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Show T. ft. W. TAYLOR Have Just Received a lot of AND Toilet Soaps I 3 SSBt. Sk. M -i E5 -2 ST3 S3 S: JET" Have Just Received a Lurire and Varied Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES! LADIES', MISSK3' AM) CHILDREN'S SHOES In overy Style and at prices that cannot fail to suit. ALSO A LARGS ASSORT V EST OF Gents' and Youths' Hoots and Shoes. We would also call attention to our Large and Fashionable Stock of ZOI-8!? AND OjIE3 Men's, Boys' and Children's Wear, all of which we will sell at EAILEOAD TIMES PEICES! w WELLS, FARCO'S IS NEAR w h O Si o , C O .. P J.V SI SS3NISn& JO 3HX j MOKE LIGHT! 7 Shines for All! THE DANFOHTH FLUID Is the Lkht for the People. Only GOc. per Gal. BY THE FIVE GALLONS. THE GAS-JET BCHNEK, ithout thimutys. is the thine THE PACK L.1IPS Are the only perfectly sa'c Limps. AS SAFE AS CAS DLLS. A SEW ARilVAl i-F U'.VS, Lhf(T?.?S 4ND- fLU-a V.. REKSH & CO., Corner south of Walker Bros'. jlMHIIIlllllWII.il -Sfilf FRANCISCO turns, .Tesh Lot Just Received. JLIGHT, WIIOIiESOME, IVUTKITIOUS. SuitaLk for Travel and Domestic Use FOR SALE, CHEAP, AT GEO. W. DAVIS' Z, C M. I. Wholesale and Kclail GROCERY I H AR BWAR E D E PA 11T,M E'T, ICld.red ye, dc (Jinii;mn JjiiUdiiat. You ean fin-1 at, tlii. Drpnrtmont of Z.C.M.I. a better tv.;lc of . Lamps, Crockery, Hard ware, Mo ves, . MINING TCCLS, 331xtlAAK f owdor, stai'Li; a:;; j fancy Groceries KTC, AM) CAN tiV.T MtlKK ! t VOI II MKV A M Oil IIKIIS I I! 1 ( V I AT A.W OTIII.lt MIICSK " m i r,n. j - 5 B - m iri w il PS S hi Niu j s o 2 - " i 2. C. El. I. CARPETS FOR SPRING FURNISHING ! Retail Department Aorall nil "iition to purrhinr Hint we n projmrffi to nll'ir pfinl irirtiicii-miTiti. irirtiicii-miTiti. A tine selection of thy nnwijst etylea of TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS, INGRAIN, At EiiMcrn IMict-K. DUTCH CAIU'KT, tOc Tor Vard. TABLE AND WINDOW DAMASK," DRUG GETS and CHUM 15 CLOTHS Sheetings and Quilts. OR.MIMS VM) 1MK ( I KT,IS. fJimjn, I'Vingos and Cordt.. aiiEKN ijaizh. iiiik Ib .'Mal' mill I.niil willi Ciirr. U. n. CI, A WSON, i.-rr. SPECIAL NUTICE. f 11 K l:N T)l;i!KiNKIl nfll. to .r. e tlirii- nr f'.iir nimti of '"" ;r.'lml !..r.. lt ,,p , rr , 1 "f"! n-l ,,,r, , linn (n? km v . Jr-r tli.in. '"' JAIIM TIHVKiyi). 1 GENTRAL PACIFIC RAILR'D. Snii'tarB Trnin U dill -tJ-J Truio SiilhIh , exceputl Daily :$. Daily excepU-d 4'Klpno StKlain flitu yrau'w 5 4ri)in 12 oOpru 4 42 8 40 " ..OalilanJ .. 5 11 " 11 5S " 7 3 " ..Fun .lo-e., 6 40 w 7 5S " 12lupm SuwkloD. . 1 -6 " 8 35 'j 0 35 " 2 10 " .Siu-i-Ruieiilu. 11 1"' iuh 7 Uu a 4 1" " ..Miirvllle.. 9 1" " 9 0.1 " . . .So'tim. .. 4 -0 " 2 20pm .iacrnnieiito. H 4-"mm CP 6 25 " ...Colfax... 8 46 " 115am .Reno ... 