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Show H.DINWOODEY, FURNITURE DEALER ; And upiiolstuuhk. All kinds of IMPORTED FURNITURE Constantly oa hand at the Salesroom, EAST TEMPLE ST. Every description of HOME-MADE FURNITURE At the Factory and Salesroom, JflKST SOUTH STREET, S. L. CITY COFFINS, PLAIN and ORNAMENTAL si Always in Stock. Z. C. M. I. Clothing Departm't . FRESH ARRIVALS Of New Goods in Fall and WINTER SUITS ! OVERCOATS, CAPES, TALMAS Military Clothing1, Sce. Aleo a Full Variety of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS Gents', Ladies' and Boys' BOOTS & SHOES Gents' Youths' and Boys' I J ATS and CAPS. TKUXKS in all styles and qualities. '.Valises and Carpet Sacks. Carpets.Matting, Floor Cloths Wall Paper and Decorations. Always on hand and for sale by the yard, a large stock of French, and English Casdiinerea Doeskins, Beavers, Military Cloth, Home Made Tweeds, fc-c. SUITS MADE TO ORDER ! i Gentlemen's Clothing, or Military Suit?, made to order in the ewe-1 Style of Fhion jn rhe sh'Tte-t notice. First-class Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed. MILITARY TRIMMINGS IN GREAT VARIETY. nil IL B. CLAWSOX, Suit. A NEW SUPPLY of tlie cHrbralt-.! STUDKJJAKER WACOWSi IIAB JUST ARRIVED. FARM AND KANYCN VAG0N8 3 3 r yv 3VX O N D mi'l etlin LIGHT SPRING WAGONS. Very (Irttrnlde for Family not. I li', ftlN-J'-li'lknr V'I"H hi., li.n,ijl:f:lrir-(I O'lt ( ttj', v-i y 't iplU'tixN y th'i iu-,t i;;iiipl-ijt i.it-.,iMii;..j in tU' ,'., try, aiW .n-t VH M A I , K AT CM Y.S V WY.r JOHN t. AkliiI, , UTAH CENTRAL I1A1L.UOAO. PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. On and after Thursday, Dec. 1, 1S70. Iaily Trains Leave Salt Lake City at 5 a.m. and 2Ao p.m. Arrive at OgJen 7 a. m. and 4:45 p. m. Leave Ogden at S a. m. and 5;o0 p. in. Arrive at Salt Lako City 10 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Fare from Salt Lake City to Wood's Cross ? .70 Ccntreville $ .90 Farmiogton S1.Z5 Kaysville I.h5 Cgden 2.5V Fare from Ogden to Kaysville $1.30 Farminpton l.fv Centreville Wood's Cross 2 Salt Lake City 2.50 In addition to theabovo AN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN Will run DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED. Leaving Ogden at 5 a. m. and Salt Lake City at 4:10 p. in., On which full fare will entitle the purchaser of a ticket to return on the same dity and train free, and will stop by arranging with the conductor at any point on the lino to take on or let off passengers. Passengers will please Purchase their Tickets at the Ollice. Fifty Cents additional will be charged when the fare is collected on ihe train. For all" information concerning freight or passage, apply to D. O. C ALDER, Ticket and Freight Ag' Salt Lake City. JOS. V. OL, Hupt. Jb" o LIVERPOOL & Q'JcENSTGWN. IN MAN L INE Of Royal Mall Steamer, Sailing from Aeiv Vork Every Saturday, AND Alternate Tuesday. Cabin Passage, to