr-t, VAN SCHAACK, STEVENSON & REID WHOLKSALK DRUGGISTS Dealer, la PAINTS, VARNISHES, OILS, DYE STUFFS, BRUSHES, Window Glass, Glassware Patent Medicine, oto, 00, 04 tfe 94 Lake St., tor. Dearborn With a I.irtri rx iieriTic in the Territorial ; trade, we t- el nure of giving" Bati'lalion in quality, price aod paekins. I NEW YORK TRADE. C. A- Lontrtreat. John Hodrwick. LONGSTREET & SEDGWICK Manuf.icturoM of and Wholofule iclrn in MEN'S & 30YS' CLOTHING, 400 A. f08 Ilro.ilw.y, t York. MOL'l.KR'S (01) - LIVKR OIL. R- r.d tin, fif.t I'rtxfl jt ,i li t,t Uio fullwwluji Kxhil.itiuni ; , 18; London Intrnutiurml Kxliibi-tion. Kxliibi-tion. IH; Hnr'n K vhibitiori uf riiiii-rii's: Gold .M.-.IjiI ,,f Koy,il 8. i.rty lor tlio wolfuro of Nurwuy. Ihii'V (jn-ut Kxliibitiun at Stockholm. 1Hi7 I'urnt InUTimti'iml Kxliilition. At wliiih it I'x. k tlio n rat (.rl. hiiwhk tw,.iily-PiK'it tw,.iily-PiK'it cmiK-tllor-i. It m ri'ioiuniriiill l.jr ttimiv eiiiiiioiit ihi 'II' ill anlli'inf ' in K V nl.i .v tin. Mli' nl H.m inly Ni.rwuy iumI ,M. .i. al H.i.y .. NirtlniniLrlan'l ami burhaio. I)r. L. A. nyrc, .f New V-ik, my: '),. Urr' fr ""' (-no J.y hi. U tl i,n,.r nil iIkiuIiI l rnvli'." br. J. M.U'if.iiFinia Ay : "t RVi prr- Y-ilil It 1 almoHt .luily, ihkI Imvrun'iy n-tif-iii i,, .n in-rfpully Htif. with It.' Formilo by I)rnrifil" and Clu'inll', ' W.II. Kchlrflrllii Ol Co., New l ork, 'liV V-ih A k- nta fvr lliu U. H. ami Ciia.lu. Pool, Nazro, Kimball Si Co., WJIOLKSALE GltOCKKS .'17 W.rrni HI., i iir'l linn h, J.ll. CLI.Ui:i;. Now York. BATHS, BATHS! W'nrm Spring Wat lis ! I'rlvale ntnl I'lmiKe. Tlicmi ( Ifl.r.it.. I lutlh urn i.jh-ii to thn nilii! at nil 'iwt(ili. Tlmir rim. In hud pi...r(i.t tun ni wlrly kii'iwn that It In r .Hew Ui otHiiiinratr th.'iii. II-I'Ikm lli.i I'rlvntn Mii'h-, th.. liirKnHrt'l liiui'l-f.iiio. v (pirt.l-h.. I'liinn llnfha (r I,..H..k nuti 'l"titltiinM ntn in, , AliniOMt, i I V PEOPLE'S LSl'R.lfEf 0,1 . Ol- SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. ( t'irz nnd M'irin ) C. F. MacllKltMOT. II. li. UORNKK, I'rci'irnt. Sc-rt.iry A. U, (il .MSSI, Npeclal Agent. Xj . T , 'I' IT l 7VX W IV, Orlier.l Atceill for ll.li. Office at S Vt'. Il'iwla J & IV. il.iia Street, S.,!t L ike City. B. VT. E. JENNEN'S, Lor.l A ft r ml, Offl.CC at Tra.ilrl A. Co'. Main t., jji bait Lake t l.y. , ... PRACTICAL WATCHMAKERS. ELIASON & HAUERBACH, Nxt Door Kaat of the Herald, Are wurkmen who not only repair Watrhej and CInrkd, but will ma Vtrhwi to urder id any dired tyla, or anjr part f tbrm, from j.ivul or jiaion to an our Waub. Work Uiioattd on Ilodrat Tirmi, COMPETITION Left Behind 1 . . HOLIDAY CAKES, CIIUISTMAS TREES, PURE CAXDIKS, of oil kimh, Pine A iiln, Iiijortrt Fruit., "'nry lirnrf rUi, I'Mlrr, I'tr-, I'rovlaliini, Con fret Innrr)', The clirapcst in town, at Ui " 1IKMIV AVALLACK'S. NOkTHWESTERN Mutual Life Insurance Co. Toil V II. VAV DYKP.. I'ri-.i.lrnl. II KI1K11 ,-M I 1 11. . Vira-I'rr.i.lpnl. AI'll. IIAM..IK. .. Swrelnry. lloili. Om-e, Hrnnihvay, rnr. nfWIl-enilaln nfWIl-enilaln HI,, tllltv.ilkrr, VI. Dr. S. H. WAI.I.IIIAN, lln(-rl ,Kont Hcrlty M.iiintrtin li it ri'-t I 'i L,, rn-i,i , Wyoinum. Ulnh anil Nn. i Mrtifn. PETER C. FERGUSON, Alter.! for I'tnli. Aiauk. .1. H. JOINAHSON, ,nont for H.ui 1,kn CUy, TRAVELER'S INSURANCE COMPANY, II A It T Foil II, I N