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Show ' I Correspondent BOUNTIFUL : ' 48-J- MRS. FRANK R MUIR Telephone: Bountiful 127-- 3; Mrs. Arthur Beers and daugh tern, Clara Lou and Merilyn, spent last week at the home of Mrs. Beers mother, Mrs. Clara Rose. Mr, and Mrs. Richmond S.Young visited at the Leonard home last Monday evening and Tuesday. The North Farmington scouts Woodland Friday, where motored - they spent the Fourth and returned home Sunday by way of Echo Scout Masters Nephi Taylor and Burnham Leonard were in charge of the group. Henry-MooBelles Manning, and Ivan Hess accompanied them on the tjip. Miss Leah Welling returned from San Francisco Monday, where she. has been attending a musical convention during her vacation." Mrs. Eliza, Wood spent the Fourth of July as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Henry Moon. Miss Helen Stringham was the guest of Miss Maxine Potter last can-yo- n. n, ' Correspondent MISS NORMA SECRIST Office, 94 Phone: Ilome, i - THE VVEEKLY REFLEX, RaYSVILLE, UTAH FARMINGTON ; 'V'' i PAGE . 4 W J. B. Long, who acted aa judge at the recent gladioli ahow in Los Angeles, was a luncheon gueat of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Lund Thursday, July 2. 'Mr. Long was en route to his home in BoulderColorado. Twins, a 'boy and a girl, were bom to Mr. and Mra. Leslie llaacke Sunday, July '5. Mrs. Sarah Barlow, Miss Lavaun Barlow and Mrs. Rudolph Barlow were dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Barlow Sunday, July r 5. given by her mother, Mrs. 6 arty lartin Refreshments Wlgglll. served to Tom and Dexter Roberts, Adelaide Call, Delbert and Alene Stoker, Dick Muir, Jean Sor enson, and Gale( Stringham. Lowell Barlow, on of John Bar-loleft' Wednesday, July 1, for Washington, B. C., where he will attend the George Washington school of law, Mr. and Mrs.' E. 0. Muir and family motored to Weston, Idaho, Sunday." Mis Edna ' Buraingham, Miss Margaret Buraingham, Miss Mary Soffe, Mr. Elmer Barlow, Mr, La- Mar Parkin, Mr. Reed Melville, and Mr. and Mra' Lester Cox spent July 4 ahd 6 at Granddaddy lakes. Misa Josephine Ilepworth and Miss Adele Larsen motored to Logan Saturday where . they were ' guests of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jenkins and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Riley and familial left Friday for a k trip to Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs. John Truelaon returned recently from a honeymoon trip through the southern Utah arks. Miss Anna Hoglund was a weekend guest of Miss Zara Salvin. I -- re Idaho after a short visit with relatives and friends in Bountiful. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thatcher of Hollywood, California, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs; Preston '1 hatcher Monday. Tho 4th of July was celebrated in a routing manner at Bountiful The activities beginning . with a serenade of the town at 4 a. m. b) the ctlX band under, the direction of William Hardy and ending at six in th evening. The day was filled with sports, races, and novelty contests. Refreshments were sold and many families spent the dav at the church square. A splendid program was given consisting of selections from ladies quartet, Mrs. 0. B. Anderson, Mrs. Albert Hardy, Mrs. Arley George,-an- (cyuiiiuy(s umriMsiij - two-wee- w, UtaFrCilizens derive their support from m JUmcin Pacific d CENTERVILLE i OS r n, f moj Mrs. lone Knight was the guest of honor at a party given at the home of Mn. Paul Ilinman Monday evening. Mra. Mark Holbrook, Mrs.