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Show HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WILLIAM CLAYTON, NOTARY PUBLIC. Mining I)r-rU and r.tlir-r L-'at In-tru-m.-nU Hcknowled'-J. NOTES AND DRAFTS PROTESTED. Colleetloif. midr In all parts f K ur.pe. Dufine-s mltenltd It wi'h prom ptnr...- .nd ll.pa-.cb. OFFICE AT-.. CM I., EAVLK KJII Ollll.'l. l'i F. A. h,ff,.n. ' - 1 ' S. I. Mooro. F. A. JIOFFAIAIY &, CO. REAL ESTATE MINING ' BROKERS, INSURANCE AGENTS, AND CONVEYANCERS. Omc-(todh' II it 1 1 l l f over I he REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD. House rental. Collection mjul.. HFfJOTUTKD AM) r Money Advanced, : Ail HiiM.tieH In the I . . IjAttrf Oflli r fittf-ntlrtl (o. Titlos uf Ki'nl i'Ninto PTftininiv! nnI A bstrucU furnishml. l'onvyr.iiinjf done with ilif-uilrh. i'' 1 A farm nT Vi ncrnn in It riifti f on IMMrir( ffprBJilo. Tti'ifii iii i oritiruly fonci'l. In-'juiro In-'juiro tit tho It f)nl I'Viati) Ak'-mtv. V. A. UUii'VMAS A O). Property wun'ivl for huino purimsPK on Miin Wtrnot. Iii'jniro nt tho Houl h-liito Aaoncy. V. A. JloKi-MAN A 00. i Klornn uml dvrnlWuun wnnLo'l to rent. In'juiro at F. A. HOFFMAN .It CO. Trees! Trees!! Fruit Trees, Shade Trees, Ornamental Trees, iooNrhirrlfK, Hliriililiny, I'uri nnta, (Jrirn Imjiiimi 1 It nNhrrrlca, 11 n til , !.( ,, I', it ,, tr.tv. Kim NURSI HYMAN ANU KORtsr, V!li-, 1U' 'r'K fmx MIn; jrrv' ,,'T AMUSEMENTS. - ... THEATRE Success Unlimited ! Saturday Evening, ' Feb. 11, Will b produced, for the third tiiuo,- T1IE . , , . Great Spectacular Romance, : entitled tho IIC3-.-77ITCH! FROZEN HAND, A TALE' OF ENCHANTMENT. New and Qorgeood Scenery, . 1 by Mr.' Alfred Lambourne. Complicated Machinery, - by Mr, Peter Reid nad assistants. Magnificent Appointments, by Mr. H. Baker and assistants. New and Beaxitiful Music, . , by Prof. Beezlcy and Orchestra. Grand Transformation Scene HOUR OF THK SUN GOD I.V I THE I5.EA.LMS OF BL.ISS. P,rformnnj to , roinnjonce with tbo l;iut,'U:ibk' : ', 1'iirce, outitlnl i ' i i SOPHIA'S SUPPER Saturday Afternoon, Feb. 11, Grand Ice Witch Matinee! Will soon bo produced, the exciting runtuniimk Drama, eatilk-d JACK ROBINSON AND HIS MONKEY-Lonely MONKEY-Lonely Man of tlie Ocean ! MUSEUM AND . . MENAGERIE. llalf a block west of President Young's iieaideoce. JOHN AV. YOCXG, - Prop. Native Beaiti, Blrda and Reptile Wolverines', Bears. Foxes, Mountain Deer, Lynx. Wild Cats, Ac Important collection of Native Minerals; Admission. 50 cts. Children, IU " Open eTery day except Sunday, from D a. id. lo 5 p-in Feeding Time, 3 p. in. J. L. BARKOOT, MnnaKer, Barnes cz Knowlden FLO UK. GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. 2'JY AND SUL IN LARGE 03 SMALL QUANTITIES Allru'a Flour. Slates Corn. OiJ t and Jnirlt y y. on Ii'ind. VKSTSIDK MUX RTItKKT, Two doora aUri the T-iwn 'lock Hfire. It A I IROAD SHOPS. i HOPPER i CO., Second South Street, II. If Dlock K..I n.vtr, llou.r, ' SALT LAKE CITY. WACOM CARRIAGE WOICK, Of all Descriptions. HARNESS Miulc anil Ui'iMiircil. BLAGKSMITHING or kimi. CARRIAGE PAINTING imi Timi.nm:. A. HOI'I Kll. , k. ii. y.AimiMnr,. IS ' i'i.iiiii;m;i: !NOISELESS, . family' SEWING MACHINF . IS THE Standard Machine . of , ,,,.the