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Show At HtAtO r HIAtO SMALL ano BUSINESS Picking Hi An old pot holiday American -- family habit is picking the ear- -' rau of the turkey after the fes- live meal, before the carcaai Is then put Into the soup, e e e It eeld appear la assay that this la the eerreat tread ef ergaalaed labor lead-erBy peeking far higher wag. re. greater fringe henegia. high aerial aeeertty Use. higher atlnlmaoi nagee, and ether abjective. they are picking the earcaas ef the American seen-ea- r which all signs Indira la I leading In the eceaemy getting Into the seep pet. e e e If the objective of the unions is to provide the workingman with a job. then the unions should perhaps be concentrating all of their efforts to stop the export of jobs abroad, e e e It la no secret that many American corporations are Being a eebetantial share eg their resource to develop manufacturing facllltlee oversea, a. Iki utMimrd (xNiimeixl 4 CkJiHir) Ralph C, lUJtiiiMHi is ptrlutni tailing with (imrmur (alt in lUrnplutt in Ihr Twrlr (rats lrMtt (.uirraof' rdf Mr, August 11, o o o In addition, from all over the world, goods made by low labor wage nations are pouring Into tills country in an ever Increasing volume A man who buys, for example, a suit made In Korea, Is not In the market for a suit made In America, o o e It Is Indicative that around M per rent of the U.S. ante market la now Imported. 0 0 0 It Is also indicative that in the face of a steel strlka In this country, I'niled States producers have closrd down plants f) r Top ranking ( hilt million ollitials, (itl. Katjdi ('. IlidHituNi, Twslr Aran and I I all's Adjutant GrtM-lal- , Major (irnrral Matuitc Malls Hrrt lor llir lint lime lime Col. ItuhiiiwHi assumrd command of 1 II), Di-jx- . Iasi lid Speed Hccorcl Challenged An al tempt on the Mtuld and Stccd llctxird (or motor-cvil- e will lie niatlc later llm tear hv American Ibutda Motor Co., liH'., Itnicc Slcadman id Steadman's Honda lias diuloM-The rri'otd ram will talc I d place on l ull's Bonneville Salt Halt. The current ni.uk, held by llatlcy- - Ihiulvm, is 25.l'l2 .miles jser boor. Ml last year. HONDA'S record attempt ..motorcscle. naincil the "llimda llawk, will lie powered bv two Honda 750 cc four cs linder oter- head camshaft engines, eat h cap- aide of producing upwards of 110 blip. Both are standard 750 engines as found on llomla't CB-750- 1 sport nimlel, Imt sjh- for the land sptvd dally pretaretl dfort. l Detelopnieiit of the motorcscle is liemg con- ducted in Gardena, California the direction of Jiro Aki- yatna. National Director of Ser- for American Honda, and Roliert Young, National Sen ice Overall director of Manager. the project is Taiichi Sakaina. Construction of the motorcycle itself is taking place at Head ion Dynamics, Inc., a body builder headquartered in Milwaukee. WHILE A nm at the World Land Sptvd Record for motorcycles is a new venture for Honda, the company has a long and en- sx-cia- Honda liable retold ol txilslaiHling ijieed ami lacing Hi(oimame. IImhLi inotorciilci tapliiied eien tlaw imi llie FIM. Internal nuial Claud Im dicuit in lki lopping all ciuiiietiton (imt-rnamlc- TAD Conimamlcr Vigils Stale Officials Tiuu-liiin Vxd command, Colonel llalpli C. Robinson er tv. It retenlli paid cmirtew tails mi and Mill 1 wat llie only Cotemor Cals in Kauiptmi uml lime anv single niaimlat liner the Adiitanl Ceneral Major Cell-eia- l hat sti dominated woild motor-titlMaurice allv Hie tisitt rating. Follow mg lhal histone at Ineve-nn'iiwat the lint opjiotlmiitv ('ol. Honda I unied In face Robinson hat had to meet Covcan, teaming with Jatk Brab- entor Kanidoii and Ceneral ham and Denim I Inline to win Walls since he assumed command 1 10 mil o( races on the For- of the depot August 21. mula II (1,000 ec) racing cirAccompaiiting (ad. Robinson cuit. Again, Honda engineering was Ceorge Diehl, dcjxit F.xecu-In- e Assistaiil. and ' rrfonnaiice topietl all conietitors as never before in t was to help your Hie the history of the even!, with their home Honda ha also fared well youngsters woik is not to. in Fonnuta I eoiiipelitinn, tak-t- v Ixith (he Mexican Grand ing Pnx Championships in Mexico lictorv at the Daytona 200 City and