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Show NEW ADVERTISEMENT?. Trees ! Trees ! ! Fruit Trees, Shade Trees, Ornamental Trees, Goocberrlet Mintbbt ry. Currant. rer n h e Ftanplii rrics, I'lnntn, Etc., Ktc, tilt, fete. J o ii rv i -t. rj a. jo x cv, NJlSW-YMiN AND FLORIST. P. O. K.j SALT I, A K K C ITY, I . T "n Make-:. New M-n i s.n;. ry uu ?( I! i Lrcet SAW V Il.I"ffCI(00, CAL. JOHNSON & Co., rnt.iM:iKTii.s. TOOELE HOUSE, K. MclIENlilUC, Proprietor. Corner of .Main and Vine blrerl, tool ij crrv.- e'AI.L AND BK A'C'M!'ip,VTKI IN THE llFr tsTVI.K. -Ueri. Board and Attention of tlic he.t GOOD BAH ATTENDANTS. M FRANCISCO wiiips. Fresh Lot Just Received. I A G I I T, who rj'Soin:, MTKITKKS S'i''"V; for 'I'rmyl mnl Ihoin-xtir I rm F0K SALE, CIIKAP; At GEO. W. DAVIS' 'IS TITl'Mll! k VILLI MS, MnniiliiHur.'r ,, b,ip,,r. r mi l IVIiiilt, ,ilc, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, Kvrry Drsrriplion oi .Ji u h v. SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WARE j W.miI.- Iwr tic- ;' M)niLM Jfijt'.'f.nf, I thjiniiit'I, A ut l it "ft II alijnsy i K ;lHf uiiiih i y, N.K. nil. IMnr, lp Mtiur', Nllll J't AlH Int o, ( ill. All mt'I'tp IV'ini tli l rril'ifiri iimhiI l.ll-l. II I AMUSEMENTS. THEATKiS GREAT ATTRACTION! M'ter weeks of enroiul preparation, will bo produced, for the firdt time in thi?city, ox Monday Evening, Feb, 6, TUK- Great Spectacular Romance, entitled the IICS V71TSH! oft the FROZEN IIAKU, I A Tale of Enchantment. Xew and Gorgeous Scenery, ly Mr. Alfred Lambourne, Complicated Machinery, by Mr. Peter Reid and assiotanU. Mngniticcnt Appoint-nent, by Mr. I- Baker and a.-sistints. New and Beautiful Music, by irof. Beeley and Orchistre. Grand Transformation Scene Home of tlie Snn God in tlie ItetLlms of lilis. PtrfoiiiinLts t.- CoiMUience with th Inn-hUe A KISS 13 THE DARK. l.,oiioly Man of the Ocean ! MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE. Half a block west of President Youns'a Residence. JOHN W. YOIT.XG, - Prop. Native Beaats, Bird and Kept ile s Wolverines, Bear?, Foxps, Mountain Deer, Lynx, Wild Cats, Important collection of Native Miuur.il?; Admission, 50 cts. CUildieii, lO " Open every day except Sunday, from y a.m. to & p.m. Feeding Time, 3 j. ju. J.L. BAKKOOT, Mannptr. $ r-' 8 M 5 i O c - - Q .9 i z. g. m. . CARPETS 1'iK SPRING FURNISHING! Retail Department I o i all iiHi'iiiimi t- mi clm-i'i - i It M I wo aru i'iHMtrftl t 1 1 ' i prl imlm linnLi. A li r i srli'i-t ji'ii t-1' (In- tteM'-t -tylf.nl' TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS, INCRAIN, At r.aslrrii rilc. Dt TCIf CAIM'KT. UU. Vr V:ml. TABLE AND WINDOW DAMASK. iiitnjcKTs mnl nu'Mii ci.i itii.s Sheetings and Quilts. . ( 0ltH i:s M ,( i; HTAINS. . iinis, I'Viinjrs mi I CnnK. I CHlHiipj Jl Alifil). CiiiiclH Mini,- mnl l.nitl nilli n IT. H. II. t'l.A W.Soa, Hvfi. I READ TH13! T II K ' In all tho beautiful varieties. . mill IS SKI 8Y IVERYBQEY Contemplating the purchase of u iiuchino for family or other use. ! At 6ur novly-fltted up Salettrooin, Second Door South of the Eagle Km-porlum, Km-porlum, between, tlie Drug and Clothing Clo-thing Departments of