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Show ..pf-tH ARRIVAL. Fine English , , draught, at Phil- Margetu'. adv r.BTIs at bis gallery always pleases venon with his life-l;ko portraits. u .'' vuii Mn llif superb poftraits that fur One D -liar? ad? CaoicEST Cioak.-,, tobacco and sta-.: sta-.: lKrs n B. Ariuer s, opposite Walker p.';, adv GO AXU SEE lJhil. MjirgPttsJf 1- .:j want a glass of genuine E GL1H ALE. adv For. a stylish pair of Pants go and see )!. Ejrl.Groesbeck'a Buildings, Second Suuth St. ad Tan First Appearance or Scrop-u,A.--VVlien small hard knots appear unJ'T the skin on the glands of the neck, .v.u:i!l ulcers about i he nose and throat, ihi, is time to use a Purifier of the Blood, v, carry tlio humor out of the system, t.Ve trie disea-e become seated and the ,v tem disorennized. YER ISA. -SAXTA i, the RE VIED y. Physicians are using itin their practice- as one of the very best medicines known for curing those Dis-,ies Dis-,ies wtiich are caused by an impure 'ate of the blood. h'or sale by all Druggists. RePdino-!. RePdino-!. H'Jstettek ife Co. atrents, aNo. b'X & il Market street.ban Francisco, adv Heof.w ax's Gbnuixk Cod Liter Oil For Consumption, Scrofula, &c. Oir On LivHr Oil is warranted pure NEWFOUNDLAND OIL. It hasstood llie test of over twenty years' experience, exper-ience, and can be relied on in every par-tii:ulnr. par-tii:ulnr. anul'autured by Hkqemas Jt Co, Chemists and "Druggists, aNe Tork, and sold by all Druggists. Tub Governor. We had the p:'.'aure of meeting Governor Woods yesterday, who arrived on Sunday I morning from the east. He will stirt for Oregon this morning, for his family, fam-ily, ith whom he will soon return., when ho will enter upon the duties of his offioo. "Heap Smoke." Go and see that msinmoth Guar at Ed. Harris', three il-'iirs past of Pot Ouice, and get one of hi "Salt Lake Beauties;" they are deli-ci'm. deli-ci'm. Bust of chewing tobaccos, pipes, cirds, canes, collars, knives, and other fancy notions. Cigars cheap at whole-i.ile. whole-i.ile. Be suro you go and seo him. adv For Salk. on verv reasonable term?, ' a lew hundred .,(' of verv rich mi- nmgorns, in tho "Tintic," "Lalavette," AnUumy Wayne" stld "Eureka" ink's l'"ttc Mining District. Shafts have been sunk in all of those claims, ui wlore the purcharcan inform hini-.efand hini-.efand know wl,Ht ho is buying, tor particulars Inquire of" ., , , ,, J- M. SIMMOV5, At nu resldonoo, opposito City llall. RviJo Lost On Wednesday evening last, at Mr. Dinwoodev's store, $30 35 in greenbacks. The finder will be rewarded reward-ed by leaving it at this oflice. adv . Notice. Nellie Clebrook's Piano is to be raffled for on the 24ih of this month, at J. B. Clawon'a saloon. A few more tickets for sale. adv Paris has