1 ID " . b- 9 10 " Wintiptnucca 4 05 " l.im m BiittloMouut 126 pm C P5 3 10 pm ...Oarlin . . . 10 15 " W P 4 4i " . ..fclko 8 45am 1 35 am .... Keltnii.... 1" 10 " 6 10 " . ..Oi:Un.. 5 " pm A. IV. TOWXfi, C. H. GOOPMN. U-u. dupt, 0. P. K. R Geo. Pas-'k;r and Ticket Agt, F O -l I LIVERPOOL & QSJ.EMSTOWN. IN MAN L INE Of Royal Mall Steamers, Sailing from New York Every Saturday, AND Alternate Tuesday. Cabin Passage, to Liverpool. (ffoM) $75.00 Steerage u " (cur.) 3D. 00 Passage from Liverpool to Xew York Cabin, - - (Oold) S75.00 Steerage, - - (CuTeacy) 3-t.OO Round Trip Tickets issued at very low rate JOHX G.DALE, Atcont, 15 Broadway, New York, Or WILLIAM CALDKH, Apcnt, o27 Salt Lako Crty. UUh. H.DINWOODEY, FURNITURE DEALER j And IMPORTED FURNITURE Constantly on baud at the Sale3rooin, EAST TEMPLE ST. Every description of H0ME-mnE FURNITURE At the Factory a. , FIUST trOL'TH STKEKT, rlTy COFFINS, PLAIN antl OKXAMKNTAL lilTiCWAKD Co-ojjerative Store Dvalrrs in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, &c. Dried Prrhn, Aiple, 4c, b nflit nd aold. I- lour, l.rln, I'.rmn and Shorts always on hiiml. j.fl ' 25. c. m. R. BOOT AND SHOE i Departing nt, At tho fcign of tho "BIGr BOOT" Call and Kxnmnn our clitifo .ytn k HOIYIE-fVl ADE Atul Imported BOOTS AND SHOES LADIES AND GENTLEWtN'S SLIPPERS. 5(?)tfl nnd SIior- for I,n'li", flnnf'o-mon flnnf'o-mon nn'l Children aM A DK TO OKUKH Hat i.st action guarantrcl. Jirjtnn-t'titj Nrnthi and Frntttjtth attmdrd fa. ' Wo hVO JlMl U".ilv.v n Mplpmlld nf Inatlirr, InrlnrlltiK I'rriii h mid r-Ittnti r-Ittnti nlf rt Xnriii i n, grrn vnrl.ly of lrrl U t tt , and nil It I ml of tpprr, Hnlr nml Hmrnrmm l.f-nllu-r i nitcnrtl tt"Ko lloise tolUm, AUo Full Stock of Shoe Findings. 1 1 1 1 i i iio;;nr. Call anil srcj onr oM rrirnil ( 'rninplmi Wanted Jm mnlitil, i, , Jii st-i lrm, ' S'";'7 Mm liine Oirralnr, to irnri on ' l,odttt and (, ills' ISiititt and .Slant. II. B. (JLAVRON .Sun-. . COAL ! COAL ! I "MI, in t ill. in. I .mil in it v. Tnr miln nl V llii, D C. I,,,,,, r ,!,,,, j nv I liurl i, ),, , .(v. (It.lnr. nil 1 1 ii ori nl lll.l'.i-niiMiititit Him, ""-.:,r "' Kiikw.ji.il . ..r,.n.,in tj.li linw o J I mi ir. I'KIIIIUK l(IMKIOIV. Tn-.tiia. I.rif iitiT. W 11. risLrtm. li.vrji.H. l,(w. (icilifa hoiuiiejr ( ii ..i: or rum. Thu nulling Mill. Siuli nnd I).j.,r Ku"-t,'ry Ku"-t,'ry of r"T.5IH, lli)MJIHYCo, Will h,rraf:.r .o K:i.irii-M ui:'I.-r IS. tirm cm. nl LATIMER, T1VL0R & T0.: SASH of "1' 0D '"nl iie lo mri3(NK"i'"1 " -uiii Ah UJUllJ ..,,. U(,0 ur, .o r, ,nf lln,-n.,.. ,.r kinJ. ur- ni. tic-1 to i,r,l pr. ! WINDOW ,lb FRAMES """;- FRAMES BLINDS MOULDINGS "X."',,':.!?;. triTts and cornice. FI flflRIMH TonguM anl rronTf 1 nd I 1-UUJUll U f44r r.lit- bnd and wurko-J tt wnii-r. LUM3FR i'il",', ""'"fiu. m . ilojirrU ito. Planer and Circular Saws KunoiDi alt tlic lime. MIMMi DISTRICTS (iive n ao.ill, orairo hy Itt or Bo V, -ni'im, TAYMIU A CO., nr Hlofk wt of rh.rncle 500 MEN Onirlit to hn i'ioplove.1 in Imililini; h'Mlrps. Pnrlir hi-lnro purcli.