KCTICI'l', Inniiro ngiiiiml AeciilKiila t iiuning Dimth orlnlnlly J)ihiilling Injury, PETER 0. FERGUSON, A'JKNT, Ollli'o ill ll,p,,,r, KMn'ilg.) .V (.'o.'f Hunk. REaoms!: SISCER SEWIllili In all the beautiful varieties. SHOULD BE SEEN BY EVERYBODY ' Contemplating the purchase of a , " Machine for family or ; other use. Atour newlylltted up Salesroom, Second Door South of the Kale Km-porlurr, Km-porlurr, between the Urug and Clothing Clo-thing Departments of Z. C. M. I.t wl 11 be found a Full Assortment of theae Admirable Sewing Machines At Prices to Suit Everybody. THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE NEEDS NO PUFFING to commend It to the public, as the following , JET -.a. : TT ft show: In I S.S0 these now celebrated Machines were firrit offered to the public and in the four years Bucceeding 4,0 were eoid. Today To-day over that Dumber are weekly turned .-tit from the factory, and yet thi. iini-ien-e eup-jly eup-jly is not equal 10 the demand. At the end ot the year ls67, uimard of 2"0.O MiLchiDwe were sold, and in the then following yearn, frum '& u '7i, thenamber had been increased to upward of 500,000 MACHINES SOLD, One third of which were dlpoaed of wi tli tn t l.e preced In g twelve muulhii FroiB the f" redoing it will be 1 en that dur-iiir dur-iiir the Ut three year.-1, the frilt-" h.ive ot-en u ward of fifty per ciiit inort lii.to dunog the whole of the jevtnteeu previuu; ye-r., THE PEOPLE'S V.R.0ICT. after a acore of year thorough trial U that the H mz si m SEWING MACHINE is adn.tel to all kindi c-f work, sewin as 1 reaJiiy tt.B thicke-t and nrt (".uhiorn ma-trri.il ma-trri.il a.- tlie fluct u.jt ii 1. 1 .cii. e la-ric: with a i 1 1' a . th i r I v Lt.-;, pcricctiun and durability i.- urn-nnle 1. Af-fon; p mj ins r.i.-h .Michine are printed ir.'Truti.'E. o pl.-.iu id e .f r..u:pr-b--n-ion thai, alth.'UnQ we ro'oiumcnd cuium-art cuium-art to lake at if ut one lc. in nj ih ii erat"t. U t wld'jia Juit-purL'iMrrii'-ir.i Ala glance tae umilKiiy ot the Ma-Diue and CJtupleieneJs of:he cniruciiD. buiiie uliht . . OF THE !. SINGER. MACHINES ARE Fimplicity of ront rorti'-o theref. re et lUuililj tti get, out yf rot Hhort. ptniirh' n'-ei!e leae liable to bend, break er nkip (he itiich. The bottle li carrie-.: frictinn. wear and the !!-.(. u of grcaiing who race art ihui avoided. .... tteadine with which the nut (neipr-ienccd (neipr-ienccd can adjust the tcn.u n ui lue thread. Freedom from weir. A'ter twenty year C'lnntanl rvioe ihr.-e tnachinej have never been knuwD Vo wear out. They are noielu, rapid and ey in all tboir move menu. All our rtii'-hinp? are adjute-i and rut in th-TOugh rnnnm- nrt(or.l o.mb cr i out band'. bP-re delivery. l'unhjpri- inrrrP-re have nu Uuubl. but oaa aueo tluhy operate with thcui al once. THE NEW BUTTON-HOLE .Y C II I 2s- m S aro thonmcMy practical and will perform all that woclaim for them. Thf Improved MANUFACTURING MACHINES for liravy work, are too well known to need ciuiiucul. Wo nl.-o keep in (.ok the MANUFACIURING MACHI NES Our itork of (he Mincer Sewing Muhinr livery n oncive. in bracing ciery varirtv ot lini-h. Irom the pl:un M i.-huic. uioutitel on blnrk w;ilntit t.tble, oil ni. n (he pinb, irately ir-ately ppArlrd Alaohina. wit n ra timet en, ant) loldtng c vor in inottlr.i bla.-k wnlmU, r,ie, wot-d, or maliojajiy hmhly p.liln-,l. Kvory M.