the Italian Grand Prix the first time out, and new recChampionship at Moua the fol- - ords. of 102.09 mph for the race lowing year. For this effort Honda and a blistering I52.S27 mph had prepared a revolutionary 2 for a single lap. w ith four valves per ct laxiking forward to the Bonengine dcr which still stands as one neville attempt. Bruce Steadof the most sophisticated engi-vii- v man observed that 'Honda has I neering feats in Formula continually led the worlds compctition. motorcycle makers in speed and MORE RECENTLY Honda performance so competition, returned to motorcycle racing it seems only natural that Honda by entering, for the first time should make a run at the Land ever, the U.S. Championships S)eed Record, as well." at Daxtona, Florida in 1970. At No Jate has lieen set by Amthe end of the grading competierican Honda as yet for the tion. which brought the finest record assault, but this, as well riders from throughout the world as the selection of the rider, to the course, Honda will lie announced in the near had recorded another first a future. e e t. 1 Ix-s- cr 200-nul- e attsnval IwVfembsl llie iixHitli of August brought r itement and happinrw to the Inline of Mr. and Mrs. t kenticlli Shields when their all relumed to llsit them. Here Iriim Folsom, California were Joe ami Diane Aax ami i hildien Darin. Bret and Deiin. Roliert and Marilyn Shields were here Irom Ely, N'eiaila with Ke-- i in. Stacey and Steffani. and Itai ami Sally Pine came from Talxir. Allierta Canada. Dr. and Mrs. Cary Shields and ihildrcn David. Debbie and Kenneth, of Salt lake were in and out ami hosted the entire a lot of tl build-u- p of inventories by uaer of thi mrtal keep the plants going But such Is the vol- fall ume of imported steel stock piling I no longer necessary. a o a Whit a great deal Is said bout Import gootea. they do not accomplish msch, as they permit loo much Jagg, ting of tho economy by the bureaucrats. There la alas a danger In high tariffs, per se. a a a nation's independent The business people, voting through the National Federation of Independent Business, have long voted against quotas, but have strongly supported legislative proposals to peg tariffs to the differential in American wages and the country of origin of blt POMIIC ll.tC.Mlir Fonliac NMur new inch at a imports. between dameslic sod for-elprodoeors la tho American market. Bat It eaa be assumed with great validity, with the social unrest on these cheap labor naUons that rather than pay high duties la sell to this reentry, there weald ha a trend la pay their workers meet, and Ibis la lam woald give the foreign workers mors power to enable them la boy more from tho I'niled State. If tho nation's labor lead re art sincere abeat their concern with American labor. It woald oeem reasonable that they woald quit picking the carram, and work for more Job opportunities for Americans. at lake Powell for four exciting days. The first Sunday was a very speri.il day when the two tinv luhics Dcim Ajax and Steffani Shields were given names and blessings in the Fourth Ward sacrament meeting. Hie visitors hale all returned to their homes. family NATl'RAL RESOURCES Charles MeKellar Funeral services for Charles were held Scpteintier 2 in the North Tooele Stake Center with Alan Curtis of the Fifth Ward Bishopric conducting the ar Whitehoose played the prelude and postlude music and Joel Dunn offered the invocation. Glenn Me Keller gave the family prayer at the mortuary. MR. CURTIS read the obituary and speakers were Dr. Wallace Johnson and Bishop George numliers were a selection by a male chorus composed of Ken Shields, Bevan Anderson, Wendell Drouhay and Carver Bryan and an organ medley played by Melba Orme. Following closing remarks by Mr. Curtis the benediction was given bv Bishop Melvin Dunn. INTERMENT was in the Tooele City Cemetery where the grave was dedicated by Peter MeKellar. Pallliearers were Bill Gochis, Ken Snivley, Richard Parsons, Gordon Coon, Max Cowans and the Iwgiiining of time, nations have risen in direct ratio to the abundance of their natural resources. They have George Lee. fallen as a result of Mr. MeKellar died August and depletion of those re- 30, at his home of a heart sources. So