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Show would fail nJ to HI oT all tin K!L', Utj , J j a v e 14 For tht tim- - 1 kiNgdoniy wiuujht Hhteousnt-- , obiatnrd piumtses, escaped the edge, oMi.e- sword; Hiv; ,wuit?i-v- i wie mane vaong, ol 'whom lite' world was iit worthy; of ihe have ,f the oppress "go free, .who. have girdled ' the earth" with a wlnte harerns and ii!boii, ;yhd have opened CI-- , . 1 f: 1 , 7.K - iJ, vouho " - 1. . . .. l ' . . . i . J of Wh j , I I 'dRKAMP:D. okeamf.d at eventide, Say not that I must wake, Nor of this bliss partake, - X ' : - paiu I)as.hes.abiig in his terrible wrath,.Spreading death and carn.ige. iif his lear, Hedev-Trlipath with'tii t orphan's tear, Torn away tlie .strength of m uiy a .hoiviev tender ctiihJren and mothers alone- -; For th.ise7whoes freed spirits went home that day Pernars.yes we hope, in a painless Way We have, naught to fear; for God is just, And meet the reward of their works they must, But sympathies tears unbidden st ui, While their sorrows are echoed from, heart to heart, , Too plainly in fancy we. see the bo.ve t head And the mother lie down in her widowed bed We pray to that Father who reigns on high Who has promised to list to the orphan's cry. Pour balm, O Lord, on their souls to night," . With thy loving carediectjhenv right, That He'll comfort and guide all along the way Is the heart felt prayers all Israel pray, And ,dl honor be to that noble band V'.. Who bravely faced the grim monster death Who had snatched away their'comrades breath These brought them forth to an honored grave, Such men must, be counted the truly brave. blue for inventors. banner, of ; The., Ierdi-nan- d ueen Isabella's tree. and Isabella-"oSo you wijruuderstand the referenc;e to yeb Jov : ribiK;n. ' ,.' .li. ''.'...' i . ' " recited.-- - - I subscribe to so inahy - ". j home publications : ' cannotafford many here but I must have a Suffrage paper of this locality. . With I " ; -- - - ; . ' - ' J. SARAH IvLLI OTT. A WORD FROM CASTLK DALE, . ,-- Editor Exponent , ' ' , While lam sittingalone few-lineoour- -" our-Societ- -- .:' THE EXPLOSION. rr y ' - was neanng the close of a busXday, In the Almy Village not far awav: When the faithful wife with tender care1 Hastened the evening meal to prepare. The kettle sings its cheerful song, And the children are helping with supper along ior papa all day has been driving the drill In the deep dark mine beneath the ' hill, Thankful for work to earn his bread. Tat his darlings at home may be clothed and few Tisiytq ' prepare for that fathers fetUrn;"7-'"Wno labors his household comfort to earn" " are moving on thus, in the usual wav Toward the close of that busy day. But hark! A sound falls on the ear, And the stoutest heart stands still with fear One mother springs forward, in agony wild . thank's and the hope we jnay some day see you jn Moab, I am, Vours Sincerely, : , ' . for inforination about Mrs. Smith. I took my sketch of her, from your paper also 4.'IIer Ode to liberty" which We ... ofthis-plasg-wn-n- : , N . soldiers, the colors of 1 ' " Spain on Spanish discoverer's, pink ribbons for poefts,:' cardinals for educators, electric ; rwH VATIVTH ; 1S95, ' it - m. j . For thee. T ui- llas national 'There-MaorunAvhidi '; " - Hicii in -j ; 'r-il-y I- When every thought is thine, And thy dear words are mine; Tho' we are still unknown, WYin eac Jieart are sown, Seeds of true constancy. Come,".eer the shades of night, Darken love's radiant light, That gleams for us afar, Our faithful guiding star, A gift from heav'n divine. hat will forever shine, eet Spirit of my dream, February 3; j - . . ' : ' I'feel ihnpjxt3sed. valuable paper, jQ,vrite-- a 'my thoughts go back to the time when I first came to this valley, how desolate and barren it looked. I stood on the bank of the creek, and looking around saw nothing ' Amy E. Cook. but" the naked hills and the ground all covered with sage brush and pricJy pears, not ARBOR DAY. a tree, except a few cotton woods along the creek and a hut or dugout here and .there to v Dear Editor: shelter the few people that had come here to name this tree in honor of Mrs. K make their homer we'heard no birds sing, , Ve B. AV ells, Editor of the Woman's Ex- except the song from the