Capitulated, but Carl C. Asmussen still continues to sell his fine stock of jewelry, watches, clocks and other articles at his splendid store on .Main street. adv For A qood meal go to J. R. Claw-son's. Claw-son's. advjlS Supper got up for parties on reasonable reason-able notice, at J. K. Clawson's. adv.) 13 IP Ton want a No. 1 Suit, go to M. Earl, Second South St. adv . RAILROAD SHOPS. A. HOPPER CO., : S33ond S3Jth Street, Half Block Jfiast'Revere House, SALT LAKE CITY. WACOM CARRIAGE AVOKK, Of all Descriptions, HARNESS Made and Repaired. BLACKSM1TH1NI Of all Kin!". CARRIAGE PAINTINI WW TRIMMING. 1 a. HorrER. fa NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GRAY, JONES, & CO. I'ErOT OT THE SANTA CRUZ TANNERY MisrrF.vcirssss or Oak ."ole Leather. 41 BAIIEKY ST.. SAT FRAXCI5C0. HENDERSON, JUSTICE & Cc Successors 10 Grifen, Henderson Jt C? , lUrOSTtK? AN If JCB?E5S OF FAXfY GOODS. A0TI0.S. IIOHIM 3 1 ", FURNISHING GOODS. ETC.. 49S i 500 BROADWAY, Ophe St. i:hoUs H:el, Xew York. CxRAXD Gift Enterprise! The unders'irnel bop-" to ann-"unce that he purj-oses iai;iDg, by subseriiJiion, the sum ol BY TiPe SALK OF 1,000 Tickets at $5 Each, And thnt on or bef.ire the first day of May, 1S71. Ihcre will be a DRAAV1XJ FOIl GIFTS Uiider the superriion of a Committee selected se-lected from ainong our must prominent citi-icns. citi-icns. aad conducted upn the same principle which proved so su cessuil at tne Lite (.irand Gift Concert for the benefit of the Mercantile Library Association of aa JTcancisco. S2,5 O O WILL 3E APPROPRIATED TO GIFTS! DIVIDED AS FOLLOWS : 1 Gift of - S.IOO '& Gifts of $100 each, . -lo 4 " 5(1 . 200 20 ' 5 " - 500 40 " 10 " - 400 114S ' . ' - 60 201 Gift!. Value SoPd Chances only FIVE to 0 X- c gainst gaining a PPlZE. The balance. .w'"' 1" deduotiuir expen es iucii-J in carrying out tae scacme, be donaleu to the Salt lake Exchange and Reading; liooin-i, To aid in the maintenance and support of the Institution, u nil such lime as public patronage tsM be sufficient to enable it to be Belt-supporting. Tlie time and place or Drniciny will be duly announced. Tickets 5au bo purchased of the Treasurer, O. C. OSBORNE, liq., "WITH WALKER Una's;, By ivhoui ihe proceeds win bo retained until the draw nfc' taJivs place, alter wuicn he will hani 0-r to tne iriio ijulders .cocotive auiounls and apply ibe Oalaoce to ine purposes herein beiuro ua med t,vfuZ7n3''ii'll,al ""Scribing for iionby a Mci'-'-l'-d, on intmduc-licading intmduc-licading JImiiuJ'o. "ae oj the , "nttis. Trustees ana Mnng. M H. WALK Kit, DAVlu1'!.mi' ' j K. I'AKUKii. W. W'AI.Kkjnu, U K Jc.WKNS, WM. . WOOlillCb, C L. STEVfcNSv., 11. U. UAVIIOL I.O, S. V. TKASIILL. W. II. Al'l'LLIlV. UEXTIIA'I PABIAX, Itici eial uiierintendrnt. S. L. City, Frb. 10. 