- ing lniild cull nl F. LITTLE'S LUMBER YARD One IMork i nt oT Tlicali v, A ml rxnininc thr Fine Stock of Building Lumber. , L'oinni.in l,iinilu-r, per hundred feel ! '""hs, - ;(. per luiliilied. lllllrr I'iIip. .i-i,k,i loiin I r. jig 11 ' ICE' ICE! ICEI ; hi.t i.jiuii", n iu cnjii'uv, i i-:st,n,,rj ,t,ni. i, i Mini, ! iti'llvrri , ilullv 111 nil purl" "I lliiMlil v. Ill mi. i nun i i i r, at r,.i. t, anil ilm nm.. . 'i.a.vsd.v, ,;k.mt. Olawson' lo. Crrnm Saloon, FAMILY SEWING HACHINF IS TUE Standard Machine of the World ! The Special Committee appointed 10 examine and report on Sewing ."! aclilnev at the JVorth Curollnu Stale Fair, held at Itnleluh lat week, awarded a Oold Jtledai tot e Florence Sewing Ulnclilne for I he ease and q u let neK of It movement perfect Ion nml lnr(fe v rtrlynf work, and IIm rnlunhle new feature, making ma-king it the morit valuable Sewing Machine for family tine. ' Parties contemplating the purchase pur-chase of Sewing Machine, are requested re-quested to read the fol owing f' Oin the Aew York "Tribune" of Oct. lOtb, 1870: SERVING MACIIITVKS. We have recently had occasion to make some inquirie into the pruKresB of i nui rove-men rove-men t in the mechaniaui of sewing machines, and were not a little surprised to lenrn thm the central idea in the firet iuven' ion tbe ebuttle still holds iu place, though many attempts have been made to eupercede it. Tbe sbuttlein couibinHtion with the needle, is still the ii onus u."ed to tortn the slitcn. id the leading machines, and we find that the growth ot trade is chiefly with the shuttle ueitif? machines. Ibe improvement that are taking firm hold in pr&ctical ure are. therefc-rr. nece?-a-rily in connection witb the fhuttle. either in tbe detail of the chultle iu-It. oi in other ptrw f-f tbo in.n-Qitie cnne'-te-i i with it. to cju?e tne whole to opera t ni'r I perfectly and unilortnly, and to (iniplny W u-e. M ny importnnt eams in O i? direction, made .-itiL-e the br-t (jreiit iiiventiin. are undoubtedly un-doubtedly emijud.tj in the " t loreiicc" machine; ma-chine; and we re-'itu mend our rtiidera to crelul'y itmpecL the "r iorence"' bclore ina-k:nt; ina-k:nt; a choice. i he point- peculiar to thie machine are: Ad uiiu-uai .iii"u:U ul iu"ney n r,-eut io niaK.ng the "rl'irttice." hereby I'jiurioK tho boft UileriAl uieel, lor instance, when Ulberu u.e c wt-iruti , ild th Lie-1 tin c it o! iiu"irtd!it part- lh iiuit'c. f-r e l ;t Hi pl-, beiim rirfiii- r-vr- nvl il it vsri! Irmn (tie iid .rd 1-J "'nh ot an iu;b '-f ll u om-tru' om-tru' tea on tuc runc.e-t i c i, 1 1 ric princii'ie?. entirely di-p- n-iuic w:th tuc c- tc.