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Show ' pjg . . 1 REFLEX POLITICAL NEWS week Every during campaign times . will find all'the news of the " you politicians in The Weekly Reflex. Read about them! Its ,,ev s of Davis County. list contains the name citizens. gravis Countys best " them? Are you among Y: n " REACHES EVERY NOOK AND CORNER OF DAVIS COUNTY VOLUME XII LAYTON ftelda. th midst of wodortioa ot lnUk' tomatoe, Has the factory of the ,ufsuear company, can aery, roller L?0 .MimrT and concret wctjon of uti rod opportunity for tboso rtaborban acreafre for fruit stow. and Mrdcniiur. chicken Oaden W rck line of Salt Lake JnJfroa Short Line. Haa electric liKhU !STork. Write Layton Commer- Sd lub i0' lorlnUon V4! nr in some of the beet: geet diggin? commence September 25. fields will Zaporah Layton had her removed on Monday. She is recovering. . Miss ton-s3- s rap-jjl- y late with the Cadillac is in charge Auto company of Denver, and repair departof the mechanical ment at the Layton Auto company F. C. Houth, garage. II. Adams are today and loading out five cars of sheep market. They lambs for the Chicago Hyrum and D. at Richmond, Cache Joseph Harrod and Bemie Rosmait departed for Kanab, Utah, at an early hour this morning in Bernies Buick roadster. They expect to be away a week FROM SALISBURY TO BALTIMORE BY feOAT . (The following letter- from F. D. Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Adams of Layton, will be of interest to the readers of The Reflex) : The sound of the coarse, foghornlike whistle of the steamboat made us quicken our pace as we were walking down the narrow streets of Salisbury. The sun was shining in all his glory from a cloudless sky, the atmosphere was damp and heavy, and under the weight of our luggage great drops of perspiration were trickling down my sunbaked complexion when we approached the wharves. As we crossed the gangplank a score of poorly clad darkies looked on with an air of disappointment to think they were not going our way among the large divisions of freight, climbed the stairs to the salon deck, settled down in a big velvet plush chair and issued a sigh of relief to think we were safely on board the Virginia. The route down the Wicomico river from Salisbury to the Chesapeake hay lies in a low, level country. The stream meanders through large tracts of oak, gum and' pine forests. , On the better soil are farms which grow tomatoes, cantaloupes, sweet potatoes, peaches and wheat as their principal crops. .On our right we passed quaint old church, the brick for which were shipped from England. Three hours ride brings us to White Haven, a little village located at the .waters edge, with several sailboats lying at anchor near the shore. The natives all come down to the wharves to watch the Virginia unload and take on - ' are loading county. NUMBER 1 KAYSYILLE, LAYTON AND FARMINGTON, UTAH, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1916 or ten days. James E. Ellison, manager of the Layton Sugar company, spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Sanpete county, guest of the Peoples Sugar company, which is erecting a sugar factory in that county. I EMPHASIZE CLAIM tion, the other fixing the limit at 10 I ' FOR LAND BANK mills: I ' The supreme court held that the amendment is in effect, and Hatter for Spokesmen Agricultural, Banking therefore .directed the Weber commis- and Oother Interest in Utah I sign to make the levy as requested by Present Arguments the board of education. The levy the county commission Salt Lake, Sept, 14. Marshaling was directed by the supreme court to their forces and arraying facts deal- make will raise $lf0, 000, whereas 3.5 ing with every angle of the fanning mills would have produced only industry in Utah, representativesof $110,286." 7 .The decision of the suthe various commercial clubs of the preme court was written by Justice state, of farm burettis, bankers, irri- J. E. Frick. Chief Justice IV N. gation experts and individual farmers Straup and Justice William McCarty appeared before the federal farm loan 'like 'Tribune board at its sitting yesterday m the federal building and offered evidence SPEND SUNDAY to emphasize why a government farm WITn THE FOLKS loan bank should be established in be to see you. The glad Theyll Utah. Short Line gives Sunday and Oregon For seven hours, during the after- w'eck end excursion rates every noon and night, the board heard week. Ask agents for details Adv. ments in favor of the project. Hardships of the fanner and his KAYSVILLE LOCALS mined perseverance against