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Show 01 If NOTICE! The suvript:,.n V.A of the Nephi Ensign hits K'tn purclii'itfj by Patlihme Bros. All unexpiiv.t MiPsaiptions w ill be lilied by the Timh.: .Misru, and ill accounts due on subscription are payable to us. Rathbone Epos.. Publishers ot Thl Tintic Minek. iv o. 1'.. Thursilay . .f nl fourth ic. ml the J. li. CKONIN, XO. K I. O. KSfAMPMKNT "KT.VST'.'XE in. ml li at p. in. Visiting ii.ii.t' '..eiewii.e. li. I'miisTKNSKX. Geo. t.n.i.i"-i'!i:- . C. I'. i ea.-i- I'liu-ian-i- rxioN. MIXFl.'S' VriiKKA a s J J IN MF.F.TS Fine Boots Shoes. KEPAIIilNti NEATLY HONE. Shop opiMisile Shea's hall. - Eureka. Ftah J. Seeivtary. I.OIiAK Err.EKA NO. I. I). O. F.. 12, every evening. hr.ejieis rorUiallv invited. Vis-it- ia e.lm-sila- H. F. liEAK. H. II. liAIOOIN. l x.o. Secretary, Tl'KKKA HIVlSKiN atshi a - Hail at NO. 1. A. . II., nut-I7::at p. in. on the lirst Wednesday in each month. 1'. J. l.AI.I.V. J. A. llol.I.ANII. V. I'. & li. S. President. anil tiiii-- l ASTI.K NO. 1. K. of IJ. Friday evening at in I. o. o. k'. In;ll. Visit in Kniiilits lOLIiFN . o'cliK-k- KAGLF. Meets everv vJI K. F. F. . always John ist.'itss. M. of K. Hostwii k, X. I'. CHURCHES. KIMSl MLTIIOiUST are liehl as follows: Sunday at H p. m.every Sehool at la a. in. l'iea.-liialiernate sat iir.iay - and S inula y All ser vires will lie held in tin- west room of the srhool Imiklinff unlil t lie hew eliureh is eompleted. All art- cordially invited to attentl these .1. I. Gita.ii.AN. services. House and Sign Painting. old store, REMOVED! MAX FREIDERSDORFF Has purchased the stock formerly owned liv Frank Jitjrtas. a nil is now readv to wait on all his old customers md all new ones, at his new stand in the rooms formerly occupied hy Frank liertas. where he wsll carry a full line GKOCGKieS. Cigars, Tobaccos, Vegetables. J. II C. II. Hamilton. M. A.MILTON Martin. MAliTIX, & Ittonteys - at - Law, Salt Lake City, I'tah. Criminal and Mining Laws k Specialty. Patents and Laiulotlicc Business a Specialty. Salt Lake City. I'tah. L. HKlAVX. QHAKLKS NOTAHV ITHLIC. Ftah. ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. EUHEKA, MARSHALL JENNETT. ATTORNEYS-AT-LA- Gfeam Parlor. iGe Summer Drinks, Candies,- & W, lUTIWONK. - Ami F1XK CIGAKS. Trumbo's Salt Lake Ice Cream & ALLIJEKG Practice in all Hit- - Courts. Eureka. Vtali. In Mixkh oliice. c, DAVIS. First Glass -- Stock broker. Member Salt Lake Kxrhanije. Salt Lake City. OEtiee over Jones" Hank Tintic Office, Assay Silver City, Utah. II. i. JAMES, Proprietor. ASSAYEI1 CHEMIST. ANALYTICAL AM) HOUSE, : Table : Board, Eureka Bakery, CIIL'RCM STRUCT, Fresh Line of - CONFGCTION6RY. tntd wide-awak- liranch Hakerv at Max Frehleisdoiff's, on Main street. Free delivery. A. liL'lVH. Lager Beer Depot, Mrs. Mark's old stand. Kureka. - Steamboat and Stage Line Ice Cold Lager always on tap. Private Club Rooms. Rest of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Civil ami Mining Engineers. I All roliteand prompt attendaneealways assured, lieer hv the keg or by the and Surveylnir promptly dozen bottles delivered to any part of Reliable work guaranteed. Eureka or Mammoth. DEITTY MINERAL S. Eiiiiliioi-i'iiii- Sl'BYEYOKS. attended to. Contracts taken fur Development Work. made on Plans, specifications and all kinds of Knsrineerlng work. Mails of Tintic District, or special portions of same, supplied on short notice. iirru E - Kureka, os ciiriK'H sthf.kt. - - e, n. FISHER'S BREWERY. ALL WOliK Gl'AltANEEKD. H. CliHtS'nissK.N. two-stor- y Mc-La- in Grocer lea. Fancy k ' Bread, GaKes, Pies St'iph' TniMnvJ aivd four-roome- d FRED W. THOMAS, J'ropt. A is. Himnan'H old stand. ALO'S MALINS, Proprietor. ATTORNEY AT LAW, " . n - ...I'tah. With Rooms in connection if desired. Meals at all hours. One block south of Shea's hotel, on I! HAM LEY, Eagle Road. UTAH EUREKA Salt Lake City, I'tah. Minin.2 and Corporal ion Law a Specially. Oflice over Jones' Hank. F. - NEWLY REFITTED AND REFURNISHED. EVERYTHING' FIRST-CLAS- M. TllAl'KSTON". Q