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Show 'P0Jlc-- Transcript g Ar INROIl-Among the the r I witk of M,h II gley Until ar, Gerald.m? was a thii p.il of Grantwilie, hut piad ualrd I rum llnunuful (I. is sinny NEWS Ask lor Tooele Laundry a birthday nparty ryw v-p- H. r.-i- y and Bangs, (lidd.n C, irm, Mis lluKh Neilson, turmd sis vmc, Patti. 4 NeiS.in tKay's . years of age on Sunday, lth and let) ph.I.p Clarret, l)awJ and On-1hi me SanUirn A!o of hi friend jt.-u,iiiig wne birthday with h.iii. I veryoia- - had Kay luoilur. ICuhard, and wde, pl.nty of Kc-- cream, uke and Donna Saotairn of (.lantsvilie. wlut punch iinj enjoyed playing gum 'aM enjoyed the fsirtv w.th Kav I hose IIAPFY BIRIIIDAY attending were flam Ami ers.m. Davis Parks. Nanty MaIts happy birthday to MdI lone. Junior Malone, Joan 1:1am on Seg 17, also in ll.ldr.-ard. lUrnad.iie Wendy M.muhun on the 11th Kay of Mr. r- d u7 VIEWS ys Meeting Schedule Fcr Grantsville this is the man from : Cradle for tuppv pams 1 ! p raKlp jx i'ii is tie huh 1957-5- 8 hihv txv lo Mr and Mrs Ijmv PTA for Moss (f UiK.n f d, brn on M o- i.dalo ( ,hl. Grant die PI A uiv, St pi 16 lie has a lmnhr. a! holmGramlj Hint am (i,i',ms Mi ami Mrs Mdii lli,!i of (li In! r If, Movrmhrr II, Jan. 3t Dry Cleaning s , p0 ti i ig dauglnt-- Mr. 70, 1957 V" :ud m id Utah tin lnutrtyII. ill y. Mr, ami -- Triday frp!nmbor TATIS Furniture Kt-.- The Tmest in f.rjnlsvi'lc o.uv U and MaV Dry Cleaning1 extra charge for Pick-uand Delivery! No ida, 16 t . S. ;it 10, ,nf lh lJf 14 April din ling bast thanked Imm lhuisilay In lnn I'.om on M lilouar) I1 a A'! ate Kutiv U'a.k, lirsidnl, Barbaby girl to Mr. and Mu Jav bar a I Jiflinrs. n e I'sident J . . Clare Kendall of lint our of the health program; a.ge makes their third child Mr. Ken dall is the former URae WorthgVTms? lma atington Cirandparents are Mr. and son. Pollination (han man laKue of (.rants Mr, (has - r p .V-ph- i . ; 87 East Vine l?fn - Phone 44 $ Woiihmpion Sim d rg. Hospitality Chairman, ern Williams. Pmgram (hair-- j man, Ikuothy louder, Puhli(ity C liauman. Wal.h for further nolire. V(U ron SALE! Neal, clean, tuobedroom home near Harris School C.as heal, on the sewer and nicely carpeted. $7,000 is the selling prue, 11.550 will buy the seller's equity. Payments are $42 per month per cent. one-hal- J I BIRTHDAY with interest at four and i Newcomers from Wend.nrr who were welcomed tout the Grant die Sthcatl are I rout, L to R (Jerry Jennings, Senior; I lame WacKwoith, Junior; Betty (.enc C'raner. a JuBack row, 1, to K Patricia hinder. nior - Here is a real comfortable is Canyon. The room arrangement kitchen ranpe go with home. Home has the best of plumbing. When you only $7,3ufl. you will agree with us, five-roo- home near Settlement very nice, drapes and is heated with gas and see this home pined at it's a good buy. PARTY p Salty Saga Marcia Wotthingon. rtghl year- - n HOnOIUlU old daughter of Mr and Mrs. Ivan. H jlph K. W'tx.lley, 71. a former Wnah.ngton, was honored on her k',ahn and native of Grantsville. r lb. at a b.rth- - d.d Sunday in Honolulu. hirthdav. t. day d.nner with all reiativts in to ,rn in (iranisville on March 3. PsC a son of Samuel I.. Woollev and Abie Kowberry VISIT Ik-as Is years old when called Mr. and Mrs. Willard lancaster. on a mission to the Hawaiian Is- of Alton, Wyoming, lands He was a newlywml graduate of the have been visit, ng Mrs lancast- - L'n.versiiy of L'tah. taught at Price ern lumbers Howard, Steve and and in the University of L'tah Jim ll.gley of Grantsville. He heljH-- J construct the Hawaii-0'an Temple in 1919 and married r.IRTTIDAY GRI ITINGS TO Romanu Hyde in the Salt lake . Brent L. Charles J irmp)c 0n IXc. 8. 