the Harry Swanger has moved his recited. The need for Home. One is from Rio de Janeiro, I one from Rotterdam, one from Nor-- 1 way, two or three from London, one I I from Brazil and a sailing easel from Portland, Me. Two big German passenger boats are interned at the side of a Baltimore & Ohio grain elevator, while the German sub- -' marine which has Deutschland, caused world-wid- e comment, is anchored on the west side of Locust point. She brought a cargo of dyes and chemicaH valued at $1,000,000 and is going td take back a consignment of nickel and rubber. Scores .of small bailing boats are anchored near the shore. Massive grain elevators with storage capacities of 8,000,000 bushels and over are filling the holds of the British merchantmen. On the shore at our right smoulder the ruins of a grain elevator which was valued at :;3,000,000. Presently our boat slows up for its pier on Pratt street, while the business center of Baltimore, just off the waterfront, looms up against sky, forming us our journey o mi es s com- pleted. six-mast- ed A. W. NANCE FOR SUERIFF A. W. Nance of Kaysville announces himself as a candidate for the office of sheriff of Davis county, subject to the action of the Republican county convention. Mr. Nance is well known throughout Davis county as a peace officer, having served as deputy to Sheriff Fred Harris two veara, during hi term of office, and four years as state . . BiiiT.tTlo'vT prison guard, both at the prison and or ws visdevelopments in the state road camp, where he is Smith are Mrs. Mr. ,nj provU, J.me. now employed. His large experience teswho the twenty persons urged by iUng in Moore, Idaho, as a peace officer and in handling I tified. lawbreakers particularly qualifies him RRichmond is Thomassen Raul of The board consists of, William G. for the office for which he is a candiNATIONAL INSPECTOR McAdoo, secretary of" the United the owner of a Courtland touring cjr. date, and which his friends art asking for nim. VISITS DAVIS COUNTY States treasury; George M. Norris, Ru(wll Blood hag returnH, from Mr. Nance owns his home in Kays' in VU,t relativea ville, where he resides with his famMrs. Logan of Iowa, United States w. S. k. Smith and w!w. I OVO ily. Adv, boys and girls club inspector, spent Flanagan. Mr. McAdoo was unable I two days in Utah this week with Pro--1 E. ELLISON present, having been called to I Miss Lois Jarman spent the week LAWRENCE essor IJogenson and Mrs. Elaine Par j REPRESENTATIVE FOR vjew jerseyi where his wife is ill with end in Ogden, the guest of friends and rish Dorius, inspecting and checking typhoid evon Mr. Lobdell and "Mr. relatives. Lawrence E. Ellison of Layton , I up the work done in this state. Davis r, WnL ,iaA hereby announces himself as a candiMiss Nora Blamlres has returned date for the office of representative from a visit with relatives and friends in the Utah legislature, subject to the I at I ffby, Idaho. 4ers action of the Republican county conbers of the board were met at the The visitors left the train at Roy Oregon Short Line station by F. C. Glen Curtis, who has been holding vention. station and motored direct to West I Richmond, president of the Commer-- 1 down a j0b at Pocatello, Idaho, the Many of the friends of Mr. Ellison, U. his fitness and ability to L. and met were where W.W Pointr byMnu jcial club; they Armstrong pas spring and summer, is now at recognizing fill this office, have for soma, time John Thurgood and Mrs. George Park-- J Farnsworth, who accompanied them J home. I I larged him to announce his candidacy, , er, the leaders of the local girls club. to the federal building. Today a A large group of girls were also pres- - luncheon was given at the Commercial I J. George Barnes and family and which he finally decided to do at a I Claud Q. Cannon and family of Salt ate hour last night. ent, each one having eight pieces of I club in honor of the visitors. I 1 Lake City spent Sunday with their to Mr. Ellison is a native of Davis own make those introduced her of Miller pres-Glen wearing apparel Commis-- 1 relativea in this city, exhibit. The two side walls and one ent to the commissioners. county, has Well defined ideas of the meethe evidence Uioner the ouUined room of the end of the largest Norris egislative needs of his county, and if Mjg Jacoby ,isUr of Mrg. nominated and elected will like to would decked with were earnestly house confreres hear, John aprons, and hi. mg hM returned tQ her Davis Uw interests. L work her etc. was interest for county It Wch as the average paid, dresses, gowns, middies, fct Ro8wen N. M., after