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Show Thomas Latimer, w- H. Folsom, Georgo II. laylor, George Koinney I CHAJfGE OF FIRM. The Planing Mill, Sash and Door Fac- J tory of IFOXjSOM, ROMIVEYdjCo, Will hereafter do business under the tirni name of LATIMER, TAYLOR & CO. C A 0 U Of all siiea on hand and made to Ort OH order. nfiflQC Raised panel, moulded. &a.sh U UJ l0 doori. large store coord, any thickness, pize or kind, lur- niabed to order. WINDOW With stops, .beads and sash, FRAMES complete- POIIJUICQ Panel frames, plain door and l nMIVl LO window framed. BLIND3 Stationary and rolling slatts. MOULDINGS lt0&il trives and cornice. PI OORIMP Tonifned and grooved and l LUUiLl l U square-edge on hand and worked to order. I IIMPFR Planed out ef winde, to a LU 111 ULft . thirknosa, and ripped to any desired eize. , Planer and Circular Saws Running all the lime. . MINING DISTRICTS Supplied on short notice. ' Give us a call, oraddress by letter to. Bos ?ot3 LAT13IER, TAYLOR fc CO., j-JS One Block west of Tabernacle REVERE HOUSE, Late Omaha House,) Vtill hereafter be conducted as A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE, In all its appointments. It will be renovated and re-furnihed, and its management attended to in a manner to iusnre s.'iti-fa.ti"n as to Fare and Prices. The Hou-e will be conducted strict'? on The European Plan. The Resaurant OPEN FOR MEALS AT ANY TIME DURING I'M DAY. jlT B. i "WHIT TE MORE, Prop. H. DIN WO ODE Y, FURNITURE DEALER . " , And . UPIIOLSTEKEK. All kinds of IMPORTED FURNITURE Uonatantly on hand at the Salesroom, EAST TEMPLE ST. Every description of HOME-MADE FURNITURE At the Factory and Salesroom, Jr'LKST SOUTH STREET, S. L. CITY COFFINS, PLAIN auil ORNAMENTAL. si Always in Stock. Z. C. M. I. ClothingDepartm't FRESH ARRIVALS Of New Goods in Fall and WINTER SUITS ! OVERCOATS, CAPES, TALMAS Military Clothing:, !tc. Also a Full Variety of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS '. , " J 'j'.-nts', La'lio-,' and Roys' BOOTS & SHOES todIs' Youths' and Hoys' 1 3 ATS anil CAPS. TRUNKS in nil :lyh and .(unlitSc. ',VAUHr. and CARPET SACK. Carpets.Matting, Floor Cloths Hall Paper and Decorations. Alwaya (n biiti'I ,iiid for xalo ty tbe yarl, a Iar,e stock of Krtnul. an.l KiikII.Ii Canal lorn., Oocklilft, Htnvtrl, Military Cloth, Home Ma.le Twet.li, dte. SUITS MADE TO ORDER ! finMyui '.'.-! CI'itliMpj, i,r Military S'ltl, riiii l", to order in the .j.v;jt Stylo .l K;i-lii,n ri the rlirto't ri'ti;e. Kirt-;liw Kit and W 'jrWnnrnhiii i mi rfiri lv,fl. .MILITARY TRIMMINGS IV OIIKA'J' VAIIIKIV. "II If. V.. Ct.AW.'-'ON, Si;it. UTAH CENTRAL' RAILROAD. PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. On and after Thursday, Dec. 1, 1870. Daily Trains Leave Salt Lnke City .it 5 a-m. and 2:4o p.in. Arrive at Ogden 7 a. m. and 4:45 p. m. Leave Ogden at 8 a. m. and 5:30 p. in. Arrive at Salt Lake City 10 ajn. and. 7:30 p,m. Fare from Salt Lake City to r Wood's Cross 3 .70 CentreviUe .... .90 Faroiington $1.25 Kaysrille- 1.n Ogden - 2.50 Fare from Ogden to Kaysville $1.30 Farminston $1.65 CentreviUe- 2.05 Wood's Cross 2 25 Salt Lake City .2.50 . In addition to the abovo AN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN Will run . DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED! Leaving Ogden at 5 a. m. and Salt Lake City at 4:40 p.m., On which full fare will entitle the purchaser of a ticket to return on the same day and train free, and will stop by arranging with the conductor at any point on the line to take on or let off passengers. :, . Passengers will please Purchase their Tickets at the Offices. Fifty Cents additional will be charged wheD the fare is collected on lie train. For all information concerning freight or passage, apply to D. O. C ALDER, Ticket and Freight As Salt Lake City. JOS- A. YOUXG, Nupt. :f" o k. LIVERPOOL & QUIEN3T0WN. IN MAN L INE Of Royal Mall Steamers, Sailing from Aew 1 ork Every Saturday, AND Alternate Tuesday. Cabin PaKlagc, to Liverpool. Z"hl 97 3.UO Steerage " " " (cor.) 30. OU JPaaaage from Liverpool to New York Cabin, ... (Gold) $71.00 Steerage, - . (Cart-ucj) J 4.00 Round Trip Ticke'j iiiacd at very low rate JOHN a. DALK, A.. .i.l, 15 Broadway, Sew Vork, Or WILLIAM CALI KH. Aeent. OS Salt Lakn City, Uuh. PIONEER SHORT ROUTE EAST. CHICAGO & NORTHWEST'N RAILWAY Shortest and inlrket Route from Omaha to Chicago and the ICast The Eastern Express leaves Omaha daily in coriDecti"D with trains on the Central -ai Union Pacific railroryls. and arhvw in Chicago Chi-cago in advance of all other routes. A new and splendid lino of Pullman Palace Hotel and Sleeping - Coaches llaa recently been built for this Company. Thf Chicatco and North-wwtrrn la tte Ploneti RAilway btwftD Onifth hail Cinc-.fi, litvtnn iL competed aonis TUhfcK W.A&A AOO; iiOc which time, ttie lAncn have m-art-i i)"ithi pains nor expne la pfirftiuK iu rwl-i tnl track anfl e'l'iippint; It with rolling nh;k of (lit moit modern iuii-roTirneiitJ"; thi", U'jtlior with tli fact ofitatseinxtljehhorteitt lui", oll'-n ti t lir Traveling Publican fcaatvru rout nrii-'mallpd V,t Speed, Comfort and Safety. Hwiitb cli'.k'l thronicb v all point i KlH . do extra cljir lor trti-i'r itt iintia or Cia( to ariiM boMiuit; throngh tirkft. l) oure and ak Tor Tickfta ria Chiairi North-wenteru Railway, which can be obUiLwl JI the principal railway and u-ttnil'dt utlrm rlie Uuit-ji Hut, and ot Wm. C.ildcr, J V k..t wtnt, office at CAI.UKH ilKOB.' ritoro, kJuti 'lmpludt aalt Lke City. Fur any information lu regard to FM)fbt,apply to HARRY ROGERS, We torn Pair and Kr't K"nt, U.P. 8TANWOOD, O.t.. Ti'k-t Att-nt, CI.Ichko nv,). UUM.Al. fi.-n..r,il rtuj.i. W. B. PTROS(i Unnfral Anl. Onnia N-U. STItAYJiD 1KOM Ulnrk Hock. Lvc 2.fh. one Durk 1 Browo MAJtK, brand el Y un loft hip. oupposed to bo about ciirlit- year.