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Show ! T RU T H. yi hates to show1 up the veracious press feels nevertheless, to he glad that he is alive. He passed the winter in Aus-- I tralia and has begun to train for the races here. week at SaltaiV has been. Jor this aeaeon of the rC per cent, of A&ut ninety-nin- e Shrlnere and A; O. tl. W. Rations have goiie out to the big JivMon whose faihe has Bpread abroad. T?iB hot bneof them but fi'afe Wer ft t, rhtngbiggtnhewlook-- l Grand Nearly every one of them tohi oA came diplhihe briny,' lr UV,uhewater with salt crystals inff for: ' :i and' K& decorations dsfegitlOBs was by alt . . - XSeleCoVanti- - sSHsfessffite often accom- which drink. indulgence in strong pany I day undertaking for- the hand to each Sunday , appear ih two concerts and the Liberty Park In the afternoon -Salt Palace;in the 'evening, butjhe amount of practice it gives will be an excellent thing. Although was the, attendance at the Salt Palace good last Sunday the excellent program renand the charming manner of its quite ah . . the house. uniforms have been ordered for the members of the band,1 which will be here in about ten dayB.' ft ft Calders Park1 has had a good run of New business ever since dreds go down for I i , Sporting (Bossip. r - - . Last Sunday evening Helds Military of SunBand gave the first of a series concerts at the Salt Palace. It is dition should have crowded , - .. - U2i.Jthe)rt contrary, It is Wi.Se'Onthe than tor thecorre- to June . I not decreased Mintages Stoney let out Richards during the week. That was all right, too. .Rich15, Evening, ards certainly cant field. ' Some say i he can pitch, but even that is open to question. lt ih ft ft The races thus far at the track have been of a very fair order considering the early season and other circumstances. One thing that Beems to stick out prominently is that the races are f on the square, which is a whole lot in view of certain things that have oc' ... VIcurred hot- .more than ..68 miles from and Specially Selected Programme by Vocal tSclcttions Salt' Lake in previous seasons.' ' ft ft the Band 6F40 Pieces. baker and Oglesby fought twenty rounds to a draw oh Monday evening laBt before a small audience. It was apparent to all that neither man was playing for a knockout very hard, J tliteticket of amount the given although either one might have taken youfue I as V soon as you get- ipside. in trade an advantage of an opening if the pilay 1 rfathi. Baker was handi- bi of some of the teams in this base capped by a weak' ankle which tary Band, Caders Park isberand to be big hall league of ours is due pretty shortly Vented his taking chances on . mixing , ft ft if is desired to keep up the attend--j things as' he might otherwise 'have .... lAl it The weather is getting hot now done, but despite thte he had Ae best under the dome, was a elever and wU1 It vtrui re--1 - . hotted get tractive way of asking your frte toj quire a good article of ball to lure the I Baker'0nThn contrary, made Wiwlaailn make ah a ppiointinent at .the Satt citizen from. the comfort of the! and when he did land n is punches were . "he ace. This season the same words are hammock on tlm front Btp to the hot effective He can everyKone if considerable with used frapieney rule present being I the men and many parties have met the past grand stand. Triith doesntwanttobe and well falrl gifted week under the dome and passed to-- 1 mean about it, but at the same time I are not be blamed for not fighting I gether a most pleasant evening. Truth must live up to its high title and jI harder considering the amount they J say that we" are not getting the kind, of got out of it. I I at the stock company The Adams base ball we dreamed about. True, the I 1 melo-Prior to the preliminaries, a large, Salt Palace is doing some clever geason is1 rather young, yet, and the the somewhat has has been weather Mr. Adams against yo'uhg man, with a voice dramatic work. Poking I ' to