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Show NEW ADVERTISEMENTS TRUNKS, VAU3ES,&C.,&C; Mimutiu-tiired by 1 ecz; jskh: E3 On bund in vaiiuty ar tho ! Clot Hi ii- Department, j Also, ! KUG BOXES, APPLE BOXES. And General Packing C'nses, Mm do to order at the Trunk Fncutry at the I lowest price.-. fl. B. CLAWSON, SUIT. TO PRE-EMPTORS. We ure nuw prepared to furnish Agricultural Land Script Fur the Ioca'ion of Government Lund at SI SO per quarter st-ctinn. HOOPER, ELDREDGE &. CO. Salt Luke City, Nov. 30, 1S7U. : B-jKranimFyliiiEi Jordan Street, 17th Ward, llalf-a-block west of the Tahernacle, SALT LAKE CITY, Having the latest improved Machinery for working in Iron, Wood & Brass, Can manufacture all kinds of MaeliiiUdts' Tools, Turning Lathe, Fan Blowers, Gear Cutting and Bolt Screwing Machines, Cheese Vats, Cotton, Woolen and Grist Machinery, Etc., Etc., Etc. OUR FOUNDRY lias, at present, been the Most tiuccf.tsful i,i tfii Territory y And we can turn out '-astinrs from the thinner-of a Stove Plate up to maive ones for Smelting and Crushing Works, at Low Figures. Wc have an A No I Model Maker, And orders in tint line guaranteed to )e .iiiifa-.tury. All kinds of Old Iron Bought. LUMBER WANTED. A few more Shares of the Capital Stock can be had on application to WILLIAM FULLER. Scvntnry. fV!iN BOUGHT A51) SOLI). OFFLE'V, Agent for the -ale fr iuiriiliae nf nninc Inrercdt, f.fl",.- for ex hi hit ion to r.ur-eha.-'ers or uclh-r, A Llt of the Various Mines yet discovered dis-covered In l iahj With a vera ee A?ny. nnd price per hundred or thousand feet, specimens 0:1 exhibition. Can be conferred with it the ofiieo of lo?.-r. KIRKPATUICIt &i. MA.W, Attorneys nt-Lrrv. Fir-t iuH.h t., oALf LAKE CI I V. New ppeeimcDa maybe left either nt thf ofiicc of M c-.jr.. (j'-nld k N'rmdward, or at the office of M L-arc. K irk put rick .M:uin, FOR SALE! A few hundred "Fcot"' in the "Tin tic" nnd "Lafayetto" Lodes, Tintic Mining District. Euqnireof JOE SIMMO.V.s, Omaha IIoubc Basement. 3,000 Empty Bottle for rnlerery rhenp. I WILL PAY the above reward fir the apprehension ap-prehension and convict inn of tho pari; or parties who have been guilty of di.-pUciug tne footbridges in diflurcnt part o tho city. ISAAC .1(M, Supervisor of Street. ! C. H. BA53LTT. F. IInrFM?(. BJiSSETT & HOFFMAN HARDWARE STORE All U in Jri of HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron an! Slet'I, Stoves and Tin Ware IIL.ACKK.il ITU TOOLS. Agricultural 1 lliplrinr nl K Ami Mining Tool, A I I.fuvi-ttf Hnl I'M, OPI'OSITK HALT UKK IIOISH. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKERS. ELIASON &, KAUER3ACH, fi Door Kit t of I lw li:mjd, Aro uorldncii win. u, nnlv n'piiir W;ilcb"ii uim! ('h.H,. I. nt. will imikn WiivIum t oi.r in uuydi'Mirt'd tle. or imy part d them, from n pivot or pincu to mi to I it a l ' :it b. ! Work Km iil l mi Motln olr Tn m. J NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE FLORENCE NOISELESS FAMILY SEWING MACHINE TS THE Standard Machine of the World! The Special Committee appointed to examine nnd report on Sewing Mm liiiic nt t lie AortH Carolina Slnte Knlr. lield nt Itnlelefli Inst week, awarded n Gold