history is written. If attack. the lS wishes to protect its Surviving are his widow, Inez and three daughters and position as a world power Cundry the Russians or Chinese or 8 grandchildren. another foe, real or illusionary, Charles A. MeKellar married the issues of conflict may well Afton A. Tanner in Tooele lie resolved on this basis rathci 24, 1935. They were diMike vorced in 1955. Their children than force of arms. Frame, American Forests are Mrs. Richard F. (Carolyn) Palmer, Tooele; Mrs. Lael D. (Bonnie Kave) Jenkins, Sandy; and Mrs. Craig M. (Myma) Centner, Salt Lake City. Since vis-a-l- is Dec-emli- ox-nio- g p T-3- 7 ir two-d(x- four-dcx- ir h V-- -- comcrt.blc II ((1 Htrll . jallinittV lOr AlVCrSOU for Mtv Funeral service Martha E. I Writ v Alvcrvm woe held Saturday, August 2S in the Ward Church under Stockton direct ion of Bishop Kenneth Thcxnai. Mrs. AlsrrsMi died August 25 at the age of 82 year. JIM KING, a grandson gave the family prayer at the mortuary and Horace Workman offered the invocation at the chapel, laxma Shelton played the prelude and postlude music. Ojening musical numtier was a vocal solo "I Know That My Redeemer Uses" liy Karma a granddaughter of the deceased. Laurren lore played accoinwniiiicut. who paid tnlmte Sieaker to the life of Mr. Alserson were Ernest Jolmson and two grand-smi- s Eugene Painter and Gary Alserson. OTHER MUSICAL nmnlier were by John and Itesa Thomas who sang "In the Carden" and t "Sometime Well Understand" solo and "That Wonderful a , Mother of Mine" by Margaret Thomas with lies a Thomas paying accompaniment. The liencdiction was by Bishop Lclund Hogan and Alfred Ills dedicated the grave at the Tcxx'le City Cemetery. A nephew and grandsons served as pall liearers. OPPORTUNITIES Whatever you see, or hear, see to it that you get all the good out of it that is possible, and when you see opportunities for usehilnevs, never hesitate to use them. Tin Thinking," Megiddo Message 1he Old iM&i-- four-doo- at and Behind every successful man stands an astonished mother-in-law- . Whirlpool NOW! DRYER questions choice of 4 colors Avocado, Edged Copper and White Harvest Gold and White Public Health Service as the upper limit for j drinking water. (One ppm is like an inch in 16 . miles.) 1 - ship between the Prect maUJOT small area de-- Ran"e,t voted to high-way- s and the 110 NLWacker of hardly d (ppm) rides set by the thousands ",lr! a..d 1 up. 11ns per million of chlo- relation- L T protects an nccsUblng gne. about meltine of highway ice and snow with salt were posed by a reader. Here is what my digging through studies and reports turned up. No river or major stream even approaches the 250 parts The . te detail the purging of hirl saxn Irani the trapxt-canister emissions riaporatur until the engine i warm. Power Irani diw brake ate new energy- - alworlnug standard mi all bill sre I'Mitiac. lnmiM-- r for all bill size Pontiac. the Grand Pnx, Trans Am and From its tMiiXMl Ventura II IvrMaiii stallMl wagons, Tliel ofthe- line Grand to the toptlonal mi all other nimh-ts- . are e Ville. Pontiac eosers the Sell- adjusting manual dram market with 12 models, I rokrs are standard mi the Venim hiding 17 Ponliae. eight ami laiiiirv. tura II. intermediates, four Firewhile srlf- - adjust mg manual the and Venturas two birds brake are included un Grand Pnx. All will lie in Stoker Irani disc liasic Firebird. F.spril and Motor Company Showrooms. 41 the Formula. Foist First Nortii. Septeinlx-- r 21, POWER steering is standard the addition to NEW THE the Tram Am. all big Ponon intermediate line is the Luxury and the Grand Pnx. It tiac Featuring a distinctive is mi all other cars. A njitiMial grille, a chrome- - plated Irout cushion new custom steering valance panel, lower lmdv side wheel with a wood gram texture wheel rear moldings, insert is oflcr-- d for 1972. covers, a hnontal rear deck feature all nimlcli Inside, molding and spec ial interiors, distimlne trims and mhly paddthe Luiury will lie available lit ed iristniiiK-n- t panels with two and four- - dxir hardtop moaccessories and controls. dels. The Firebird and Ing Pontiac The new bumper on the front iiistmuient panels are designed of the lug Pontiac is Ixith eyeso that anv Imlli