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Show Lake Cut, Feb. -t iLD-Bujing, 108; selling, 111. We Distrcst Those "otruM8, which re advertised to cure all diseases, 8nd hence we distrust most of tha medi- cine which are advertised in the public urinu. YERBA SA'TA we know to t an KVFALLIBLI BLOOD PURIFIER, PU-RIFIER, and certain cure for KHh L-MAT1SM, L-MAT1SM, NEURALGIA, GOUT, etc, which i aleo attested by many of our'lrienda who have used it. for sale by all LlruKgisU, Reddiso-tcx, Reddiso-tcx, Hostettib At Co. agenta, 629 and .! Market street, ban Francisco, adv IFeesh Otbte its select-oO cents per plate, at P. Margetta' Kefreshment Rooms. adv I KAYBOULD BROS, have the pret tiest .how of VALENTINES in town. To prove it, see their show window, north of the Big Boot. . adv. Everything in candies and confectioneries confection-eries for the holidays, at Wallace's, adv I UUAPPED JiANDS AUD FiC'E, BORE ; Lira, Dryness of the timy, 4c, 4c, Cured at once by HEUK HAN'S CAMPHOR CAM-PHOR ICE WITH GLYCERINE. It k'jepa the hands sell in all weather. See Uwtyou got JtiEGEilAN'B. Sold by all Druggists, only 2i cents. Jlanufao fnctnred only by Ueokmax & Co., Chuinista and DruggieU, New York. 1118 adv Hon a atyliah pair of Pant go and see Al. Earl,Grooabeck's Buildings, Second South St. dv Uiuht to run Mill. Bring on your Kfuiii to the B. Y. lower mill, which is now litted up and turns out a No. 1 article ar-ticle of Hour giving the largest yield to the bushel. I am also prepared to grind buck wheat; and having a nrsl-rale curn-shollor can shell corn by wholesale adv Charles Wilkiks. Fur a oood oyster slew go to John K. (Jiawson's. advjlij l'KOVLAMATIOS TO TUS 1'UliLIC I J .lo hereby usue this, my Proclamation, lo tbo travelling public : I Parties visiting Salt Lake. City and going oast on the U.P.R.R., will hnd it to their advantage to leava Salt Lake Uly on tho evoning train and remain over at OgJen that night, thereby bav-ng bav-ng a good night's roat, and so bo fresh lor travel at 8 o'clock a.m., when the ilsily ojpress train loavej this depot. At the Qndea House wo ofl'or as good accommodations ac-commodations as any houso west of unih. j, reu bussos at every train to . frouithu dejiot. adv j0Ux Mauon, Proprietor. Fob Sale, on very reasonable terms, a few hundred "feet" very rich mining mi-ning ores, in the "Tintic," "Lafayette," "Anthony Wayne" and "Eureka" Lodes, Tintic Mining District. Shafts have been sunk in all of these claims, therefore the purchaser can inform himself him-self and know what he is buying. i'or particulars inquire of J. M. Simmons, At his residence, opposite City HalL advj2o Paris has Capitulatkij. but Carr C. Asuiussen still continues to sell his line stock of jewelry, watches, clocks and other articles at his splendid store on Main street. adv Genuine English Ale on draft, fifty cents per quart, at P. Margetts', 2nd South St. adv Valentines I YalentPjEs ! ! Tbe nicest and bst assortment can be found at Charles Coopor'i toy store, at eastern prices, with embossed envelopes to