World ! ,.V ; The Special Committee appointed to examine and re port on sewing ItlncUlnetf at lite North Carolina State .Fair, held at Kalelh lam week, awarded a Gold TUedal to t e Florence Isewlnff Mnchlne for i he eatte and quiet net of ltn movement, perfect Ion and Inre variety of work, ud ltn valnable new IratnreH, making ma-king It t lie m ok t valuable be w lug Maclilue lor family ue. :: ' Parties . contemplating the purchase pur-chase of Sewing Machines are requested re-quested to read the following from the New York "Tribune" of Oct. 19tb, 1870: SEAVIAG IUACIIIXES. . We have recently bad occasion to make Bome inquiries into the itrriKress of improvement improve-ment in the mechanism of sewing machines, and were not a little Burprised to learn that the central idea in the first invention the shuttle still holds its placa, though many attempt have been mude to supercede it. The shuttle, in combination with the oeedie, is still the means used to form the eiitcn. in the leading machines, and we find that the growth of trade u chiefly with theshuttlf tuiiig machine?. 'Ihe iu pro vein cnta that are taking firm hold in practical vu-e are, therefore, necessarily necessa-rily in cjnnecti'jn with the shuttle, either in the detail of the fbuttle iUelf, or in other paru of the machine connected with it. to cause trie whole to opera'.e more perfectly and tiniformly, and to cimpiiiy iu uce. M'iuy important pains in t'lia direction, made since the firi Kreal invention, are undoubtedly un-doubtedly euiljoJ.ed in the " Florenco" ma-chuie; ma-chuie; and wo recuiunarnd our rtaders to carcful'y inspect ihe "i'lurence'' beiore ma-kiriK ma-kiriK a choice. 1 he pi'iutf peculiar to this teach ine are: An unusual :imounl of money irf si enr in niaK ing the "Florence," thereby socurio the be-t material (fttel. f"r mta:ice, where others uc ciM-ipm . and the ne.-t tin h o! itu portatit paru (the t-buiUe. fr example, being ritfi'Ilv rejected if it varit t Iroin the st.u.ii ird l-2."nh of an inch!; It is cuo-nriiijicd cuo-nriiijicd on the pimple."! scieutitic principles, entirely dip .using wth the C"g. and caui. ai.'l hnk-wj-b po often yet pervcr.-el oui of order anil ?-t ly perplex every one bui the practired uahint-l by their unaccountable unaccount-able frr.ik. "i tie "Florence" is so eiil) managed, and ue u.e u o readily learned, tnai no ordi ury girl of ten h icue an. uau-ule ecukb to run it I trlwily. Trie lock-ffiitcb, lock-ffiitcb, ni.ie by ine "rJorence" is ver re.uUr.tuii perfect, very fining und clastic, nd U dr jn inii'jhe i.ibric evruij, gral u-ill , x ic ly. h i tin) u t ji.Tkiijg. an i wiitjou. cuiing the :tn lo p lj . h-. r, or trining t ti . mrtjd to cnianii""r its bre.-ikinn ; cd- ! ie-juentiy. vei y tine ture-ida and lirfii lahric-can lahric-can be u-ed. Keiiet to is. Itic ' Fl'treoce" UD al! bui (be cbeai e.-l etylo- al-o m.tker tnrec a Uit ton d lit- liM-s dubie Iovk, a nntl knot aod m Unuble kuoi bib art ir-urf-r nd lU'-re ciLic inun say othei sliU-fl, snd w1,i-q are Uiif by do oilier iu-clime. iu-clime. 