Medal to t c Florence Sewing Marhlne for the ease and quiet n ess of It s movement pet ft ct Ion anil large varlet y of work, and its valuable new features, making ma-king it the most valuable Sewing Machine for family use. Partieii contemplating the purchase pur-chase of Sewing Machine are rc-qnented rc-qnented to read the following from the New York "Tribune" of Oct. 19th, 1870: SEWIXCr 31 VCII INKS. Wc have recently had occasion to mako some inquiries into the progress of improvement improve-ment in the mechanism of Ptwing machines, iml were not a little surprised to learn that the central idea in the first invention the shuttle still hohla iiE place-, thouch many attempts have been made to supercede it. The shuttle, in C' mbination with the needle, is still the means used to form the stitch, in the leading machines, and we find that the ?r-wth of trade U chiefly with the shuttle utine machines. The improvements that are taking firm hold in practical use are, therefore, necessarily necessa-rily in connection with the shuttle, either in the detail of the shuttle itself, or in other prts cf the machine connected with it. to cause trie who'c to operate more perfectly and uniformly, and tu simplify its use. AInv important Rains' in this direction, mtdo -ince ihe f5r-t preat invention, are undoubtedly un-doubtedly emhod.ed in the " Florence" ma-chide: ma-chide: and we recom in end our readers lo eare;uny inspect the "Florence" before ma-kinir ma-kinir a choice The p'dnt peeulia- to this machine are: An unu-iiai amount f nir.nry i spent in inaKintf tho "Jr'lorciu'c," tlu-reby securing the be?t material steel, for in.-tance, where other? u-e c i-t ir -n K and the nc-t fiuh of important parts ithe rliuttlc. f r example, beine riidlv rejected it' it varies tr ui the stadtird l-lMMth of an im-h!' It is eon tru.-ted on t he im pie-1 -cienti ic princi pies entirely disp-nsiiig with the cg-. and cami. ai;d link- wliicii -o often get perversely out of ord. r iin.I for. ly p-rpk-.x c-e-y one but tne iTicti -ed luachiiiHt Oy their unaccountable unaccount-able freaks. The "Florence" is - e'sdly managed. :ind ir- use is so rendily le;irncd. that an ordinary girl nf ten lias ,-ense and muscle enough t run it perfectly. Tne look -titeh, a- ma le by lue "Florence" is very re ulnr;inl perfect, very ?t rong and elastic, and ie drawn into rho labrie evenly, gradually. grad-ually. ex:ie ly, without ji-rking. and without causing the f;iiii to pu kvr, or straining the thread so as to endanger i'.s breaking; crm-equently, crm-equently, very fun- tlirends, and ligm labns caa be u-ed. lie-ides tin-, (he ' Florence" in al! bur the ehenpen etyl.'s) nl-n makes three additional stitcher a double lock, a sinele knot and n double knot whi h are -troiuer :aid im-re elastic than any oiher ilitcli, an I whii h arc in ide by no other ma-?hine. ma-?hine. The " r iir. ik c" i- the only machine that h is a reversible feed, whereby the direction di-rection of i iic sewing can bo instantly hanged without stopping the work, tlmi enb,iug the operaror to quilt or embroider with unusual taeihty, topeir backwards nnd easily strengthen a -cam wherever de.