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Show 4 and that top notchers would be brought here to amuse the lovers of pugilism. All of which is very gratifying. Truth ventures a few suggestions to the new Imprimis, people here management. like the game. The crowds are made up of the very best class of the citizens. But they will not stand for monkey business. If good clean sport is provided the press of the city will materially assist. But if on the contrary, there is the prettiest lot of roasters here that CHATTER. t ruth:. (Being the personal opinions of the writer and for which no one else Is In any manner responsible.) The conduct of this man George A. Snow has been such as to warrant! yes demand, serious consideration 'on the part of the public. From the evidence, at hand it appears that by violating all our precedents; by forgetting our ever was. traditions, Snow has brought disgrace 11 II It upon the wild and wooly west The following is regarded as a good looks, at this writing, as if no punishsystem and Truths sporting editor ment could be too severe; no ostracism submits it for what it is worth: First, too complete. Instead of going down remember that we can get too much of east and working people, Snow went a good thing. One event a month, or down east and was worked. Worked two at the most, is plenty. Cut out worse than any farmer whoever played these meal ticket fighters entirely, but the strap game at a county fair; worked if we are. forced to have them, insist on and worked plenty. 'He got away with their getting a hair cut before going nothing, yea worse than nothing, for into the ring. People pay their money he is defendant in a suit for'' damages!' to see sparring, not to watch some brought by one of the alleged workers, he had no more in dromio hop around the ring trying to presumablytobecause for. his clothes work It is awful. get his mop out of his eyes. Arrange Why, just think it over, good people, two preliminaries of six and ten rounds and see what a stain he has caused to each to a. decision, and make the con be placed on our hitherto fair escutcha market gardener from testants understand if they do not fight eon! Whenaround Hackensack, N. J,.t sopiewhere they get nothing. Let such people, as goes to New York and buys a gold La- Fontise and Buddy King do these brick, .they let him take the brick home preliminary stunts until they show' a with him. When one of, the Leather-he- ad willlingness to fight. Require every boy 8 from the Poconh mountain all country sees some easy mofiey within fighter to post a forfeit to agree toarti-clea conditions, at the time of signing liis reach and goes down to Gotham for; Then make them fight. Cut out some hi nr somegoods, they-givthe gate receipt plan and hang up a thing,green even though it be nothing more purse. Then make them fight. Then, than a package of .sawdust, but Snow, gentlemen, if you want to raise your why all Snow got was the laugh. .He prices,. which you would have to do, the was hornswoggled to a public will stand by you and the press rannykybooed until further' orders, will boast. But make them fight. lie began it too by posing as a sport. There is no manner of use in a twenty He knew all about it whatever it .was. round go ending in a draw, except un He was a wise boy from away out west, der rare circumstances. Make them where the babies, kittens and puppies all are born with their eyes open. And light. he had money to burn, so he had, and Joe Cotton and Jack Graham will go you had to show him! A . twenty rounds one week from Monday. Well, they showed him. What, Both are heavyweights. Cotton is case particularly distressing cool headed negro, good natured and makes the a big bundle of good is he lost that clever outside the ring, but they do say he can take a pile of punishment and western coin in Chicago. .The idea of' 'give a lot when fighting. This contest a truly western man dropping anywill doubtless be a good one. It is thing there. Just think of it In; variation too, from the lightweight Chicago! Then he went on to New class battles which have been so com- York. There they frisked him a whole mon of late. The preliminaries will be of a better class than they orninary are. lot. . Brace box and marked cards. All- : fare-you-w- ell; ton upon his ordination and liis prosIf it pects for an army chaplaincy. wasnt the least bit like sacrilege I would congratulate the Lord on calltime this ing Rev. John just at the army position came in sight Because the president will not appoint any but clergymen to the army chaplaincies, and as Rev. John wanted such a place, his pummons to the ministry came just in the nick of time. I . also congratulate the church where he was ordained The board on its rapid facilities. Ministers a should liang out. sign, made while you wait Army chapIt would attract lains a specialty. Seriously I widespread attention. am glad Rev. John has been ordained and is going to get this place. He is a good fellow for a . minister. He is young, healthy and eats well. He savies things too. He has bumped up against Satan and knows a lot of his tricks. He can fight the devil in a modern, way and- vill fight him-thaway. More power to you Rev. John T. Ax ton. May your shadow never grow less. Some people do not like you because yon voted for Kearns. But now that you have made him a stepping stone to something higher and grander there is no kick coming. May your days be long and your paths peaceful. May many men harken to your words and become better. May success crown efforts everywhere yohr' evangelical and finally, when the struggle is over, may your summons read: t - Bsoucatforial. The High school . comment-- ..ent e. ercise.8 have held the attentk.i. 0f th$ public during the better, part of thfe week. The junior class day program given at the Theatre oh Tuesday even-in- g, followed by the senior.' class gram on Wednesday, were ci- ver'an'd amusing, bpth consisting of g0( natured raillery at each bthr. The commencement program as rendered p. - on Thursday evening was as Overture Invocation. Vocal Solo ..... .... .... . ... i Orchestra .