9;o. They Siromberg and William Mark VtJt- were the parents of one daughter, son on Sept. 20 to Ikmald Green. jrS- Virginia Quealy. They have and Deloris Hglev, 21; to three grandsons. They have been LNan Sandberg. J. Butler, rendenis of Hawaii for 27 years.! Bradford. T. Walters. Jr., Nancy Mr, Woolley served as president Matthews and l.arl Hale, Sunday. 0f ihe Hawaiian Temple on Ijie Sept 22. to ITorence Green. John many years, besides being Bol.mler and Don let Durfee on Sident of the Oahu Stake. A broth- Sept. 23; to Ronald "Chug" Ry-'eDr. Moroni Woolley, is also a dalch and Jack Bailey on Sept. 2 1 'rcsKlent of Honolulu. A happy wedding anniversary to Sept.-mfve- 1 ' IVtc-rson- - three-bedroo- fire-plac- Western Realty & Insurance Co. 324 South Main Street Phone 1335 (r pre-.sfyn- d I'reJ Ware on Frito Mr. and Mrs iailey Anderson and Mr. and Mrs Oscar Anderson on Saturday, Sept. 21 and to Mr. and Mrs. George L. Sutton, Sept. 24. Deer Hunters Norm: Preparations ATTEND rock-botto- m UNDERGOES 6.70 x 15 most Plymouths, Fords, Chevrolets, Hudsons, Nashes and Studebakers FITS spent - mec-tin- ti , rock-botto- m terms prices and make this your best deal I rock-botto- m MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON GOODYEAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND SERVICE TMNER SINCLAIR the Distributor Your Authorized Good-Yea- for r . . Best Tire Deal in Town! 397 North Main, Tooele, Utah Buy on your Sinclair Credit Card. No 6 Telephone No. '330' Months to pay Carrying Charge! no Down Payment Furniture y VISIT SALT LAKE Mrs. Eugene Craner is spending a few days in Salt lake City. She was accompanied by her daughter. Betty Jean, who is under medical care for virus infection. She will return to school in Grantsville later. SEW WHATS HEW! Fall and Winter Cottons Corduroys Tpfain and printed) Wool and Rayon Felt (72" Washable Woolens (60" wide) Synthetic Blends . 12-colo- rs) (For Skirts Wool of September tember 30; Patricia Fait, SepHelen Gonzales, Sept. Michael Konachis, Sept. 29; Ann Lyons, Sept. 18; Mary Arline Martinez, 29; Joseph Williams, Sept. 27; Dean West, Sept. 22; Debra Irene Cloward, Sept. 18. Skirt-Lengt- and Dresses) hs This weekend . . . All Fabrics will be marked down BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Happy birthday from 15th to 30th ... Priced to Clear! You can't afford to miss the 22; TRAP SHOOT The Wendover Rod and Gun Club, under direction of the President, Ted Fox, had their first shoot of the season on Sunday, Sept. 15. Refreshments were served to members and their families. in Class A Division Winners were: First, Eugene Craner; second, Frank Hales; third, Clarence McLeod. Class B First, Ruby Hales; Michael Craner; third, second, Stephen Craner. They will hold a general election on Monday, Sept. 23. All persons interested, please call Mr. Fred Kenley or Ted Fox. forth- SURGERY HOME FROM HOSPITAL We are happy to ftave Mrs. Dan Lee home with us again after her long stay in Salt Lake at the St. Marks Hospital, where she underwent an operation. She tells us that Shirley, her daughter, will remain in Panama this year for school. We have some SPECIAL BARGAINS on . . . New Singer Sewing Machines Also some Floor Demonstrators Remember We carry at