spend- additional aid in state to s honor entitled to do farmers would in getting capa display that any difficulties of th ,ummer here state of the will of the the it highway completion ital and the earning power state fair, and, by the way, John R. Barnes and family took through this county and haa many be shown there this falL land, indicating in what manner it I part in the great auto parade in Salt other claims for state recognition, all The club girls, under the direction formed security for loans. Lake Norris presented City last night with their big of which Mr. Ellison will pledge himof their leaders, served a very deli- - j Commissioner self to work for. the of the workings Packard touring car. cjous luncheon to the visitors and facts concerning Mr. Ellison is a consistent Repub-ica- n bo-r- d. atl th.t it parent .eeemblei Bishop Bennett and can be depended on to work was in the group and heartily wel- - j that farmers needed long credit anaj Rneaell Blood n ot harmony with his party and uphold thoueht the .Mctment that it corned the pity. Brl- ta bill would fill a.lon, meat principles, in which ha U a firm nextrtno was at' Svracue. ham this afternoon. City Adv. eliever. nggeUd that where Mrs. Charles Barber, into themselves farmer Bould form James Bennett Jr. was blinded by leader, with her group of girls, each The act n JAMES WARE FOR SHERIFF loan fa organizations. getting lime solution In his eyes while with a neat box containing eight I to 8ai provide whiu washing his henhouse this IantiUad An act James Ware of Layton announces pieces of 'wearing apparel, awaited I or ekriculturel development, as a candidate for the office caPlUl himself j He was to hurried Salt morning. their coming. These girls had left the invest- - Uke of forms to creaU tn4ard of Davis county, subject to of sheriff City fop treatinent. canning factory to meet Mrs. Logan to farm mortgage, of the Republican county action the upon Z ,rir and to Little Clifford Green entertained a convention. of interest upon farm rates Sthe;!equalize were taken of the group number o hig Uttl, friends at a party Mr. Ware has heretofore served as purpogeiu he celebrating his sixth birthday last sheriff of Davis county, and his Tha thought underlying the act, they -- H s' oftauttol uk I 1 Adams shipped six cars of sheep and lambs on Thursday of last week. The shipment was loaded at Morgan and was sent to the eastern Just recently a twelve-fomarket, and was accompanied by freight.was shark sighted by fishermen near Charles" Nalder, Golden Adams and and excitement was run hamlet said Lenn S&ndall. the gossipers of the among ning high the daughvillage. Georgina, ter of Mr. and Mrs, James M. White d As the Chesapeake bay aides, was operated on for appendiis approached the river widens and citis at the Dee. hospital in Ogden many emerald isles of a few acres last Thursday. The case was a most each drift past our old aggravated one, but the little girl is The whistle' bellows forth again and fast recovering. passengers for Deals island make land. Here several boxes of Robert King, son of the late James ready to ll crab and vegetables for the King, one of the old families of Davis are taken on boards Later cities county, died at the family homestead big in the year hundreds of barrels of in Layton yesterday (Wednesday, are shipped from the waters September 13) at noon, of heart fail- oysters which we are plying. The ure. The deceased was about 30 years through now sun is sinking like a red. ball of of age and single. Arrangements for the into golden west, and as darkfire the funeral have not yet been ness approaches the lighthouses loom up so that vessels may keep off the bars and rocks. Electric lighted ant NEW BEET DUMPS mark the channe The Layton Sugar company, in com- ringing bell buoys in the dark. At for the traveler pliance with Hhe proposition made to ' are helpbeet growers last spring, is erecting p. m the hungry passengers old a real Virginia beet dumps at the following points ing themselves to soft corn of bread, composed supper, At Kaysville and Mabeys spur (Cleasweet potatoes, etc., al rfield) on the Denver & Rio Grande; shell crabs, colorec at Gaileys spur. Steeds spur and at of which is prepared by the cook. Syracuse, on the Oregon Short Line. At midnight most of the passengers These dumps are a great improve ment over the old gravity dumps, with have taken their respective berths, friends insist that he was the best were their long and steep grades up to the which are lined up on each side of the Step sheriff the county ever