Z. C M. I., will be found, a Fnll Assortment Of these Admirable Sewing Machines At Prices to Suit Everybody, j THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE , " ' XEEDS IsO PUFFING to commend It to the public as the following a ' eczi rsc show: ' ' In ISVj tbeo now celebrated Machines were firt oficrod to tho puMic aui in the four years succeeding i.'O'J were tuld. Tu-duy Tu-duy over that number are weekly tumd -ut from the factory, and yet this iwinen-e eup-ply eup-ply 'm not eii;il to the deuiaD'J. At the eiid o' the year IV 7, upward of li1') 0f0 .Machine were oid, nnd in ihe then following ye;ir, from 't 8 to 'To, the number haJ been increased to upward of 500,000 MACHINES SOLD, One third of which were disposed of w It la I u the prec din g twelve uiunlhi, t r-'tu the fureirvinr it will b sn that dur-ur dur-ur the l.i.-t three yu-ar:, the talcs bai o ot-ea upward ol fjf:y per cut mure th.n during tho wnole of -ho tcventeea previu'uj yea re. THE PEOPLE'S VERDICT, after a score of yrtra thorough trial im thil the SEWING MACHINE i-al ipl' l t- all kir.'l? of w rk, te:cit SJ r o-t lily the thi-ke-l and ni't f!u"TTi material ma-terial as the Unet nd moat Ueli'-ie tanr.es: nb a 'it-"i, tiial li-r Le-?, pcr;eclion at.' I du r.ii). 1 1 1 r u n n u ill 1 . A -'-iii. p.in mit e.icli Al acL i are i ri nteJ i::-tru :tiuu. pUiu ana et--y en a. pr M'n lli.i', al'.hi'Ufcii e ri---:L:iifii J ru-um-er to tuke ut i-v-t on lr m the Op. crat'.ir, it is rt-liii.tu d "ne urc .T" etc: bt at a Kinr 1 1, e .uiIuit t-t liiC Mi Qit ar.d C'.mplcteues ul the CuD-'tructi-B. 6-.me Ol 1U AD VANTAU ILtS Y THK SINGER MACHINES ARE 4 i:i:p'.icity of c n -1 r u t i o l h er e i re lofj lauilny net out f rci Jir. hrt, srr.ikh: lc -i'.o loft tiiido to bend, brcjit ur taip the tuu-U. Tborhuttlo t carrie-l: friction, weir and the nc.'oday of growing to rac are thui a v u i d cd . iteadinrsi with which the ni't inexperienced inexper-ienced eta a.ijuvt iuc lwiU'Q u d o lUreJ. Freed. tn from we.-r. A'tcr twriiiy year? ciiitni nrrvioa lhce macinnes have n er been knuWQ to Wv.tr out. They are n'i?eIosj, rapid and eay in all their iuuvoiucdu. i All our uiarhine. :re a-tjutrd at'd put in i (h Uhii running ompr.Oy C"iiiMtrnt oandf. I'd-iic dfliwry. I'nn li4.-rr.- t.i.-rcl .ro bre i.o trouiilo. but ran .ucce-l'uliv operate with ttieui t 1.I1CC. THE NEW BUTTON-MOLE At AC1I I 2s' i: S are iliori-ucb ly pr.i.nical and will porfnrm all that w cel. uin tr (hem. 1 MANUFAGTURIN3 MACHINES tvr ht'.ivy wm k. arc tmi well kiitMrn Iq need I v i mm en t. Wo ul.-u keep m rUk the jV;o M.tfi'um JS'tj'stftss MANUFAC TURING MACHINES Our ito.'k 1 lit Suieor o iu Mat'Iiinw is i-ry I'Mrii.'ivc, in it r;i''i n it vcry variviy of ftin,h, Ipmii iho pliuu M:i liiin initutilei on hhn k Wiilnui ulilc. oiled. I. tho t'litbor-aiti'ly t'litbor-aiti'ly pemlrd ,M a.'huir, w il MMbitiel caae and (Idum -vrr in ui"ll lid bU. k walnut, roto. Wci.il, or l(l;tli'k':lliy biwllly pi'Ulud. K -ry ,M ni-liinp i Im iiir!ud wilh tho itmo t-i.lii'litn liiriutuie, i n -1 u 1 l 1 1 k' tho new lunii-mir lunii-mir (twiiib all widlhf) and Ifllor anil braider. brai-der. We RHarniitrv our Mm hliiei to do lleiuiitliiK. all ll t !