Show CELEBRATE y T it seems that is a good opportunity port unity tn c people of lo 10 gan to show a little public enterprise by getting up a celebration for alic of july nothing lias been done in altis cly for a number of years in alio way of celebrating many of the people and especially alic younger members of lie community coiro a they hear of celebrations today to day in many of the cities and towns of tic territory aad compare what is boing soing on in those places with buat is going on here and logan is beliinda alic limes in aro public spirited cili midst who arc willing to assist in getting up celebrations on thear nations birthday and on pioneer day there is question lu years gone by alic people of logan have done proud in celebrating all eliat is wanted is for some responsible parties to start the ball rolling and keep it going and success will crown efforts it is a matter that demands the attention of alio older members of the community the observance occasionally in a public way of these noted days has a tendency to keep hie young people in their homes in the city where they reside there is a native pride in ones town it is more profitable to cultivate than to destroy then loo these celebrations have an educational in they bring forcibly to lic minds of all important incidents of history and develop a love for country which is commendable there is time to arrange for a celebration on the 2 alth a day thai will ever be memorable in alio liis lory of the who inhabit mountain valleys the day is a ht tinoi ic on to enjoy alic association of fellow and to rejoice over clial has lican in the development of tin mountain region who will take alic lead in the matter and put llie n ove for the on alic roul to n happy culmination |