owj and you know rONENT. A paper devoted to the "rights that is not a very pleasing one, but through ,ot Women ot all nations. Mrs. Wells'- the blessings of the. Lord and much hard for 'works hard suffrage She says, a goodly share,' the land has produced iu jeimoreivomeii ana pay taxes man m any other place, with its strength for our need, the orchards are the same number of people, hence they pnow doing fine, we have raised some very ought to. vote. ueiicious iruus in castle uaie, ana accoraing "Taxation without representation" is to the statement from the Fair Salt Lake 'rribbon this yelknv Tyranny' andjve plant City last fall, we have raised larger cabbage-head- s tree to keep this thought ever before us. and onions than were "presented there. MoAH, April 15th 1S95. Arbor Day, TheRelief Society i should bring to all ch d reiitnan l;aliid"w'ith but few members, but the r and rtrustlhis one, our first, will be most numbers increased with the settlers, and Jruitful. We chose wise teachers, worthy the ladies of Castle Dale arestriving to do soldiers foremost minds whose names their best to help roll on. the w( rk of .the are sweet upon the lips of time." And I Lord, we expect to have Hall can assure you dear editor you are in Very finished this spring; the presiding women of this stake are faithful in visiting the dif- good company. The boys chose Columbus, De Soto, Linferent associations in spite of the rough and EdiGarfield, coln, Grant, Webster, Clay, rocky road. In this valley, we have had a ; son, Morse j Karl Maeser, Queen Isabella... few deaths in the new year, may the Lord While for mf Primary school I suggested, comfort those that mourn the loss of their loved ones, may they remember the. words Mary and Martha Washington, Willard. Elizabeth Grannis, Froeber, Field, of the Savior," blessed are they that die in V ashingtou, our school poet, Longfellow--, the Lord for they shall rest from their lab trs Clara Barton, (with whom I lived five and their works shall follow them, and of months at Johnstown after the flood) Susair thelUtlechildren-hesiiy- s "of such "is the7""-BAnthom, Eliza .R,-5- . Smith-an- d Heaven' may we all be yourrKingMri of" have-ouself as representing Utah. r So you arev, in prepared and lamps trimmed 4ind Moab with tie "Immortals." I when the How, calfcomes, that our work burning should like to he with yoti inaxiaiid-ina)UJOt--be- : should not un-- 1 The health of the people of Castle Dale ; ; likely. I have heardMiss Anthony often., is good at present, the snow has disappeared in Pennsylvania as welFs. Rev. A. Shawr, is coming on. t; r 7 a the last time I met her was in Norriston t'spcpm Capot tvt? -- Foretelling happiness, - ziavr fcr " TO GERANIUM. Secured by love's care?s, SweerSpirit of my dream, With thee. N, m,m,nl, feel that if each tree were d.con.ted t i an aj,;propnate svnily.S. the "ob:eet K",ai would kgrealerrsr;. we had yt.ilo.v. ribbon .(Ai your's arid .Mi.vk Anthony's tfee blue for Miss W illard,; white for Mrs. (jra;ui,L,i a red cross flag on Miss Barton's, I , . - u.fr, r,.fl; r;r, a tit i: ' . v; faUs.r:s i " , Wiiile zephyrs round me sigfied, A voice sweet with cadence stole, Over my sleeping soul, .Bidding my 'woes depart,' Waking my unborn hoirt, To life and ecstacy. Breathing wbrds strangely sweet, JThat seemed with truth replete, Of joys and hopes to be, When present shadows flee, , ; i. Kate Bkowni.ek Sherwood; OF THEE ri " uiiiv. rtuic iiun , 'For ihc Woman's ExpoTtmt: ' tfc(t w. u -- ' - t i.-- r . -- - x ; -- ! , r,.,r . fa n?.st. iiiu iuir iii.n a wviiy to Wiiere father, rjiuther and child .rnil.t rot, hut the fire damp gathered with deadly power Prepared tht-- glim ni jnter an opportune hour ; . are-destined- ,;s, v r-- ing nomes ana reiormaiGneS ana Jiosj)itals , ami schools; yho arc standing lv thp strikers and the, lahor unions,' and assert the might.' of right against the right of might; who proclayii' the glad message of peace at home and abroad;who in ;,the provifienee of God to make and keep this American Repdl)lic the land of happy hearts and busy lives, and the impartial dispenser of every good and perfect gift ordained :of Ilea veil and esteemed of men. .- ,c ra A,vv(-jii- -- : or: v r -- . ; . '"" . -- and-sprin- - v : |