match, froeofchargo. Dealers supplied at low rates. adv F"or A good irfeal go to J. R. Claw-son's, Claw-son's, advjlii "Heap Smoke." Go and see that mammoth Ciirar at Ed. Harris', three doors east of Post Udice, and got one of bis "Salt Lake Beauties;'' they are delicious. deli-cious. Best of chewing tobaccos, pipes, cards, canes, collars, knives, and other fa icy notions. Cigars cheap at wholesale. whole-sale. Be sire you go and see him. adv I It you want a No. 1 Suit, go to M. Earl, Secoid South feu adv Struck Ir. The Danforth fluid bar-rols bar-rols are just tho thing for rackiug pork, and other uses, lor which barrels are intended. in-tended. Tbey aro cheaper than pine barrels. For sale by E. .pecse it Co. adv Danfortit's F'lcid is acknow'.dsed to be tha wonder of the nineteenth century. cen-tury. dv Paris may Surrender, but ho-lightly ho-lightly a,l LUrris will never surrender tnoir claim to making tha tnest bread, crackers, cakes, piea auJ pastry, ajd maumcturirg the choloen and purest caiia.i. Supper got up for parties on reasonable reason-able notice, at J. B. Clawson's. advjlb Wanted A Boy to attend to a horse. Apply to Dr. Benedict, between the hours of nine and eleven a.in., at his residence, rear of Seventies' Hall. adv Fise Frku Ho'net in the comb, delicious and cheap, at H. Wallace's. adv y tbe U. i.". ipou r ae.iverrd ia LJ lrt ol Lie ci;r. Orders ca b le:1 at t';i i'v-i r::ve Pr-i Store, or t it- kuks-a', irr.'e:: Lake Houe GEOHi-K CRISJIOS. MUHPHY.GSAHT&.CO. linj-..ricra ui' Auifiicuii Mid Kur.-j-ean Faiu-y and Staple DRY GOODS, l-i-V rHANCISl'O, I ( AI.IHIHVH, I I'.pj to c.i'l 'lo- .itti nti n urilieTnelc u, thoir Wt- n. van. J i.,.ck. ..ui.miiii c chihiic lilu- .'I 1 1 1 C l-ll.oi 111K fe- 1- : SILKS 9 Him It, ( nlorrd nnr) bik y . !Vr LVETS, dress G03QS;'::;:i;::;.:H HOSIERY, KID GLCVES, i GENTS' FUMISH G G033S, ! CORSETS, ! WHITE GOODS, of txrt y k 1 11 l . 'quilts, HANDKERCHIEFS, oil C oil ...I. ISHIRTINii & HOUSEKEEPING HOUSEKEEP-ING LINEN. 3 H A' 'LS ' B' 1 " LI I I J PI J, ol all kin k.. CGTTO.NADES, K'Y JEANS. CASaSMERES, ...... FLAiiNcLS, BlANKLTS. II . ', ' ; ; , 2 p nnri ioUNUs J.UUU-SOH AK3 STEEL I I 1 1 .V 1 lliiiiin -. i hh It fall Lath I I n ii . LIVERPC3L ASj LLxZtfi AND CLCZ: J - yi. )ilK'HL, Afnt. I CHAIN GE OF FIRM. ' Tie F.aric M"'.. Sssh izi Dec: Fa.--i t.sry c: ! POLSOM, R.OM3TET Co. L A T I ME RT T AV L 0 R 0. ; SASH ' -:'- "' - - -IdGORS;;;-. WINDOW '1;'!'.: , FRAMES c;; I FRAMES rMl, J MOULDING Sv:;: j Planer and Circular Saws I Tv-.-sir;: ail :htf nrf. Ml.MMi I)IIK1("' su; ; ol .-a.-r; b. :!.,-. ot ; c n ,-j'.'.. a Pirc : It,- LAT1HKR. TAVLIIH III.. '- Vscl!:.-.-k t , :' i'i.b,::i.-. of NEW YOKK. jf-Pur-ly .Muiul. Ch vttm."h All Poltctr on-Forirltii)lt-. A v Ik' strict ins on h iwt or Tiir 11 any p.irt i ff H'.-r.',. Ail ihe vftrMn- runt-vf Li:"o K:..K'u-nu-nt, t irm kihI JiMiit IVHcu'S sre i?iu.i by lais CoinuMiy. IRA M. SV AKTZ, General Acont ttr ltsh. Oif..'t i!.r.-r Jor north of Lxhdne ar.d Krjidn;g Kooub, Main sirfcU or C11ICACSO, Draper and Tailor, W ILL bK AT SALT LAKE CITY In Tayo or Thrro t-ks W ITU i II K ' riWJCl-S.ST awl L A Ji'O'KS T As.