- nld, uy perffou giving inf rm.itiou of her wh"r"itbouN. or brinifinn h';r to JOS. A, yoi;iS('b ttabloJ, nill by nu i u My rowurded MORE LIGHT! U Shim, fr AH! THE D1KF03TH FLUID h tlio Li-lit 'n- (lie J 'coplc. Only ;. per al. bv Tin; ri vk i.i,i,ons. T II K fJAK-JKT III KM. K, Wilhoul Cliiliin. v, i- tli-j UlinK TIIK PACK I.A.MP.H An: Uio only i.Prlc lly l,nnj, AM HA KM A .' V Mil,. , hVl M IVAI I'F lPfl'S, UMffcHNS AND IllJiO. i;. m:i .si; a ., I' i;ornrroulli .,1 Wnlknr llro'. CH1CAC0 TRADE. MARKLEY, ALLING & CO Importers and Jobbers iu Hardware Cutlery 51 Lake Street, CHICAGO, i - - - - Ilil. DIEBOLD &. KIENZLE, I : SuccoBSOrs to DieboM, Biihiuann & Co., , CELEBRATED CIN'CLNTNAT1 FIKE AND BURGLAR PROOF S A.F.;lE:S.i . And Sartfent'a Magnetio and Autoniatio . ...... Iian1' :h, : ffiz: PKATT & COVEKT, General Agents 86 Washington St., Chicago. H. B. CLAWSOX, Su)t. Z. C. M. I., Aeent for Utah Territory. u.-t . KEITH BROTHERS, " Manufacturers and Jobbers of HATS, CAPS AND FURS , jUilli)iery and Straw Goods, 68 &. 70 Wabash Ave., rITTpafi.n 34 Dearborn Place, UlJJ.Ua.UU jl I5KIGGM IIOUSI B- H. Skinner, Proprietor. Corner Wells and fillip (Ui Randolph sit reels, UlliljaUu This House is centrally located, well furnished, fur-nished, ana contains 2o0 Rooms. 1- CHASE, HANFGRD & CO., 51 .South Water StM CHICAGO, Headquarters for Oils, Paints, Glass, &c, Manufacturers of the celebrated WILSON OIL TANK U13 PAGE, BKO.& CO., Ioiportprs and Dealers tu LEATHER AND FINDINGS 50 Lake Street, SrP- CHICAGO, ILL o2b . Lake Shore Oil Works. MAXWELL, WHLE & CO., Manufacturers of Engine, Slun!, Tallow, Lard and WOOL O Dealers in Ilva'llight Carbon, Wh!o EU'fThoiit, benl und perui Oilf, AhvuU for tUe uf PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL. Agentd of tii-j Vttl Virginia Uil and Oil Land Mi.N L'rACTlftXKJ CF EX EL3IC R CAR. RuJr AN i IRON PAINT Yot Tin and ?lnrialr Kvof. Brr!' LwUri, i-:. Faet.-y. CHICAtiO. ..mce. Jl v.'J illiu'jij r.t., iw 3. Water atr' ot, 1U VAN JiCHAACK, STEVENSON & REID WHULKSALK DRUGGISTS Dealers In PAINTS, VARNISHES, OILS, DYE STUFFS, BRUSHES, Window Glass, Glassware Patent MedicinM, &o.. tc. WO, 94 dt 9 Lake Ht., cor. Dearborn With n l.triTO experine in the T-rri'ori.il trsd, w f.el uro of i v i n k ..tit clK'n in quality, prices and p.wkine. w NEW YORK TRADE. C. A. Lonjtilrcet. Jnhn HcUwirk. LONGSTREET & SEDGWICK M,inuf.Ttarr nf nn) Wholr.-le MEN'S & SOYS' CLOTHING, nn . 40K Ilrondtvav, Kew York. .1.1 .noLLi:irs (on - i,ivi:it on,. v K:ivnd ttw Firt I'rlM nt on It .,f tU fdlrming Exliil'iuon : London lnLornaU'iiiil Kxbibi- tion. lb Jo IVt'ti KxbibiLi'n ul' h i m; : Oubl MHal of Koyul Hocifty ..r ihn w.-lfiiro of Nurwnv. w,t(ir(.)lL Kxhibition fit HuM-Ulmlni. lb7 I'nrj Intiriiiitiotml Kxlnbittnn. At w Ui,h it Uk Him Hr-l pni ain-iiK twiily-itit twiily-itit .ouiwUl'.rn. U irt rt -luiiiiftnl. d .y uiany iinniit nillnl niith'iril W m Km nl-. ty Hi" Mltcrtl b-jn"ty ol h'.r(ljr and Mcdn tJ ri'Xii-tynl Nirtliuuilt'fUud rtud Lmliui. Dr. L. A. H.iyra, or ,N.w Y-nk. n : ' .M'.r'-pr'f. .M'.r'-pr'f. I llii unly on by eh (J-mI J,nr Oil (h'tiild oa njiulo." lir. .(. Mm ii, u ."ifim Nij-n ; "I hivii pri..iil..id It Im'j-t daily, nii'I h.tvt mi ry ntiuii 1 ! i i l" tly wttilied wltb it. ' yrHlo by Driiimd wud Cli-ml-t-. W. II, .Schlcilcllu dL Co., cvv Vurh, di'l Hob) Aic'iil- f'tr tliu U. H. nml Cxiiadit. Pool, Nazro, Kimball Si Co., WHOLKSAbK (JROCKKS Ul Wnrion St., cor. JIiiii Ii, J.II. UrUiKK. Now York. BATHS, BATHS! W arm Npi-in IJalli ! I'i Ivme nn.l I'll. nice. Th'jC"ljl'!'ilrl Im.li it... ojn'ii o Hip I'lllillr lit nil "t...