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Show Thursday. March 5. THE LEADER. 1953 LSI ;i Fielding ' m iprztfP v Tremonton. Utah ' - t - APARTMENT I Florence Munson Lions Hear Judge Lewis Jones The Fielding Lions club and Judge Lewis Jones ing. Brigham City was the guest speaker and discussed ways in which a woman can protect her equity in property left by her deceased husband. A hot supper was served. The Bear River Stake play, "Tempest and Sunshine", directed by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ash-bwas presented at the recreational hall Wednesday evening. A large crowd enjoyed the three act comedy. The following stake members having parts were Harmon Pierson, Sarah Hoggan, Glenna Richardson, Beth Brown, Beverly Nelson, Dennis Riser, Sandra Hansen, Carl Ashby, Marie Grover, Mae Mason, David Brough and Luella Pierson. Music was provided by R. Evan Gee and Carl Ashby. Mrs. John E. Coombs and sons Eay and Dale, were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Harris and family at Ogden last week. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Udy spent Wednesday visiting at Salt Lake City. The Book Lore club met at the home of Mrs. Helen Sever-so- n 0 tr f SL r o - perienced prefern-dperson. Tremonton. PeU-rso- their meeting Friday evening. Mrs. Mabel Hansen reviewed the book "Through Charlies Door", by Emily Kimbrough. Tasty refreshments were served by the hostess. Special guests were Mrs. Oluf Johnson and Miss Ruth Johnson of Garland. Mrs. Clark Kudd spent the weekend visiting with her daughter Mrs. Leora McCowan and family at Clearfield. C. O. PETERSEN BURIED IN FIELDING Among those attending funeral services for C. O. Petersen in Ogden Thursday were: Mr. and Mrs. Earl Holt, Mr. and Mrs. Noble Petersen, Mrs. Elma Petersen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Burton, Mrs. Dorothy Burton, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Munson and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lott. Following the burial at the Fielding cemetery luncheon was served to about fifty relatives at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Holt. Mrs. Lizzie Wood has return ed home after having spent the oast, several months with her Mr. son and daughter-in-laand Mrs. Delbert Wood and family at Farmington. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. James Wight and Mrs. Julie Atwood of Salt Lake City were calling on friends here Sunday. Frank Stayner of Boise, Idaho visited friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Harris and small daughter Julene, of Ogden were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Coombs and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Munson attended a banquet and dance given for all the Globe Mill employees and their partners at the Apollo club in Ogden. Emerson Earl and son Danny have been spending the past week at San Diego, California visiting with Lt. and Mrs. Robert Turner and family. J. L. Earl, who has been spending the past several months at the Turner home, returned home with Emerson. Weekend guests at the home of Mrs. Elma Petersen and rani' ily were Mr. and Mrs. Claine Petersen and family of Salt LaKe City. Hyrum Godfrey spent Friday at Oeden on business. Lex Udy of Salt Lake City spent the weekend visiting with Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Udy. Ms. Keith Moss and Mrs. at John Laws were the Birthday club party held at the home of Mrs. Carl Johnson at Tremonton Saturday evening. The party was in compliment to Mrs. Johnson, who was celebrating her birthday anniversary. She was presented with k supper nice gifts. A was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Moss and children, Michael and Janie, Mrs. Edith Udy, Mrs. Rhoda Welling. Mrs. Lapriel Secrist, Mrs. Elsie Welling, accompanied by Mrs. Glady Roundy of Garland, and Mrs. Florence Udy of Riverside, attended funeral services for Mrs. Moss' nephew Thomas Parry at Malad Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Burnett and Miss Dayle Gam spent Friday at Salt Lake City. Overnight guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Parley Petersen Tnesdnv were Mrs. Jay W. Mitchell and family and Mrs. Clara Walker of Payson. pot-luc- SLENDERIZE Insure pleasing STYLE BEAUTY for EASTER . Stylish clothes cannot hide the ugly humps and bulges. PRICE SPECIAL THIS Ex- MONTH Inquire in Tractor Sor-vis- at o, POSTURE FORM HEALTH SALON Throe bedroom Call 2821 for appointment brick modern home, including furniture. Has 2 '2 acres of