Liverpool. (x-A-lj S71.O0 Steerage " " (cur.) 3U.UU Passage from Liverpool to Aew Vork Cabin, - fOuM) 875.00 Steerage, - - (CuTt-ucy) 3 1.UU Round Trip Tickcu isucd at very low rato JOHN G.DALK, Ap-nt, 15 Broadway, New York, Or WILLIAM CALD KR, Aent. tj-"7 Sail Lake City, Utah. PIONEER SHORT ROUTE EA3T. CHICAGO & NORTH'.VtST N RAILWAY Shortest and (inlekettt Route from Omaha to Chicago and the Kait, The Eastern Expreij leavo Omaha daily in connection with trains on the Central find Union PaoiLic railro-ida, and arrived iu Chicago Chi-cago in advanceof all other routes. A new and splendid line of Pullman Palace Hotel and Sleeping Coaches Has recently been bail t for thij Company. Tho CliicftK" f""l North-wf-tom i tlio I'toiir-nr Railway UiIwwl Oinil) amJ CIhcuki, li-vtiiih; t--AD oornplotwJ ornj 1IIKKK VfcAKd AtJ; tinct which tiroQ, tlio ihmzjTH h.ivo apun-il ii'ithor pain nor exppuiw in ix-rf'-tinn its r-nl-tH-l mnJ tratk and cjitiiipinK it with nlliiig nU?:k tti njctl liitxluru iuiprovfiijuult; tiji, to joiner Willi tin Vv.i of lU twiu tlio bliorteitt iitio, ull-n totli-Trave)iD(f totli-Trave)iD(f pablic au tjwtoru ruut udi-juuIImI l . i Speed, Comfort and Safety BattK'-ge checks tLrouiib to all ir-Hut-t K.-nt oo extra chrii) lor traualor at OuuUia ur ii'-n ngt to Tjartiij hol'Iiug throuLi tlckoU. B) dure aud ak for Tt'.k'it via Chi- .vp North-w tru KaiJwuy, which can bo ohUn r.M all tts principal railway aii'J t' lUjbo.it iIli: n tli'i UniU"! riUl", an'l of Win. CiiM-r, Ti k.-i ,..nt, ofllc at CALDKK UK'B.' HUre, Kt Tmpli-.it Halt Lako City. For any inloruiHtlon In regard to Frtiht, apply t o HARRY ROGERS, Witrru i'ann'r nml Kr t hi.',""L. U.P. HTANWiKH, O-N. T.-.k-a A.i.l, OK'), L. IJUNKAP, (i. inil rt'M'l-W. rt'M'l-W. H. HTUflSU (Juu' raj Akai.L, O'ii ili.i. N- U STltAli;i) iMlOtf JJhf k Hock. D'ic. a".ili. ono furk r Brown MA Kl-;. branded V on lull hip. Su pponed be ab'iul cuM ytiard old, Any perou mivhiic intorninti'iu of bnr whcroiiboiilH, or bnnKiriK hr to JO.S. A, YOl.'''o stable', will i euiubly rowiirdcd MORE LIGHT! It ShlniK fur AH! THE DANFORTii FLUID It llio Li;'il lor tin; I'copli;. Oiil.y ;()-. pei' :1. liY Till-; K1VK OAI.I.ONS. TIIK HJK..IKT III IIIVK.H, Willj'iiil CIiiiiiih y, I III') lliil'll Til K I'ACK I. A 1I l' Art till only i'-rh:' tly , n'(' I.ihum, AM K A KK AM I A N rl.t; i. MW AH IVA! Iir IAP1'.S, lAIIHH'IS I MHO. r. i;i.Nr, ,v '11 fj'.nmr ."'HI, ., W.ilL' r llro-'. CHICAGO TRADE. MARKLEY, ALLING & CO Importorsand Jobbers iu Hardware Cutlery 51 Lake Street, CHICAGO, - - - 1X1,. dS DIEBOLD &. KIENZLE, Successors to Diebold, Balimann & Co., , CELEBRATED CINCINNATI . FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES, And Sargent's Magnetic and Automatic Bank B PEATT & COVEKT. General Agents 80 Washington St., Chicago. II. B. CLAWSOS, Snpt. Z. C. M. I., Agent for Utali Territory. n30 KEITH BROTHERS, iVIanufacturers and, Jobbers of HATS, CAPS AND FURS ililh'ncry and Straw Gooijs, G8 &. 