-wrttnuat ot Fine IMPORTED WOOLENS for Mimi s wi-ar, b th iu Minter and Sp ri nar vmliis. Dining .IdiniKiy ami !';-rnnry !';-rnnry c ill 'I'l'.N I'KU C T..T off H orn iir LOW K.ST C ASH I'Kil IIIIS. B.tl.iil..l in CI,UL-. III ls .. REVERE HOUSE, Isitr (i ihi U ns,.) Will h erillr he emi'Iu m h p A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE", In nil iu h p "M nl in on i. It wjl r-n-vxt.-t Hr I r- f.i rm-h . ...f it inmini'in'ni n' i ( t'i iti h ii,in'r i. r- -i.u-m tf-n t" h;ii xfl I' I hr H -Hi w 1 1 1 ' ....u iu-k-. . i t I'M '!) Tli t- V. ii i of. a I' I m ii. 1 j, - ; ... u i , r, t OPEN FOR YEAil AT ihT TiME D'JR G lit OAT. ., k.k. WHiriKnoKk, 'r..,,. I I". ,. IIIM KM A. A. ). REAL ESTATE CQWf.!ISSi:N MERCHANTS. ( M ) l. k c 'I'), I !.. K. ' (.- ' ! 1' r . ( V . r !..(. , i. . - , 1 ' T .-... 4, . t I.. . i .r - ! "' ' ' "- t , ' l ' I,.. ,r . 1 - II-: " " ' HARMAfi, IVGrtY & Cu FINING Real Estat3 AgT:y. s.VLT LAKE CITY. C.-ui: f-c , '.r -.1 ' ,v Ki..-. -j;-- - i ; . -. : . -i. :' --ti .C ta ILM. i.-.r-.rc C-.-yi a: -: s.A. b j;:.: -" '- t. ---- - ..I. - WAMVIV-Tm iioo.l Minr jldil. IniC Smtlilnj vor. Ir Mtint C.h will b-t piil. K ASM AN. ". . S" A . WJSHtB-A l -; . , s : -., K.-2c ! ;h . .: r. ... : ; f, i .su:i.-UM. '... '.'. . . A W AATK l TO K K r- ... - .brfi'CT turr.vsi.. .j: t : .t ft ft...., iii.-i.y. iii.-i.y. :a z .iit.fir I.:;..e, liAKMAN. 1 i 1V A 0... r e s h n to i H.:"-j-Min k o:' iV rwrr. SALT LAKE Clli, K&TlSf ti e li,ltv I : .Vj.fh:r,TJ I", - Iron, Wood i5c Brass, MaclilnUta 1'ooU. Tttrnlm t'n Blunt i. itr Cunin i.t Hl SnYMliifi Mmluin'i, Yl. ("'MIom, U nolrn Mit.l t. Ul .Marhlnri), Kli., Kir., Ku. OUR FOUNDRY 1.. .v.v..-;..' ,' VnittrLMiuoui ".ti. -i.-.- Ir-.iu i ho i )'i i, -df A M v ritr ti r tl, n, one t'.T It 1 nil Mii.t i t iiili t u oi k, mi Low tltii tk. .ir.rrr.tns- GRAND GIFT AN'P musical .inui.Ki: ! $106,150.00 woiirn or Ural IMnli', I'rrsiin.il l'i ip 1 1 nml 'Miiiin . Divided into 3,138 G Its in nr. Histi ilmliil iiuniiin tin- 'I'.Ait li.i'iil. i -. PRICE CF ACMISSIJN, til. TiAiis ,..'. t: ii ., ,,.,,, urn Ci'l I ,,,'i ,r ' 77, .-,, ,.,'. v; AI II .1 1. ' .i,h. i.. I..- I in .'. iii' l i, ti r i.. i ,., . . ,-,,.,. -I. .11 . Ill I lo. in .,. , I II...- .11 II... I II, .. ......r:.nm.. . h.-.-. ... I.. ,. , .nr-i. : I .. ' .i i ii, ,,t lull- 11 h- Mill, ii ,,, - r lil I'- i I. I I. ' . , i, I . i-., , , t- y - I .- - I'. r I I i m n. I I . i I. 1 1 , .. .,i . i , I loin,., mi I ..,,. i . i !..o,'..'ii '-','.".;,'. u I, , ,, , K " I..' '", . I... . . v . , I ll'l II. I', II' I lo 1 , I .11, . .'I. . . .. I l.i': ..I , '. -'I'll. I.i.l. I,' I .1 . ' ..! I '..!' '.. I ' I h I' ' ! I . . . t I . ,, , I .-.i . . " , . 1 l..l I.. I I,. I . . ,l, V . . o , ' I ' M . i i ...... , . i I . I 1 ' ... '' i ... i i , . i . .. I i I . . . . i ' l.i, . ." '. ', ', ' 'i I ' 1 I'- 1 Ijc IM. I '. ll,o., I ' ' . I I ' I M V , V I I . r , I . .. 1 , lll'.'IVJJ l , , , , ' ' i : ' . . : I , !,.' . ' . |