had. Mr. . William... Again ch girl luul audible but sound is No deck. ea a I or 8 new upper dumping plant. To unload at the . Mrs. James Chipman entertained Ware stands squarely for prohibition' her eight articles of clothing on devel-- 1 the and ual the of and slow a bis engines the for rumbling dumps the wagon is pulled to the ladics f mmhU dub at her and pledges himself to do all inlaws hibit, or a sample of bread or cake capital o: sides the waves kroi the enforce to against 0 lashing prohibition dumping point on a level ( roadway big, j hoie laet Thursday afternoon. . . Re power that hed been made aa directed by the ePmen and in Davis county and where the load of beets is dumped the ship, which cause the boat to rock force already-iImprovement and were fre.hment. etato leader. eervl . .highly all I of hi .. . into a hopper and from the hopper and pitch similar to the motions of a farm, and that there is no ex-- 1 . prohibition laws which may be M ou the tour w" eotmty The through wUch the., elevated into the car over a screen buckboard traveling over a mountain k, passed by the incoming legislature. to a audden atop at Eaysvffle, ai Mrs. me met of road. .mount the ous bests b( rop!rIp eugar Adv. through which the dirt escapes. The jt I had to take e c Ca. Logan providesl act the said , Norris Mr. carried in Davis 45 into suit and motive power at Kaysville. and Syracounty (?) The boat is ISO feet long er ca I Salt Lake in order borrow to when farmer Davis cases on these that 300, cuse is a gasoline trains wanting any MRS. EVA IIEPWORTH ELDREDGE engine and at the feet wide and accommodates I east Be ore J on his farm may join with his county has a sugar factory of her other points electricity will be used. The crew consists of the captain, offi- for the money FOR COUNTY RECORDER avjf Logan said t e wot s e in forming a local farm loan own, remarked an old lady- as she "Mrs.-Er- a A loading switch and scales will be look-oneighbors and assistant, Ilepworth Eledredge of. cers, purser on as good as any s e or he may Join one that from a Bamberger train the Bountiful announces to her friends association installed at Haights on the Denver man, pilot and deck hands. No one was her district, which Chides the west & Rio Grande neighborhood. night and at Rosedale on the but the Captain and officers are al central states. Her partmg word was drejuJ exigtg throughout Davis county that she entiUftd to bor-- 1 Vho are ant house office of prsong Bamberger, the . enter to lowed pilot Th Ref5 i dven years old to-- , will be a candidate for the that the little visit to - Davis county act are tll0ge engaged the undep located action the to which is county recorder, subject navigators bridge, in the 4ay, as may be seen from the num become to about or engaged to I deck. of convention, hurricane go the Republican county on top of the 1 : that Jhe head of the paper-- No. , cultivation of land mortgaged; According to the Scribbler will meet at Farmington on which the mens cabin and take a bed on would VoL think XIL Dont of it you Davis county has for a number L - And on the tenth day one Simon ig the act u not for the henefit of Tuesday, September 19. shelf, where soon I fall asleep. Wea to celebrate its birth-worIn dub rank the in front been on to" borrow want wbo money years - Bamberger (not Peter) by name stood Mrs. Eldredge is well qualified to we In the early morning. hours The local leaders, .who have by paying a years subscription for forth and said I am for governor. is neitber it dtiea estate fill the position which her friends will calle time helping the the benefit o the landlord who rents in advance? their passed the capitol of Maryland, 2. given freely And forth Demites the stood i ask for her, and if elected will perAnnapolis. At 5 a. m. the early bin girls deserve sp:ial praise for the the of nd benefit tbe tg nor for it 4 in meet! loud a voice on Sessiona is was anngj It Jed enform the duties of the office with oprated passengers are out on the decks i meat!" splendid community service they haveUnd epecu!ator or dealer. hos L. S. D. the for at credit to herself and the people of the appendicitis joying the cool morning breeze. 