-.C- . C. Gardner and Mrs. Frank Bishop were assisting hostesses. Bainty refreshments were 'Served Mra. Thomas .Young; Amos Cook to the guest of honor, the hostessa rousing patriotic address; gave es and Mrs. Perry Reed, Mrs. Virginia Hepworth gave a reading; lorace Brough, Mrs. La Mar Bar-oa vocal duet was given by Melvin Mrs. G. U. Pace, Mrs. Mary Mabey and Afton Richards, a piano . Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Edith Erickson, Irickson, solo by Edith Law, and violin and enMr. and Mrs. Ben Ilepworth Urs. Hannah Holbrook, Mrs. Jobanjo duet, James Bay and Joseph tertained at a bridge party at their seph Hepworth, Mrs. F. B. Muir, Bay. The committees in charge home last night (Wednesday) in Mrs. R. W. were: General committee, D. K. and Mrs. Ashworth, honor of Mr. and Mrs'. I E. Ramp-to- Jack Mrs. Dan Smedley and Mrs. Tolman, Jeff. Haley and George Springer. of California, who are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clyde White re- Lawrence Parkin motored to Og- Thurgood; sports committee, Hy-rurelatives in. Farmington. Lunch turned Monday from a short Brough, Myron Bangerter, trip den Friday afternoon, where they eon was served to Mr. and Mrs to San Francisco. were guest at a bridge luncheon. Quayle Cannon, Mrs, Arthur Rich- Rampton, Mr. and Mrs. W. B . Mr. and Mrs. Angus Rolands Mrs.' Fred Rampton was hostess ards, Mra. Juel Trowbridge And Ramp ton, Mr. and Mrs. Rosewel were week-enof Dr. and o the Kly-K- o guests Klub Thursday af- Mra. Arnold Barnett. Rampton, of Ogden; Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. J. C. Stocks at the Stocks ternoon, July 2. Luncheon was Golden J. Barton, Mr. and Mrs. new canyon home. served to seven club members, and Edward Robinson, of Fartnington Miss June Nelson was hostess to Mrs. Alvin Moss, Mrs. Rex Robeight millions of dollars were distributed. by the Mr. and Mrs. George Barker, am the Union Pacific as wages and salaries to Its 4,327. Utah employees Kindergarten girls Thursday erts, Mrs. Ward Stringham, and Correspondent Mr. and Mrs. Darvel Miller, oi evening, July 2. Sunday school Mrs. Preston Thatcher. The after in 1930 alone. Nearly 3,000 Utah families were wholly MRS. FRANK R MUIR Kaysville. The remainder of the lessons were prepared for the com noon was 1T7-spent playing bridge. supported by this income, which circulated through the avenues Telephone: Bountiful evening was spent dancing. ing month, and , dainty refreshMr. Trade and Commerce within the State, and contributed and Ba Ka Mrs. Davis en Mr. and Mrs. William Snyders ments were served to ten guests. Mr. and Mra. S. W. Walton, Mr. tertained. at Friday of San Francisco, are visiting at evening o Members of greatly to Utahs progress. Klub en- "steak roast at Muellers Mrs. F. E. Walton, Mr. and the home of Mr. and Mrs. Golden tertained at a park. The at the dancing party Mr Wallace Walton, Mr. and Mrs. The history of Utah's prosperity is inseparably linked with guests were Mr. and Mn. Fred J. Barton this week. Old Mill evening, July II. A. Beers, Mr. and Mrs. ThomMr. and and Dan Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Gregory am In honor Friday Mn. Rampton railroad Mrs. Ward transportation; tne State's future depends upon the Ko( Mr. and as Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph family motored through Provo can Stringham, of Bes Moines, and Mr. Smedley. the railroads to furnish adequate service. Support of ability Mr. and Mn. Harold P. Ander- Cardell' and Mr. and Mrs. Vera yon Wednesday. They visited the and Mr. Rex Roberts, of Los Antrucks and other unregulated