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Show FOURTH DISTRICT. PROCEEDINGS IN THE FOURTH DISTRICT COURT". Petlt'ons Heard Estato of Jnmes Hansen Administrator Api.olntcd Oideis Made. WKDNUSDAY. In mntlpr of pstateof Jumps Ilnnscn, deceased, S.iuirdnv, January 28th. set for hearing final account and petition fur distribution. In matter of estate and guardianship of Hilda Dcdrlokson ut nl Illinois, David A. Jones. Grn. I. Htitls and W. Chns. Uarrlsini appointed upprahcrs. In matter of cstatu of V. W. Chls-Holm, Chls-Holm, deceased, decree on to red that nutce to creditors has) been given. In matter of estate of Rodney D. Swuey, deccasoil, petition fnrlettors nf ml ministration heard and John Marwick appointed administrator with bond of $25,000. John Mnrwfck, special spe-cial administrator, 01 dried to report on or before January 10th. TIIUllSUAY. In mat tor of estate of David Evan?, deceased, petition for letters of admin-1 Ntratlon henrtl and Siisnnnnli Evans j Dalilo appointed admlnUtrutrlx, with bo ud of $200. FKIDAY. Defendants in following cases wero ordered to appear for nrralgumeut on .January 10 at 10 a.m.: Siuto vs. Marlon Brown and George Wauless, charged with attempted rape. Stnto vs. At Boren, clinrgcd with obtaining ob-taining money and goods under fulsu protenses. Stato vs. John Ilerron, Hunt Kiel-fon,' Kiel-fon,' Sidney Slmles und John Witrnuck, charged with riot. BATUKDAY. In matter of t'atalu of Simuol Build, deceased, petition for probate of will mill letters of adiniulslritulqu heard and granted. Eugene J. lleurlod appointed ap-pointed executor with bond of $800. In matter pf estate qf W. W. Clds-holm, Clds-holm, dceeasi il, pellllon lor npproval of II mil accnuntnud dlotrlbullou heard, granted and older mailu. In matter of estate of Varlna Bom-ganlner, Bom-ganlner, deeeased. Shailracb Itlcliafd-soii, Itlcliafd-soii, Henry Hone npd Jas. Peterson appointed appraisers. In matter of estate of Clara O. Hall, deceased, petition to huI apart ad of estato to minors beard and granted. |