( K el 1 1 n g i 1 1 c lit tltelilitHI llrnldliiKI tiullllnm K. in lr old erlitflr (iiu c lialit at Itch , tJat herlitK and Nrwlnff ttu ataame i Imv.wlt h or wit huttt a hand, on the critic r I it 1 h cent r n t ortl I itK 1 1'tie h-liiKI h-liiKI UIU luui Trlmiiiliim Ulndlna; all w hit Ha and klmlar rli etc., lc. WE DELIVER MACHINES Without Additional ('uiijc to am. pah i n (ii- rnis t i ry t All kinls it" Scwiii); Miu'liiiuvn 1 1 1 ir mi k I 'y Hrpaiinl on lio-?(ri:l.K lio-?(ri:l.K Tonii. liciiii'inlMT lln' AJniiuiioth Sij'n, SID SEIIIH WMl Two donta Mitli of tlif . itftlr Kin-1 Kin-1 ii tn , ol II. It. n.AS0N, I a T. W. TAYLOR ' 1 . 1 Ilavu Just K'jceivcl a lot of DobBin'S; Electric Toilet Soaps T DUFORD SOWS . Have Just Received a Larjre and Varied Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES! LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES ' In every Style and at prices that cannot fail to Euit. ALSO A LARUE ASSORTMENT OK .' . " Gciitm' stud Youths' Hoots smd Shoes. We would also call attention to our Large and Fashionable Stock of iOLTJS CAPS ' Men's,1 Boys' and Children's Wear, all of which we -will sell at RAILEOAD., TIA1ES PRICES ! jjl 3ri-7-o tJs a. Ca.ll. WELLS, FARGO'S IS NEAR ' : : i ... jX Oct! - J -Z 1 . I o . O O P V S) SS3NISPIB JO "3yN30 3H1 n CONTINENTAL Life Insurance Comp'y, Ol-1 35A " YORK . JL'bTL'S LAWRENCE, President. J. P. P.UGEF.S, Secretary. iL Ii. WYNKOUP, Vice-President, b. C. CHANDLER, Jr., -Actuary. : a It M"S f 'o 3 C jyUSk 2 r P 2. n 5 ; I - - - -i CD g s - - t ? - & Tlie entire Prolits of the Company are distributed annually among the l'olicy llt'lderj. upon the contribution plan. All Policies .on-forfeitable, according to the expressed terms contained con-tained in each l'olicy. . . o Kttra Preniiiiiu for travel or foreign residence. Thirty il;i place alloreil on the payment of premiums, and the policy held pood durinc that time. Policies liicontestible for the cu-tomary reasouN Kconomy in Mauapeiuent. Only one other New York ecaipsoy showing as low a rale of expends to income. Careful selection of it rik, as indicated by the exoeedinyly small uiortaliiy of iis iuemlers. Policy Holders haie a olce in the Kleclions ar.d Management of the company. Assets, January 1st, 1871, over Five Millions. NOKTUWKSTL'.KN DEl'AliTMEXT ; 01TICE, No. '.'!, l. SALLK STRUCT, CHICAGO. .v. l lock wooi. - - - yAXAHKK A. Ii. DAVIS. - - - SLfT. OF AGESC1ES JOHN B . MA I BE N T General Agent for Utah, Ot-KUfc. AT 101M..SKK BllO'S. SALT I.AKF CITV. MtPtCAf. t i.IINKKS : W. 1'. ANIH'.KSON. M. 1. 1'. 1. liKXl'.DK'T, f. l. Kfliable A'Mt.-i Hlitttd thmuyluoit tii Territory. j S Zion's Co-operative Mercantile Inst'n WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY AND HARDWARE DEPARTMENT,' r.l.Plir.lHJT. Ac" 'I.A) JU II.DI.XiN. Von cun tind ( (1mm Pcparlnicnt of 7.. V. M. I. loor fUvk ot LAMPS, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, SIOVES, MIMNi; TOOLS, HL.VSTLNU-rOWPKK. Maple and I'iuicj irocrrir, " And cxii Get More for your Money and Orders tlun you can ?t any oilier' House in Utah. |