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Show Friday, January UINTAH BASIN RECORD, DUCHESNE, UTAH 10, 1941 Priesthood Tribune To Issue A Holds 1911 Progress Edition Jan. 26 Banquet Continued From Page the intennountain region. Presented in a story of the decades" style, the Progress sections show advancement made in the area by comparing 1940 with 1930. Intermountain residents are being invited by the Tribune to mail extra copies of the edition away to friends, relatives and business associates as a means of attracting greater national recognition for the region. 1 Marion S. Shields Minnie Hamilton Continued From rage 1 lin and guitar number by Howard Thacker and Marion Sexton. presiding LeGrand Richards, bishop spoke on The Good Work and What is going on in the Church. The banquet was followed by an hour of dancing. The committee in charge of arrangements included general Elmer Bell, Clifford Angel and G. A. Goodrich. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Madsen, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bond and Mr. and Mrs. Marvel Moore supervised the preparation of food. Mr. and Mrs. Porter Merrell, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Hair and Mr. and Mrs. Rulon J. Larsen were in charge of arranging the tables and serving. A miscellaneous shower wa3 givRoscoe Perkins of Talmage was in Duchesne on business Tuesday. en in the Tabiona ward house on Bliss V. Lott of Myon was in Monday afternoon, in honor of Mrs. Duchesne Tuesday to transact Elaine Webb. Mrs. Webb who was business with the county com- before her marriage Miss Elaine Giles, daughter of Mr. and Mr3. missioners. Mrs. Jack Gingell stopped in Alfred Giles, was married to Mr. Duchesne Tuesday enroute to her Lyle Webb on December 21, 1940. Webb is the son of Mr. and home in Myton after a visit in 'Mrs. Charles Webb of Tabiona. We Salt Lake City. Miss Dora Winterrose, who has jwsh them a long and happy life been visiting at the home of Mr. together. and Mrs. Jess Johnstun, returned! I1 riends of Mrs. Clemintine Jones to her home in Heber Saturday. iwere entertained at a happy party A card received from Mr. and honoring her birthday anniversary, Mrs. George Kohl, says that they at her home on December 28th. Mrs. Edith VanWag.mer return- arrived at Phoenix, Arizona and are already feeling better after a 'ed to her home in Heber City last long siege of illness before they .week after spending the holidays at the home of her son and daugh- , left Duchesne. Mr. and Mrs. Ferrin Mr. and Mrs. Fred Case of Mt. Emmons were in Duchesne Tues- - jVanWagoner. State To Move Mr. and Mrs. Clarence White day visiting their son, Postmaster H. Case and family. Patrolman pertained at a card party Saturday High School Principal and Mrs. night, Dec. 28. Those present were; To Duchesne Joseph T. Bentley of Roosevelt Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Maxwell, were in Duchesne last Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clark, Mr. and Continued From Page 1 Paevening to attend the basketball Mrs. Ervin Clegg, Mrs. Hazel Nye, of Uintah, one, a replacement t. and Mrs. Anna Stanley. and trolman Jack Young, who is being game between Duchesne The Tabiona basketball team Duto Vernal transferred from Luke Clegg, high schol princi- played in Vernal Friday night. Kane, chesne, his home county. in Santa was very good to Mr. and new appointment; Sanpete, pal of Alterra high school was me, Altamont-Du- see to the Duchesne Mrs. Earl Neilson as they are driv-chesa one, replacement; Sommit, one, game Saturday evening. ing a new car this week. new appointment; Utah, one, reFriends of Mrs. Cyrel Gines were George Kohl Jr. reports word placement; Beaver, one, a new ap- 'from Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Kohl Sr. entertained at a birthday party on two, replaceWeber, pointment; that they are now established at Friday night, January 3rd. ments, Iphoenir, Arizona and are enjoy Mrs. Wanda Ivie is spending this Eleven cf the above 'appointin Heber at the bedside of week who those ments will come from Kohls left Duchesne on December her husband Alfred Ivie. The last took the recent examinations indefinite stay. jreport said that Mr. Ivie is slowly Mr. Ham- 29, for an for patrol service. Cedarview was improving. of Bacon James mond pointed out that while business in Duchesne TuesThe M Men and Gleaner Girls no more appointments other doing day. were entertained at a fireside chat are than those listed above, Albert Thatcher of Provo was in Sunday night at the home of Mr. to be made for some time, when Duchesne Tuesday visiting with his and Mrs? Lamar Johnson will selections the they are made, G. Thatcher. Ernest brother, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Clegg and come from the various counties at L. A. Holleneck