70 Walmsli Ave., PTJTPAPn 34 Dcnrborn Place, UXliliUJU Jl 15KIGGi ISO 1 1SK B- H, Skinner, Proprietor. Corner "Wells nnd r TT : n i ( j Randolph streets, UlilvAuv. This IIouso i. centrally lorjted, well furnished, fur-nished, and contains 2-5U Rooms. 'i--1 CHASE, HANFCRD k CO,, 51 South Water St., CHICAGO, Headquarters for Oils, Paints, Giass, &c, Munufucturers of the celebnitcJ WILSON OIL TANK ti!3 PAGE, 15RO..; CO., Importers tuid Duler.-i in LEATHER AND FINDINGS 50 Lake Street, UM, ILL Lake Shore Oil Works. MAXWELL, WHEELER & CD., Manufacturers of Engine, Slcmil, ThIIom, Lard and WUOL Oil-.. Dealers in iiciidlirbt Cftrh'm, AVhalo Hcpliant, bejtl anl SjM-rui Oils, A-Ula fc-r Ilia mIc of PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL. Agt-:iU uf tlui Wst Virginia Mil an 'J Oil Lund A,MFA(.-TlJULr.1 or EXCELSIOR CAR. R00? AH i IRON PAINT t'ur Tin au'l dltiuI'j lUfi, Un.i-- TiiuT", Fat .ry, CIllCAt.O. rVi c, Ji -. illiui i., l 'i .-. Witter xir- VAN SCHAACK, STEVENSON & REID WIIOLKS vli: DRUGGISTS Dealer In PAINTS, VARNISHES, OILS, DYE STUFFS, BRUSHES, Window Glass, Glassware Patent Medicine, Sec, Sco. UUt 04 JL U4 Lake bt., cor. Urarborn With lirec ex!'Ci'"n,, in tho TiTriturinl trad, we l-(d furo of giving e.it ip l.tcl ion id Quality, pricoa sod p.ckai. NEW YORK TRADE. . C. A. LonK.ntrect. Julin HtJgwi'.'k. LONGSTREET L 8EDSW1CK Msniifticltircr --f nnd Vhnlr.iIo iiv.iU'Xf in MEN'S & SOYS' CLOTHING, jr.d t KIN Hi nn.l,v.,y. .New lin k. moli.hii's con - i,ivi:k on,. It- . m-. Hi., KiMt I'ri.. at li ..f li. I .llnwinj: ExljitiitioiiH ; iHiZ Jj'Hi-l'Ti Int'Tiiat i "li ill Ivxliihi-Lion. Ivxliihi-Lion. lO-Ll-i'K'in Kxliibiti"ii of I 'it.li. ri'' : Gold M.jdul ,," Koyai .Society lor the woltttro of is'oi'wiiy. Jx'j'i (irunL Kxiiibihidi hI.SIk-)JkIiii. lb'7 i'iiriH IiiLnniuLioriul lxhihiLioji. vt Uhlrb It I'x.k tlln trt (.tl.o HlHOtl; t.Mlt- fifflit coiuptititur. It m hh .,iuni..i) li I.) iiniiiy (iiniNiit uiIJ '4l aullioiiti'v in hnfi.j; n- l-y l.'lKal f..mt) ni Nidwuy mii'J r'K it-ty l NJI tlllllill")tl.tlltl utlij I'lll lJr. L. A. fiijio, uT Ni'W V-k, -nji: M..-r'i pro.M in II... only ono ,y,Mi (;..! ,n,T Oil iboulJ bo umU " Dr. .1. Mtii 1-yJi Hlili-Miyn ; "I ,(.) . r I tmrl 1 1 alnj'wt lily, mi'l Imvf tiycry 1 1-111 ... u (.. ty 4itl-dJ''(l Willi It." ' rVrul'j l-y DrujitH ri-1 Cln-inM. W.H. HilIiIcIU-IIii A, Co., New lurk, JI f-il'i An1 tih for llio U. H. mi'l Cwmi-lii. Pool, Nazro, Kimball Si Co,, WHOLKSALK fiHOCKHS V'ri. i, M t . Itm-tli, J.ll. Ill l.flliK. Now YorU. BATHS, BATHS! urni Npriny: Itnllis ! I'tlVMtf) nil, I IMllHKf I'll, l"l , .. I., In, Mi kiii ,,,. In IIh, t 1 I lr: II " I Ik It ' li' iik,I l.i..!,. !!!. mi ul.l.-ly kmiM 11 1I11I 11 i. 11 II".- (i I'liiiini'iiilii Mu m. - il I'm. 11. Mail,.. IK. 1.., ,,. 1 i.hi. ly llMlli.ll-'I flK llltli, .. 