-. U'l um I' d lltiK WjicIi -o Iten ret perversely out uf order and pur- 1 j p.rplei e ery utie bu tne i-r.oti- cd in a,:u i i :t i- t :ie ir un accouii i -a Me fre.i. T'io "Klureii'.-e" is so e tn.iiiar-i. and lis use i o readily le.irueU. jii -'T-iiunry gul td ten bo3 een.e ana sllli'ft, J5-mw J Ift. r ulr in l pertrv-l. very urm.g ari l c::i--;k. and la drawn iDij itc l .thru- evrniy, iria-uall iria-uall , e.c It. l',i.0u: J'TMI g. m 1 wuDuul 1 eaUM& t:tc fy iu In puoXer. or ra;uu.g tht t:irud .u m in rt,Jji(rf iu breaking ; c.d I .'f'lurDU), ci titie turead- arjJ lii.t ubnr? : ran be u c-1. Kr-nlr t;ji. tne " KlTeuce' liu al! bm the ctir.pcl ftyloj el-o maae lfre a d'litional iiiut i tluub.t !.. nitfle hut and dou'i.e k. nut m h i. h ar ir.-n-r nd iura c,. iio ua any tunei titcti. and w i--n are u.ie by uo utOer mm ctii tie. IDe " t iorence" it the only uicti ot in at b ki a i-evfrM'ie red. "tiereoj ihr di-re-'tioo u tac :n cad be iDtanti .hailed wtth- ut (ppm ir.e w..ra, itiut en-b hi f the ucerator to 4iiilt r tuitirni'lrr nb uo j-ual iiiay. t r b-ard du wwily it riMf'. hea a rUi jjjevr J-trtj. and. fi'iallj. l-j a. !r fj-,,;,,J ft.t.ne., U fa-(Q c:itH IB lS gul li-l ipito- y. It U ifteun.y iur ii:,;'i'. h.wi elt-aajut elt-aajut D( ah uulr t Ui ..r. U riMon, aiefc "' ! arir.tiy ibi iao ri!r Can rub I acr..-. (tje ca v i. t . . u pr the one. Iitiru n,i the I tin- cm br''lv-lith iiutiie- i diaiv mrc(iD it In-til trr-K ink tbe t iireaU and nb"iii vb-tt:m the neo-lir, uu-q Vt taaun. ibe "f lyeriee" ira the tbreaO mt ttieclutA wub uite-jaA4J i iwuiod do crint.., by iiipjni n uisemoa auto tuatic "Uli D-" wneel. whiro Ui.pitifw ol ti.e Black thread Irlt alter the t iu d w ub as a- eurate pmuiptne tn t prrenL a I iar.-in iar.-in or dmpiMti ol mitt-he, and allow tf oieratur loir back ard. or run fJ lb clulh and on awain, itb prrtoct iiupunnj. tl bu an improved i&.ir heiiiiuer. pkciu-"ivel pkciu-"ivel uj ijwd, wfti.-h i niAn.te-l with and whI Q3KeaUTUot ni idlii uu o uiatpriai li o.-i .-no m-koa a periapt :aber and "fwi i( to a band at otie operation, bui U bw, and bindn. and and uilt. and rorda. nl tucna. and .niier. aoa braid without tiatinn. ;u. b i cs-i.il proTii.n u madr aa nit uyuriou wear Ihnt the "Hot ence" i clannexl and cuaranirrsl by theCou.