3. And the and on on wore Lake . Salt in Tuesday county. Adv. campaign City pital I As we near the city of Baltimore the Nephites and Demites and - the Mrs. Loran Briggs, county leader, KDL CATION BOARD Sessions 11:40 oclock. at Mrs, night "" Commonites steel plant is plainly visible on had charge of the party of Inspectors J CONTENTION huge WINS condition unto when a the gerioua oper- 31. E. WADDOUPS FOR va8 city journeyed our right. The Maryland Steel works and will continue this week with the f Og to see Queen Fashona. ' as but ated on, is reported getting - - CQUNTT ATTORNEY is caUed. Black state it Professor 4. ""And when of point, Hogensen, of Issue .leader, Sparrows as" .Writ Orders Court comenunto be well can as Supreme expected, of along they had M. E. Waddoups, attorney-at-laih gates of the volumes of smoke are rolling from the checking up the boys club work that to Mandamus of Higher Compel of city they heard the friends, at the request j Muir prifidpai o Bountiful, profeggof Uq usic of smelting furnaces, which indicate that has been done in the county this year. many bands. W eber County. announced that he will be a canTax has School in Russia for rails entersteel be for pavj4 county .high schools, rush orders 5. And it came to pass at the sixth An Italian out. in honor of the class of 1916 didate for the Republican nomination carried tained hour that the are being DIES COLES WILLIAM I E. the populace journeyed unto A writ of mandata Erecting t hu home rin Bountiful Tuesday for county attorney. Sir. Waddoups the barbecue. And it was meet, it steamer is- loading with pig iron, home Wfcbr died bis at WilliamJoles to E. levy evenin county commissioner, Most o ibe dass wag pre8. was born and raised in Davis county. make shrapnel for the Was meat, yea, verily, it. was Simon which goes to on schools of Wednesday h the 5.1 o Kaysville mills for tax now 4nd alI report a good time and For several years he has been actively v- - , - Bamberger great war in Europe. We are 1S1-- September 13, of paralysis and gen-- 1 ... meat. , v v ... . of law. He is issue Tuesday! to where in 0gdea wa8 ordered professor Muir and bU estimable engaged in the practice - - And the populace, yea, even steaming trier the place 77 banded years. and era! if elected wheixlt eourt debility, aged fcy the supreme ..competent ,lawyer, were located tbe ciost delightful entertainer, the British those from all of service. the compass of of the case efficient resident been in tbe points a Mcdown its decision will give the county Mr. Coles bad pvefresbment3 were served. and from all corners of the state, cried while they were bombarding Fort J the education against Francis Kaysville for more than thirty years, Ogden board of a loud voice, If this meat be the Henry, which incident' caused I a John Webster had the misfortune CANDIDATE. FOR as Tbe board his commission. trade worked at he Weber where county Spangled The Star Cft of one Simon we are for- him. Scott Key to write I J lose a fine span of large gray to COUNTY ATTORNEY to give it up had applied for the writ. breast- stonemason until forced d The I And it came to pass that Simon Banner. One and ani determine mares wife of the to The suit was brought Ezra C. Robinson, county attorney, by foundering. with by old age. He leaves a elected and there ensued four works of the old fort sparkle The which of two apparently conflicting I mala died Sunday morning and the yielding to the importunities cf numloss. his mourn to children four sunlight, ' lr.g years of plenty, and every poor dew in the early morning Albert of Salt Lake, J lawa passed by the last session of the other on Monday morning. A third erous friends throughout Davis crusOld Glory in all her beauty flies children are while Elaa had I for breakfast, porterhouse the preserved Percy and Edith of Kaysville and a I Ktate legislature is in effect. Both mare, a sorrel is also badly foundered. ty, announces that he is a suppey and dinner. And be and his from a flagpole over cf married daughter, Blanche, of Tayson. amended section 1936 of the revised lit is supposed the wind of Friday for another term, and in the c thildren waxed fat and ramparts. animaxblew the gate open and the election will carefully, prospered. night The funeral will be held from the cades, one fixing 3.5 mills as the Several foreign steamers are anAnd jt came to pass that his - imum which could be levied for schools mals got to a load of grain standing economic:.'. y t!) C : t tomorrow tabernacle (Friname was a household word among chored in Baltimore harbor waiung KaysviBe vhd?. c Uf a city of Ogdens class and valuain the yard. at 2 oclock. hs people. for their cargo in order to return day) D. H. ot five-year-o- ld J far-fame- side-wheel- u soft-she- .a, Mlh " .ai cdiu ml , -- mred 1 locally , 8heir rl'Le metther J ex-mo- rJ 1 1 . n nsh ut Li, - , ' acts of the politicians 1 L L, M R4 k. Uy 1 flx -- w j men-of-w- ar I - grass-covere- cnrl:t3 1 , tlj |