forms of transportation to given Echo dam and came home by way son and a party of Salt Lake Been and families spent Satur- geles.' the on in a impairs ability of railroads to give adequate service. day, July 4, Ogden picnic of Weber canyon. Mr. and Mra. Ilenry Armstrong friends spent the week-en- d Miss Bessie Jones, of Salt Lake, and Mr. and Mrs. . . Heber Sessions Lemon Grove on the Weber river. was the guest of Mrs. Newell Hess left Mfa. PtUcIIIa Smith, of Un.n, 3, for a motor Thursday, July last Friday. tour through Jackson Hole country 0. I Afton SrdS. DM The American Legion and Aux and Yellowstone. were Join Anderson July 4. They Beth Gnnt, Ford, LeRoy France, a entertained and at supper iliary ed by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scot, Mn. Dumll Buraingham and Dorvill Hallman, Hugh Hallman, dancing party at the Lagoon Mon at Rock Springs, Wvo., who accom . daughter, returned recently from Eric Hogan, Shelly Holmea, day evening in honor of Mr, and panied them on their tour. wen when rian City they guests Mrs. E. E. VanSickle. Those presJacobson, Mervin Lee, Elinor Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Winters of relatives. Robert Major, Leah, Mari ent were: Mr. and Mrs. H. R, were Llnge, guests at fhe Budge home in and sons, n, Morris, Lula and Weldon Par A.AAAAhA Leander Thompson Dumke, Mr. and Mrs. Ben canyon on July 4. , Rebecca, Naomi, and Ague- Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Ramp- Logan Phillip, Douglas and Bud, return-IrisBr. and Mr. Jay Schaffer were ed t Rigby; Mildred Ford, Evelyn from a ton, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Hess, Mr. Friday pleasant fishing of Mr. and Mra. J. C. Stocks I T Bale and Rich, Ruth at and Mrs. Grover Hess, Mr. and guests4. Joyce 'Smith, trip Strawberry. Jack Wal- Mrs. Bell Phillips, Mr., and Mrs. July Mn. Men, of Salt Lake, was a of has Brunson, Clyde Fillmore, Mar orle Brown, Rulon Steed, Mr. and Mrs. HarLeander th at guest een the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Jani Timms, Leone old Mayfield, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Horton Fackrell home Monday. the week. for past Warren Tingey, and Ma Lewis, Jr., Mrs. Gordon Petty, Mrs. George Muir, of Greys Lake, P Mrs. Bryant Stringham will bd J. II. Robinson, Mrs. D. L. Rice, lostesa to the Clover club Thura Idaho, waa a guest At the home of b Mrs. George Hess, Walter Manhis son, George Muir, 8r Joi" IUnd1a,11. Mr: last July 9. week-enTingey, Mr. and ning, Bernard Caine, and II. B. day, Mr. and Mra. Barry Wride and Mr. and Hellewell. Mr. H" Pnston Mr. an4 Thatcher amily and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas I Mrs. II. B. nellewell and duagh Sessions motored to Provo Satur .ml family .p.nt July 4 ter. Verla, left Sunday morning for where they were guests of day, Hollywood with Mr. and. Mrs. Geo. dr. Wrides F.raley parents. Horton returned Frldty Wolverton, who. have been visiting l . Atheleen Wlgglll celebrat Little from a Salt Lake 'hospital and is here for the past week. Mrs. Wol ed her sixth birthday anniversary verton is a sister to Mrs. Ilelle-wel- l. recovering rapidly. Friday with a delightful birthday 4 Mr. and Mr. Myron Ilolbrook, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Stevenson drey Severson and Misa Fern Ben Mr. and Mn. Chester Brough, Mra d5n dlSne,r Mr. and Mrs. Zacki and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert nett, daughter of Mra. ' Bennett, Elisabeth Brough and Miss Eve- 'guests 10 14 Bumke and family, Mr. and Mrs. eft for their homes in Iowa Tues- line Brough spent Cheney Wednesday. 