-1,. J I.-1 1 n . iM1, ,., ,,,,, i. . w.,.y kl.(M N lll .t It i I t. . .i Ui nuiiliH.r id. II.. in. Ilo.l.l... ii.i 1'rlv.ilv H-ttliB, II... Ii.ri:nn...l liiui.loi.in-l.v liiui.loi.in-l.v I'i.iiLIi'.I I'l.niMn llnll,. ..r l.i.ll... nml ...nil,. ..,.. t(,,w ,,.,.. ,,, All.,l.l. 1.17 PEOPLE'S I.WIMTE 10, JV SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. ( t'lrt awl Mlrint. I C. 1'. SUcDKItMOT. II. U. lluUNKIt. A. It.tl SMIIIS, Special ,m X. 31. rX II I J a . TVC XV, (tiicr.l Agent for I tali. Oiicc at i. W. Howl J o CV, Maia titreol t-.lt. I.ko citr. B. W. E. JEN N EN 3, Loral Afrut, OIBrt at Tra.rtfl A Co', .Main ., j-4 Halt Lake City. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKERS, ELIASON & HAUERBACH, .Nrit Door Kait of tna llarald, Are wnrVtnrn wh-" n-it only TT'vTr Wurlifi and Clrnk. but will make Waichf io urdci in any direJ Hyle, or any cart of throi, from a riV'ii or pinion to an enure Watch. Work Ikiernted on Moderate Term. COMPETITION Left Behind I IIOI.IDAV CAKKs, CIlltlST.MAS TUKKS, ITKE VAXDIKS, , all km.U, PI nr A iIr Ianrorfrd Fruit, Kanrr Urocf rln, laalry, l'ir, I'rnv Ulnitu. t'oitlrotloiier), Tlic cIh uikhI in town, tit d:t IIKMI V W AILAt K'N, KOKTHWESTEIIN Mutual Life Insurance Co. J'tHN H. VAVDYICR. rrp.l.lotil.. II Kill. II ,-MUII. . Viro-Trtvidnnt. , AKtJ. UAVL'li. ( SecreUr. Home Orftvr, llrond ny, ror, tf W 1m-voiiMln 1m-voiiMln ht., tllluanktr, Win, Dr. H. H. WAI.MMAX. (irnoral Ancnl Hocky Mounlam U i atrlol. l.irndi, Wyoiuuitf. K'uli and iSw Mexico. PETER G. FERGUSON. Aa-nnt frr Utn.1.1 Onii e lii lloiiir, K.Iilrrilo A. ('ii.'i uaiik. .1. K. .IOINAKSOIN, ,cnt Tur tfiill, Luke iiyt) TRAVELER'S INSURANCE , COMPANY, K llAUTfllltll, t'llMCI HU T, Inaur.i iiKain.a A'l.'i.l.ml. riiu.in II, mill or total ly Di.'iil'lmg Injury, PETER 0. FERGUSON, 1 ' A'U.M', Ollicn nl. I,,,ir, Kl.Ii ,.,1,, ,V. C'o.' Hnrili. ,-;n READ THSS ! V j SEWIfflCIE . In all tho beautiful varieties. .Contemplating the purchase of a Machine for family or other use. At our newly-fitted up Salesroom, Second Door South of the Eagle Emporium, Em-porium, between the Drug and Clothing Clo-thing Departments of Z. C. M. I., will he found a Fttll Assortment of these Admirable Sewing Machines At Prices to Suit Everybody. THE SINGER : SKWIXG MACHINE , NEEDS NO; PUFFING to commend It to the public, as the following JL-T k. C TP fef show: In 1S.50 these now celebrated Maclftna were first offered to the public and in the four years succeeding 4,Ow were sold. Today To-day over tbat number are weekly turned "Ut from the factory, and yet this immense enp-' enp-' ply id noi ei,u:il to the demand. At the end . o' the year 17. upward of V fo Machines were iold. and in the then tuMowing years. ' from '--8 to "n, the number had been increased to upward of 500,000 MACHINES SOLD, One third of which were disposed pf within tlif irrccdlug twelve months. : From the f'irer"In?ltwillbeentht during dur-ing the l-t.