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Show NEW ADVHTISEMNTtf, CONCERT! The Cl'SHJIlX TROUPE will flvt a FAREWELL CONCERT at the Thirteenth Ward Assembly itooma, on FRIDAY EVEMXG, Feb. 10th. Admission, 5fl cents. Childrea, 25 cents. DEETH, STAER CAMPEELL. BISCUIT ' BAKERS, And manufacturers of' Soda, Boston, Butter, Pic Nle, Snfiar, 31111. and JLit UiauUe CX5. AC 3E3L'3D IT 3 , Jenny Lind Cakes, Ginger Snnpps, . Pilot Bread, Saloon Pilot Bread, Eic. The above Crarkr.. are baked fresh rUilv, anH are of tho Tery be-t dascnflMn. All material a-al in their mann act are are afthe be-t ijuahtv. Bakery S 10 ariH (IS M'lalnr, St., udUj eaeramentn t. fS SA.V l-KA.CISCO RAILROAD SHOPS. I HOPPER I CO., Sacond South Street, Half Block Ka.t Revere llnu.c, SALT LAKE CITY. W A COW A XI- CARRIAGE WO KK, Of all Descriptions. HAENESS V . I I .. III.. Malt- nnd It uir 1. ' .' j BLACKSMITHING Of all Kind. CARRIAGE PAINTING nil TllPnilU. A. II'MTKH. B. II. XAIIIIIhKIK. ,s ICE! ICE! ICE! HALT I.AIiir. MIC iO.'Il-ANl, Kutuhlishrd ,,. I, IH'.I, T'-r, (lillvarfl .liiily in nil ,rl "I (lift oily, In (IIIV iUILIltly, 111 ruli" ll Hllil llio lilllri. .1. i. v iiAWsov, ,(.i:.r. UKI'iiT u Glawson'i loa Cro.m Suloon, HOUSE and LAND FOR SALE AT GRANTSTILLE. v A good four-roouicd house, 34 foet long and 27 feet wide, with u porch running the whole length. Four city lota (live ucres) surrounding the house, first-class land enclosed en-closed by itself; and utrODST an i commodious stanling and corral. Apply to li. F. Cooke. Urajtsville City, Tooele county, U . 1. J Prof. AMBROSE V.LEONARD Born In the "Llvlag law," third from Adam and Christ, WILL MCTCBK IN INDEPENDENCE HALL On Wednesday "Ec'g, Feb. ith. SUBJECT : ' " The Power of the Lnw in Building up the Tern pie o!' God without ind, eternal ,m the Earth and in the Heavens. Ihe Law of Life; the Bonk of Li'e, which is now open, and the Judgment of the ejocond Death upon the World. ADMISSION , - FIFTY CENTS, Doors open at half-past Six. Lecture to commence at Seven o'clock. , , Tickets for sale at all the prominent business busi-ness nouses in the oity. : - Barnes i'z Knowlden DKAJ.ER8 IK FLOUJl. i ; PROVISIONS. BUY AND SELL IN LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES Allen's Flour, States Ctira. On.s and Barley ahaiys on hand. WEST SIDE MAIN STREET, Two doors above the Town Clock Store. Trees! Trees ! ! Fruit Trees, ..." Shade Trees, ! Ornamental Trees, Gooseberrlea, . Shrubbery, . Currants, Greenhouse 1 Raspberries, Plants, Etc., Etc., Etc. Etc. JOHN NUHSERYMAN AND FLORIST, P. 0. Bor 3M SALT LAKE CITY, V. T GRAND HOTEL On Market, Now Monieouiery, and ' . tiecond Streets, SAW FIIA.NCI8CO, OXj. JOHNSON k Co., ruorruEioBs. TOOELE HOUSE, . K. MollEisDRIC, l'roiTietor. Cvruer of .Main and . Vine- Streets, TOOEJLK OI "Y. CALL AM) UK ACCOM Mot)ATKU IN THE IIKST fcTTI.K. lied. Hoard and Attention off lie beat WOOD ISAK ATTENDANTS. TQ PE-EMPTORS. We arc n"w yt Jircl furn;..h Agricultural Laiul script Kuf tho Iftfjuion of Of.Tcrnment Land at tlv jf r 4u.wiu vun. IIOOPKH, EUDKKDbK t CO. Slt Lkr City. Nor. :). 1S70. Jl AMUSEMENTS. THEATRE Ii.iiiiciic Succo! Wednesday Evening, Feb. 8. AVilt bo 'roiu-tJ. t'l tLe -e.nj t: 'i.e. T M K treat Spectacular Koiimice. ntjlad the !!G2 VHTCHI it ru i: FUOZE.V HAM), .-i talk oy f:.cu.i.rMi:.r. New an-1 li'irifrMU P 'ouiTv, 'T Mr. Alirc-1 I.aii.ln.urno, C'tTlI'lii trl Mn.' hi tier jr. 