-ired. and. finally, l,y a fvVf repeat. 1 stitehe-, to tasten end- in the quhke-t and sironcest way. It is the only iiui hine that has i-elf-.niju-ting shut t lc-thrc:id ten ion. which w-.rk -o perle.-tly tlutt the operator can run acro-o r tic f.eavii-it seam- and sew the finest linen and the tiiii'ko'-t bro:idcloih ir, immediate imme-diate success i-m wuhpnl bre..Uinh- the l bread and wiihour chainiin the needle, fi(eh or tension. The "r loience" draws tho thred into t he clu; U with uiM-'iuaU t precision and eertaint.', by inr-in-ol mi injenwui imlo-matie imlo-matie "tako up" wheel, which disposes o the slaek tiire .d I- It alter the -titoh with an accurate rm pi tie-- that prevents all snarl-lug snarl-lug or dropping ,jf stitehe.-. nnd allow- the operator to -ev b.w kwiti d, or to run off (he cloth nnd on ag.nn. wnh perleet impunity. 1 1 hn- an mi provt d ela:ic heinmor. rxelu-sively rxelu-sively it- ohh. whi'-h i- man.iK. d with ea-e. :ind will make n hnn of ny width on any material It not only makes a per feet gather and sews it to a hand at mio operation, but it hems, and binds, and feln, nnd quilt-, nnd curds, and lues, and gather. nt braid.-wirhout braid.-wirhout ba-tin. Sm h sjieciiil provision is made a if a n-t in i uriou.- wear that the 'Florence" 'Flor-ence" i- elainc I and iianuiteed by thcCoin-pany thcCoin-pany to I a h l tBico a b.ng vMihoqt rej'iiirac imy other shuttle nnehine in tho market, without the -lu-hu -l dithculty. Kvory part ot the "Floreneo" i- -u erleetly and perina-in perina-in lllly lld.ill-le.l, and It ha- -o few joint.: Olid point o (notion, that it runs it h t ho ul-nio-L ease. The nee He is set and threaded, und tho stiteh u lenirthenel, -iiort-ned, or re vers, d with the ut-uiosL ut-uiosL va-v. In u-ing (ho "tT' renci" neither trie, woi k nor the operat r'.- dres- i;. li;il,y to Killed. 'Ihe "i'lordiee" with all thesy e ii iiic to sup riority, sells at the puiuo prie(. afl ot her firat -cla-i machines. The-e advair tage- .- Liber. iliiy in iniinufa-Muro; Si in id icu nt con-t ruei ion; Faeihly nl m a li a k cm ell I ; Variely ol Stil.'he; lleversiblw (vtdi Sel-ftdjii-tiii ten-i-Mii A u tomiil i' I ak o-u i; I mproyon he'iiiner; 1'to v ision a if a i n-l wea r; j'erlect and j rtnanuul a Ijusl uienl ; Jaiy regu ntioij of needle and stilt h: rjeanliin--- an i cheai ne-s; The beau i. v and high fim.-h of the machine; Make the "l-'lor o." uiuderalelv rp.ak- i"g, a inaehinc which lobe valued, needs but to I., ined. No :i. ,y fim atlurd to be without u sow-int sow-int in.H'h ine, n'J )1 e l;opr ()m belbri' long one may f.iiud wheicvM' ' TJ,e Tribune'' i-- welcome. TO THE UAD1ES Of Null I.ii li.e II , nml tbroiiifh-nn! tbroiiifh-nn! (lie 'I iii Horle f I in ij 1'lnho, ill niiliiini niiil V 4llllill, A'c; I'xlejul n runlinl itivilntinti to full nt. our iillicp, iumI I'vniuinn tlm l'lunqirt! J''iunily Sewipir Muchine, whrtliiT HiuiiiL' iiiinu'diiiLn puivlia'-o or nd j it j our imsiric-.i nnd tilonsiito In tiulirit '1om( t'x,iuiiitml ion una i-oiu (miison. Wo bavn on nliililinii, in inler (bo iikht ctiily l-i od!iin poinH of dillVM-i-nco, in whirli wo cliiitii mi H'i'ioi il y. I In much mu-ch ine- of nrii'im