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Show THE DESERET EAGLE. THE DESfeRET EAGLE. LAKE CITY, L I' All. iHTORPtt, I0.!SH'3. For year la advance $.30 Advertising fates inutle known mcTiooI on application. The object of lit U leach the art uf printing to the pupil in the Dtaf Mutu Department of the University of I)Ntjt t. Tfi Ksnluckcy Daf MuUls labor arid Addrts all l uiiimuuk'Atiuiis ing under a falee impression. In its isue of thf 19 th. it scores the Kaas&s pubfirilption ic Institu: e i sad it Saperiatendeet for THK DHSKIIET EAGLE, teach rs to a&sa an examinUtam School roit tux Dkav, ation trery Ml We suppose the D.M. Salt Lax k City, Utah, refers t the Tracker's Institutes held at that last. y??.rly. Thay are in tor a came oar Ia culir lor no sense of the word .xaminatioi any h d iu paper wt at ltt dcM no re than the quadrcanif 1 Convention 1)&kkkt Eaglk. Our reasoa wa this. is an examination. T j be rare they re The word desrtt was the origiual qalrethe leacbera to give some thoagbt name of thr Territory and it u terns fit- to their work ia preparing themselves ting ibat.it shoal Ac perpetuated. for those meetings. But what prog Taeeagle is the king of birds. It Ia ressive teacher 1 not willing to do the emblem of oar com try atd that. We have had thf plesKare aod in the coat of aim ol pivfl o attartdirg asd taking part Utah, Tins Deskum Faglk see its a in two of those "exauiicationa" .and very proper and titling naias for our onr only r grt't is that we' weraaot able little pape r. May it like its mine to be at th: hstoae. It 1 trae that to sake, the eagle prore its riht exist. teachers of the Kansas Institute "hink p.-ipt-.- r in atjt en-corporat- : e Totiik Institution I'uish. We shall Fend you two copies of our paper, Oue for your reading routA and one for office use. M we not ask the same favor in return. Your faces are all familiar to us, having in the past done some little work in the office of the Katic&h Btar. We hope the Eagle wiil he kindly recieved and udmitted to membership in the little paper family, Do not criticise usg harshly for our pin fathers are not yet grown, We have just hatched out of the egg, but we hope time will give us strength, and we will be able to fly with any of you, To the PresH of Utah we scud greeting. .We send you our little paper with a request to exchange We wish to place your paper in our reading room, Our aim is to give as practical an education to the deaf of this Territory as posible, The newspaper is the great ed - " ucator of the people, and we wish to teach our boys and girls to he come familiar with its use, Wc have pupils here from your count and probabily from your town, They will naturaly be mre interested in the paper they have teen in their own homes than in a foreign production. For any favor you will extend to us in this line we thank you in behalf of our pu pils in advance, 'DAILY runaRAM Chapel Schoel 6:00 a M, 6:90 ,, 8:00 M 8:15 Intermission 10:30 School 10:45',, Dinner 1:11 Manual Labor 2:00 4: it Rise Breakfast ; Recreation Supper Study pal. 7:l i' Rctin (voider i.upilh) Retire(a:i) Bre.ikfast(t?iaday) Dinner it Chapel 7:C a M. 1 iiti r.M. 3:00 ii Tie Blocks of Five" Trog. Harrodebnig Saying is respoasih'e for the f allowing frog s'ory : "Ml s Hardir.irt order t amnse&s well a L'-azi- n toiustiuct her aid Sllss Dixon' -- cured five tadpoles and confined than ia The devaloament a betUeof water. hoars was singular., Ia twen'y-lt- v one ef them had devoured the uther tarnod four, and in a short time ha to a frog, every organ of the tadrela u&dcrgolng a material transformation. The are tacts, and the question is, dovs it require flvn Mads' to make otfe frog? We wait for farther 4evl6pmeLts." T: e Juvantle Ranger was the lhs of tho limitation papers to reach a som? though V aud they think them in the order named by th Wisto such good advai tage that they are T e Sign, Tue Kar.Man known and appreciated outside of consin , T :o ihsir own Hille community, as was Star, Tae Kr.ntacky Uute M'rrr, The shown the past summer by tie.' call Companion, I)-made upon her corps in supplying Mary laud Bulletin, Tae Silent Observer teachers to other Ii stitntlons. Onr The I) af-- ute Toice, Texas Mu.e Kentucky friend would do well to Kangrr. copy some of the enthusiasm of the Tiie new pnpils this year are, Kansas teacher?, We can assure them IIt:nry Spieler, Salt Lake City, their work would not suffer by it. William Eccles, Silt Liki CUy, Andrew Olson, Grantsville, "The progress that electricity has G orgo Love, Nepal, Thomas Covington, Washington, made in this country is wonderful," says an expert electrician. "There Joseph Cameron, Pangnltcu, are now in ne in the United The tools have bren pun. h,ivd States more than 5,050 central electric stations for liht ani power. for the carpenter shop. Some of vur Thare are 210,000 arc lights and 2. bojH are alroady quite handy with tools aud we expect rapid progrean G0O.OO0 incandescent lamps. There l e made in this ddrtmrii' were 59 electric railways in opera- ;o Tlie Mcond story of the bjru tion up to July 1st, arid at present thare are 86 additional roads in wi ll ha use for a shop. process of construction. The in- I iJ Heck's bicycle has J oi ease of capital in electrical investments during the year 1888 ItiVAL ?ufrty and cost $80 00, II au air ady ride quite well. waa nearly 70,000,000 dollars." Si hsckibe! SU8C1UHK!! fol-low- rd T-rae- Deaf-Mnie- af M -- c-in,- : s |