Show Scattering Returns The following are miscellaneous return which are not sufficient in number t use n summary although no returns that may come in from any of the precincts are likely t change the complexion ol the legislature leg-islature as given above except to decide tile doubtful Fourteenth representative district between Olson Democrat and Hatch mugwumpFLTSIOCTIC PLYMOUTH Returns from Plymouth Box Elder county 8 show Democrats 3 Republicans MILFOUD For council Lund 1 S M West 10 House Farnsworth 7 Williams 12 CALLS FORT Democrats carried this precinct 5 to 1 Dan lVlt CITY Democrat Council J D Peters 45 rep rosontativo A H Snow 45 superintendent superinten-dent of schools D C Hubbard 45 selectmen select-men T H Blackburn 5 E D Wilcox 43 coroner M D Cox 45 Republican Council Peter Lowe 7 House O G Snow 7 superintendent of schools W H Jones 7 selectmen L W Standing 0 J T Rich 7 coroner L Janson 0 te Liberal Council J W Guthrla 3 house A E Barnes 3 selectmen D D Ryan 3 William Beeton 3 superintendent superinten-dent of schools S E Rach 3 SCOFIBLD ScoriELD U T Aug 4Spccial telegram tele-gram to THE HEUALD Democratic ticket Scofleld precinct For council J A Melville Mel-ville 45 house of representatives L M Olson 45 commissioners to locate university univer-sity landsL S Hills 45 L M Waddeil 45 R A Ballantyne45 selectmen L P Oveson 45 C E Larsen 45 suporintend eat of district schools L 1 Olson 45 county surveyor George W Fox 45 jus ice of the peace J L Boulder 45 constable table N L McLean 41 CHESTER Democratic For the council Peter Greaves Br 15 representative Luther S Tuttle 15 selectman N C Sorensen 15 selectman Chas Kemp 15 superintendent of schools Peter Greaves 30 Mr Greaves was on both tickets Reoublioan For the council A H Lund 15 representative Louis Anderson 15 selectman Fcrd Alder 1 scattering Chris Christensen 1 selectman Republican Republi-can Lauritz Larsen 15 It was the heaviest vote ever cast here all but seven voted a votdIUREIL EUREKA The election at Eureka passed off very quietly and was well conducted The Lib oral as usual resorted to trickery and roughtoutan Indopandent candidate the day before election in order to defeat their regular nominee for justice of tho peace A A Smith who was also endorsed forte for-te position by the Democratic convention When tbe trick became apparent all of the better element supported Mr Smith who is a bright young attorney worthy or any judicial position in the country and whose character i above reproach Smiths ma jority over the Liberal representative brought out for the purpose of defeating Im isC4 while his majority over the Instigator in-stigator of the trick is 0 TheLiberals have lost heavily here and lbs Democrats have cause to b proud of the vote cast yesterday Following I a average of votes cast by the leaders of tho different parties hero in the once solid Lib oral stronghold of Juab For selectmanLiberal 174 Democrat 124 for justice of the peace Smith Democrat Demo-crat and Liberal 174 Pike straight Liberal Lib-eral way 78 Lbera votes ran about in this HEunox Democratic ticket 14 council represen tatlveW H Sargent 1 1 Republican COLLINSTOS AND DEWETV1LLE Collinston Precinct Democrat 15 Re i publican 7 Liberal 6 Deweyvillo Precinct Liberal 1 Demo crat 13 Repu blican 5 TBISTL2 Democrat for council of legislaturoPete Graves sr 8 Republican A H Lund 1 Liberal G W Martin 2 For representative Democrat LUther T Tuttle 7 Democrat J D Irvine 1 Republican J S Pago jr 1 Liberal Jacob Johnson 2 For selectmen Democrat N C Soren i son S Democrat Charles Kemp 8 Republican Repub-lican Lauritz Larson lRepublican Fordl nand Alder 1 Liberal E W Fox 3 Liberal Lib-eral N S Wilson 2 Superintendent of district schools Democrat Dem-ocrat Peter Greavea jr 8 Republican Murphy Peter Greaves jr 1 Liberal E N LEAJIIXGTOX For the Ninth council district Jamos A Melville Democrat 20 T C Callister Republican 2 For the Fifteenth representative district dis-trict W H SeeKmiller Democrat 20 W H Clark Republican 2 Selectmen George Cran Democrat 19 L R Cropper Democrat 20 John Styler I Republican 3 James Gardner Republican can 2 County superintendent district Ichoola Joshua Greenwood Democrat 20 George M Hanson Republican 2 WAxES Democratic Ticket Councilor Peter Greaves sr 2 representative Luther T Tuttle 0 count selectmen N C Soren sent 20 Charles Kemp 31 superIntendent of district schools Peter Greaves jr 41 precinct constable Henry C Lamb 14 Republican Ticket Councilor A H Lund 15 representative Louis Anderson 1 county selectmen Luritz Larson 1 Ferdinand Alder 10 superintendent of district schools Peter Greave jr 4 pro cinot constable Thomas D Bees 2 move Provo is all right and from all points in Utah county the returns are ail strong Democratic majorities Tho Provo precinct pre-cinct with two polling places gives the following gratifying results Democratic ticket For commissioners to locate university lands Isaac M Waddoll H S Laney 445 Frederick A Mitchell H Ley 15 For councilor to legislative assembly for the Sixth Council district William H King 440 For representative to tho legislative assembly for tne Eleventh Representative district Walter R Pike 448 County officers For selectmen John Jones 443 Abel J Jones 44 For county superintendent of district schools Ervin A Wilson 443 For coroner for unexpired term Thomas Beesley 430 The Republican ticket with all the En Hirers flip Hoping and othur tactics resulted re-sulted as follows Republican TicketFor selectmen Joseph 2SO E Wilkins 2q Oloy Ellingson 2SOFor coroner Herbert S Pyne 2S 277 Sixth council district John E Booth Eleventh representative district George Sutherland 29i The Liberals have the following to have their last kick on Liberal Ticket For selectmen D W Eioldaway 100 James McBeth 10 For county superintendent of schools H M Dougal 100 For councilor Sixth district James E Mathews 109 For representative Eleventh district John E Hills 102LAKE LAKE VIEW Republican Ticket For selectmen Joseph Jo-seph E Wilkins 5 Oley Ellingson 6 For coroner Herbert S Pyno 6 Sixth Council district John E Booth 6 Eleventh Representative district George Sutherland t Cluff 5 Democratic TicketFor commissioners to locate university lands Isaac M Wad del 3 3S Frederick A Mitchell 3 1L S For councilor to tho legislative assembly for the Sixth Council district William H King 3 For representative to the Legislative As embly for the Eleventh Representative listrict Walter R Pike 35 County ofllcers For selectmen John Jones 20 Abel J Evans 33 For county superintendent of district schools Ervin A Wilson 39 For coroner for unexpired term Thomas Jeesloy 33 For justice of the pcaceCharks Cralg25 For constable Andrew Holden 42 IKOVO BEACH PRECINCT Democratic Ticket For councilor to the Legislative Assembly for the Sixth Council utrict William H King 21 For represen tivo to the Legislative As embly for the Eleventh Representative district Walter R Pike 19 County Officers For selectmen John Jones 2 Abel J Evans 20 For county superintendent of district schools Ervin A Wilson 13 For coroner for unuxpirea term Thomas Jeesley IS Republican Ticket For selectmen Jo ephE Wilklns 17 Oley Ellingson 17 For coroner Herbert S Pyne 20 Sixth Council district John E Booth l Eleventh Rcprcsontive district Georgo Sutherland 19 Cluff 20 |