-lune r turalirl n 1 1 Li the ame rouipkte hiruilure. ineluding t he now hem-mar hem-mar t-win a)l wtdtha) ant teller and braider. brai-der. n ii r PI n i' li I it t g do I llttiimluR, All wldl lui Ki llliiK It rut. at Huh I n ki Urn Ittln H fflfi(l HufUlng. Kmlii olilrrlna (itn rlialn atltch (JnthrrlitK d HeMlitg un n( aame time, with or without a Imn.l, on the edge or I ti t he rent ri CorHln v,Turk. Iiig Hnlttlngi Trimming! .Uniting nil w tilths and klnda, etc. etc., etc. WE- DELIVER MACHINES W'ilhiiiit Aildifioiuil Cwifjr TO Al.li I'AHTH OK 1 11 IS ( 'V W- All kiiuls of Si-wini; M:ioliims lborMii;lily Uepnlrod on Uon-.-mi.'iMo Tonus. Uimih'iiiImt tlio Milium, .111 .Sijjii, SIIGEi SEIIK MACHINES Tti ilnoi Mixitlu.r Ihr ICrkI,. r,,, MI tllllt, ol II. Jf. Cl.AWSON. Snpl. I m BENEDICT, HALL & CO., " MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Boots and Shoes, . HAVE REMOVED TO Xos. 13 1 suid 130 GKAS1) STREET, One Block East of Broadway, NEW YORK. COAL ! COAL ! COAL in any desired quantity, for gale at the U. C. I)tpot, or delivered in any part of the Mty. Orders can be left at the Co-operative Briiir Store, or at K. Kirkwood's, opposite Bait Lake House, (14 (iKOIti-K CIt IiMOX. 19th WARD Co-operative Store Dealers ia Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, &c. Dried Peaches. Apples, fcc, bought and sold. Flour, Grain, Bran and Shorts ahvayi on hand. ja.0 CITY LIQUOR STORE, Keep constantly on hand, "Wholesale and Retail, Choice Imported LIQUORS AND WINES, At Lowest Rates. GROES BECK'S BUILDI5CS, d17 East Temple Street. C. H. BAS6ITT. G. .' IfOfTfAS. BASSETT & HOFFMAN HARDWARE STORE All kindi of HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron and Steel, Stoves and Tin Vare BLACKSMITH TOOLS, Agricultural Implement And .Mining Tools, At Lowest Rates. OPPOSITE SALT LAKE HOUSE d16 Z. G. IUI. I. CARPETS FOR SPRING FURNISHING! Retail Department Ve call attention o purchasers that we are prepared to offer special .inducements. .induce-ments. A Hue selection of the newet st vie.-; of TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS, INGRAIN, At Eastern Prices. DUTCH CARPET, 10c. Per Yard. TABLE AND WINDOW DAMASK, . DRUGGETS and CRUMB CLOTHS - Sheetings and Quilts. CORXKKSAM) LUE (URTAIVS, Gimps, Fringes and Cords. GREEN" Ba-IZU. C'ailets Made aurl Laid with Care. j 11. 15. CLATi'iOy, Svfi. Zion'sCooperative Mercantile Institution TO CITY AM) COO'TKY COOPEHATIVE STORES VikI the Trade s:enerally. WHOLESftTORY GOODS! EAGLE EMPORIUM, WIWTER QOODS! Lonix MiiuvN, ul)ias. Hosiery, Mnarlc shawls, lioods, . loves, Chihlrtu's Shawls, Scarfs Flaimrls, lIlaiiKt s. C'oiiiitrrpanes. .leans. Cassinieres, Liiisi-ys, DOMESTIC GOODS IN FULL SUPPLY AS USUAL ISoots A", Shoes, If iihlM'i s A Arctics, illcii's. Hoys and ( Iiildi ( 11N Hats. U. U C1AWSON. Sitt. Zion's Co-operative Mercantile Inst'n WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY AND HARDWARE DEPARTS! EWT. i:i.Di:r.i)(;i: v ci.v.so iu i i.dix.h. a on can liiul at this lVpardiu-nt of '.. ( M. 1. a Ivilor mv ot LAMPS, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, STOVES, MIMNC 'TOOJ.S, KI.ASTLNC rOWPKK. Maple and Taney (iroceries, V.tv And can Get More for your Money and Orders than you can at any other House in Utah. II. Jl. ( I. VVM., Mil''- |