4 and 5 at July Silver ware and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rugg, of jewelry, silver spoons. Bell Walker, and family, Mr. and day morning. NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS have spent the I tea Mrs. Tom Sanders and family, Mr., last ten' days They Mr"and ffw." knives, of forks, silver services Spool Cotton, 3 for.. Si Howard Tolman, of friends of visiting 10c and Mrs. Ray Steed and family heir brother, Glen, while Mr. and -- jrbank, California, have return- - Mwtnd all kinds, pocket knives, butcher knives, umi9ineyv Silkine Art Floss, 2 for spent the Fourth of July up Weber Mn. Severson have been doing ed home after a pleasant visit with mllY Silk Embroidery Floss, 3 for 11 Alto, Calif or- canyon. work in tho Salt Lake tern friends and relaUves. Mrs. Lucy Steed is visiting in temple at Ford Hirn,,n fue,t Mr. and Mrs. Horton Fackrell )Ie. While the Iowa visitora have Ladies Hose, silk, lisle and cotton, buy Canada with relatives. een in Farmington, they have been and daughter, Jean, spent July 4 ' one pair and get one pair FREE. Mrs. Sadie Clark was hostess at Last st the head of the Provo river aa entertained. of Lake Salt Sessions, Leroy All City, a lawn party at her home Tuesday extensively Toilet Articles 33 per cent Off. Thursday Mr. Gordon, Mra. Ben- guests of relatives. Carl Cottrell and Vera Woolsey evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. nett Audrey, Misses Helen and LuEdison Hair chflMr. and 1000 Mrs. Pina, week-en- d Parker, of and womens Combs, Brushes, Safety Piis, men's, pairs E-fishing at VanSickle. Supper was serv- cille Potter., motored up through Steven Purael and son, Ray, were i?Pn Nets I Hair Suit shoes Parasols drens at river, Greys Cases, . Wyoming, ed to Mr. and Mrs. VanSickle, Mr. Weber canyon and into Peterson dinner guests of Mr. and Mr. Da-- 1 and Mrs. Robert Griffith, Mr. and where were dinner of vid Tolman Sunday. Mr. Parker they . Mrs. Grat Huntsman, Mr. and Mrs. dr. and Mra. Earl Moon guests and fam-l- has recently returned from the Albert Barber, Mr. and Mrs. Heber 200 pairs on our bargain counter for Grab Bags worth 50c to $2.50, mission, where he V Thursday evening Mrs. Gor Sessions, Mr. and Mrs. Ban Mill- don, Mrs. Bennett, Helen, and Mr. was a missionary companion of Elfor and 25C and 25C. V. er, Mr. and Mrs. John Steed, Mr. and Mra. Severaon visited the state don Telman. and Mrs. J. N. West, and Mr. and Miss Ruby Stringham. left Moncapltol. Liberty park, and the UniMrs. Clarence Mayfield. 13 15 of Utah. day, July 6, for Logan, where she versity Mrs. Sadie Ilinman is in CanMr. and Mra. Severson', will spend a month at the U. A. C. Friday Our entire lines of prints, ginghams, per--V Straw Hat Day Take them away ada visiting relatives and expects idrs. Bennett,. Mra. Gordon, AuVibert and Edmond Ketlcr, of to be gone about six weeks. cales, outing flannels, silks, table linens, and Fern, Helen and Lucille Pot' Idaho, are visiting their parents, i, Horton Miller and some friends drey, etc. Mr. Men ,s Coveralls, Overalls and rants and Mrs. Maxine Kesler. ter, John Potter, Edgar Potter, are spending a few days in Provo Alias Alice Potter, Mrs. Clara PotMr. and Mrs Richard Stringham canyon during their vacations. and daughters, Beth and Mary, left Moon, Mr. ter, Marjory Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Earl, daughrederick Nielson and son, Her- Sunday for Balwin, Montana. They ter, Norean, and infant son, Ron- man, of Salt Lake, motored to Tim will be gone one week. ald, are spending