'jr My. l'tr KuiJ ni :if.itft.nt. .Maniflrrnt A ( r n' n nf . t'X Mr. H. Kakor mi I a - iitntn. New nix JJe.nitifii, Mui ! k'rvf. JJc;lrjr an J "r." lio-1 1 . Grand Transformation Scene IIIIMK OK T1IK. a, w (.) IS 1 TIIIC IIKatMa OK ll.s. I'tJ'-ri''rH' I" r.iiniu.i . " !l li. f.'l llir lit.l Mint in tin i II , . Ibo i.Ti.-l..,l In .,r. ,-. i iilnii .1 LARK1N S LOVE LETTERS! I.om lv .Mini tif lic Oi iiiii ! MUSEUM AM" MENAGERIE. II)f a I'lni'k w""t of Irr.iilrnt Y'uiiif Hoaiclonr. joiin w. vor.Nt;, - l'n.p. Nallva llaaals, lllrila ami Iteplilea WolverliiM Id. ir, ri.xns. Mountain llerr, l.yni, WiM Ciita, Ao. Itni'"tliint oolloellnn of Nnliwj MlnrrnUi AllliiHsiii, , i K. ( lul.li, ,,, 0 " Ofen ef nry itujf oxpiil Nuflilny, from y a.ui. I" o i.ui ; I'rrilina Tiinc, It , in, .1. I.. IIAItKO r, llaiiamr. LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE ruti: im rax i: oir.v. AkscIIs - . - $S, 100,000,00, .1. M. MIIDH K, Asrnl, . . Ili.llillna;, Kail l.ska f!y FLOii'llI NOISELESS ' FAMILY MGIC1E ' : IS TUE Standard Machine of the World! -Til Special Committee appointed to examine and report on Sewing Machines at the North Cn.ro.lna Stale Fair, held at Knleieh last week, awarded a Gold Medal to t e Florence Sewing Machine for the ease and quietness of lis movement k, perfection and large varlet y of work, and Its valuable new featuret, making ma-king It the motit valuable fcewlng Machine for family use I Parties contemplating the pur-! pur-! chase of Sewing Machines are requested re-quested to read the following from the New York "Tribune" of Oct. 19tb, 1870 SEWIAG MACHINES. We have recently had occasion to mate eome inquiries into the profrregs of improvement improve-ment in the mechanism of eewing machines, -ind were not a little surprised to learn thai the centml idea in the fim iuvenii'n the shuttle still holds its plao, though raanj attempts have been made to eu peroede it. The j-huttle, in combination with the needle, u etill the means ased to form the stitcii, in the leading machines, and we find that the growth of trade La chiefly with theehuttlt-using theehuttlt-using machines. The tinprovemenU that are taking fins hold in iiractical use are, therefoce. nece--n-nly in- cjnnection with the shuttle, either in the detail of the shuttle its-dl, or in other parta of the inachiue cunoected with it. to paiipfl ttie whole to onera c more perfectly and uniformly, and to iiu)lify lit use. Mny important g-atns in l'n3 direction, made since the first great invention, are on- ; doubtedly emood.ed in the "t lorenct," ma- 1 chiue: aod we reooiumtDd our rt-aderB lo ' careiul.'y tuspeci the "i lorence" beiure ma- ! kiQK a choice. 'I oe pijinta peculiar to this machine are : An unusual uuiount of aioncy la s. ent id masing the "FlorvUL-e." thereby securing the bfcjt nuaiteruil (?:eel. for iri;t:iiicc, whert others use cut-iron ), and the : ne.-l uu sh oi important riru (the shuttle, for example, being rigid I v rejected it it rari s trom tht itaodtrd of an inch!) Jt is con- trnuted on theimpaOt scieimiie pnnciple. ouiuHy dipt-rmijg with tLe c, and cams, .ii.d link? wnich u olten gel jtrrversel y oai ft ordrr Hnd ?or'ly perplex every one bui Hie prrti--d uiacnint-t Oy their nnacount-ihle nnacount-ihle freak. '1 ne "Florence" is bo e umIj mnafrei, and ia oe is eo readily lenrneu. that an onJiiiary girl uf ten hu nense an -ina-cle enough to run it f eneciiy. 