1 I 1. i. a ,,, , I 'il'lltll'lll.ll M,, llf.W llll ti. II. Alllll.l. 1 hi; PEOPLE'S LVSlRiMTifO.' OK SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. (V,, m.ti,,ir..l c. k. Mi,.-in:i;M"r. 11. i. iior.N mi. l'ri.-.-i'ii.:it. c-Ttl.iry A. ll.lil'JMHO.V - pre!,,! A (,--" Zj . Jl. TUTJmM-A. IV, Omrral Agent for I tali. Office at tf. V. Ui!u .1 A r.)', J.,in Sircot. JMll 1. kc City. B. W. E. JEXNENS, Loral A K"'t Ofllt e at Tt-atdt I Co'.. .Mola (., j:i Lake 1 tty. practical Watchmakers. ELIA80N HAUERBACH, Next Door Kut of the llrall, Are workmen h ri"t onlr rrpnir Watrhn and Clork. hut will aiako Wurbw to order in any drire-i siylo, or any 'rt of ihm. from a pivut or piriwn to an entiro Watch. Work Kieciitcd on ?Ioilcratc Ttrmi, COMPETITION. Left Behind I IIOMDAV CAKI, IIUlsi .MAS TKKKS, rrni: :.i;s, ,,,-..?., PI III A ii r , I m jiorl i'd l-'rultH, l-'ancy (.roicrl'i.. l'M.t.1. rim, 1'rov !! o iu, C iinlm I Itnir r The i ln upcst in (own, :il .1 J 1 111- : U V W A 1,1, A c K ? . KOKTIlWESTEKiV Mutual Life Insurance Co. TOM X II. VAN UVICP-. 'rr-idri,l. UK III-; II -M l II. - Vico-ProMd.-nl. Ai;i. UAYI.iH. So-rciiiry. Kdine Olllrr, llitnilivn ,i iM-. nrWU l tiiiii HI,, Mllunukrr, l. Ur, B. H, WAL1.UIAN. (JiMinral Aitont Hucky Mouiittiui liHiri. t t'olomdo, Vyoniiiiif. ITtitli and N'v PETER C. FERGUSON. Atc'nl lor v lnli, OrtU In HiMijii i , h'.lil rrtl k A, Cu.'a li a nkt . I . H. JOiNA Hft , A.rrnt I'or f all l.nko City, TRAVELER'S INSURANCE COMPANY, Oli' II A U I ) '(III II, CO. MOt I'll I T. lllillll, llninil, ArriillMllM CMMillK llifatll it tulnlly li ulililig J li.) 11 ry, PETER Q. FERGUSON, , ...i;,-t, "Hii" lit li,,,,,,..,-, KIiIii.iIki. .V. ('(!.' llnnk. ,j: njiiiiiu; ' NOISELESS ! 'FAMILY ' . ' -: . SEWING JACHI IS THE ' ' -l ' ' . . . - - - in. Standard Machine of . the World ! . ; j The Special Committee ajjpolnted to examine and report ou Sewing Machines at the Aortli Carolina State Fair, held at KttlelKh last week, awarded a Gold Medu.1 tot e Florence Sewing- Machine tnr i he ease and quiet netis of it n movement s, perfection and lare varie) y of work, and It s val nahle new features, making ma-king it the most valuable Sewing Machine for family use. Parties contemplating the purchase pur-chase of Sewing Machines are requested re-quested to read the following from the New "rlc "Tribnne" of Oct. 19tb, 1870: SEWING MACHINES. "Wo have recently had occasion to make lome iu'iuirieo 11110 the irugre.-a of improvement improve-ment in the mechanism of sewing machines, and were not a little surprised to learn that the centraj idea in the firt invention the shuttle still holds its pkftfe, though many attempts have been made to supercede it. The shuttle, in combination with the needle, is still the meane used to form the mi tea, in the leadinK machine?, and we find that the growth of trade it cbietiy with the shuttle-utiug shuttle-utiug machine. Ihe improvements that are taking firm hold in practical ue are, therefore nece.