Show THE CARBONICLE Volume Carbon College Price Utah October 5 1951 17 Number 4 SOPHS HAZE FRESHMEN! CARBON INITIATION BATTLES HAVE FINALE ‘ WITH KANGAROO COURT SESSION A HIGHLIGHT DRIVE SAFELYI People in the know investigat- nylon stockings the white shirts ing the invasion of the campus and ties and all the rest The sophs thought they were Tonight to Provo you will by a group of queer creatures this week came up with the informa- having a good time but you had drive To a game as hot as an old bee tion that they were freshmen to know the many signs of revolt The funny- on the part of the freshmen to students college hive COME HOME ALIVE ones were female and realize just how happy the upper ones were class will be to have this thing g to the best officially at an end males according — and come sources The kangaroo court this mornThat explains the fuzzy beards attitude the little ing brought relief to the sophothe back-dogreen beanies the high heels and mores as well as to the frosh For this especially you should looking the funnier-tookinstrive Drive carefully v home alive y or Carbon Dinos Put Skids Under Fine Jordan Team The Carbon high Dinosaurs - started de- a drive but it ended when AIR FORCE VISITS HERE Three men representing the feated the Jordan Beetdiggers in Tasker intercepted a pass on the U S air force were at Carbon on their first home game of the sea- fair and ran 96 yards for Carbon's Tuesday to explain the air force son last Friday night by a score third touchdown and Mcle kicked to possible prospects for went over program of 34-- 6 the extra Carbon's first score came in the first quarter when Tasker went around end from the 25 and the extra point was missed Morley after gaining 3L yards on two plays went over the one yard line in the second quarter Mele converted for the extra point which put Carbon ahead by a score of 0 at the end of the first half In the third quarter Jordan 13-- point Young from the one-foline for Jordan’s only score Bezyack scored line for Carfrom the bon's fourth score Mele converted Tasker went 53 yards through the center fur Carbon's last touchdown and Mele converted once more Carbon will travel to Provo to play tonight against one of the best Provo teams in the past few years ot 14-ya- Mirthquake Slated To Hit Carbon rd air force cadets Dr Jones reports that they were well pleased with the number of people they talked to SPECIAL NOTICE! Students who have left their names and used gum on the walls of the cafeteria may get them by calling for them at any time during the day “EAST MEETS WEST” AT CARBON IS THEME “For East is East and West is ready about the end of October The directory is published anand never the twain shall meet" nually by the journalism departIt gives the names adThis famous line from Kipling ment has lost much uf its validity as dresses telephone numbers and anyone can sec by taking a look other important information about at Carbon college where every- everyone at school An avalanche uf 525 subscripbody meets everybody else And this is the theme of this tions this week guaranteed the year's directory which will fea- financial success of the project ture the many nationalities rep- Tom Watkins editor makes it resented here Those in charge clear that anyone who does not hope to make the new guide one have a subscription in by the of the best ever It is already well time the material goes to press under way and is expected to be will not get a book West “Laugh and the world laughs with you" is a good thing to keep in mind during Homecoming seaCarbon’s Homecoming will son have plenty of birth friendliness and fun on the agenda and there'll be no room for “Sad Sacks" and “Bad Joes” The “Mirthquake" theme for homecoming will rumble our way on October 26 Chairman George Nikas and committees will engineer the feats to welcome home Carbon alumni Committees are: Publicity: Jim Banasky Clayton Nielson and Helen Flemetak-i- s Mr Washburn is faculty advis- didn't even know it was raining until he was soaked Oh the er In spite of Mr Merrill's pre- glories of football! It’s too bad the Charlcsworlh dictions the rain came at the spectators weren't much obsorbed Queen: Donna and Jerry Anderson with Mis game last Friday night in the game because most of them Porter as faculty adviser Still the mighty Dinos paddled got wet Floats: Carpentry classes under across the field and won the A year ago when Carbon played the direction of Mr Longhurst game Carbon tackle Jordan in Salt Lake it rained Tom Homage (Continued on Page Four) THE RAIN CAME 1 |