nmkors, including (he i n m f t linker, Singer and W linolcr t.V Wilsun. In nuikiiiK Mich (jonipmi-oii, (jonipmi-oii, no unliiir ju1viuiImi;(( will Imj tuki'ii d' rival nnvt liim, lml on t hn rout rury Ui'.v will bo kept ly n coinpoii'iil ina-f'liiniiL ina-f'liiniiL iu il.n lu"-l of niniiini orlcr, 1 "'Muo of i limn reqiiiro mi j;oor mm in i; i -(''j i. '. it bo.,, tool i v, I C1-IA3. S, HAMMER, ii lie I'M 1 Ali.lll, s i ;r 1 1 k i : mty, ita i i. Z.G.M.I. HOMh MANUFACTURE! We have bought out the stock and machinery of tho "BIG BOOT" KSTABLISHMIiN i". And can now supply a Grat closa article of HOME MADK BOOTS AND SHOES AVairiilcl Superior to Imported (ioods. Is arranged for the special comfort aud convenience con-venience of Ladies who wish to Piirchme or Te Pitted to Order. RHOE FltSmiftCS In full stock for trade use- Alto, Xj 3D fV T XX ID n ! LEATHER, LEATHER, Of all kinds on band. Be lure and notice the Sign of Die " BIG BOOT." H. B, vLAWSON Su?c. GIANTPOWDER Proof of Its Superiority for Blasting Purpont-8. (joLDRS Chariot Mimnu Company, 1 bilrer City, Idaho, Oct. 18. 1970. J Messrs. Eandmann, Nei'eon Sc Co , Agents Giant Ponder C., San Franciaco, CaL: Dkar Sirs: In reply to your late faror, I dive you the following r cult of my working here: The coat ol drilling, which cot under un-der th old njatem ot mioing here, $40 per foot, with the (dottle hand r-y.-tem of wrkine and (iiunt Powder I have reduced to a co.st of Sii per foot, and when noder tho old system sys-tem but one foot per day was driven, my men are eu-dly making one and a half feet. Under the old eye tern wmzing 5 feetquare) eo.ut S-lo per foot, s.une i now ctetiijg me S-. "5 per foot with tlie same difference in time as chown in drifting. Under the old system, our mi qp could never be made tn yield exceeding 4') t-.na per month ; with UUnt ffwdvr anil -injrle hand drilling. I am now furni.-'hir1g ujonttily l.tw tons at a reduced cost of at le;i.l .in per cwnt leH p?r ton than under tlje old t '!teni. In conclujr-n will ?tale that the neighboring neighbor-ing mine-, Ida Klmre and Uru h ino, influenced influ-enced by ra-uli in the (jlden Cha it mme. hav- a-lopted single hand d'illing and Giant Pnwdir, to the utter exclusion of doable hand work, lrge drills ad common blasting pjwder. In currobi. ration of re.-ults in Golden Gol-den Chariot mine. I refer you to the President Presi-dent and Board of Trustee, resident io your city. Yours, r-pe'tfullv. JOHN K. CASSEI.H, Superintendent G. t;. M. Co. B' BL SLd IT Til K Grocery Department, ZION'S CO-DPRATIV WER3ANTIIE INSTITU'H. II. B. CISOX, Supt. 3H0TELCQ0KING STOVES o. 12 Complete For Sale at HaeU .V HoirmiuiV, Ojipo.llr Mull Lake IIoikf, Main 8. H. WALLACE, MASrVAfTTRKR OK PURE CANDIES SURPRISE BOXES AND POP-COHK BAGS Kec papplifj with ohm;kii, lkmo.ns, A ITS, PMV liltnrKHIKS, I.VIIKKI) TOMil K.S, UOLUI..VA ItAlSU.ES, ic. CONFfCIIONERr, PIES, PASTRY, Fin-wt Fi"4li ltronil. N O TI o n Tclc-iaph )IIi AUK NOW OPKN AT DKV CKKKK, fcialt Lake County, AM) AT LKHI auJ l'LKASAXT GliOVK, Utali Comity. A. M. MI SSKR, fnft. THEODORE LUBBE, Alanufitotui or of LADIES'; FANCY FURS Knl Trmpto Slrrrt, A t Florence Sow ing M n'h inr Sulwrooui, Upponitu halt Luka Uoum), 11 ux on hand nnd for ulo n lino iwortinont of HOME-MADE LADIES' FURS Such L'fnli nitd AIanIhi Mink, brmlitr, ' ll lie UI linn, K iinnIn it S nil-id, Anlrnknti, Vr rt n n l.nm , ' ( kinurr, lvi-lniitr, K iimnI it it n ii al Ki-in- H our y, I'tnli nnd Knt'in il imkrn I h, JLv.,Slc. Wliirb I ofler nt. cxcrediimly low priori. All goods wnrnintiMl a.i roueTtilod tr innpey rrturiud. 