Frop't of Enrckii's Sleeper ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, Q J. tY. SIEGIUST, ALL KINDS OF ATTORNEY AT LAW, A Number of Substantial Public and Ileavy Shipments from the Leading Mines - Good Silver Properties. Private Buildings Under Way. Si me tine horn silver Notwithstanding the dullness of the For Rent. specimens are season in all quarters. Eureka is prob- being taken from the Keystone. Two store roonjs and a ibly faring better than many of her Two thousand shares of North dwelling house. Enutiiieul the Ranksister cities. It is onlv within the ing house of liio. Arthur Itiee EuR'ka sold for 12 cts. last Friday. vt Company. iast two or three weeks that any ac Five nun are being worked on the in the building line has been notivity The Famous Hen Hut Cigar! Pasadena properly, driving in Ihe the Cleveland there are three shafts, ticeable. Now we can see well under respectively 40 feet, 100 feet and 175 wav a fine is for sale at the Union Drugstore. tuimel. Havana. Try it. Tl great The Alaska has considerable ore on feet deep, connection having been stone cocht HOOK. HosTwicK Grant, ' tlie dump and will soon make another made between the two hist at a depth is being constructed This building Union Drug Store. of 00 feet by running a drift of 100 shipment. of stone and is in dimensions ntirely The Keystone is working its regular feet on the vein, in which are exposed 30x40 feet, with 14 foot ceilings. It is Millinery at Cost. I sell will force and making excellent shipments large (inanities of very fine ore. The now assuming the shape of a good For the next twenty days principal work is being done on the building, and w ill be a credit to Euany and all ot my large slock of ladies of h'.gh grade ore. alt hough the Lancasterand hats, bonnets, not ions and fancy goods Cleveland, reka, although it is the Roll Wagoner, of Aspen, Colo, a opin at cost. Call early while the stock is Chloride will, without question, prove ion that it should have general been consid Miss Malcolm. J. prominent mining man, and interested to be complete. w just us good ground hen . erable larger. in the Alaska mine, was in Tintic this development work is done. To M. E. l Hl'ItCU. wool, to Wanted. inspect the property. the north, and on the same vein, are This structure is also 30x40 feet. Half dozen judges t r try my celelien D. Luce and a party of friends the Damltcare, the Codava. Little 5c wen frame, and will answer the demands Don Cahlos. brated lirand through the Reck mine Monday Hopes, and Dandy Jim claims, all of Eureka for some time to come. I fear no competition. cigars. is ore in and night say there no end of El itEKA Fat it Stoke. promising properties, and from which The building is neat and substantially sight in that famous property. some good shipments have been made. Opposite Shea's Hall. built, and the members of that con Sis and one-hatons of Sunbeam On the Codiva a tunnel has Wen run are deserving of much praise gregation ! Notice ore sokl in the Salt Lake market last 128 feet which has st ruck the vein in for the energy and perseverence disTo? whom it may concern. All week netted the leasors $21 per ton, tlie Damltcare claim adjoining, and played in securing it. parties are hereby untitled not to erect the ah- being made through Rice's a drift has been run of twenty feet CATHOLIC SCHOOL 1U1LDINO. or cause to be erected, any structures on an eighteen-inci- i vein that goes is less than four weeks since the It or buildings on the "Wolfe Tone' or sampling works. The Tintic mill is being repaired $171 in gold and 15 ounces in silver, Right. Rev. L. Scanlan visited Eureka "Robert E. Lee" mining claims. . T. I). Sl'LLIVAN. and a crusher put in for work on cus- There are some good showings for with a view to having this building tom ore. The mill will be enlarged to mines in that locality. erected, and now we can see the frame a capacity of seven-liv- e tons a day and For Sale. work of what is to be one of the larg The editor of one of our