Show I I NEW l HOTEL AT TOOELE OPEN I t 1 c a p pa a 1 r e 4 d dt t t 6 w S I HOTEL TOOELE A striking Instance of or the Ingenuity and progressiveness eness which can transform the desert waste Into the thriving business community has been shown shoO In the recent building of ot the new Tooele Where six months ago was a barren stretch of or land now stand several Imposing business structures one of the most Important of which the Hotel Tooele was opened Thursday night in the presence of or many persons from Salt Lake Among those In attendance at the dance with which the hotel was opened were Mr rr and Mrs F FE FE FE E McGurrin Mr and Mrs Kenneth Kerr Mrs William Illiam Reed A H IL Birrell Arthur C Sullivan Edward Salton and others Remarks were made by Mr Ir Me Mo Gurrin Mr Kerr and Mr The hotel was erected at a cost of 50 O by bv the Tooele Building association a subsidiary organization of the th Salt Lake Security Trust company com pan It is re regarded regarded regarded as the th hotel building outside of Salt SaU Lake and has his all aU the th modern ap The TIle hotel Is located at Date and Broadway in the exact center of or the new town On April 15 13 last occurred the sale of lots on the site of the new town the place at that time being prairie Work Worl was started at once and the town toO now boasts of two hotels howls the Tooele and the Idanha a n mission structure banks several sev several several eral stores a laundry and about forty rort cottages Many Ian tents were were erected during the last summer a number of ot which are still occupied The he town has a oomph complete to te water ss system tern tem installed d by the Oquirrh Water ater company com company company pany water having been purchased suf sur sufficient sufficient to supply a city of from to persons The dance held Thursday Th night r h t at the new hotel was attended by about three hundred persons and most of or these were amazed to see the th changes which had b been en wrought in the short space of six months month |