-a-rily in c-jnnection with the "buttle, eilher in tQe detail of the shuttle itstH. or in ot ber paru of the in a.-Line connected with it, to caue t fie whole to operate ui'jre perfectly and uniformly, and to jsimpliiy iu Ur'C. Mny important gains in tM direction, made cince the fjr.-t great invention, are undoubtedly un-doubtedly eiubod.ed in the " Florenco" ma-chide; ma-chide; and we recommend our readers to carefully in.-pect the "i lorence" beiure ma-kiok ma-kiok a choice. 1 . 1 ne poiotA peculiar to this machine are: An unu-ual awoant of money eient in maKinjc the "i'iureuee," lureby securinir the bt-t material u-ttcl. fnr iiu t.ttic:-, where otben u-e cat-iron ), and the . iiet titi ?b ol important p.irts the Miutt-c, Pr example, beii;tt rifi-lly reu-cte-i if it faru- from the slai.'ijrd l-L.t''th cl an iu-h! it i-c n-tru'-ud on the -implc-t "ic!.ti!:c iTiii'.'iple?. eiiiirt-ly dirpi n.-iuc w4h the C"-. 1 ctiua, di.d link? tiicb o!un it u L pe r v er.-e ! o u t ot order and tortly perpUx e-.ery one bui ti,e pr.c:Le-i u.acnmi-t by tbcir un Aiunt-abl Aiunt-abl Ire.ik. toe "'ljrenco" is to 9 -nly iuAtiiKc-i. nad lie ue is to rendily Ivarne-I, that an ordinary girl of ten h.x 'p'-'e tnl uiusolo enough to run it pL-r'ectiy . I ho look stitch, aj D.iUo by trie "riurtuce" 1? very re.uUr rniu perfect, very itrong an 1 claJiie, .tnl 11 ilr.ofii into the l.itr;e -iny. gr&i-uil. gr&i-uil. exaily, wilhout tvrn.ing. md1 wiui ut t-.iu--iDir ttje il'ji to 1 . u -" T r, or tlraiiniig :ut thread m oj to end.ir.wtT iu brii'.i;k-; c- n' iejuenti'. vj y due thread.- and iik'iI l-ibnc cu beu cd. Lr-idpa ihi. t!ie r lureuce" (in al! but the cheapest etyU-. iL'O a ir.ee three ad Jilioni! ilitene a duubie U'--i, a jiniile knot and a U'-ub.e kuu.-wbi b arc s:r"ti.!r .-r.l ui'Te el a.-tic tu.n a:.y otjer titca, an 1 t;;i-a arc n.j'ie by no u:.-.erti.a-eh ine 1 he " 'rt nee" . t h e on i y trarh . ne thAt h u a rev cm oe ecd, w her coy the direction di-rection ol ttie pewmg can be in Manny chaiik'ed without wppu.g the work, thui en-ifj ing the upcrator to ijuilt or embroider ith ui-U.-ual lAC.lity, to .f back ird and ea-ily utri-g thro a eom wbervver dc-irei, and. fifiiWy, Ly a lew rrpe.ited v.itche to f ten rout in the quickui end nrot'c-t -y. It u the oniy uA. ume trial h.w j elf-adjut.nc elf-adjut.nc tiut'.le-tbroAd tnioa, which wrai tot per te.-lly tbit 1 tie opcr.it or c..n run aernM the rirn-'l vni5 ai:d er the bie-l iiucn and the Itnck nl truUc-ot h 1l luime-dmto luime-dmto iui-1'WMun Miihout bro.ikui lhe.!ireu and wiihoin rhanin the ncrdtc, titi.