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Show aGe twa brother for he doent think much of the idea of being the fiCflWi only hoy in the family of four Mr. and Mrs. Donal Stevens sisters. vx a are proud and happy partents Mr. and Mrs. Miles Roberts of a baby boy born Nov.27th 19th FOR SALE 42 FORD JEEP the parents are dobley happy spent the weekend of Nov. Fish-lakCan be seen 69 W. 1425 No. as the boy arrived on the par- hunting elk down in the District. They were accomSunset, $250. Must be sold. ents wedding anniversary, also on the hunt by Mr. and panied a and is child thier oldest boy Good cond. Or call TA Edwardd of Lyman. Don Mrs. then there were four sisters. was very happy when Mrs. Edwards is a sister to Mrs. Eugene WANTED Ironing and light he was told he had a baby Roberts. BUSY? Let Santas Helper help housework. P1I TA Mrs. Roberts was lucky to you. Will make doll clothes. bring back a nice big 0 point SP5 Delos Elmer now station- bull elk with her to Clearfield. Reasonable! Call EP 3 5790. ed at Fort Carcon, Colorado was home for the Thankesgiving The American Legion AuxilMr. and Mrs. Larry Easthope holiday. He left late Sunday iary, Unit 1334, held its regular FOR SALE One hoys and one Girls 26 bicycle. $10 each were called to Salt Lake City evening for duty again. Delos meeting Monday evening, Nov. One metal highchair. Phone Sunday, Nov. 20, to the bedside is teaching a Sunday School 21, at the Legion Home 790 class of 10 and 11 year olds in No. Main Clearfield. oi Mr. Easthopes 83 year-olTA mother, who had been taken their little branch. The members celebrated the to the LDS hospital for obserMr. and Mrs. Vern Young and Americans Legions 41st. birthHELP WANTED, Earn Christ- vation. the Thanksgiving mas money by having an ex- A welfare dinner is being family spent in Oak City with their day. held for the Sunset Ward, Fri- holiday Three new members were inparents. However, Mrs. Young day, Dec. 2, at 5 30 p.m. We has been ill over the week end, itiated; Mrs. Thomas Fry, Mrs. will hope everyone partlcapate since. . Farley Smout, and Mrs. Delores at the ward is gratly in need Watson. of welfare funds. Those who Mr. and Mrs. Tecf, Elmer and Auto Fire have already paid their $10 per family from Washington was At the Next meeting, Dec. 15, come home to spend the holidays the preparations for the annual Enumclaw Insurance family assessment of may their din- with his mother and r eat for the price Childrens Christmas Party, Dec. C. Tesch, Agent ner alome, those who havent Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cac?. 17, will take place. paid, are expected to pay and 3608 Washington lilvd. Mr. and Mrs. Artie Bell and and A pot Luck Dinner also their dinner fee. It is only EX $1 00 per plate for adults and family htfve returned from a Guests from Senior troop no. NMItfUUUIMMIHUUilUHMiMHIWMUUMMIUtUillMIMMHUIMIUIUU 50 cents for children. Remem- week of visiting in Nevada with 42 of Ogden were the factors of a very interesting party held ber the date and lets sacrifice relatives. last Monday, Nov. 28 by the Girl a little more to help this cause. Little Carol Bailey celebrat- Scouts GOVERNMENT of Troops no. 93 of ed her eleventh birthday SatClearfield, Mrs. R. Joens of with her SURPLUS SALES friend, Marilyn urday Sunset showed fascinating slidAnother new music store by McQuarrie, attending a local es of her and her husbands trip Now anyone can buy direct Il.XRT BROS. 4 dr. No. of theater. down the Colorado River in from U.S. Government SurThe Scouts of Sunset ward 1955. There were about 40 in Ben Lomond Hotel, Ogden, plus Depots, by mail for are making Chrismas wreaths attendenee and all filled themyourself or for resale. Camto sell for their projects again selves with food, excitement, eras, binoculars, cars, jeeps, this year. They will have a as ofthey followed the Jones trucks, boats, hardware, sample this week end to down the Colorado, and friends fice machines and equiptake orders from and they hope as the troops intermingled and ment, tents, tools and up 4o have our support in helping met each other. of other items at with their project. them Rent a new Piano a fraction of their original Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sears At the Meeting next Tuesday, cost. Many items brand new. 3 Months $19.00 