accompanied his FLAT RATE Fern spent Tuesday in be not or daughter and may may large Titus Jones on a visit provo those who of list the from drawn Week. Shirts Per $1.50 to Roosevelt last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ira M. Hamilton took the examinations. Mrs. Ernest Schonian accompanand Flat Work ironed had been planned to have the ied Miss Anna Stark to Roosevelt returned home Friday after enjoy It 4c new Wet Wash, lb. ing the holidays in Salt Lake City.patrolmen attend a special Wednesday to spend the day. The Tabiona basketball team 7 c school of instruction before taking M. B. Pope and R. E. Allen of Rough Dry, lb. Hanna Monday night in the piayed but as duties their patrolmen, up Provo were in Duchesne Tuesday Tabiona Gym ' of commitments due to previous to attend the meeting of the Coun BASIN LAUNDRY A large crowd enjoyed the New the officials who will conduct the ty Commissioners. , on New Yeara nlht school, it has been necessary to Emil Munz, Titus Jones and Roy fuUtah in a The Tabiona gym, Vernal, postpone the training until A. Schonian attended Masonic Guests at the home of Mr. and ture date. Lodge in Myton Monday evening. Mrs. Nephi Chatwin Saturday eveDonald Bench and James Hatch were; Mr. Roy Chatwin of ning made a business trip to Salt Lake Elkhorn, Utah, Mr. Joe Michie same the Monday, returning City and Mr. Clarence Bates of Midway evening. and Mrs. Arnold Chatwin of Logan. 100 Livestock Men Mrs. Venice VanWogoner and Make Tour left for Mrs. Florence Johnson Salt Lake Tuesday morning to be Of Basin Herds at the bedside of their mother Mrs. Heber Moon who is seriously ill. Continued from page 1 Mr. and Mrs. Thorp Chatwin ancattle that are desirable to breed nounce the arrival of a baby boy and market. born in Heber last week. Feding Uses Surplus Labor We progressed from there to the W. G. Gentry feed lot where 31 head of steers are on feed. Mr. Gentry, a local cattle man, finishes about 30 head each year for market. Last year with 31 head he topped the Ogden livestock Sirs. Tracy Roberts market. One of the thoughts exConjoint program was presentpressed by Mr. Gentry was the fact that the feeding program pro- ed by the Hanna ward at TabiA large vided a profitable winter job as ona Sunday night. well as building the fertility of crowd was in attendance. Elder Carl Rhoades returned the farm. Considering that there mission in are 159 days of excess labor on home from a two-yethe average Uintah Basin farm the Central States. A welcome-hom- e party and dance was given each year this item is of imporSTOP IN ANI) SEE OUR rOST-INVENTOR- Y A tance. No doubt one of our chief at the Hanna wrard Friday. all MARK DOWNS - MANY GRAND BARGAINS and crowd attended is in Duchesne large county problems the utilization of our surplus la- had an enjoyable time. DRY GOODS, FURNISHINGS & NOTIONS Mr. and Mrs. Heber Moon and bor during the winter season. Adds Corn To Rations daughters, Venice and Florence We went from there to the John left Tuesday for Arizona where E. Webb farm also in Ioka. Mr. they expect to spend the winter PiY Webb Is feeding cattle for the in the interests of Mrs. Moons first time. Here it was pointed health. LESS CASH out that it doesnt require a lot Charlie Fabrizio and son Tomof expensive equipment to proper- my and Niel took a load of lumly feed cattle. The next place ber to Park City Tuesday. was the O. A. Dart farm on North Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Curry took Myton bench. Mr. Dart, a suc- a load of horses to the fish hatchcessful corn grower for a number ery at Kamas Wednesday. of years, demonstrated the yields Alfonzo Defa, E. W. Allred, of 10 different types of hybrid Rosie Fabrizio and Frank Defa corn which was grown during the motored to Heber Thursday year. Alfalfa hay and com sup- where Frank Defa received medito finish cal attention. plies the necessary feed out the 1,000 lambs in his feed Mrs. Nettie Defa, Viola Defa lot.. and Tracy Roberts attended the The number of silos visited on M. I. A. Social at Tabiona Tuesthe tour and the grain corn ex- day. AT hibited emphasised the fact that corn is one of the finest crops we tah county was visited. Mr. Cook DUCHESNE HIGH SCHOOL GYM. can grow to supplement our pres- is feeding out a mixed group of Hereford cattle. ent feed supply. A statement Shorthorn and made by Horace Allred later in From here we visited Horace Allthe tour ran like this: Before I red's feed lots which are a naturstaited putting up silage, I bought al feeding site along the Dry S:p. ni. Sponsored by Duchesne Lions Club hay every year to winter my live- Gulch. Each of these men feed stock and fatten a few head for silage. market. Since building this open Types of equipment and methpit silo and growing corn for si- ods of handling at each of the lage, I have never