Show Volume 15 Carbon College Price Utah Friday May 5 li)50 Will Guide Carbon Student Body During Number 24 1950-5- 1 ARLEN CLAVELL BURL 1100PES PATSY BURDICK Secretary school year opens next fall When the 1950-5- 1 Arlcn Clavcll college sophomore next year will the three students shown above will have much serve as president succeeding John Jones Burl to do with the operation of student body funcwill serve as vice president succeeding tions They are the newly elected student body Hoopes and Patsy Burdick will again serve as Niwa Kayo officers who were chosen by secret ballot last week secretary having been reelected President STUDENT Vice-Presid- ent BODY TEACHER ROSTER ELECTIONS HELD BEING FILLED Well Co-e- d yuh doing? Day Day Is here How Elmo Geary former prinDon't sit back and watch There fun for all Much time has on is will be of Nnrh Emery cipal been spent in the planning of the Carbon rosier next year rethis day and wholehearted participlacing Mr Ruylancu in the pation is making it a success He is u very speech department of this big day The field man this in capable are Mike Dougherty and Betty From the extension department Lou Allred Points are being awarded on Mr LcRoy West announces that Mr Odell Frandscn will be here leadership participation banner to take care of the farm program and parading and contests The day will close with the anlie will be an all year employee nual award assembly Sec yuh his of farms all visit can the he io students He will hold two night Jicrc classes a week His students Mr Tally: Arlen Kayo Burl 298 287 11 321 263 58 322 264 54 Brent Patsy Sharon Student body elections this year were the closest that have been held here John Jones stated The parties conducted similar campaigns and the choice was difficult for the student body The president Arlen Clavel won by the slim majority of 11 votes te Burl Hoopes won with a margin and Patsy Burdick was with a te margin The candidates who gave these victors such stiff competition were Kayo Niwa Brent Linds trom and Sharon Stoddard 58-vo- ted Co-e- d 54-vo- comprise veterans enrolled under the Training Bill" Dr Jones reports that the only departments still lacking teachers are the industrial arts department girls’ physical education courses and the auto-mot- GAME POSTPONED “On-the-j- ob or Axelgard postponed the game scheduled for Thursday between Carbon and Payson because of the bad weather The game will be held Tuesday Mr |