Montana est and best constructed will use t he leaching process. A VAU'AIILE i ndeveoped buildings in mining i is experiencing a peck of ILAim: Eureka. It is to be 40x48 feet, with The engineer in charge of the last exchanges trouble just now. Says he: A full claim liooxloiiO feet, joining and well lighted. Chance mine at Warden, Idaho, says political the members good high ceilings "The wily and falcon-eye- d ground on the north. Title perfect. Address the elect ric percussion drills have been of the democratic party call us an ig- The, building will be completed and for in the course of or call at Tintic Miner office Eureka, found to do more work than the air norant republican chum) and say that ready to occupancy Utah. (lavs. drills and inconsequence the air drills we forty thirty do not know enough to feed chicks. N. X. llliOWN'H LIVEKV 1SAKN. have been replaced hy electric drills in Then the dove-lik- e and white-so- u led For Sale! Mr. N. N. Rrown has leased the lot that mine. retaliinembersof the republican party Good house.good cellar, Cleveland Consolidated was called ate by calling us a democrat ic stinker just east of McChrystal's store of Mrs. R. for a term of years, and everything in good repair. Fine busi- on the Stock Exchange last week, and assert that we would sell our birth- is Tompkins, ness corner on the other side the road a building thereon now erecting from Williams' saloon. Reasons for Thursday, and ",000 shares disposed right for a panful of buzzard dollars. to be occupied by himself selling, leaving the place. Will sell of at i'lds. This was done on the Indeed such embarrasing environ- )4x0 feet, R. C. Wills. ind utilized as a livery barn. Mr. cheap for cash. first call and sold in lots of from 500 ments has taken our appetite and our Mammoth. to l.'iiio shares. On the second call irridescent dreams are disturbed at Rrow n has purchased some of the fin est turnouts in tlie Territory and will 35cts was asked. The Cleveland is a night. We will buy a hog and a tom- soon be in Far Sale at a Bargain. possession of one of tlie finfavorite. Alliance tom Farmers' and the join A new two story building and large est barns in Utah. equipped The Rullion-Recmine has made and the Salvation Army and vote as lot at Silver City." The house, is 17x40 TWO STOltY IIHICK. with 4 large rooms in second story. It some, heavy shipments this week, we durn please on all occassions." Messrs. Castileni and partners, of is built of redwood, and handsomely 750 tons, and the Eureka Salt ceiled. Will be sold at a great bar- probably Lake, are pushing their Thk result of the leaching test will Hill mine has also sent out a number gain. Apply to Adams it Sons Co., at brick business block to completion U. 1'. Depot. Eureka, or to J. S. of carloads of fine ore. If the figures be awaited with interest by Tintic w ill have it ready for occupancy and of the output of these mines could be mine owners, for if the process can Mackintosh, Eureka. by the middle 'of September. This presented in dollars they would make successfully solve the problem of will be the equal of any in a big advertisement for Tintic. Notice. working our low grade ores to a profit building the being substantially built and city, is become to bound the Tintic biggest All parties are hereby warned not The "Martha Washington, at Silver, to trespass upon the General Logan made its first shipment of ore last camp on the coast. Four carloads of roomy.addition to the above there are In ore have been sent to Park City to the mining claim and Mill Site, the same v. ef, numerous in course il' other 'through Rice's sampling works. Morsac mill to lie being the proper! v o,f the utulersign.