Show KAYSVILLE KINKS appearance of another newspaper predicted experimental well to be sunk E editor CLIPPER dame rumor has it afloat that tile the CLIPPER will soon havo have a companion newspaper in our county A M smith late of the nephi ensign is in the field soliciting an aa ad list from tile the denizens of the northern precincts prec ints he appears to be meeting success shenew the new enterprise it is under stood will be launched into 11 e world at kaysville Kays ville the friends of the CLIPPER do not anticipate any to the pioneer paper but that paper will strive fur for an improvement we will see an awakening to the interest of our county whose resources is but little understood your leader on the condition and improvement in our district schools has haa been read with much interest and more could be written on that subject miss osborn principal of the presbyterian school returned from montana last friday where she had been spending the holidays with old time friends an experimental well will be sunk on the eighth district school block at kaysville Kays ville as the locati location onis is greater altitude then any other well near that locality there will be much interest in the trial as it is expected to go near six hundred feet for a flow the citizens will contribute the necessary funds an enterprising enter prizing citizen of kays ville is ia about to enter into a mord erate crate size chicken ranch ranchi he will I 1 commence early to set in incubators we sincerely sin cerly wish him success in his bis new venture the solons of kaysville Kays ville municipality meet in session on monday evening the question which will have their attention does the charter give them absolute power to control irrigation water entering the city which water has been owned as prior rights many years before the city received its charter the indolent farmers are muttering discontent about frost and wheat if they wish to learn a lesson on that important matter call on FRANX |