1. adieu' Furs any description initio to order in a vrkiuauliko innnprr IN V, Yii I lOV L I; 1 1 JOII LOWSOAS (H41U-.N NTATIO, Keep for pnlo the lendiiiK nrw.pnpprit and pTi.idionl-, iVoin nil purm ol thocouiMry, MiTPiin-i'iiic lewfl of iiiiiunlain ci'nciy and oliicci" ot intcrt'Ht on the nrnt linniioonti- i. ,nhil tiiilv iv. Phohitfrapli- ol h'-idiim u. Stiitiom-iy. Fruit, Caiidn-i, Ac, Ac TIIK HALT I.AK1C 1A1I.V IIK.II ALU Can nlwar ho hnd nl Morf. l.on'p tiind. . THE SALT LAKK SALT LAKK SALT LAKK SALT LAKK SALT LAKK SALT LAKK SEMI-WEEKLY HERALD SEMI-WEEKLY HERALD SEMI-WEEKLY HERALD SEMI-WEEKLY HERALD SEMI-WEEKLY HERALD SEMI-WEEKLY HERALD SEMI-WEEKLY HERALD SEMI-WEEKLY HERAXD THE LARGEST THE LARGEST THE LARGEST THE LAKuEST THE LARGEST THE LARGEST THE LARGEST THE LARGEST THE BEST AND CHEAPEST BEST AND CHEAPEST BEST AND CHEAPEST BEST AND CHEAPEST BEST AND CHKAPKST BKST AND CHKAPKST BEST AND CHEAPEST BKST AND CHKAPKST FAMILY PAPER FAMILY PAPER FAMILY PAPER FAMILY PAPER FAMILY PAPER FAMILY PAPER FAMILY PAPER PUBLISHED I.N THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS ROCKY MOUNTAINS ROCKY MOUNTAINS ROCKY MOUNTAINS ROCKY MOUNTAINS ROCKY MOUNTAINS ROCKY MOUNTAIN'S TWENTY-FOUR COLUMNS TWENTY-FOUR COLUMNS TWENTY-FOUR COLUMNS TWENTY-FOUR COLUMNS OF THE CHOICEST READING CHOICEST READING CHOICEST READING CHOICEST READING CHOICEST READING CHOICEST READING EMBRACING TALES AND POETRY, TALES AND POETRY, TELEGRAPHIC REPORTS, TELEGRAPHIC REPORTS LATEST WAR NEWS, LATEST WAR NEWS, EDITORIALS AND LOCALS EDITORLALS AND LOCALS ON ALL TOPICS OF INTEREST AND A GREAT VAR1ETT OF SKLKCTED MATTER, SELECTED MATTER, MAKING THE MOST DESIRABLE THE MOST DESIRABLE FAMILY JOURNAL FAMILY JOURNAL ASP AUTHENTIC RECORD AUTHENTIC RECORD OK CURRENT HISTORY. CURRENT HISTORY. PRICE ONLY PRICE ONLY PRICK ONLY PRICE ONLY FOUR DOLLARS FOUR DOLLARS FOUR DOLLARS FOUR DOLLARS FOUR DOLLARS PER YEAH, TWO DOLLARS TWO DOLLARS TWO DOLLARS TWO DOLLARS TWO DOLLARS ' TWO DOLIjARS FOR Sl: MONTHS, ONE DOLLAR ONK DOLLAR ' ' ON K DOLLAR ON E DOLLAR FOR THREE MONTHS. CLUB RATES : I ropy, one your oo I mpy, 'is month 2 t0 1 ropy. thrm inonlh ini III copies, unr ymu' ;f IK' 10 oopius, six months IS 00 )0 oopin, tlirefl uinnths. J W,) H.MNWOf FUR N ITU R EDFA LFR And UniOiATI;i( All kinds of IMPORTED FURNITURE Constantly oh hand at theSalero00 EAST TEMPLE ST. Every description of HOME-MADE FURNITURE At the Factory and Salesroom. 1st South Street, Salt Lak City COFFINS, PIAI.N and ORNAMENTAL Always in Stock. SOTJTHEEK MAIL& EXPflSlM Carrying the C. S. Mail, And "Wells, Fargo fe- Co. Expreu, The undersigned ie now runaing a Daily line of Stages to PROVO & FILLMORE. j On and after Nor. 15th, 1970, stages will run on alternate days for Meadow Vallsy, Star District and St. George. Connections made with etasee for Tlntlc and Sevier Mines, anpete and Arizona. Good MealF and accommodations all long j the line. Time to M. George and Meadow Valley Mines, 3 days, 10 hoars. 