ten days in Ida- panogoa where they visited the A free child health clinic will ho visiting relatives. cave and had their luncheon. On be held at the Stoker school TuesMr. and Mrs. C. L. Mayfield and the return afternoon, July 14, from. 2 to trip the party visited day 4 o'clock. Dr. Summner Gleason family moved to Salt Lake last lingham canyon. Saturday-W- . Thursday, where they jwill. make E. Potter, Phillip and "Misa .Annn.Fillmore will be their home doon, Mr. Severson, and John and resent to give helpful advice, Milton Hess, Miss Aline Eileson, Potter motored to Bear arent are urged to bring their and Mr. and ' Mrs. Arthur Miller Stephen liver where they visited Mr. Pot- - children, especially those needing medical attention. motored to Oakley, Idaho, where ters farm. Livingston Lawson of Roosevelt they spent last week-enMonday Mr. Potter and Mr. Sev Miss Ethel Mayfield, of Salt erson took a horseback ride .up who was painfully Injured last Lake, spent the week-en- d with Shepherd canyon to a summit week, is reported to be recoverMiss Marjory Huntsman. where they could see both -- Weber ing. He is at a Salt Lake hospital Miss Francis Bourne, daughter vklley and the Salt Lake valley, and has" both legs brbken, one in of Mr. and Mrs. Vem Bourne, of donday evening Lucille Potter, two places. The Lawsons Were Bountiful residents. Fielding, is visiting with relatives 'em, Audrey,. Maxine, Marjory former The following people from Bounin Farmington. : iloon, and Miss Helen Stringham tiful have registered for the free Mr. and Mrs. E. E. VanSickle and visited Saltair and Magna. swim week at Lagoon: Lamar Bar-lofamily are moving to Layton this During the pastweek the SevWill Barlow, Parley Call, Beth week, where they expect to make ersons have visited with many of and Norene Cannon, Haven their home. the families of the North Farm-ngto- n Mra. G. R. Eldredge, Betty, Bay, Don, Mr. and Mrs. Glendon Clark of . Dont delay the opening ward. and Horace Eldredge, Alta the Bonneville Flower Shope, of in social ward a Monday evening Marjorie, Max, and Mra. F. of your savings account Idaho Falls, were guests of Mr. and the form of a farewell party was B. Muir, John, and Luclle Rampr . to an : Mrs. Reuel Steed last week-eni v(u v, a i given for them at the home of ton, Howard, Ida, and Alice longer. Before you any Prepared 2 Mr. and Mrs. Larson, of Los An- drs. J. M. SecrisC The following ticharda, LillieFern, for.. Mustard, Tuttle, Arm Namph, geles, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. program was given on the lawn Sarah Mabey, will resize it, the time Vinegar, gal. Norene Lamph, ' 1 , Ralph Steed for two weeks. with a large percentage of the Clare Lamph, Helen, and Dorothy ". Campbells Soups, 3 for will come when you will Mr. and Mrs. Reuel Steed enter- ward in attendance. and Mrs. C. II. Hesser, and Mary All 5 cent sizes,, 3 for...., Valley Corn or String Peas, tained at a chicken supper and Come, Come Ye Saints' was Jelle Hatch. All 10 cent sizes, 3 for. be able to utilize what Befns 3 foT-Miss Ruby Groves is spending dancing party at their home Tues- sung by the entire group; prayer Sardine3 6 for day in honor of their fourteenth was offered by John Manning; a her vacation in California as a Pineapple, per can A you have saved to a very QA wedding anniversary. Eight couples song by the Farmington quartet; guest of friends. Cans Sardines, for.. ,JIacaroni,. Spaghetti or Noodles,. 