took turkey and had dinner in Dec. 6, the girls will discuss For list of hundreds of U.S. Huntsville with Mr. and Mrs. plans for a Chrismas Basket Government Surplus Depots, Aldous $19 applies if purchased Gordon Thanksgiving tor a needy family. located in every State and Day. Mrs. Aldous is the former (No obligation to buy) overseas with pamphlet School News and she has just How Government Can Ship Utahs only authorized dealer June Sears moved into her new recently mock A Direct To You," plus procefor WURUTZER pianos expedition to India home. William S. Willet conducted dures, HOW TO BUY and by Rawn Wallgren was ill over organs how to get FREE SURPLUS, was taken in an assembly on end with week Flu. the the mail to SURPLUS 1960 at North Davis $2.00 The many friends of Elder Nov. 18, Hart Bros. Music SALES INFORMATION . Jr. High to are greet very happy Draper SERVICES. P.O. Box No. 2478 Wash. Blvd. Ogden Mr. Willet added intrest to him on his return from the 1818, Washington 5, D C. Australian mission. Two years the assembly by showing his spears, sorta change places and things collection of native a bit but he will soon become clothing, jewerly, and a tiger Skin. accustomed to it again. A special attraction came Allan Fernn has been ill when Linda Hill and Vicky last week with a bad cold. everone by Happy birthday to Delbert Gailcs surprized Kay and Tammy Kay on Nov., modeling the native costume 20, to Wayne Brostrom and and putting their heads in a Don Rasmussen on Nov. 22; to Tigers mouth. Raging now jh the halls of Betty Cagel and Bishop Hal Wayne H. Green Bailey on Nov. 23, to R. E. Ciearticld high is the annual Echekbergrr and Kay Bayne PTA Drive Each homeroom is Manager Roy Branch on Nov. 25, to Ihnebe Archer pitted aginst each other for the on Nov. 26, to LaRue Nelson honor ot the most membership Pioneer Finance Co. on Nov. 27, to Karen Hadlnck precentagc wise. The winners be honored by special and LeMar Wav man on Nov will J 29, and to Kim Bowen and Lynn treats to each of the members Sincere Experienced Capable if 75 per cent mem Bayne on Nov. 30, and to Kim of the class, Well Known Bowen and Lynne Bayne on bership is attained, wil choose Nov 30. Happy anniversary to, a movie to be shown to the Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Olson on student body An extra edition of the school Nov 21, Mr. and Mrs Duain Larsen on Nov. 20, and to Mr. newspaper will be published Tuesday containing the seven and Mrs Osmer Knight on Nov-2AVOID THE LATE RUSH choices of emblems illustiated H.ippv birthday to Eva Dawof brief illustrations with PHONE AHEAD FOR ONE STOP SERVK E son on Dec. 1 and Happy to Mr and Mrs. Gearge names for the Yearbook News5649 SOUTH 1900 WEST, ROY, UTAH P1E EX 3 8134 paper, Directory, and matching S Reid on Dec 2. units. Chosen as school Artist is Steven DeVries, some of his duties will be the schoiM calendar, emblem designs, and etc A final decision to have a First Showing Ogden STARTING NOV. 23 year book was made after ihiough examination of all possibles of a Printing Comanv in Orem was chosen to do the U book Applications ol all inter ested parties was made and Steven Mitchell was chosen EdOI F HIGHWAY 91 IN RIVERDVLE itor by the st uden ttiftdv and class officcis by the Advisors. And Blue Star Bright Show Of The Year! the Red, The journalsum students and staff members will meet this Friday, Dee 2, to organize a Press Club The pourposc of this club will be to unite personages of interest to the meetings to give a short discourse and then the members will interview them At the coming meeting a President, Vice President, and seccrtarv will he elected Also chosen will be difciting career with Sarah Coventry selling jewelry. For further information Call TA Clearfield News t e Sunset News INSURANCE step-fathe- New Pianos $495.00 INTRODUCING NEW MANAGER HOLIDAY MONEY NOW! MOTOR-V- te ferent n' U committees A posture parade held last Monday was well recievcd by the parents and guests attending. All the female student-bodparaded in best military fashion before the judges, 10 individual awards were given out for outstanding effort and work, also given out were 16 awards for the best lines of the show. Although this was the climax of practice and work Mrs. Raty, the instructor, Will continue with posture work