-t three year, the have oeen upward ol fif.y p-r c nt more l!ui dunriK the whole of she .e vei.tecu previous ) t jr., THE PEOPLE'S VERDICT, after a score of year thorough trial im tbat the SEWING MACHINE ii a lir tod all kinds of wrlt. sewing as readily toe tnwt.t and mt itubtMjrQ ma- terul a t tj Coe.l and mont deli, ate lV-r.es; wub a stiles, tbat fur rvccoj, pcrleotioo aj. 1 durability i unrmjAiii. r Acotiip-.nyit;g each Machine are pHnte-l in'tructioa. o i'lain ani mij of onupreDfD-. onupreDfD-. nun thai, ilibvu.a we r-wit mend cutuuj- en to uke at te..-i one le"Q :r- to tbe 'ip- ert"r. H is f-luoia d -ne purcr.an eir.g , at a Kian-e toe siint licity ! the Ma.-Oioe ar. J cUipletencss of:he cynjtrucnjn. t'-'tte ol the ' ADVANTAGES , OF THE . SINGER MACHINES , AKK Sitrplicity of contru'-tiftn thersfors lee liability to get out id rei atr. Hhrt. strlfh' nrp-llw Ip-j lishle to bend, broal. or skip the sutch. Theihuttle Is carrie-I: friction, weir and th nfw-o.sity of g reajicg the race are thus aroided.. Kri iine.'i with wbi,-b the tr.t inrxpr-I inrxpr-I tenccU caa djat the tciisiuQ ol tue thread. Freed ntn from oir. A'trr tweniy yars conatant nrvic thvs machines hare nTsr ' been known to wear out. They are noiele.s, rapid snJ eay in all their inurements. All our machines nre a. ljutcd and put in ( thorouii b run n itijr onier, by cvn vt rut b.tnd', b!ire ilrlircry. rurcharm t.lerrf..re have no trouble, but caa iucce-luliy operate with them st once. THE NEW BUTTON-HOLE MACU 1 X K S rv thortitirbly pr!i(icl mid will rerform all that woclitnu U'T them. The Impromt MANUFACTURING MACHINES for licnvy work, are '(no writ known to need otinment. W alrt koop in stck tho MANUFAClUrtING MACHINES Our ilok ol Iho fclinu-or Sewing Msohinns is Tory ei rni e. in brrtfinii c ory arinv ol fim-h. fr-'ui tho ilin Msobiue, uiounioi on bUi-k witlnut tnhle, oiled, to (bo plabor-atnly plabor-atnly poarlrd Machine, witn crtbinit c.esud folding O 'vor in molllrd black nluul, ro. wood, or Mmhi'grtiiy highly polihrd. Kmry Mncliinn is fiirnihod with the im complote (urutlum. including tho now )kiu-mcr )kiu-mcr uoniiig all mtllhsJ and teller and brat-dor. brat-dor. V nun rait tee our larhlites to do 1 1 rm m lug, all wldl lii Kel ltns;i lie in. tltrhlugi HrnldliiKt lnlc Kunilngt tiuthroldrilitg ito rhntn atltchti tJatherlng mid Hewing oil at same (Imn.wlt h or wit lion I a bund, on the edge or In t he center for ding iTnc k-lut k-lut HulllliiKi Trlmmlngi lllndlng all widths and kinds, etc., etc., etc. WE DELIVER MACHINES H'lVmw Ailditionitl Ctiuyn TO Al l. I'AIII'I (IU- TI11H CITY fi- AH kind of Scwini; Maolilna.H t 1ioh.uk lily Kopulrod on Koh-"Oiiiiblo Koh-"Oiiiiblo Tcrmx. K.'in.'inbi'r Uu Milium. t It Sign, , sira sEfin mam Two dom a itli of t hp Kngls Km-I'orlmiii Km-I'orlmiii olu It. It. CI-AWSUN, Sul. THE AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT COMPANY'S PAINTS Embracing over A HUNDRED DIFFERENT SHADES, prepared for iuiuiediate application and re'juiring no mixing, just received and for sale at the DBUG DEPARTM'NT z. g. m. i. The ingredients of these Paints are simple aud indestructible. The quali ties with which they recommend themselves are: Cheapness, durability, superiority supe-riority of color, an unusualiy smooth and glo.