bought hay and places visited were somewhat difhave had hay left in the spring, ferent. Some feeders were sucwhich is worth more to me than cessful without using corn silage making up a ration of mainly alfmoney in the bank." alfa hay and grain, while other Growers BraKe Basin Area We progressed from the Dart successful opertors Included silage farm to the Winterton Bros, pure- with the alfalfa hay and grain. bred Hereford herd south of RoAppreciation was expressed for osevelt. After driving our cars the cooperation of Safeways, Ashamong about 200 head of breed- tons, and tile Roosevelt Commering cattle, Mr. Winterton express- cial club for the hat drinks which ed his belief that the Uintah Ba- were provided at lunch time. The sin is one of the finest livestock Livestock committee of the county areas in the state. this tour wishes to sponsoring Our next visit was to the McLea express its appreciation for the and Nicholson lamb feeding yard fine attendance and to the farm-ei- s I.ee Whitlock, Manager which is one of the finest feeding whose places were visited for setups in the state. Of special their willingness to have us come interest on this place wis the gen- and the instructions we received eral feeding setup which Includes while there. an above ground silo nnd grain The purpose of the tour was to k hopper. We would suggest that encourage more feeding of as well as improing the anyone interested in building a lamb feed lot visit this place. quality of the breeding stock in The John H. Cook farm In Vin- - Duchesne county. rr - ter-in-la- w en-W- Alta-jmon- We Are In Duchesne Tuesdays and Fridays Family Special son-in-la- l-2- Mothers Club Mrs. C. C. Mickelson assisted by Mrs. Verl Meyrick entertained members of the Mothers club last Dr. H. L. Thursday evening. Haynes lectured on child health. Present were Mrs. Floyd Fullmer, Mrs. Edwin Carman, Mrs. Ralph Halstead, Mrs. Leland Hair, Mrs. VV. J. Bond, Mrs. H. L. Haynes, Mrs. F. L. Maxwell, Mrs. Donald Peterson, Mrs. Daryl Smith, Miss Anna Stark and the hostesses. Family Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Broadhead entertained on New Years Day with a family dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Condie Crandall of Spring-vill- e were among the guests. Contract Club Mrs. Titus Junes was hostess to members Saturday afternoon and guests of the Contract bridge club with the following present: Mrs. A. M. Murdock, Mrs. Nellie Muir, Mrs. Blaine Foster, Mrs. Jess Johnstun, Mrs. J. P. MadMrs. sen, Miss Emily Madsen, Dean Powell. High score prize was won by Mrs. Madsen. Variety Arts Club Mrs. Titus Jones was hostess last Thursday evening to members of the Variety Arts club. The following women spent the evening sewing and visiting: Mrs. Bob Cohorn, Mrs. J. W. Johnstun, Miss Dora Winterrose, Mrs. Axel Pierson, Mrs. Ida Roberts, Mrs. T. A. Poulson, Mrs. B. A. Jacoby, Mrs. Ernest Schonian and Mrs. J. P. Madsen. Wednesday Night Club Mrs. Edwin Carman entertained her bridge club Wednesday evening with the following present: Mrs. Melvin Poulson, Mrs. Max Peterson, Miss Phyllis Wimmer, Mrs. Glen Bates, Mrs. Grant Murdock, Mrs. Nellie Muir, Mrs. Reed Cowan, Mrs. A. C. Fitzwater. Mrs. Blaine Foster, Mrs. Edward Wilkins and Mrs. Dean Powell. High score prize was won by out-of-to- 'JJ Sat. Specials January 11 ar MAXWELLS The OZARK HILL BILLIES Famous Girl Hoop Stars Monday Jan. IS Adm. 50c 15c Union Dental laboratories 212 South Main, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH life-stoc- Mrs. T. R. Cope who has been ill with flu is slowly recovering. Mrs. H. T. Richens has spent the past ten days at the home of Mr. her son and daughter-in-laand Mrs. Afton Richens at Bridge-lan- d nursing her daughter-in-laduring her illness. Thursday morning, a tour of nearly 100 stockmen from various parts of the county, sponsored by the Duchesne County Planning committee and Board, livestock local stock associations was conducted for the purpose of studying stock feeding and breeding methods. The group was accompanied by Harry Smith, extension livestock specialist.- They visited the farm of R. S. Lusty, who is d Arcadias leading cattle owner.A crowd of our young people attended the basketball game at Roosevelt Friday night between Roosevelt and Alterra. Mr. and Mrs. George Marett are vacationing in California. Mrs. C. A. Larsen is slwoly recovering from a recent illness. j Harry Thayne spent the week end at Mtn. Home visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alma Thayne. The Misses Lois and Barbara Lusty, Leona Shields, Lulu left Sunday for Provo where they expect to enroll at the B.YU. The Sunday School dance given in the ward hall Friday evening was not so well attended but those present had' a good time. w Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Farnsworth. The Relief Society met Jan. 8 at the home of Mrs. D. B. Farnsworth and made a quilt. Refreshments were served. Dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Arlonda Tanner of North Myton bench. Conjoint M. I. A. meeting was held in the ward chapel Sunday evening and a very interesting (program was given. ' The Scouts are going to enjoy party Thursday evening at the ward hall. Games will be played and refreshments will be served. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Perry of Bingham and Carma Nielsen of Greenriver were guests Tuesday at the home of Bishop and Mrs. Hale Holgate. COZY - Her-for- pure-bre- d THEATRE SAT. & SUN. January 11 & 12 George Murphy & Brenda Joyce IN Elsa Maxwells PUBLIC DEB. NO. 1 3 to in rac The Smartest Styles In Hor-roc- stu "he HOUSE FROCKS Are Always In Stock at ALICES FROCK SHOP - A Full Line of Smart LaOies Ready to Wear cat I cus Set pre bar We do sewing of all kinds including the marking of L. D. S. Mr. and Mrs. Thurlo Richens spent New Years visiting in Salt Lake City. Kenneth Zirker also left Sunday for Logan where he will resume his studise at the A. C. Francis Ross left Monday for Bingham where he expects to find employment. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Harmon of Myton were visitors Sunday at the home of Mrs. Harmons parents, eld Garments. bill in Mr I Alices Frock isla bot ties por Shop Duchesne, Mrs. Poulson and honor prize by Miss Wimmer. of sin dec Utah ma thr Ho I The New 1941 Agnes Brooks Paul Young, Mrs. R. D. Young and Gilbert Ivie spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Young. Mrs. Alma Humes is home after being in Duchesne and Salt Lake City under the doctors care and is much improved. Mrs. H. E. Rockhill made a business trip, also to visit her family, to Salt Lake City Wednesday. Mrs. Dewey Roberts entertained a few of her friends and reiatives New Years day at a delicious din- ner. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pace have had as their guest Mr. Thomas Keel of American Fork. Mr. Keel is the brother of Mrs. Pace. Otis Mecham and Joseph Sweat made a business trip to Duchesne Tuesday. Mrs. Florence Sweat made a trip to Duchesne Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ace Bethers and daughter Helen were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sweat over the holidays. There is quite a lot of coal being hauled out of the Red creek coal mine. Frigidaire Refrigerators jec sal WILL BE ON DISPLAY AT OUR STORE JANUARY leg ed I 15h bee We are featuring for the month of January the MODEL - L8- - 41. A LARGE 8ft. BOX sta 3 $164.75 bee yes Jos len im of 16 DISTINCT MODELS er in SHOP AND SAVE AT To ( KOHLS ate Ut! Gn Wa Duchesne, Utah Start your morning with gusto.. ten wa a FOR ONLY Be sure and see these new models before you buy Prices Ranging From $119.75 up. Social Security Board wh I anc bas mo floi Me Bai to wh adc Manager Reviews Program of Past Year Continued From Page 1 ers in Utahs commerce and industry have accounts established for them under this federal program; while throughout the country there are 52 million workers investing in their own future thru e and Survivors insurance. "As operation of the Social Security Act in Utah through the Boards three field offices in Salt Lake City, Ogden and Richfield enters its fifth year, increasing numbers of workers are looking to this program to protect themselves and their families against the hazards of old age and death. During its years of rapid growth, the program created by the Act of 1935 has passed several significant mileposts. Shifting the emphasis from the worker as an individual to the worker as breadwinner for the family group, the amendments promoted a new kind of family security which takes into account the worker's dependents, and the normal level cf family earnings. Since benefits under the e and Survivors insurance program depend upon the workers participation in the system, this program obviously can have relatively little effect on assistance rolls as those now getting aid will have no opportunity to get this protection. But over the years it will relieve the states of increasing burdens by providbased on ing family protection the worker's own past earnings. The Social Security program is one of infinite extension and ipment, building on the firm foundation alieady laid. The fundamental issue is settled for all time the nation is for social Old-Ag- Old-Ag- pre-existi- the Start your car with 1 rw fill lea fill Lo j the the N B. P. 801 Te ed cia ev da Pr T. an ye 'C2firne -A- ND eo be ANOTHER HELPFUL HINT th m from Your Conoco Mileage Merchant k The empty space in your gasoline tank the more risk of condensed moisture. cc Safer to keep your tank close to full T especially overnight. P' more , tl 01 1; de-v- e! security. nej len an: on 4 -- -s |