3 were present. Dr. S. S. Bundum amLiamUyl A. good advantage Powder, ; for Calumet, Hewlett Mr. and Mrs. Rulon. Moonr Miss remarks, Bishop Georgequartet; a are ' bfv Yellowstone park, where .1 Farmington K. or C v will ten Smith, and Herald Moon left for reading,-Erm- a they spend days. Hawaiian PoUto Chips, lb Mr. and Mrs. Coy Heyward left Interest at 4 Yellowstone National park at mid- selections by Manning; ..25 Flour Prentice Leonard; Grape Fruit, 2 cans... night Wednesday, where they ex- - parchment reading, by Mrs. Sena donday, Julv 6, for Duchesne eoun- . to spend a few days -- Sunrise vocal solo; .by- M iss --Audrey SA.Wherthey.wiU..be.gusta of Lloyd kind:: Catsuprany Smithf H. Mr. and Mrs. Newell Hess and and fSi, Severson, accompanied by Miss - Certo, bottle......-.- :;. on, Jay C, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Maxine. Potter; reading, Lucy Rig- Jn. Roy Taylor. -Mr. and Mrs. John Knighton reGreen and family, Mr.' and Mrs. Makwell House' Coffee, 2 lbs. cornet aoios, Stephen Rose; re- turned to their home in Glen Green and family, of Kays-vill- by; recently marks, Mr. ami Mra. Severson; vo- Beeth, Nevada. Congoleum Rugs or Linoleum ' 0at or Wheat Flakes, any brand Miss Ruth Robinson, Miss cal duet, Rulon Moon and . Bishop Mr. and Mrs. Elmer llaacke. of Lillian Harris, and Miss Elaine A. and II. Soda, 2 for... Gregory; a ladies quartet, aung by ocatello, Idaho, and Lloyd PorBybee, of Ogden, spent the fourth Mrs. Grace Barlow, Mra, Minnie ter of Blackfoot, Idaho, were in East canyon.. . , Welling,' Mrs. Clara Rose, and Mrs. at th Thomas Heyward homeguests CASH AND CARRY .. over . Zilla Manning; "Farewell to Thee, the week-enWoods IOWA VISITORS ENTERTAINED was Utah Cross, sung by the group, led by Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bergensen an,L.r. and Mrs. A. R. Severson and Bishop. Gregory, after which a line nounce the birth of a daughter,! rl- - Essella Bennett, was made and each one rs. , er Gordon, and Miss Au- - shook hands with the Iowa present born Saturday at a Salt Lake guests. ' 'i 9 been viiting-witMr. and Mr.' Antony Harrison, the week-en- d Mr. .and Mra. Pan Riley have at Bear lake. her daugh. of Ely, Nevada, are guests of Bis; W. II. Barber is operating a fruit returned to Yerington, Nevada, ter a week spent in Bountiful with hop and Mra. Becker. Gwendolyn and Calvin stand on the main highway. relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Parrish and Mrs. Mary Ilock wood returned are enrolled at the U. of (J for !? Mr. and Mrs. William Mabey and family and Mrs. Clyde Bone spent recently from California, where she summer school session. Mr. and Mrs. Judson Mabey returned Monday to their homo in af-we- I THURSDAY, JULY Nearly W of the-Kly-K- , f at,. LStoJ10 V5T uSSt 83 Ms-Heb- r tp er vriwciL dy. nATL I Hep-wort- h, h; I Em Vpy. . k Bay Specials y , LJfJf.- . d. .t IWf.f At the FU"wul,,.'t Srui f FARMINGTON C & M. Beginning Thursday, July 9th 1 Friday, July I iv A -- I i I 50f - I 50 oL, -- -- d. TIME AND TIDE WAIT -- w, OFF 4 OFF 25 ... 10. 25 t T T 50 ? ? OFF 3314 i --T-T FOR NO MAN 21 21 21 l.JL.27 10 v- - 5 7a . 29 25 21 23 Sea,Ion IgA, 21 -- Wei-Hngrson- y; .23 Wger .20 , 2al K 27. :i7" -- -- - - FARMERS e; T ? As Ridiculous As it May Seem ,. We Will Sell Groceries at LessThan X Wholesale Prices During This ,v " Z Entire Week f i d. i t? Wednesday, July Hoi-roo- k. . j Y V 10C ! yX 1 X 13 $1.00 Monday, July and-Mrs- . '1 J an t -- OFF 3314 y. Swias-Germ- J, 10 it E. i Tuesday, July spna, A i STORE y! ; LionrA!led i? K" ? ? T ? ? STATE BANK 27 39 Y 27 V 15 . pTIIZr .&d'ythite- - 33'4 OFF ' . d. X . Respectfully, BEN BROWN -- t tt f. . - t Y Y V V A fT .f: tf so5 51,15 Y 90$ Y i Y Y Y Y |