ground, garage, barn, chicken coop. Call 36 R 5 Garland, tip FOR SALE Soda fountain. Adams Drug Store. tfc 1952 Willys Jeep FOR SALE with spray rig. See it at John Before buying AUTOMOBTLE Laws Service station or call INSURANCE be sure to see Reg 4066. Floyd Kunz. tip Brough in Tremonton. tfc. tax AUDITOR Income TAX service for all typos of business as well as for individuals; also available to handle bookkeeping accounts. Reasonable foes. A former government income tax auditor. Clyde M. Grix, Kiesel Building. Ogden, Utah. Phone FOR SALE y, ly Parts man. WANTED it" of for RENT WILL BUY or HAUL any and all kinds of Livestock. Phone 3992. J. B. Shuman. their partners were guests of the Garland Lions who were entertaining their partners at the Garland Cafe Wednesday even- semi-month- f OK Four rooms and bath, steam heat, hot and cold water in cluded. Call 2842. tfc Hits Saturday evening. A hot supper was served to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Garn, Mr. and Mrs. M J. Udy, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coombs, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Coombs, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rhodes and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Packer. Pinochle was played with prizes going to Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Udy, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Coombs and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Packer. Mr. and Mrs. uan Garn, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. English and Nathaniel Garn recently attended a wedding reception in compliment to Mr. and Mrs. Garn Larkin at Snowville. Mr. and Mrs. George Bowcutt R e f r e s li 111 e 11 1 Time A few of the men who attended the Flying Farmer's Tour last Thursday enjoying a luncheon prepared by the Tremonton Lions Club as taken by THE LEADER camera are: Orson A Christensen, Brigham City, L. E. Whitaker, Verl Wood, Jesse Day, Tremonton; Horace Hunsaker, Honeyville; Albert Aebischer, Howell and William Roberts, Tremonton. and daughter Dcanna are visiting in Washington this week. Mrs. Guy Ballard, Mrs. Norman Maughan and Mrs. Francis Norr were Salt Lake City visitors Tuesday. March Winds, Plus Kites Mean Danger Jaycees To Promote Safety For The Children Program i" W "MrketIpiLage OF MILLIONS.. March winds plus kids with kites can add up to lots of fun Under the direction of chair or disaster if proper precauman Irvin Ransom the Tremon- tions aren't taken. the will "Light push with Mrs. Bowcutt's parents, ton Jaycees This was the warning sounded saieiy program Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Standing a tsumper today by O. H. Ririe, Ogden future. immediate last week, Mrs. Standing accom-- 1 the division manager for Utah PowAccording to Jaycee Ransom, er and Light panied them home and spent a company. week visiting with relatives in Scotchlight tape will be here is great sport "Kite flying the Jaycees urge any day. and Ogden. to purchase a strip these windy days", said Mr. citizens all Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Hess, to put on the back bumper of Ririe, "but it can be plenty accompanied by Dean Hess of their car. It is a reflectorin-in- g dangerous. For the sake of your Logan, spent Tuesday visiting safety and the safety of tape which can be seen at own with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis others observe these rules: a tail than distance a greater and daughters at Ari-m1 Fly kites away from eleclight, and in more adverse Mac-Farla- o, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Verl Udy, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Ury of Bothwell, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Udy and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Udy of Riverside, attended a dinner party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oleen Udy at Salt Lake City Sunday. The party was in compliment to Oleen Udy, who was celebrating his birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Munson spent Friday and Saturday at Ogden visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Farnsworth and family and other relatives. Mrs. Dan Garn and Mrs. J. F. English spent last weekend visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Cooper Haffield at Salt Lake City and with Mr. and Mrs. Preston Garn and family at Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Hess, accompanied by their son Dean, of Logan, spent Wednesday visiting with relatives in Salt Lake City and Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rothaard of Salt Lake City were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Garn. GLEN WELLING LEAVES HOSPITAL Glen Welling has returned home after having undergone a major operation on ihis back at the L.D.S. hospital at Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. F. W Hess spent Tuesday at Ogden Mr. and Mrs. Lemoine Hess and family of Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. Wynn Wood and family of Brigham City visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hess last week. Oris Rudd of Monticello visited with relatives here last week. Miss Joyce Severson was an overnight guest at the home of her friend Miss Myrna Petersen and attended the Green and Gold ball at Penrose Thursday. Mrs. J. H. Smith returned home Mlonday after having spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Grant MacFarland and family at Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Udy, who have spent the past several months living at Ogden where Ralph was employed, have now moved back to their home here. They are spending a few days of this week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Tarbet at Hunt, Idaho. Dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Mason Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Overmyer and Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Sharkey and small son of Ogden. weather conditions. The program has definitely helped to curb automobile accidents in areas where it has been used, and the local Jaycees plan to pro mote an all-oprogram to tape all the bumpers possible in the local area. Irving Ransom of Tremonton will take orders and apply the tape as soon as it arrives. Auto Glass Installation for all make cars. Dick's Auto Shop tfne Phone 3556 uu 7 DRIED FRUIT SAMPLER Peachof Figs, Apricots, pounds es, Pears, Prunes grown in Sun Splashed Santa Clara Valley; famous for fine fruits. Children thrive on Sun Cured Fruit. Excellent cooked or fresh from the package. Delivered post paid to your door $4.22. Send check or money order NOW. G. W. Hood, Box 245 San Jose, California. tip LOST Wallet on Tremonton Three room mod- Main street Reward ern home with bath and utility for return toWednesday. Leader office, tic Dorch. 247 So. 1st West. Call Weaner pigs. O. 2886. FOR SALE J. Petersen, Phone 3841. tic CLOSE-OUon FIELD BOOTS clean cotton rags, $17.00 values, now $11.90 at WANTED HEPP'S. tic Will pay cash for all kinds except overalls, rayons or lace One 54 inch curtains and hosiery. Leader. FOR SALE Kitchen sink. Call Mrs. Vern TD Diesel FOR HIRE Up tor. Call 3436. Brough 5720. WANTED Girl to share MONTE CARLO WHIST or M. apartment, preferably soldier's S. WHIST cards for your next wife. Call Darlene Funk at Oak party, can be bought at the Cafe. tip LEADER office. 320 acres dry FOR SALE FOR SALE Used washer, exland, 1 mile west of Snowville, cellent condition. Very reasoninall fenced. Call Leader for able. E. Odel Summers, Rt. 2 formation. Tremonton. Step in Men, Get Slipper Soft Comfort.. Miles of Extra Wear FOR SALE T -- trac-2-19-t- Don's use metal or wire in any form on kites. 3 Use only dry cotton string. 2 Never fly your kite with wet string. Water is one of the best con,iuctors of electricity. 4 Don t climb poles to recover kites. Never try to release entangles kites by throwing stones at them. 5 Never run across streets to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rowe of get kite into air. 6 Report kites caught in Salt Lake City were Sunday to your nearest wires and guests at the Kenneth Scoop-mir- e Utah Powerpoles and Light company home. office". SALE Blonde veneer oak dining set, extension table, six chairs, and buffet, $75; modern couch with new cotton cover, in good condition, $20; Thor automatic Gladiron, practically new, $40; Double Hollywood bed Mrs. George Scoff ield of NORMAN PETERSEN enameled. $5.00. We need the Kaysville spent the past week TO GIVE RADIO TALK room. Terms to responsible with her daughters, Mrs. Richs Norman Petersen of Fielding parties. See George Reynolds ard Calderwood, Mrs. Ruel tic will give the talk on Mrs. Axel or call 5891. and Mrs. Vern Oyler. Fredericksen's W.C.T.U. Radio FOR RENT Three room modSunday morning at 8 ern basement apartment. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Markham program B K U o'clock over Station H, Sarah tic and family visited Mr. Adams, pnone 2981. Brigham City. Mrs. Mr. and parents, Stephen D. Markham in SpanMr. and Mrs. Jack Stringham ish Fork last weekend. and daughters, Marjorie, La Rue, NEED HELP Audrey, Mary and Shirley of On Your Income Tax Returns? R. H. Anderson of Ogden visit- Salt Lake City were guests at See ed with his sister, Mrs. Ann the home of Mr. and Mrs. HarMEL FOXLEY 240 South 1st West Zesiger Tuesday. ry Taylor. Mrs. Stringham and Mrs. Taylor are sisters. Tremonton , or call 2101, Vaudis and Judy Beeton were Mr. and Mrs. Philip Wrathall Ogden visitors Saturday. of Salt Lake City spent the FOR SALE Five used winMr. and Mrs. George Crozier weekend 'with Mrs. Wrathall's dows. 3x4 feet, storm winSie of Jerome, Idaho spent Saturday parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. dows and screens included. with Mjrs. Crozier's sister, Mrs. Bjorn Phone 2986. Ann Zesiger. Mr. and Mrs. .Clifford John THREE ONLY Newly paintMr. and Mrs. Oliver Lucher-in- i and of Riverton, Wyo- ed, reconditioned bicycles at family of Logan were Sunday din- ming are spending several HEPP'S. tic ner guests at the Norman days this week in the valley. Maughan home. FOR 's 4c UTAH will pay cash for dead or usless cows, horses, sheep or hogs. Dial Tremonton 2141 or Garland phone tf 195. I Wolverine's secret tan- ning process makes this tough shell leather soft ami comfortable. I THAT'S RIGHT, MEN I Get-reawork shoe comfort get speedy relief from work shoe leather get miles and miles of more wear. Have all this and have it for sure by seeing that your next pair of work shoes are Wolverine Shell Horsehides. Just come in, and try on a pair, no obligation., FOR SALLE or , TRADE Oliver 22 trail mower, 7 ft. Like new. Oliver 21 trail mower, 7 ft. Horse drawn beet cultivator in good shape. 2 Horse drawn mowers. 1 used single unit milker. 4 row beet drill. Mt. States Implement Co. dry-out-st- iff WOLVERINE SHELL BOBSEHIDB WORK SHOES Priced at $7.90 up GEPUART STORES CO. Tremonton "Buy for Cash and Pay Less" NOTICE MM? TREMONTON FIRST WARD WINS JAYCEE SCOUT CONTEST Cum-min- r 1 IN THE MATTER OF THE VOLUNTARY DISSOLUTION IN THE STATE OF UTAH OF BEAR RIVER STATE BANK, a corporation. Notice is hereby given that the BEAR RIVER STATE BANK has filed in the First Judicial District Court of the State of Utah, in and for the County of Box Elder, its Application for Dissolution seeking dissolution or said Corporation, and that the hearing on said Application for Dissolution has been fixed by the Court for Tuesday, the 24th day of March, 1953, at 10 o'clock a.m., in the courtroom of said Court in the County Courthouse, Brigham City, Box Elder County, Utah. WITNESS the hand of the clerk and the official soil of said Court this 3rd day of Feb- ruary, 1953. (SEAL) 5tc K; B. Olson, Clerk. TELEVISION TROUBLES? FOR FAST. COMPLETE no trick shot T-W- !aeMegirT Repair Service Fortified with Alhydrox CALL Get two Icillcrj blarkkg and malignant edema with one J cc. shot. Aihydrox helps this potent bacterid build long lasting high immunities. Reliable immunltUt BUCKUGOl'S-HS'-O- n lOcohel gtvti long-tigainst both blactdtg and malignant idtma PIUS seasonal preltc tion against shipping fsvttl S Ml for dslails. Nw! Furniture Co. Phone 4001 Tremonton We Service and Repair All Kinds of T.V. Sets a cTMUORSEHIDES . CASE NO. 7305 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATE OF UTAH First Judicial District IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BOX ELDER I M l Rob-bin- Winners of the recently sponsored Junior Chamber of Commerce contest, for Boy Scout troops during Boy Scout Week,) are Tremonton 1st, 4th, and 2nd, who received first, second, and third place respectively. First nl.irp winner will re - ' coive 50 Merit Badge books,; second to be presented with 30, and third place to receive 20. The senior patrol leader and the scoutmaster of the three winning troops will be honored at Mr. and Mrs. Frank a hanquet by the Tremonton of Provo were weekend Jaycees next Wednesday at 8:00 guests at the L. J. Cummin gs p.m., in the Oak Cafe, at which home. time they will receive their awards. FRIENDS ENTERTAINED Committeemen for the Jaycee prelect were Don Redfield, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Hansen Don Chiodo, Sylvan Haltiner, entertained a group of their m i Blaine Wadsen and Max Adams. friends at a party at their home jj j iniii tric wires and poles. ut Mark-ham- Mil Practically new Ferguson tractor, also chicken drinker. Call or see Burton D. Anderson. Phone FOR SALE Mrs. Jess Garfield Mr. and m amm m mm mm mm mm mm AIHYDROX mm mm Ailobl mmt mm mm l CM Voet mm mm mm m mm ADAM'S DRUG STORE Tremonton, Utah Phone 3341 |