1 1. ROLLERSKATING ! PLIMPTON'S Celebrated Circular Skate, Now u-ed in San Francisfn, OiVtland, I rmiento, aii J -fe, Si irKum, V rinia Ci'; and othor plaots on the ciait. isibeoQl; L Skate that jrives i criect e.it is faction. rhere is no more henllhy crrte IhHii KolUrskHiln. It lve Kr to l - v r r l K i i a ir r 1 1 1 a lifnlihy ln lij-rni luS i-nnUe i Vhni "caii be ob uliml ii no Other wny. Kurl ten- l lrnir i H 1 And tt I lie in out frtficliiaitiiK recreation.. AT BALLO'S HALL, nr.M 814 TH STRK,:T, KVKUY DAY AND KV KXING, SUN KX:rnu. Hall open from 10 tt '2 a. m ; Z to p. m. and 71 to . n, ADMISSION, 2"3. VaE OF fcKATES. 2to. PfprieLorn. open Pata-dy evenin?. February th. Taylor & Co. CG'r No Conflagrations N3 BURSTING LAMPS! .ir'T p. rrri-(T) larc a-'-.Tlment of the I'ii'.nt I'M); I A DLL GAS LAMP! I T-i i nly ' - ''t""t FE T,r,p in ' - Tr-k' Tr-k' t. . lA r. XS l.l.I': LiTip tti-l )" -;rri''- N1' 'H.V' Jt i '. A - i 10 re r 1 1 Mil! AU 1 fl TJi ' p r. t ' U j e th-n c'.a! Kco'.t.f vt u. t:t yr-,.'- '.r '-.'t. H PT rr to hnl pT'- u a Z i- m f ', A ' ',:r'r GAS FACTORY For SV: ' Pr; v It i I. " ' I --n, ! -n D'-w 1 C'i nr. 1 f "i.- p t IT. & W. Taylors. lEifi, staer immw ": BISCUIT BAKERS, Aal n: i"i :ic:urers of Soda. Boston. Butter. Pic ic. Sugar, Milk, and i.a G.tudt O -R. ACKLIEIRS, Jenny Lir.i CaVe. (.iir.cor ?r.stp. ' j Th iVw Cr-kpr Ixkp ; frrh it. It. rni i Bakery? IO and ? 1 3 M sia St., j tnd 'Oj crmrnio -I., j rn SVX FKAXCISCO F. A. Ho5:ran. J. M. M"oor. F. A. HOFFMAN Jt CD. REAL ESTATE ANT MLMXG BROKERS, INSURANCE AGENTS AND CONVEYANCERS. Office Godbf' Bn'lillny, over the Post Other REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AMD SOLD. Houses rented. Collections m.-ule. LOAXS Si K G O T 1 A T K U A M Money Advanced, All Business In t Ur V. S. Lnul OiHt-r attenrted to. Till os of Ken! EiHle ox.:iniiiul ami AbjtrioT? furnilu'il. Cnvoyanon.t; do-ie with dUpnich. .iu 1 A farm ofliXi acres io Brighton Ditirioi fur hIc. The fa ru s entirely icuce-i. Inquire In-quire at the Real Folate Apviu-v. f. a. Huffman a co. S Property wan'eii f.r biiine pu-pots on . Main Street, lntmireattbo lloai tiaie Agency, F. A. UOFFM AN A CO. 4 Stores and dwellincs wanted to rent. Inquire at F. A. HOFFMAN 0. Marshal's bale. 1 N PURSUANCE OF A 1ECRKK (.f tho I District Court in and 'or tho l'hinl Judicial Ju-dicial D is trie; of I'lah Tfrntorv, io inc -it-rooted, wiil es po eat Public Snlo to tin highlit bidder, at tho I'llir Judici:il tourt house 5( ep-. in Sail Lt.ke ' 'it v. on i U dt- of .11 arc U. A. . 1 3 1 , at 10 o'c oi k, A. M., the lot. owing decritied P t or par. t'l ol' land, to w;t: Pan .it iol one il1, l ,i-k fifty-eitrht .V i, P::u A. Salt l,:ike City Sui-Tt-y, bcjruiniug at a point n t c wct m,1 ot' Ka.