prices! . . . Singer Vacuums Tank and Upright Call in for a Home Demonstration. Both A Singer Salesman will be in Tooele every Wed. And Grantsville, every Friday. Call T621' for repair or other appointments Fabric Specialty Center . . . acceptance Don't wait . . . Tate 's-pt- - have a more complete and easier ant rtcoppablt lira with the man who really inowt carpet. R'-n- Brand New Stock! Dodgr i, Oldt, Mtrcuryi, Pontloci and othri Bulckx, with and Mrs. Tarl Heath are l'a',ng on a vacation. They will lions .mi irr 3 Rrp3Br pad of it in The Lion's Club held their first w,lh lhl'ir s,ns- - Ix,!e a,ul Dof the vear at the Lions 1,h M,rsmother. i5t)g Mondav. . a,s0 16 Thomas Mrs. Anna Yucanoviih. They ex- - Irvine. President and 12 other pect to be gone about two weeks members were present. It was vot ifd lo hold a lutkcv shoot early in, FASTI RN STARS j .October with Clarence McLeod as The T astern Stars held theirchairnun. Dinner was served by' first meeting at the home of I.ions, Thora Wind and Jane Belle Albrecht where the new cers were elected for the coming BLOOD BANG year. Those elected were Christine McLeoJ. President; Irene Ternan-de7- , The Blood Bank was held at the Vice Pres ; Peggy Shea, Sec. Air Base on Sept. 12 where 28 and Treasurer. After their busi pints of blood were donated. ness meeting they enjoyed the remainder of the evening playing SQUADRON OF JFTS VISIT U rXDOYTR AFB canasta. High prize went to Chris- At the Wendover Air Base, at tine McLeod, second high to tha present, are a squadron of jets, F 102's from Geiger Field, WashAUTUMN VACATION ington. They will remain for 15 Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Sharp are days before departing for home The public was invited to enjoying a vacation, first by tending the Ice Follies and thelview them and take pictures if State Fair in Salt Lake City, afterjthey desired, Mr job. Due to the was dinner and dancing. half teaspoon of butter in Put your jams and jellies and you will never have to skim. Youll find that by using your potato peeler to peel your pears while canning, that yQull never T 7.10x15 fid nmg VACATION a This tire is famous Goodyear quality inside and out with features unmatched by other tires at or near the price. Goodyears exclusive Cord Body fights off the three main tire killers Heat, Shock and Fatigue. Ask about the Goodyear Lifetime Guarantee! Six (Hirers party the base and thmr wives. The eve- - 01 F your utisfaction carex-r- , his pleasure and pride, llis exjR-r- t counseling is typical of the friendly service you can always exjw-c- t from everyone in our store. Come in today and see our truly wondrous wide selection of . . . those heavenly carpets by lavs. You'U live with and enjoy your new Lees for a long, long time. Let us help make sure it will be a time of continuing satisfaction. See how simple it is to solve any carjet problem when you talk - Mrs. James Monohan is in the L.D.S. Hospital where she will remain for a few days following a minor operation. Jim made a trip to Salt Lake to visit her on Monday. Her friends are all wishing for her rapid recovery. Household Hints Flui tax and recappabl tlr carpet is his s PRIMARY MEET structions were given for the coming month. lie know the answers, too, because '?rs On Monday evening, the Wendover MIA officers, Mrs. Dorothy Williams, Mrs. Rita Fox and Douglas Tucker went to Grantsville to the Preparation Meeting. They were accompanied by several teachers of the MIA also. In- Tire