-d- . thoroughly tested construction in building ounces hi silver, Said mining claim lies immediately The tire assayed,-12different parts of the Kussell of method the leaching, by south and east of U. J', depot, anil 2i per cent lead and a small amount city. It is only the commencement mill site about 4 mile east of Eureka. of Martha Washington and on the result will depend whether however, as the Hearing of the R. G. The gold. W. Moukis, C. II. Lawrence and his associates, Samfkl S. Moukis. may be looked upon as one of the who have purchased the right for W. to the city cannot help hut instill end. of south the W. I). Meykks. coining shippers new life and vigor into the camp EuTintic, will erect a mill ror the re reka has awakened from her Rip Van George Arthur Ilice, Treasurer duction of the ores of this district. of Garfield county, Colorado, and Notice. is fast becoming a Winkle and sleep Mr. Lawrence is confident that the To whom it may concern: All part- State Senator Gilder, of Glenwood enterprising and progres test will prove that the ores can be ies are hereby not itied not to erect or were out at Silver City and sive before another twevle Colo., Springs, city, cause to be erected, any structures or worked better hy the Kusscll process month will cause many of her rivals Wednesday and visited the Alaska method. buildings on the ' Little Chief " other than by any and Tesora properties. As a result of to look upon the wonderful city of the Jas. P. Diuscoll, their visit some investments in Tintic John Piuscoll, Oquirrh range with surprise and envy. to little the pat many Kkfeiuung T. 1). Sl'LLIVAN. mines may be looked for in the liear ent inside sheets published in this John Moop.e. future. DEATH OF JEEEY D. SULLIVAN. Territory as well as a few papers lay More men will lie put to work in the ing claim to the title of dailies, one PKOVO-TINTI- C Mammoth mine about the first of the would think a solution of the tariff In a Fit of Despondency at Ogrden month, when it is expected the ma- quest ion among them involved the He Takes His Own Lifechinery will start up, the delay having life of this great nation. Since the A man shot himself dead in Lester been caused by the of the Mormon leaders have resolved to dis Ret ween park yesterday morning. steam and air pipes. There is no solve anil on party lines, 9 o'clock and 9 .'M, the news spread reorganize doubt but the Mammoth will soon re- the doses of tariff and tariff reform alKiut the city that someone had sume its old position as one of the that have been administered to the ended his earthly career while sitting mines in the public have been numerous and stead on a bench Commencing on Tuesday, best dividend-payindirectly opposite the resiWest. will leave ily increasing in size. It must cost dence of Adam Kuhn. The police 28th, Stages July Eureka at 8:00 a. m., (tarrying Charles Lynch, one of the employes "a heap" of study and thought to were soon on the ground, and sure at Mclntyre's ranch, met with a very some of the tariff articles that enough they found a man lying dead passengers to Utah Lake, serious and painful accident yesterday compile in every issue of the papers re with a bullet hole through his head appear where they will take the new morning. He was on top of a wagon ferred to. It makes one feel that the from temple to temple and the blood steamer, Florence, for Provo, loan or nay when he slid down and country will be saved- Park Record streaming from li is frightful wounds. ran one of the posts of the hayrack arriving at 12:30. Richey Ilrothers carried the body to Quick Time in Drilling. through his left forearm, tearing ami their undertaking rooms and examined the flesh in a fearful manAt Elkhorn. Montana, on the 4th, the clothes, finding a letter addressed 25 MILES BY STEAMER! mangling ner. He was sent, to the hospital at an interesting drilling contest took to Jerry D. Murphy, written by his Salt Lake yesterday. place. The contest ants in the double sister, Mrs. Con. Holland, who resides Leave Eureka H:il A. m. Ar. Provo. I2'.:i M A telegram was When North Eureka stock was put hand match were J. 15. Andrew and in Eureka, Utah. " M M. 4:HI t'rovo ;.IA. Evrcka, on the Exchange a month ago the James Jenkins, of theElkhorn Mining sent to her and a response soon came price was fixed by the company at 10 eomnanv. John