-b ur .pn.ion. Xfie"riorene"iirw!ttie lur d il. to the cloth with uneialeo treoiioD nau cerl-inty. by mp.ir.s ..1 n micniou aio-matic aio-matic 'lukc-up" wheel, which. ui?poo of tLe tUck thread left alter the (UoU with 11 Accurate prou, p. nc- tht prevent- a. I nari ing or dropping ot tuche, and aliow ttit operator to ot b.i."kwrd, or to run ud the cloth and on H,-4in. with prrlect impunity. It dm an iinprocd ci.uc hcimuor, exciu- iTely it own. wht;b 11 dm n age i with e- ; and will make a hem ol any nidtti . ny material It Uot 011 1 111.1 ..n m porlrct gather and iri it to a b.nd at one operation, but it hemi, and bunt. And frl. and quil:., ana cordi. and tuoks, arid gainer, ana bra.id without ba.-tuiK. iii h peial provision U in ado aganint injurious wear tliat tbo ' Florence Flor-ence " ii claimed and guarantrrd by theCoin-p.ny theCoin-p.ny to twioo an iim without repair aj any other .-buttle lu-o-iuuo in l:e uiarkft, without 'Uf lihhie-i ditlicnlty. Kvery purl ol the ' orein'o" 1 .-o pvrltK tly and penna-neni penna-neni tt-iiu-te d, auJ it h i." o t. w j. mas ana p"inu ot Inction, ihni it run? with the ut- llioft r.xrv. 1 Ijo piM-llc If MM .104 threaded, und t)m utib-h is lengthened, shorlvnrd, or rcM.Tfol ith the ut-moft ut-moft c.i -e. 1 11 umff tho "Kb reme" licit her tho woi k nor the o curat r j dr.' i li.iolo to bo m.iU-d. llio "t lorence" "illi all liies 0 auiiK to superiority, fell- at the imue pne a ol her clao ui tchincj. l lic-e rJvhd luge : Liberality in manuUelurc; iiiuplieiiy of coii.ot ruction; 1'to ilily ot inaii.igeiueiil, Vnru'ty ft Mitehe?; Heverfiblo fe.d; bol-ailj05(mc tonfion; Autoiuativ. (iiko-up; I 111 pro . i'il b pm lin'i ; TroviMwi Htam-t wear; rTloet and " riu.mrut .1 l.i 11,-1 men , 1'ianr rogu-ation nee.ilo nd PtiP-h; t'le. inline!" an t rhr.i tie---, l lie -M'Miiiy und high linihli of tlio luachinw: Make llio "I- lorfneo.' moderately i-pcnk-inu. a iiiacliino winch lo bo valued, ueodf but to bo tried. No Umily can alfnf.1 tu bo without a few-ing few-ing uu In lie, and no bopo that lelro lonf one may in- louuil wherever "1'ho Iribuuo id wolcouic. TO THE LADIES OT Stt l.akn t Ity. and lliriMtgh. out (' I cl rhiirU i f t tali, lilnho. Mtiiilaiia and VY vomi 11 f( , 'u uU'iul h coitliiil invilmipn lo cull til our ulliro, ami t'Miniino llm FlnrtMui Kiuiuly Sowing Mjivliun1, wln-thor Jo Hiiuiiir iniuioiliivto piirrliH(i or not it it our ImsiiMWH ami nloaMiro to sohi'il close oAutnuiai ion and t'oiiipanson. liavo on exhibition, iu onlor tho niorej I'H'-ily oxpliiin points of dillVioiioo, in wliivli iv 0 oliiim fuprrionty, tho inn-oliinos inn-oliinos ol v in iMi ninkoiH, iin'ltiditii ih (iroviM'vV. Hitkir, Smor aiul Wlnu'Irr it Wilson. In-intilviiix such oonipHn-hop, oonipHn-hop, no tjnlair avlvanlin;e will lo titkpn of rival jiiarliuics, ImL on tlio oonti ;u y tiny will ho Uopi ly a votnpt'loiit m fliim.st 1 11 tl.n Im'-l ot runniiiK or. lor, (Ronio t't lliPiu rmpiirn a 'K"oil an ongi-noor ongi-noor a loi oniotn o. ) CHAS. S. HAMMER, tJrneinl Aneiit, S:l,,l I,.;m UlTY.UTlIt. THE AVERILL CHEWICAL PAINT COMPANY'S PAINTS . Embracing over A HUNDRED DIFFERENT SHADES, prepared for ; . . immediate application and requiring no mixiDg, just received " and for tale at the ' . DRUG DEPARTM'NT ; z. c. ivi. 1. ' The inftredients of these Paints are simple and indestructible. The qualities quali-ties with which they recommend themselves are: Cheapness, durability, supe. rioiity of oolor, an unusually smooth and glossy appearance, less labor required in laying, no trouble of mixing, will stand fire or rain, and does not crack or peel off with atmospheric changes, nor chalk off by friction. They are the best, cheapest, most durable and most popular Paints in use. The AVERILL WHITE PAINT is a ZINC PAINT, containing do ead, and is of equal superiority and popularity. . , BRING ALONG Y0UB PAINT CANS OPEN ANDIPURCHASE . , - BY THE GALLON. ." ' , . . r A full line of . , , ,: . . Foreigju Domestic and Case Liquors. i - . At the Drug Department, Z. C. M. L , II. 15. CLAAVSOA, Supt. D. DAY. . O.F.CL'LMER. '. DAY &; CULM ER, - Wholesale and Retail Iienlera in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE,, QUEENSWARE, ; GLASSWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, BLANKETS, ' OILS, NUTS, &C..&C. W K MAKE BEST TEAS . SPECIALITY. JUST KKCEIVtD, j .. A FINE tOT CF DRY GOODS. . Call and See them. First Door South of Town Clock Sture. do C. 11. Bi::irr. O. f. U.rriiiH. BASSETT & HOFFMAN NE V7C- HARDWARE STORE AMkioJsr.l HEAVY HAKDWAHE, Iron an! Steel, Stoves and Tin Ware BLACKSMITH TOOLS, t A grlc nl t nrnl lm,lement. And Jllnlug Tools, I At Lowest Itatr. OPPOSITE SALT LAKE HOISE nli Ti. g. m. 1. BOOT AND SHOE Department, ! : -At the Sign of tho "BIG BOOT" Call and Examine our choice Stock of HOME-MADE And Imported BOOTS AND SHOES i . . : LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S SLIPPERS . ! Boots and Shoes for Ladies, Gentle-, Gentle-, men and Children MADE TO 0KDER j satisfaction guaranteed, Retiring Ktifly and Promptly attended to. - We Lurrt J usl fleceired a Splendid 8cj-p!y of ! JLfcmt lier. Including French Jd Ger-' Ger-' man Calf Slclns, Best Morocco, a great variety of Colored $kini, I and all kinds of Upper, Sole and Hnrnfsi Leather ; Concord and 1 Mage Horse Collars- Also a Full Stock of Shoe Findings. 1 1 1 1 J l .- BOUGHT. Ca'l and s-:e jour old friend Crompton Wii7it:J IintiicJiattly, a jint-datt , icinfi Jn-iui Ojx.rator, to tcork on Lull's and Gents' BcrAt and Sh'xs. H.B. CLAWSON Snpu 4 FOR SALE, CHEAP, first-class . HII.L1AKD TABLES. BENEDICT, HALL & CO., MAN UFACTl'K LKS AND WHOLESALE DEALKES IN Boots and Shoes, HAVE REMOVED TO Xos. i:M- and HW (ill.LM) TKEET, NEW YORK, au Zion'sCooperative Mercantile Institution TO CITY AMY(H VniY M8BATIVB STORES And tlio Trade ire 11 era I Ir. WHOLESAUdRY GOODS! EAGLE EMPORIUM. (l' Sl:lil WINTER GOODS! I.oii- MiawK, 'uMas. CFosiery. Music Miavt Is. Hoods, ;o'i' Chlldrci.N MismvI. Ncnris llaiiiiels. lUauKc.. Counterpanes. .leans, tasslineies, Uuse.vs. DOMESTIC GOODS IN FULL SUPPLY AS USUAL. KCoInV Miocs.Kubbcr A .ArrMes. lien's, Itoy jiikI ( lilMrcnN ll-II. ll-II. 13. Clawson. Supt. |