value unmaicnea at this price! problems on his mind MSTI RS ISIT 'O'lmg at the home of loo of ' ,,,r 'Mre Most of the young folks of Wcnd- a a 'ery happy I. me for leo. 0Nl.r wj,0 art, attemlmg scIukiI in k badn t sec-them for 12 (iranisville wete home for the Mr. and Mrs. leo Waters wti.kl.n(1 bu, ,()e ,N)V!S inform,.j enjoyed three djvs of just reliving' lw , Wj last trip home ihcr with them. Those' af(er fonthalpseason. nIj v,s,t,,,R w,'re Mr. and Mrs, II II ,,jm llon and Mrs- Art Roberts of LARI U I I L PARTY' IV,ro - Mahigan and Mr. and, The Officers' W is es' Club had a Mrs. T. W. Toehmlors of Clinton. fjr.vcH for all on It was also mentioned that since weather and long hours of exercise will be the rule extra food and heavy clothes should be included in the jsack. Containers of extra water and gasoline are always good insurance on trips into outlying sections. In a final word department spokesmen reminded hunters used to the city life that heavy exercise accounts for large numbers of heart attacks each year. (EidDdDUDfe' he's gol your oarpet KfVD MsnORS over the weekend in Preston, Idaho were Mr. and Mrs RTPORTI R, M ARIF JOHNSTON a ri i.lf PHONi: 262 Ud ml. I01- a - ViMitng cool by S I Mar-eserv- di-e- FALL TIRE EVENT! 3-- I North- I Should start BiJs will be received for the ranfsville opera house and pro--j U riy by Bishop Charles McKay ohnson on or before Oct. 1. Hie Doer hunters preparing to cm- building must be torn down be ire January I. 1958. The church bark on one of the early season the right to reject any r hunts were cautioned by the or all bids. Fish and Game Department, , l'tah today to carefully check their equipment. Since many deer areas, like the Tlenry Mountains, lie in rugged Jand remote sections of the state. hunters were urged to make sure' automotive equipment, foot wear, punos u( sac jbo3 SiuduiBa pup condition. We repeat this former sellout offer for our 3-- T From Yendover Anna-iloid- TIRE SALE! SUPER-CUSHION- UI - Mr. a id Mrs. day, Sept. 2(1; they will lour the wccsl. Sc-v-t, r. See this beautiful brick home having full base-meand only a few years old. $16,000 buys this outstanding home with its deep carpeting and matching drapes, beautiful kitchen so full of cabinets, eating area in kitchen plus a dining room. Bedrooms are large, having hardwood floors and the bathroom is the finest. Home is on a large corner lot which includes a garage and patio. Sec this lovely home by appointment only. s. which Former Resident Dies at Age 77 , )T ; lovely home on South Main Street, 12 ft. by 21 ft. living room, kitchen has many beautiful cabinets and eating spare. The bedrooms are large with many clothes closeis. Lot is twenty rods deep and has a large concrete blexk garage-shoso desired by a handy man. 111.500 is the selling price. This neat, clean home and beautifully landscaped lot will g.sc your fjmily lasting pride of home ownership. Home which has matching garage is only sue years old, on the sewer, gas heat, near shopping center, in a lovely neighborhood. Priced at $9,500. Senior; Tred Imve'y, Kav Wind. .Sophs; Melvin Stewart. Soph, Garth Stewart, Junior; I arte K. Aml.rson, Junior, lovd Brown and Ned Ptterson, also from Wendover, were at-lit when pnlure was taken. of our GOLDEN HARVEST TREMENDOUS ia'sEii I WW5 r will continue thru-ou- I Now Selling at . . . IT WR'CV I t THIS WEEK Mantes Chevrolet 1 If Use Our Convenient Lay-Aw- ay 7 North Main, Tooele 23 South Main, Tooele Phone 866' 24 |