Sheehan and Louis asking to hold the body until she Trips will lie inade every cents. Then the property was only a Jangraw of the C. & D. mine. Andrew could arrive. Murphy has been in has been Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday little developed. Since then work and Jenkins made l!4 inches in 11 Ogden several days and hotel. He has pushed ahead until there is quite minutes, while the C. & D. mine men stopping at the Central a good showing, so good that the com- made 31 inches in 15 minutes. The complained of not feeling well to Eureka to I'mvo, fc.7.. Hound trip. 4Att pany do not care to sell more stock single-han- d match was between Wil some of the boarders at the hotel, and " " ... 1..KI. X'..t and are even buying back much of liam T. Maddern and W. Edward that is the reason ascribed for the what was originally sold. Tribune. The latter made 2.1 incees in L min rash act. He ate his breakfast at. l'usfM'iitft'Ts fur Provo mid ot lier valley Eureka mining men are not confin- utes, while Maddern sank the drill about 7 o'clock and then went to a towns will find tliKroute tlie most convenient street their opi-ra- ions to home mines, 21 inches in the same length of time barbershop on Twenty-fourt- h ing and iiffreeable, as well as tho like but the Irishman at Donnybrook The timekeeners were Thomas Davis to get shaved, after which he went to t'lose connections are mude wit h K. O. W. li nd lT. 1. trnins at the park, where he committed the Provo forfait Lake and fair, whenever they ce a head they and Mike McDonald. allotlier railrotnl points. rash deed. feel inclined to hit it. The Uncle man and stood He was a well-buiSam Mining company of Marysvale What They Expect in Eureka. and looked to erect at about six feet, has just been organized largely by RORERTS & MORGAN, Mike Powers was asked last night, be about twenty-eigh- t C. Eureka Dr. of whom years old. lievan, men, effect '"what Lake Salt the Times, ttnrek-says Ai;ntt. dollars in money was M. Thaekston, ('. L. Rrowu and Dr. he thought the building of the Rio Ninety-fou- r Kunipe are among tlie incorporators. i i rand Western road would have on Eu found in his clothes. The coroner's inquest will probably The property is said to be among the reka and the rest of Tintic district?" The revolver used best in the Marysvale district, is pat- His reply was that he thought the be held the bench found beneath was I ented ground, and assays have been effect would be the 11 lying an of biggest kind obtained which run into the thou- excitemetn. There is no better dis uMiti which he was sitting and is a sands. The gentlemen think they trict in the west than It is unRritish bull-doTintic, the mines have a big property. RAILKOAP. in saloon was the derstood Murphy which have been opened are making At the Scotia mine in West Tintic in Eureka. Tribune. business SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD. ions and getting district two shifts of men are being astonishing product better asthcygetdeeper. Then then .Vlill to start 1 p. The Favorite Route to worked and experiments are still beCopiM-is a large mineral area that is wholly ing made in order to obtain the best Pi eiilo, July 21. Orders have been It will only take a lit Glenwood, Aspen, Lcadvillc, method to work the ore. The arastra unprospectcd. by the management of the a new given of the like event tle completion is not now running, and experiments to Pueblo Smelt ing & Refining company attention to draw railroad of line S!iinis. l)i nver. in leaching and concentration will be for the resumption of work in the copthese things. tried. John Fleming is running a per mills of that lnst.it ut ion that have And all Points East ami Sunt h. liinnel to tap the ledge in the Golden been lying idle for almost a year. This Notice. w ill be good news to the copper minDAILY. Star and Silver Star claims, which he TWO TRAINS All accoiits due and owing the assay ers of the southwesteren will do at a depth of 150 fee'.. Ore portion of P.ird have