1 Dc " Fii-rrnco" it ihe uiiiy UKu-'ti.ne mt hu s foifrMmfl eed. pnereoy me rcUuD tl tue awitig cn 6e in.inu) cuaiigcd wilovut L' Ppng tJ.e Hurt. ihu inUiui tne uj cr:i.r lo ui.t r cuioroijei milU uuuuaJ l.w-iiity, l') tev ba-k ri.i nu c-ily ircngilii-n s atui bircuT Joired, tld. filially, i, a lew rcpriU-J -t;trhe. tt t'utcn erid.t in the tjut- kwt ari l ttrorge! y. h u t&ioDiji mwbtne tht hi a elf- 1 ujusitnc aaiu-ioraMl Uonon. watco "ri f" per lr. ti that me operator ca tul crui the evit-t nam auii the Qu: linen sn-1 the ttnckol bnuid-b'tu It, iti:mr- ! J i Ate c uoci'ui-iu nUiiiui brrknis the llircso j nJ w iihi u c'i.inink :h net-41 ' stitch oi , tension. The "Kl ireticc' draws the thread I into the cI'MQ with une-iulc 1 precision and certsint , by me.ui' .l n mccu ious iu torn to-rn t io "tae-ot" wherl. which di.pn iLc slack thread left alter the titch with as urate promptntv that prevents sil soari-inc soari-inc or dropping ? iit,:hcr. arj i alic ws tn uprrstnr U sew backward, or to run' oH the clutb and on B-Kin. with perfect impunity. It hu an unproved rl.; io heuiuier. exclu-siv4 exclu-siv4 twn. wtiKb is nuiAC'i with ana wld ui..k hm of o width on any aiaterittl It at ouJy tuako a pertoct gatbor and sewr it to a b.nul at one operation, but it hems, and bind, and fell, sod yuiiu, ana cords, and fKs, and gatuer. and braid, without bjwtini;. uch special provuivn i uiado w-a nt injurfi'Ui. wear that the "Florence" "Flor-ence" u olaiuitM uj guarantpd by the Com -(iny l" la-'t twu-a a. lung without rtpjir as any other buttla m-bine in t: mrkoi. withou' ' ho si in :n ei diUiculty. Lvery pArl ol the "F tirfti(-e" no perlooily and permanently perma-nently s-ijinted. ud It bS So U w J.'ii:'. P'.inU of friction, that it runs wit h the ui ui"t cae. 1 ho bcf iJo it tv anj lb rem), i snd the stit. h Is IrncthcMr.i. hrUnrd. or rkvi,vl with tiio ui-tnost ui-tnost rao. In Usitiit tho "Kb nnce" neither tho wuik uor (he opurau.r'i dru u iitie u be smled. Iho "tiorcnco" with all tlir o aims to supenortty. soli at the same itic a other fircl-olasi imtchiuo. These sdvsn (Agiv: Ijiberaltty in iiismiU.-ture; biuipliciiy ot m.iii ruct ion; f ftfuily o lumiwfc-oiucut, ariuly o MUchos; , . , Hovrr.iblo levd; tolt-adjuitliiiw ton? Ion; A ill nuint ic tak e ti p; linpriive.l hotiinier: Froipii aa;int wour; , I'erfi'c' iin.l p. rui:tnrit ; djust innit , Kiwy rrKu ation .t needle uid Htch; Ch:ttihiio5 mi i clicai ne.i Tim brainy mul hitili finih of (be iiiHchitm: jVUkeibo Florrnoe." in.-dvrloly i-pPHk-tng. a machine- which to be valued, needs but Mo bin.ily omi ulT'ird lo bp without a sew-im: sew-im: in loliiue. and we Iiop that bet. .re long one may !.. louud wherever " l lio Iribuno welcome. TO THE LADIES K Mil l.nkr I lly, mid I li roiiKh out flic 'rcrilliiilri of I (alt, lilalio. MiMiMiiia and . t(t ( Wo fVtomi n rordiul Inviliili.di to i-ull :iL mir otlu'n, Hiid nnmiiio tlio Klorcnoo Kumily .S.iwinir Ahudiiup, whiMhur tlo Minimis imuM'duitu purolinso cr not: it in r liuhin.i Hint idoiiMiio to suit, a oln.io twiiininntioti un.l com pHi ison, c liiiyo uy exhibition, in oidor tho mor njif-ily Lo u. ("linn pointM of o!iiKrotioo, in wh it li vn id n im jMiporiority, tho llla-ohnio llla-ohnio of vtuioup iiiiikrm, inrln.lin th (iroviTtV UhImt, .SinKtr and Wlimdor V IInoii. In niiikiiiK purh oompuri Htm, i)t unlMir ndvnnlnn will