1 be lock -itucii. mtile by U " lorei.ee" is ver rc.uljr.irjl perfect, very it rui.g and elastic, jnd is drj.wn 'nto tte i.ir.c evenly, grad u.ll -. ei.ic 1y. without jorkir.g, and wiihnut cufiuic tbc nam lo pm-K r. or sLmiuiiji lu ibrt-fi o a lu c I. 'l.atiic cr il orekiUfcj cod" 'C'lucQtly, vei y ti tie in rr ai- ana 1 1- :i l I ..brio -au tx-u iirM-l'i iiie 'F.rence in all but the cQ-4pr-l rtyl' al'o maacr ii.rcead-iiiion.il ui-tie a duubie locK. a -ingle knot aud a Ooub.e knui whi- b art ilro-iK-r nd m"re el:i.iic ltjan any otnei stitch, ar 1 whii-h are made by no older ma-caine. ma-caine. ihe' i mrvoce" is the only aictt.nt iti4i hut :cvcr.'i"le eed. nhrreoy toe di-rxU"0 di-rxU"0 of trie hud. can Pe iDlanu? cbai.go-J with' ut j t i ping the work, thu-nab thu-nab mg tn operator to quiit or eiuoroiuer ith unusual lciluy, t k bv-KiApJ ano ly nrr Dkthcn a ipm h ere er d . trel. nd. Lnal.y, l-y a few fl.tM lilcoo, ti !atcD end. 4 tt the quirke! ml tirocce-i ay. It ib the only iu.-tnne ttiat h t eit-xOjuntinf eit-xOjuntinf iiiuttl-thrud t.-nton. wairb iirKf per te.'tly tht tbeo-vrtir can rut arroM tne Cut icl -kih ai. J tile b nr: iinro anJ tho tbirfccAt br'adcltb iu lUiaie-liate lUiaie-liate tucYfMinD withunt bre-ikios thetnreao and without chatming the needle, Utb oi toniicn. Ttie "h 1-trrnce" draw the thread into tbs cloth with une-iualel precmon sou crtAint , by miin l an mcrtiinui auto-txaitc auto-txaitc "take-ap" wBrtl, whu-b dipoe of ILe lark thread Irtt aitrr tbentitcb with aa ar-urate prom ntne." (bat prevent a I Miar.-inf Miar.-inf r tlr-ipping of -iifhr. an.l aliown ine .. orator to ? b.-kwr.l. or to run oil the cb'tb and on if ntn, witb irr1ea'l impunity. It hi an mi pr ti el.u:io hivtinirr, riclu-tirrly riclu-tirrly Its own, whih i msngr-1 with eaj. and will Bmke S hnn of any w.dlh on any matorMl 1 l Dot pnty o: skr s pprlcv't gather nl it (o m bnJ ai n oj ratt.-n. bui il hem a, and bit) u. an I Ifli. and quilt, ana co r. , in I l ti ck, and gtnrr-. an J brivl without b wtini. fru- b pvisl pn-TKion t tu. la in.mnr'U wAfth .l t!if "h'lor-n-"ij rlaiiT, M anil Riinraiitro-i by theCoin-p-ny C-. U-i twiiH aa Ions without repair as any other vliuttla machine id tne market, without -ho lutiiO'.. Utiliculty. r.vprjr pari ol tho Y orru- a" in m porUi lly and permanently perma-nently a-ljii!M, and it h .o iw Minta and point ol IricUon. thai it run w it h t tie ut iiH'nt rajie. iho nrr-ilo is' iirt and threaded, aud tha WUh i lcuiithon.i. hort.ntd, it rrvrr,d with tlio m-m m-m I oa.e. In uinr lbs "i I'Ti-nro" neither lh wnrk ni r the I'perat r drr- i IimM? t be unlrd. I'bn -'ior-iiie' with all then e ai ni to m i f r )tr 1 1 , rl at t !i " -i ine irio a other iif.'l 0 v u.achiuan. 1 tia sivao l,ilxr lity In u: anii fa -'tut ; .uni'lK'i'y ol t-.Mi-trurtu n; K'ility t ni4iotvenirnt. ".ri.-(y oi Stilrhca; Rr r hit? t? iJ. ifll H.i'll-tlU lenio,:j Allt"Hl:tt.' t.Ae Ul', Imi'Mvw liptniiior; I'mxi-ion ah':tiiii wour; t'trltoi tid f rnmnvnl adiitf t mrnl ; !-.- r''iu atioQ ol noodle wild inch; t. -.inliir.v iq i . hea no-; T!ip l-t-uly ;nd liihli tinii of the ui;rhine. M -kn ho ' r loroiioc," inoilor.ti ol y ?p nk -int.. iu-.'linio w tio il to be vaiue-1. uood but t- in.