be we that ought .otisor i'wn balanced com- - best playing, but at nfoarrj giren, made a few remarks the future of the club, which Osborne retir-: Srintosichting '1 ft ft llll above 'the' Wffl be aacred Wertsat Sunday afternoons. .The SltairmanagMient Is SStVhbjher Jacred Concert . hundreds of lights P!clure y. JZimmirman. Manajar. Sunday bathing to.More it the best of them pronounced was .pretty in therld:1;- "It Sag see the crowds on the dancing I'. to ihe Wlidefnefe of gaudywornhead -- f , shin-S-W&- hL The coming of McNichols last Sunday bias done wonders ih steadying the Salt. Lake team. It was a silly proposition to let him go ' in the .first place, aqd, as was predicted; the local management had to send for him. - t the opening. Hunthe pleasure of the pre-popu- lar. . La mit ffidld Wswslstellm, I . . ride, which is between cool and shady The small trees nearly all the way. and Mr. Luke Cosgrove, is the at really are well and favorably known to Salt demanded gate price' Lakers. Between the acts vaudeville turns are given, which have proven a most pleasing innovation . hh-h- h ft ft evening, at the Salt For Palace, Helds Band will offer a program of light and airy music. Hauerbachs military Band will also M. LEVY, Lmsm nd MmSgeir. render at. Calders Park, a specially v. A bal- -i selected propram the also is ,i.iGRAND.. ainonjg loon ascension . to-mor- row gpggtacle of nine runs coming home before a man was out "is coming pretty strong; A brace is duo to occur shortly if the, money end of the proposition is to be kept up. ft ft . I , , SALT PALACE i s - President Joseph- of the Salt Lake club wants" his 'license 'remitted. He says he would not have paid it the other day if he had not been afraid the game would. have been stopped otherCalders wise and' him'self thrown into jail... It tractions at and most i a afford cooling would be-- measly- shame to jrat Harry Saltair will of in those for quest in jail; Nobody woiild ' hear his voice agreeable retreat then at all: a restful Sabbath. " ! to-mor- ro to-morr- Balloon Ascension By Prof Miller.' the king of ; the douds; ADAMS, Manager. - The bicycle races at the Salt Palace a are, as was to be expected, proving on drawing card. The attendance Tuesdays and Fridays arte very, large and so far the sport has been very good. , .. ft ft . One of the most popular and and desirable places for a family to Bpend an evening is the . To his everlasting credit be it said Borchers tossed away Donnelly and EUis after they had been tried out in one game. They didnt come near, to .. . Salt Pau6e Theatre ' Hauet-bach- : You have your cholco of see' v ing a : v : 1 C- - - a making good."-- ' While on1 this subject be de pended let us' wonder for A time why if is that Schefski may,, I; SACRED CONCERT j; Manager wav which trill men who cannot make good in Butte'or upon to run things in a of the public. Anaconda," or Helena or BonntiM (are meet with the approval Union Military By " 10 m. 3 Band from to p. snapped up by the! local management ftft as World 'beaferS.-- ' tented and td was who appointed Justice Clark June 17 Excursion of Brotherhood of has ,ft. ft V. r.. resigned, Lochrie, succeed Justice Locomotive Firemen. local bicycle riders assumed the duties 'bf hie office Vnd '! The ranks of the Friday, J ttne 20 Tenth Ward Day: . will have his courfin the McCornick were augmented by the arrival during who was reblock. ' Mr. Clark' is an able lawyer W. the week of Jack, Burris Admissioft-t- d the Park 10 Cents, " in friends si and bae many constable for JuSticd ported drowned, last fall. Burris says For which 'value Is given in r F. Hills is the he' does not know how became to drown trade. Fare to the park 5 cents Clark and he attends strictly to In the' newspapen,' but although hie ; i i A. ow:; ft ft Greatest event of the kind ever witnessed in Balt Lake. thIAtrr , ,l AT 5 p, m, ottS!UNDAY H-; -- 4.4. j ' v . "f :: First-Cla- ss Vaudsvilli Show OR A Pleasing lislo Drank, :: |