-:-:y appearance, less labor required in laying, no trouble of mixing, will stand fire or rain, and does not orack or peel off with atmospheric changes, nor chalk off by friction. They are the best, cheapest, most durable and most popular Paints in use. The AVERILL WHITE PAINT is a ZIN0 PAINT, containing no ead, und is of equal superiority and popularity. BRING- ALONG YOUR PAINT CANS OPEN AND.I PURCHASE BY THE GALLON. A full line of Foreign. Domestic and Case Liquors. At the Drug Department, Z. C. M.I. II. IS. CliAWSOA, Sunt. ,19th WARD' Co-operative Store Dealers in Dry Goods, i Groceries, i Hardware, &.c, Dried Peaches. Apples, tc, bitnght and sold. Flour, drain, Bran, and Shorts always on hand CITY -LIQUOR STORE, Keep constantly on hand. Wholesale and Retail, Choice Imported LIQUORS AND WINES, At Lowest Rates. GAOESBECK'S BUILDINGS, u!7 luast Temple Mrttt. 2n nnn130110 U.UUUlRON AND STEEL At IJassett Av tIoG"inan,.. Opposite Salt Lake IIourc. C. II. BilTt. G. F. II ll XAN. BJISSETT& HOFFMAN HARDWABE STORE All kir.ls of HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron hikI Kteel, Stoves and Tin Ware BLACKSMITH TOOLS, Agricultural 1 mpltmr ul . And .M Inlng Tools, At Lowt.l Ralrs. OPPOMTK SALT LAKE IIOISE l.li . M. I. BOOT AND SHOE Department, At the Sign of the "BIG BOOT" j Call and Examine our choice Stock Ihom'e-made And Imported BOOTS AHO SHOES LADIES AND GENTLEMEN'S SLIPPERS. Boou and Shoes for Ladies', Gentlemen Gentle-men and Children MADE TO ORDER catiiiaciion guaranteed. - i Repairing Xtntly arid Promptly attended to. We have Juat lieceived a SIttdid Suiy of Leat her, Inclndtng Freiich and German Ger-man Calf Skins, Best rw ororto, a , great variety of Colored hklna, 1 and all kinds of Upper, Sole and Harness Leather; Concord and Mage Horse Collar. Also a Full Stock of Shoe Findings. iiid::s ijougiit. C'a'.i :idJ see your o!J friend Crompton S'tcing MjJiine Operator, to leurk ok Ladi.s and Gents .Boots and Shots. H.B. CLAWSOX Snpu. 4 FOR SALE, CHEAP. FIRST-CLASS BILLIARD TABLES. I Enquire at this Office. BENEDICT, HALL & CO., MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IX Boots and Shoes, HAVE REMOVED TO Xo. ltfl and l.MS (iK.LM) STKEET, I'ornor fro-l.v. ) VUAV VflDV Uno Bl.vk Knt of 15'.-v.-J-ay, iMill lUrilA. dll Zion'sCooperative Mercantile Institution TO CITY AM) COl'.vntY CO-Ol'lilTU'li STORES And th Trado cu orally, WHOLESALTdRY GOODS! EAGLE EHPORIUM. (Up Siaits) WIEMTER GOODS! Lontr .shawls, Nubias, :osit r. Miitflc Miau Is Hoods, (.lovo. ( liildn ns MiavN. Scarfs. I ImiiH Is. ICI.a iikciK. Count rpant s. .Irons, ta.ssinirrcs, Lliisfjs, DOMESTIC GOODS IN FULL SJ??LY AS USUAL. ISools V Miiu'n. IIiiWIm i s .V Arctics. illciiN, i;osanl ( Itildrcn's j1. II. B. Chiwsou, Supt. |