-p-ujy t !:v-l twice aa .n,g without ri air tij o:hpfhuttle itivnin in tne marrt, w it fiout 'be ! u it .eji d'fli.MiItt . rivrj . t oi tfio "Kiorrnco porfe-'lly aud prrm- nf-ntlt (.iiilr , and it h lew joint and pouiU ol Iriction. that i( run with tne ul uift-t ec. i he ncr-ile it rl and ttirrade!, ajid the pttw u t lenk-i hcinsi. tiorfnl. r rrrern d with the ut-tuo't ut-tuo't eac. In uin (he " K rnu-e" neither the work nor tile oj erat -r'n drr is .illr tu t'n aoiiid. inv "f inrfii.'r' ivnb a tba c ai mi i. t up. ri rt , rim t ihc.Muif nne another hr-t cl.i-. in u li u,e.. 11ho advan tfc"C ; J.itfr.')litr in manufacture; hi in phci y ol v'lin-tni.M ion; acilily o limn. iKPiurnt, Vnnrty ot M u Hoa. Heveriblr le d; bell a.liutiii lensitiM; ftitoumtic take ur; inprovoi hoMiuier; j'rov i-ioii Ai4inl near; rcrlo, t mid v r:a,nicu) ;i bi'iurtu, r-W tr 'ilion ! uerllo nd iwlv. t U;uilili.v :ui i clifiii nr.., The bruiy and In: It tim-h of Hip nuichine- MttketlH' h loroi.ee." UiodiTutelv .pe;tk- 11 machine neh lobe valued, tiredj but to i.r irie I. No l;u..ily ran atr.-ril to bo without a ccw-inr ccw-inr uiwcliiue, and U-r tbut be!.. re lone line n, ,y louud n lie i r vt "iho Iribuuo i w elciiine. TO THE LADIES tit ""Il l.nfcr lr. nml tli. ni.nh-oiil ni.nh-oiil III. I .1 i lliirli-i uf I mil, l.lnhn. .Iliiniitiin n,M ) out I il h , Wo .'vl.'iiil n i-onlinl inviluiiiui to .I iiiir ntlii-n, nit. I I'Muiiino tli o Kloronro Knniil.v .Si'winif Mii.'Iiim.., w lioilior ilo "icinnil iniiiicdiHlK mri !iu-i vr n. .( ; Il is .i r Imi inv". nml uin u, mhru .'li.p i'Xnniiiiiiii,,n nml o, in,nri.,ni. Wo lim i' mi i'X liihilion, in (.nliT llm ninr n'-ily l,M'.lniii point.. " ,hir,,r,MH'.i, in ivliu h vn rliiini piiM'riorily, llm mik. 'Iinipi. ol' vminiw iimkrn, iiii'lu.linii ilu lir.'V.T.V H: U.T. NlllK-,'1, ,UI,1 ll.-.-lor V iNon. In limiting nu ll i','mpn-ii. i','mpn-ii. n, no iinliur iiiIvhiiIiiii will ti t;kn frivnl nnii liini's, Inn ,,n tli,. .-..ntrKr, I ,li.'- will In. Ki.pt ,y oonipi,.nl ni. limi t In tl.n lio.t ol' minimi; onlnr n'lim nl" I li.'in ti'.(iiiin hh jtooj mi onKil lii.T US H loi'i'lll(llVi. ) CHAS. S. HAMMER, ;meial rtMent, (I,T I.AKM OITV, UTAII.J C01TINENTAL Life Insurance Comp'y, JUSTUS- LA AVKKXCE, l'rcsirlnnt. -T. P KOfiERS, 8pcritiirv il. ii. W YJSK0UP, Vice-Prejident. S. C. CUAXDLEK, Jr., Actuary! O r- O A-', ,j . J c K I. 2 H 5 - o The entire Protits of the Company are d'stributtd annually among the Policy Holder?, upon lhe contr bution plnn. All Policies Noii-foi feitable, acjorJmg to the expressed terms contained con-tained in each Policy. Xo Extra Premium for travel or foreign, residence, thirty claj-i grace atloiveil on the payment of premium', and the policy held pood during that time. Policies Incontestible for the customary reasons. Economy in Management. Only one other New York company showing as low a rate of expenses to income. Careful selection of its risks, as indicated by the exceedingly small mortality of its members. Policy Ilolilers have a voice in the Elections and Management of the