- I. N ( in il y w sflofj to ba without ew (tw uu.rluie. liiid w hi tbti brf r bnr onn iii iy u- tuuud hoi o er " i ho 1 ribune wclfoyig. TO THE LADIES Of Null l.nkeClly, mii.I llirnufili. nnt ti lrrttorta of CtMli, I tin lio. MmiiUiik and W on I ii pit Vp pvtoiut i rordinl invitnlion to mil at our ulliiH, mid iuhuiiiio llin Floroncu I'titnily iowihk Murium, wliollier dp fiKniiitf imtiHMtiuto purolmo or nol j il f our lniMiio hihI ilifsuro to olicil rlito t'xntnitiulion ntul ootiipHrisnii. o htivn on tx luliitioii, iu ordir llio inorw Hfvily toiui'lnin point! oi (liilorotif( in w hit ti wo t-'liiim KtijM't iority, llio tna-rliino! tna-rliino! of vnrious nuiKoi,. iiu lu.linn tli iroMT& UiiUor, SitiKof Riul WlircUr V Wilson. In ttutkiiipr ftult voinpari-fiii, voinpari-fiii, no unlnir Hilvantitxi will bo tnkrn of rivnl nini liini", Imt on tlm contrniT tlioy will l'i' Kiipt ly fi roiiio(.int nia I'liinist in tl.o oi-l of runmng t.nlni, tijnmo ol' thoin rontiiioi kooI an oiihi-iiot'r oiihi-iiot'r n loronii'ti p.) C!lAS. S. HAMMER, (041r.nl ARtttt, H l, I' KM OITY, IITUI o.io T. &..W. TAYLOR i Huvo Juit licceived a lot of Dobbin's Electric ' AM" Toilet Soaps! o uc jm. Mi 13 C3 K a. . DUFORD & SONS Have Just Received a Lar-e and Varied Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES! LADIES', MISSES' 'AND. CHILDREN'S SHOES In overy Style and at prices.that cannot fail to suit. ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT OK Gents' siiixl Youth' JJoot und Slioca. We would also call attention to our Lrge and Fashionable Stock of Men's, Boys' and Children's Wear, all of which we will sell at - RAILEOAD TIMES PRICES! j21 3ri-7-o TJa n, Call. w VELLS, FARGO'S IS NEAR m ST 1 - .-j; o O O P lv si ss3Nisna jo "3yN3o hhi CONTINENTAL Life Insurance Comp'y, OI" XEV YORK. JL'STl'S LAAVKEXrE. Pre-,-Ic-r.t. J. P. ROGERS, secretary. M. li. WYXKOuP, Vice-Pre-id--i:t. S. C. CHAND1.ER, Jr., Actuary. Ti ' H I1 S - 5 - K) tin rm M i . The entire Profits of t'.ic Comniny are distributed annually among the lVliey HoldiTs. upoa Lr.e contr.tuiion plan.- All Policies ion-forf ialHe, according to the expressed terms contained con-tained in each JV'.iry. .o p.tra Premium for tnvrl or foreign residence. lliirty l:iy crace alloTeil on ;ho raymeat of premiuiuj, and tie policy held p.Hxi durinc that t:uie. Policies I ncontot ible C-r the cu-touiary reason Kconofnjr in Mann;fin'iit, Only one other New iork company .-howiiii; as low a r.ito .( t xpen-ts to income. t'areful selection of its risks, as in.liojtel ly the exceedingly Email mortality of its members. . . Policy Holders have a i oil e in the Klect ious and Mansgemeat of the company. Assets, January 1st, 1871, over Five Millions. NOKTHWKSTl-.nN DEPAKTMEXT : 01 TICK, No. -.'4, I..V SA.LLR STKKKT, CUICAGO. .V.. T. LOCK WOOD, ... - MAXAGFR a. H. dayis. - - scrr. of aglwcizs JOHN B . M A I B E fJ , Geueral Agent for Utah. " ni'FICK AT WOl'NAXSKK H1UVS. SALT LAKK CITY, MKIMCAL XAMINFItS : W. 1'. ANDI' KsdN, M. 1 . 1'. 1 . bKNKlMCT, M. P. Kehihlv Affcnls H'n.'df thnnjluiul the Territory. Zioii's Go-operative Mercantile Inst'n WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY AND HARDWARE DEPARTMENT. r.i.nui:i)(.K ( i. so. m n.mx.5. You can lind a( this D.-partincnl of .. (.'. M. 1. l',l'r fUvli LAMPS, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, STOVES, MININC TOOLS, rl,ASTI.0 I'OUDKU. Maple ami Tasu'j -rn'ii, i-tVt A i id .-a.. Get Mrc for your Money and Orders than you can p.t any ot.'icr House in Utah. II. H. I'LAWSOS, " |