can !c changed catching and functional. in (0 seconds. The energy alismbing system Fight interior colors blend consists of two telescoping steel with a wide range of extenor Ixixes which contain urethane pochoices. Cordova tops are availsitioned lietween the bumper and able in five colors (light convert, the frame of the car. Since the metallic pewter, black and urethane blocks are not damag- tail, and tons ertilde ( tops are .white) ed by an impact, the bumper can offered ill three choices (light lie struck numerous tunes during black add white'). ' convert, the life of the car and continue is identiTHE 1972 line-uto absorb energs. cal to last year excejit in the lie will THIS BUMPER where there are standard on the Catalina. Catafive fewer models as a result lina Brougham. Bonneville, Saof the follow ing changes: fari. Grand Ville, and Grand Sa(three rmxlelx in 1971) fari. discontinued. In addition, the rear bumper GTO (two-dexhardtop in on the regular Pontiac has lieen 1971) liecoiiies an option on the modified in Ixith the frame bar LeMans two-dohardtop and and the mounting brackets. r coupe. offer will a Pontiac again I.E MANS Sport (two-doo- r wide sede turn of eight engines, hardtop, convertible and cubic-inc250 from a ranging hardtop last year) In'comes to a high- - performseat option on the Lebucket a All will 455 HO ance opMans two-dohardtop. The erate efficiently on low lead or convertible moves to the LeMans 91 fuel. unleaded octane regular series and the four-dohardtop TO FURTHER reduce auto is discontinued. emissions, Pontiac has made a LeMans - Six models last nmnlier of engine refinements (two-doo- r year coupe, two-dofor 1972, according to Stoker r sedan, four-dohardtop, Motor. They include a modified and two and three-sehardtop, choke for reduced emissions durstation wagons). This is the ing warmup, the amount of same for 1972, except the four-dochoke and the length of tune it hardtop has leen disconstavs on have been reduced. tinued. A canmster purge valve has Luxury LeMans is added with also been added on all engine's models (two and four-dotwo to reduce emissions during warm hardtops). WASHER Environmental pc.1.-ina- front bumper that ille U as.dahlr a. a two4oor the Grand hardtop SAVE ON. if Ra&cuui Ilrt.nl ailing and lp 17 2 C.rand .Hr. Hi. auto-nxJ.d- Nlw MeKellar. Musical wbcclb-- w, four-dou- )i toon's Pontiac Motor Illusion 1972 line-ufeatures a new inlefim-dl-at- e luiury series and a long list of engineering tnuos alums. pur-rbaal- rites. Dan mcrgi-alnuftiin- - Engineering Innovalions Highliglil Ponliae Tor 72 a a a This would In lima kill Iwa birds with ana stone. First of all II weald equalise comped-lio- a Funeral Held Today for Auj'tisl Drinks Family Home ilnl-dirt- In llie 50 it, 125 tv, 250 150 tv ami 500 tv tlawai. V-1- kg I Canon Normally. U ,.nve square miles of Chicago 60606 watershed is such that the average of runoff in the snow-be- lt is less than one ppm. Salt in fresh water bodies does not use up oxygen, does not affect the surface and, in modest amounts, even perks up fish. Salt is and must be, nature decrees, in us, our air, land and water. Domestic animals, furry wild friends and most fish can tolerate at least 1500 ppm, and man at least 3700 ppm (the level in blood). Along even expressways with heavy runoffs we seldom see brown sections. Most grasses can tolerate at least 1200 ppm. Most trees can withstand at least 2000 ppm, many 5000 ppm. (But the sugar maple is a notable exception.) year labor warranty ELECTRIC ElECTRIC Features improved permanent press cycle new Super Magic Mis Surgilator agitator filter temperature. level selections. WASHER DRYER Fee- -' tures special care for permanent press fabrics mgs tor proper drying temextra large mounted perature lint screen easy to clean. Available m white, avocado and harvest gold. EVT175 Whirlpool REFRIGERATOR-FREEZE- 21995 M 14995 & 54 So. Main 882-090- 4 BIG Feir CAPACITY... a big R LOW PRICE rtfrigorator frMzwr that offers plenty of sforogo 17.1 cu. ft. capacity includes gigantic 158 lb. "zarodogrooM freezer- Troo LIMITED system-i. QUANTITY k. tray compartment Temper oture control cantor for individual selection of coltf Svperstorogo doors. famify-tix- 0 95 |