company. Assets, January 1st, 1871, over Five Millions. NORTHWESTERN DEPARTMENT ; OFFICE, Xo. 94, LA SALLE STBEET, CHICAGO. .S'. r. LOCK WOOD, - - - - MAX ACER A. B: DAVIS. - SUPT. OF AOEXCIEii JOHN B . MAIBEN, General Agent for Utah, OFFICE AT WOODMAXSEE BRO'S, SALT LAKE CITT. JLEDICAL XXAMI.NERS : W. F. ANDERaON, M. D. Y. U. BENEDICT, M. D. ReHahle Agents Wanted thronyhovt the T'-rritory. jl? CUAFTSMAA'S lib mim mmi OF NEW YORK. 4J-Purrl- .Mutual. Cali System.'it All I'ollclc. .Nou-Korftll.hu. Xo R-ttrii tons oh R'dh n-e,,T Trove ii any jiart if the Worl'L All the vitriocs foninof Li:'e Enio---.niT.t. r inn arid J jiut Pul:cl'--i are i-:uc l.y ll.ii Coii.j..ny. IR.V M. SWART Z. ;ncnl A cent fr I'tah. 0:3.- thrw Jors luiiii ul' Eii hitutre Ani UmmAi, u.i NORTHWESTERN Mutual Life Insurance Co. JHN H. VWDTKf. r-e-ilen. II Y. H'c'.K -Ml.ii. - Ve-l'ri-t-nu AL ii. u A LuK, - ievreury. Ilomf Oftltf, Brondway, cor. fVi touiln .Mtluukrt, W Ii. Dr. S. S. WALLIIMN. Cnrsl A rem Kacky Mount. d .:ri t C' -ralo, Wyoming. I'-afj and .Se -V r I ICO. PETER D. FERGUSON, OOlce la liooptr, Fldredge &. Co.' bank. . .1. ,T( A0", Afcnt for a:t L-ke City, TRAVELER'S INSURANCE COMPANY, OF IIARTFORl, COX KCTIC IT. Inuro ifnint Accii!ont5 csu-ir.i; Dcs'.h or totnlly Disabling Injury , PETER G.FERGUSON, AuhNT. Hunk. i- LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE kirk isnad: ronrvw. .slIs --- Sb, 100.000.00. I. M. IO(lltK, Asrnl, I. O. Hull, Hi. e. Sail l.iliil'llr PEOPLE'S ISl"R.lrE ro. or SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. (fYrr and M.rrinr.) C. K. M...-Iri;MiiT. H, U. IIOK N FK. I1 ro. i.l oli t . vv'llr.T A. It. H XMS(1, i,,nl,l ABnu ! . 11. 'V J X IT 1 . IW JV IV, .f' triirl-at Ailrnt for Vl.h, OlTioc nl S. W. IL.nU .1 ,t i''... M;uu Street. ..U l.Ak. I'll V. D. W. E. JEM ENS, omrc nl TrwiWl A Co'. Mnht M I It I.m kf I II v. Z. C. M. I. Clothing Departm't ' FRESH ARRIVALS i Of Xew l.iooii in Fall and WINTER SUITS ! OVERCOATS, CAPES, TALMAS .Military Clothing, ic. Aifo a Full Variety oi" SINT'S furnishing goods ' . Genu', Laaic-;' aDd Boys' 300TS & SHOES j Gents' Youths" and B ys' HAT and CAPS. ' TKUXKIS iu a!! style? anj qualiuea, i V.mjses and Carpet Sacks. Carpets. Matting. Floor Cloths W all Taper and Pfcorations. Always en h.al rA for by the yanl. a lri:c suvik of French and Kntlsh Caaalmeree, j Ooeaklne, Bearer , MlllUry I Loch a. lloui Matte Tweed, av ;SUirS MADE TO ORDER! j OTtlom'n Olo'Vi'rc. or N'i'irT S;rtj. 1 n the iih rto-t n-t-re. t r t -cl it ni MILITARY TRIMMINGS IN tlltKVT VARIKTY. Ul II. II. ri.AWON. Jitt. I BENEDICT, HALL & CO., M.VNUl'.VCri UKi; AM WU0I.F.5.Vl.n PK.VI.V.l in Boots and Shoes, HAVE REMOVED TO Xo. I'M :ind i:rl (JKAD MHI.IX Uno lUoK Klol"'l'tu.,liv.,v, i iNLi !' |