-t TftHp.e -treet. In io,lf. soqth it pu nonh-ea-t corner of s ml Kt, aulrunnnin thcnt west teu rod?, tin n e soir h twu ru t tuei.reeast five ru s, thence north t.mrie n" lect six inc:i s, then -e est five r--d- to r h-i iein'b iStreet, thence n rt li eihioon teot Six inches to the p ;i e .f lu j;;nn ,.,.tm-inp ,.,.tm-inp fiiteen f-juary rt.ls and one lniii-1 v t hm1 sixty-four sq iaro tect ! n-numi. unreuier wuh all tho rinhw, privileges aud a,i).u.U'-n;inoc-t thereunto belong uu blIu ite. Ivi g and being in Salt Ltie City, tali LiUu County and i'er' itury ol L'tati. To be iobi as the prope tv of Job vuiiih un icr a torccb-Mire ,.f .l..rLg , at -he Mit ot John M. H-ruhisel vs. dob Smith and James Lintorth. iM. T. PATH1CK, L. , r , . M.irrha'. Salt Lake City. Feb. , lsTl. i H HARMAR, IV0I1Y & CO., i :sr i isr g AND Real Estate ".jrf 2d South SI., opposite Walker liiv.'.. fSAIT LAKV, CITY. Complc enpie. of 1ii;nK KeronlciB' BoolBunJ Ab-u,iof ofT'B ..I.- ( nil u-ty u-ty Roonirrs utr .utrhout tin' lorntorvto n 'und in our ollii-u. Mining l'roiierly will rc'--.Kliiio b.ucllt niol f"1 I. Hou-'H P'iicu..i Ool'uiMioniiiclp. Money d-S - -.V'.o. ..ve,ii0 Ooitvyiin-'in. We have rrcrivr.l a c'l'y of ih? R...,ir iB pf tb BIU K)TI'(I.(I(I1) .HI: imj UlSTllCTi us lilso uhnrii-n 'i on in. 1 origintil reo .n. or ihn M I' K r A 1 I. A K K UISTHICT, liic li lire now reidy Ur th. in5pTtion of h 1 1 i-nrlio iuler-eflcd. iuler-eflcd. liAKMAN. lV'iKY ,t CO. y WAXTKI)-T(I lll'.N I -A lUoi.ewith ? three or faur roonm. mimM. for h jtti.II fam ily, in & eligible lorntion. ei.M IJAHMAN. IVollV A CD. IN CASH! Tli c ll flie-t 1'rire in Ca'h pnol tor i)Ku:i n:ciii:s, At the 1UAI1D STDKli. Revere ll"U-e CoTiiet. J.W . RM:l.l.. UTAH CENTRAL IlAIIJtOAl). raj.JwuML-w uLsi " PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. On and after Thursday, ! c. 1, 1 7'. Jallj' Train Lsv Salt Lnke City t ' m a ' 1 ' 1 P ' Arrive mi 'g itr, 7 . in. hi 1 i 1 P- 'n. L"ve 1 i". t. i ' i'. A rr. ve v .-a.t Lant Jt; J 1 1 .tn. u l 7. ' Fara from halt Lak lly Io W-.... Cro-n 1 .71 r.-ntr-ville i rrmi .Ition Jv..illc 1 - U Jtu " Far from 'l-n Iu K a T v i T, o I VI FHrtu r,f .ii L5 f-T- w '"''1 ' '" - I Lk City -1 In dditi'.ri I: th; M' k kH ACCDMMQDA1I0N TR.MN WM run DAILV, .-fN!' W- KXiKI'IKM. LT.rif Of 'J d "t I t Lk-. 1,1 at 1 1 p. b... 'in w r, "; h f 'J il fr a ill t.t lii t ! imn Ij "r 'ifaU'r. "t t'r f'..rn ir- .uin r'i i' a li ! r . h r i k.i, ;' (. i y n' r -i i, t i K "Mb ;, rv.j. J.i"v,r hi ur) i- :.tit en lintO Uli 'U '.r !: ' !j Mi-ir,if(r. riU'ncm will h lPrl tfa'lr 1 It km at tlie ittlx f. T - m 1 1.:" na' v i" ' ' K rr 1 a h n Id i.tre i' " 'ii"' ' ' :i4v i;n ,u, For all wjSrN.H u m u reiit or D. O. CALDKK, and Y rrtffit Ab' r ft L"'k - C;-y. JOH. A. (l1Gj hupt. |