1 HTGH "WHITE, Prop. ''friceat Well--, FargoJtC. C. P. 6MJTH, Oeoerai A-enL WELIj 13IG-GING, WILLIAM F. CALTON, EXPKRTEXCED WELL-DIGGER, ob i lock we.-t and two s.mih of lHh Wir4 3chonl-buuse, will dig Well? t order on u shortest notice and in satisfactory style. Produce Departm't, z. c. M. I. Entrance WEST END EMPORFCM BUILDINGS, opposite leat Market, We are constantly Buying and Sellimg Hides, Wheat, Barley, Oats, Onions, Potatoes, Butter, Eggs, iD ALL K1XDS OKPBODICS, For -which the Hijrliert MtrUt Prici will bo paid. U. B. CLAWSOX, Sup't, BATHS, BATHS! ! Warm Njrins Hath? ! Private and Plunge, 1 Thw ellTtl bath? arc opn to ihe pnbHc at all i jDa. TbfMr adtcitiaJ properties arc m wt4ij koown that it u neilea t enumeral them. RMm the PriTHte Rih, the larg and kaoiWr-ly kaoiWr-ly fcroifbrd Plnnge Bat Us Kr ld;e4 tai Gentlemeo are now vpen. H. ARNOLD. "Unquestionably the best sustained work of the kind in the World.' Harpers Magazine soru'KS or thk rnKs. No more delightful trarols are printed ii tne English langiuige than tproar pcrpit; uallyin Hakpkk'pMav;jiIisk. lheyirer with equal intore-t and Mtuuctioi by e?' of every grade Inm eighteen te eighty. It' scientific paper, while sufficiently profound to demand the attention of the lernea. irt yet ndtmrablT dpted to the popular unar uiuling, i.d deiiincd as much to difi- correct information concerning currfnt ta entitle difcorerv s it oould he if it w" lfcl organ of the ' ocieu t r the Difiujion i Vseful Knowledce." Th gre.it desiio ej llARricn'f is to gire orrvt intormtion M r.itiotiil .iiBu.euient to the :re:it nuf 01 the people. 1 here are 'ew ii.tolhprnt Airir icn Umilies in which IUktkk's Mii'-iy would not be an ipprei'imevl ni hichl-'"" comegueM. There if no aioithly Mif'i n intelligent regime family cn l1- n"1' to be without- Many MagAtines re mulated. H artkr is e.iited. l'here i? net a AUgaiine that i printed whu'h f": more inioll'gent p.iins eipcndcd .A" tr A" cles and mechaniraL exovutio i. 'i! not a cheaper Magannc puhloh. There . aot confetsvdly. a more popular Maga.-m the world. New England Homestead. It i? one of the wonders ot .ioiirnli?-tbt editorial inanngoatent ( UnrKK. 1 Is ation. N . . SUBSCRIPTIONS.-lSTl-Torma: Uarpku'9 AfAiiAiMC one T0r, An Ktr t'opr of either the M K7'' Wwiiki V, ,.r It' K will he upplw rl; lor every t'Uib ot Ki k .i iwv kikkrs t r-eh. in one rnntt e or. :x 0'FM V V i', w it Uout t ra cv'fy. ' SuhVrijMioa. to lUnrm's M i Hkiu v. and (U, iR. to one ad Ire ';r year, JliMfct; or. two ot Harper' ratio!" to one addt C5i (or ouc car, i1. Bsak Nambers en a be upplied at ' A Complete et of H ktkk's M k-A'V aow co,ipriing 41 W-hunr. in no! biiiduiv, will bo sont b eptes. n1"1"1 eipeu-et rurehascr. lor per T',,",' Single eltinifM. h mail. p."tr"- ,' Colli o:r.. tor binding, .V ceats. bT mu. Fol.aid. The i nftiair on lUnrm' V ; cents a yVHr, wlnea mut be pJ al t "lP 8i Tiber's poM-otli-e. AdJrev . i IMHTVK HRi'l llIR.-. N lP" a. |