- i . l . i lows' f-- DpIim "May Morning Helene Mae Shepard. Eth.-The Puritan Maiden . , . Connell The High School of Today .... Ewly n'Mason Orchestra ..., Rev L. L Goshen Address to Class Orchestra Presentation to School .... ...i, Lillie Richards a. Eaton Acceptance... .i.. Principal Geoj-Presentation of Diplomas President' William J. Newto'iih .. .r.v The Last of the Mohicans" . .Niels .Chritenaap Benediction , ... l ...... I ' t ."W . . . . c ' . . Jl ' ' . Dr. West, editor in chief of the Tele-' gram, resigned ten days ago ana .has The doctor .was a gone thorough newspaper man .and by; his leaving the Telegram loses one of the brightest members of its staff and the , city one of its 'ablest writers. - 3LL 1 Lippiii, Powers,. Stroup Servant of God, well done ' Rest from they loved employ ATTORNEYS-AT-LA- The battle fought and the victory won Enter .thy Masters joy . " ft' ,Y. Eagle Block :. I . - 111 : a. Recently the San Francisco' Examiner sent a reporter to Butte to interview WALKER BROTHERS. ' that little freak Mary McLane the ; RAWKEM... writer of a bundle of nauseating trash VlhbVsheOftSS which has been published in book Salt Lake City, Utih A General Banking Business Transacted. form and sold by thousands. Among u other things Mary told her interviewer Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent she was not convinced of virtue. But you are a virtuous girl, said SALT LAKE ICE COMPANY the reporter. . Yes, replied this bit of conceit, vanity, foolishness and modern educaDistilled Water tion, but only in a negative sense. If the proper temptation come I know I should fall. ' i. Truly has it been said that all a Butte man knows is to go snooping same Charlie Kreek and Boardman of Telephone:. to find a mine. around years gone by, although those two never had a man stay so long or give AimmiHiimiiimmmitimtniiiiiiiiiiift down so plenty as this fellow did. LIVE STOCK INSURANCE. unto did him until they They things were tired and his money was gone.! V The Arkansas Live Stock Insurance Then he hollered. Welched like a Sun- -' ;T,aehtrojF,r in a school of day game boy marbles, company has been granted a charter 1 who declares he was not playing for by : of State Hammond to do v Secretary Throws up both- hands and; business in keeps. on Studio: this state and the company screams for the police. Oh mamma , 1289 131 E. Firjt South. has appointed the well known insurmamma! A A ance man, R. B. Whittemore as "its We could have forgiven Georgie general agent for the states of Utah Quick Wcf We could have overr and Idaho. Owners of horses, cattle, fine Work many things. ) sheep, etc., may now at a very small looked his going to the Waldorf-Astori- a v y cost insure their animals of when there are other hotels; we could and in proper age " good condition for three-fourty have dealt gently with him if some of their value. The Priijtii) compny is long fairy had captured him and pulled his! established, thoroughly reliable .and settles losess promptly from the state leg for a surrey and team of horses and office. R. B. Whittemore, 12 East SecGoiDpaoy . . . a bank roll to keep them with, but ond South Street, Salt Lake City. Rewhen it comes to losing money in a liable agents are wanted in .various 47, Weet Temple f Chicago game; to bucking a brace box parts of this state and Idaho. Telephone 022s in New York and getting sued for damages after being skinned to a whisper, Last weeks issue of the we think its high time something was Murray 4 done. Let a mass meeting be called American contains, among other valuJ. A. CUNNINGHAM. President DR. R. S. BASCOM. 4 and this fellow be made an example of. able matter, an article, with portrait, E. W. WILSON, Cashier. .4 The good name of the west demands it. denying the statement that J Sir Julian 1 . Why from ibis time on a western man Pauncefote has resigned as British Am- will be looked upon as an easy mark; a Bank op ' to be as Sir Julian had Tnasch for all pushed along h!!pnaJ0r,i good thing two weeks at the time he has and to file suit against when he ATLAS BLOCK. denial kicks. appeared, its value as a newJ J. A. Cunningham, Dr. : . . - . . 1 . . . , ..ICE.. STOCK && W. Second So. S!. Z2 . . Phone . in. - - .miminiiimmtminimitAiiimiimua THEODOSIUS BOTKIN, a ATTORNEY AND COVNSELOR-AT-LA- 1B9K S. Main St Salt Lake City. gaiAIAliUUUMUttAAaaaAiiAIAAiiAliiiiAllAig Utah Light & Power Go. INSTALLATION. ELECTRICAL. l ... Water-24- 00 .Steam Water Salt Lake H. P. H. H. H. P. I. P. ' 400 M Cu. Ft. Dally. Ft. Dally. OOMCu. Ogden 7 8. 1500 S00J Water-20- 00 GAS. A - hs Rooms 2 and 3. Salt Lake. Salt Lake Ogden Leased Plant MAIN STREET -- l v- V .: m Mus JordGleajon' BKOKER. Mining Stocks and Investments. Money to Loan on Stocks . !i i . W. H. CLARK . 1. I SALT LAK CITY. STTTTTTTnTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTnTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTYTTTfl mm' -- . . Gcotqry Vloe-Prc- i s. Qoper6E 4 J & tor the subject was located In common with many, the writer where he could not possibly contra wishes to congratulate Rev. John T. Ax- - diet it. I f Directors S. Busuom, W. W. Chisholm.' J. D.. dallj Hoyd Park, Iff. E. : Rich.-K-Crltchlow. Ken- - T : |