tn tnkrn id rivul iniu liiiio", tuit imi tho ronlmif lliov will lo Kttpl by a rompotont ni&. I'liini.H in tl.n liot or rnniiitiK ordnr. gotnn ol' thou) n'nuitoiui ood nil onsi-unor onsi-unor it loooinoliv o.) CHAS. S. HAMMER, (Jenernl Afleni, SAl.'l I. A KM (1ITV, Wi'A 11. T. & W. TAYLOR : Ifavc Ju-t llcccived a lot of Dobbin's Electric "" . AND Toilet Soaps! Bin ja sl J8i tazz - h ai- k: m & SOWS Ilavd Just Received a Larre and 'aried Stock cf BOOTS AND SHOES! LADIES', MISSKS' AND ClIILDREX'S SHOES In every Style and at prices that cannot fail to suit. ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT j Cents' smd Youths' Uoots and Shoes. We would also call attention to our Lirfto and Fashionable Stock of Men's, Boys' and Children's Wear, all of which we will sell at RAILEOAD TIMES 13IIICES I j2l OI TJs , Ca.ll. x WELLS, FARGO'S IS NEAR w 2 : r- - - '-' . o o o ? V SI SS3NISDS JO -3aiN30 3H1 CONTINENTAL Life Insurance Comp'y Ol XEAr YOPvK'. Jl'STI'S LAWKKNCE. l'rc-i.l-iit. J. P. lloGEKS, tfecreury? M. B. WY.NKUUP, Vice-PrcMdi-nt. tf. C. CHANDLER, Jrl, Actuary. Tlc fiifire 1'rofits id' tl.a Cn.ii.iny are distributed annui'.ly among the lVlicy Holders, upon the contribution plan. All I'olicirs 2Voii-forfi-itable, acoording to the expressed terms contained con-tained in each lVlicy. o Kitrn Frpiiiiimi for tr-.ivel or foreign roidence. Thirt)- dav prace alloweil on the jiayiucn; of preuiiuhis, and the policy held svd durini; ihal i'.u.c. Pol icios I neon t est i b lo for the eu-touiarv reon!v oiioiiiy in .laiiasriiirut. Only one other New York company .-liowiug as low a rate of expenses to iucome. Careful srlertion of its risk, as indicated by the exceedingly sajall mortality of its nieinlvrs. Policy llohlrrs have a voire in the Kleitions and JIanagement of tho couipauy. Assets, January 1st, 1871. over Five Millions. NOKTIIWESTEHN 1 l.l'AKT M KN T ; OKl'ICK, No. t4. 1..V SAU.K ST15KKT, CHICAGO- .v. T. i.orh'woon, - - - .vaxagfh A. li. DAVIS. - - - SI' FT. OF AGENCIES JOHN C . M A I B E , General Agent for Utah. OFFICK AT l)OIM A SKK IIIIO'S. SALT l.AKK 11TV. MKIMCAt. V.XAMINVHS : W. V. AN1UKSON. M. IK F. 1. li FN F.0 1 OT, M.P. luliabk A;i'iits ll"i:ii,i throughout thi Territory. THE AVERILL CHERUCAL PAINT COMPANTS PAINTS KmlM-aoing over A HUNPUKO Pll-TKIU'.NT PllAPr.S. prepnl Ux iiiiinodiate application and rvpiiriits no mixing, just reoeiwd and for s-ile al the DRUG DEPARTM'NT Z. C. Wl. I. 'I'lm ingnnlients of llieso 1'ainls ar' simple and indestructible. Tlx1 vp'i-ties vp'i-ties willi wiiieli tluiy n-eoniinend tliemsolv.w mv : Clieapncss. durabiliiy. ip-rioiity ip-rioiity of color, an unusually sinooili and glossy appearance, less :bor roguired ill laying, no troiiblo of mixing, will sl.uid liiv or nun, and doc" not crack or pool oil with atmospheric eli.-tncv. nor chalk otf by friction. 1 hey are the Iks, clu-npesl. mosi dui.iWe and inosi popular lVinils in n 'Hie AVKKIl.l. 111 I K I'.VIM' is a INf TAINT, vntining r.i ead, und is of cpial Mipenonly niul popularity. IlKlNti A1.0NU VOl'K TAINT CNS tTKN A N V TITU'U.VSK HY IUK t; Al.l.tN. A full line I'oi oin, DtiUH'siir ami C:ir ni AtlljO I'ltlg I'epai-lllii'Ul, ., l M. I. II. It. ( I, AW.SO.V, Mi. |