thistlay the state, as it will afford them a Elegant Pullman and Tourists Slee-er- s from these claims will run $'! to $4 in firm of llanauerAc e on Each Train. silver, between $1 and 2 in gold, and been placed for collection with large competitive market in this city , Minkk & attorneys-at-law4ii pounds of bismutii Pike, Ihe to ton, for their ore. H is expected to get adFor full informal ion call on or which is worth $2.75 per pound. Witli office. Those knowing themselves everything in shape for starting W. .1. SIIOTWELL. dress and improved ap- indebted to us will please govern them-- s I. Employment will be given Agent, ."is W. nd Sooth, railroad afacilities G. T. SMITH. A.S. HUGHES. Ives accordingly. pliances nil met km Is to work t he ore. about 201) men and it is expected to w t is comit h on doubt the hat Tralllc Mgr. General Mtrr. Frank A. Ruth. that 3eu carloads of ore per month ing of tin- new railroad West Tintic S. K. IKMiPER. G. P. and 'I'. A., will be handled. Ki i:i-July 22,1!U. Coin. ilisiii'.t w ill i.vpeiience a great boom. -- HA I LEV. ('. rp 8 gallon keg $3.25. Quart liollles per dozen, 1 Itilli. non-arriv- g 1 CALL ON V. Parties returning empty bottles T. FURf JASON, be allowed 3.) will cents per dozen. 1 the Fashionable Barber toll A JULIUS MARSHALL, Propt. Leave Orders at Headquarters. FIHG BATH OK Clean Shave and Neat Hair Cut. KID Xoi'lli side of Main SI reet. opposite Eureka Hotel. Eureka. Flali. WEsTEItN" t CJKAXDE LUiLWJ WESTERN RAILWAY. C.F.O. rKTF.lt I! ANMiV. HANSON & I '.OKI" P. W)1UT1 lt THE I5R0AD GAUGE LINE FOK ALL POINTS EAST. The jiatrons of this line, in addition to loinr jrivcii tlie advantGeneral Blacksmitlis. age of quick time and low rates, are furnished elegant vecliniiifr Horse Shoeing and General chair cars, Kitr.K of Ciiai;(;i;. . Kt'l air work Neatly and These cars run through !Srino-done. Colorado Pueblo, Promptly and Denver, without change, and First Class Work Guaranteed. direct connections for all points S p opposite furniture '.tori'. made in I'nion Depots, are cast Utah. KritKK a, thus avoiding any transfer. If you are contemplating a trip to California or any point east, and are eonnulting your own interests, MAMMOTH, UTAH, you will travel over this line. Parties traveling from the Tin ri'(iiricl(ir. JAMES DEMMIMl. tic count rv can reach the Kio (ir.inde Western at Provo. Ad .1. II. Dennett, Kxt'clii-iiAce iiiiiuoihil inns for tin dress 'i'ra vt lino 'I'lililossup- (i. P. A.. Salt Lake Citv. (Siu'iv.".i's (d ('mi Itorup.r Ijoad-villc- s R1TER HOUSE, l ,1 llii- Willi llll'lll'sl till' inai'l-.eniTonls. -l l i Programmes, wedding invilat announcements, elegant am cheap, at the Minkk office. ion-am- RATES REASONABLE. MAi Till, BOOM. lf Trv Mv stock of Cigars is excellent. them. EUREKA'S BIG BUILDING - I'astor. Professional Cards. The Cleveland Consolidated mining propei'tyC ih Dragon" Hollow, which has just been listed on the Salt Lake Stock Exchange, is a prime favorite already, the stock running up several ixiints per share this present week. The property is under the able of Capt. George Ryan, and consists of three locations, the Cleveland. Lancaster and Chloiide. On super-intenden- PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, WALL FAFER.&C. Shop in McChrystal's Having bought the subscription list of the Nephi Ensfrn, which will be added to that of the Miner, makes the latter paper the best advertising medium in Juab coun ty. The Miser is the only paper in Juab ounty reaching the masses of the people NO. 13. two-rom- ii J. F. HERR, . l'resniellt. llAIUUMJTON. '1'. TO ADVERTISERS! fir itfMf TINTIC MINISG NOTES. Milk Shake! Milk Shake!! all kinds of Cold Sumniei Irinks. at the Eureka Fruit More, opiiosite Shea's hall. And Manufacturer of sin lliiii t'vciy M.ni.iay evening at 7:;0. Ali members ar- resjnvtfully requested .lollN A. GAI.l" AliH Kit. to Ullciui. ,f v EUREKA, Jl'AIl COUNTY, UTAH. FIJI DAY, JULY 2U 1891. VOL. I. SECRET SOCIETIES. . Livery and Transfer. FIIU.T-CLAL- Rath-b-.ui- I , . |