through out swings out and sounds off with those ever-lovi- Advertising placed in THE SUNCHRONlCLE returned a T to THUTlSDAf, DECEMBER 1, i960 THE the year. Hooper tlsvs At th6 Weber County club achievenent program held at Weber High School, several 4-- Hooper people recevied awards. Outstanding In this respect was the Norman Hull family. Norman was given an agricul-tur- l medal, Richard was given a leadership award and a tractor award and Carol earned a clothing medal and a pin for being a dress review winner. DeAnn Jensen also received a pin as a winner in the dress review. THURS. FRI. SAT- - & SUN - SPECIAL S3 The Starlite Dance held a Goble Hobble Friday night with Lloyd and Norma Clark as sponsors. Winners of the prizes were Ronald and Beth Arnold, Harold and Norma Jackson and Ellis and Dorothy Brown. Guests at the home of Frank and Della Rawson last week was Frank Pottle of Newfoundland, Canada. Elder Pottle is going on an L.D.S. mission and entered the mission home Monday. He is being sent from the New England mission. He is the first L.D.S. missionary to be sent out from Newfoundland and was converted to the church two years ago. He will serve in tthe Western Canadian mission. ' Roger Rawson became acquainted with Elder Fottlee while laboring in the mission at Newioundland. Roger has been there for the past nine months. Hostess to a group of friends recently was RaNae Higley. After the evening's entertainment, refreshments were served to Elam Read, Dawna Cox, Nola Colleen Gearge and Higicy, Fern Jackson. A review of the The Ugly American given by Lenore Kap was enjoyed by the members of the Hooper Woman's club when they met at the home of Delsa Powers. Lorraine and Ixiretta Simpson gave several musical num- bers. Guests 0KE-A-DA- $ Reg. 2.94 Juliet Peowse D K'fi bv flOsUtS ILRM Catherine Simpson, Elnora wid-Margie Byington Bvmg-ton- , Marsha Powers, Gayle Fow-ers- , Susan Powers and Sheryl Powers. ( lub members present incluil-- ; ed Julia Spaulding, Ruth Daw-- ' san, Margaret Vaughn, Beth Robinson, Marian Cox, Flora . Martha Mae Widdison, Ruth Mason, Charlene Simpson, Donna Cottle, Josephine Sim-son- , Virginia Widdison, Nola Jean and the hostess. Uuth Mason will be hostess for the next meeting to be hi Id on Dec 7. Three Weber High School students fium Hooper paitid-patein the exchange students program two week ago. They were Lddie Garner, Nancy Cox and Bannie Mason They all visited at the Indian School at Brigham till then each of them had a guest come to stay with them Eddie's guests was fred Daws, a Navaho irom Arizona, Nancy 's guest was Elaine Whitehorse from New Mexico and Louise Sam, al,so of New Mexico, stay-ed with Bonnie Ta-lur- 1P1MXTLU2 SEE 'miHE MAGNIFICENT 1411111 LOR I wtaSOTMMMi si TMwiim w SISKS Box Office icri-t- camu-- wwtm eencwirfoev kuiiaii-rk- mm In Cur Heaters Opens 6:30 1 4 us home in Sun.M t Living in the Russell home, here are Lcl.md and Margaret Jones and their son, Alan. The Country Bovs chours under the direction of Jay Beus, presented the program at Sacrament meeting Sunday night at the Hooper First Ward. They put on a very oulstand mg program of reading and singing. Jay is to be commend- ed for the accomplishment he has made with this group of young boy s. The Seventies Quorum of Hooper First Ward is sponsoring a fund rasing banquet Saturday, Dec. 3 at the ward hall. Tickets are $5 00 each for heads of familes and $2 50 for additional guests. They may be from any member of the Bishoprir of Relief Society presidency. The money obtained from this banquet will bp used to de- fray this wards obligation to the L.D.S. Seminary. Velma Read is confined to the Dee . Hospital following major surgery. We wish her a rapid recovery. YOUR Completely Corrected Greatly Improved mmm , Show 7 P.M. FANNING Chiropractic Roy, Utah REGULAR LB. SIZE 98c LARGE Lanolin Rich ASSORTMENT LOTION TO 100 SIZE 3 CHOOSE 1. FROM REG. SI SHUPE-WILLIAM- Clinic BOXED S HOLIDAY MIX Christmas Card 2 im Only 69c Reg. 2.69 6 FOOT ALUMINUM CHRISTMAS TREE Reg. 10.49 ylf- - i BRASS RECORD CADDY have-move- FOR APPOINTMENT CALI tMttWW CREAM W00D8URY Duane and Verlene Russell and daughter. Elizabeth, from Hooper to a new Field Survey Data Reports 28.1 LEMONIZED SHAM 1 CHIROPRACTOR 57.7 "42" MINT 1 Intcr-niounta- ALLEUGi ykSWt 49c 3for FORMULA dison, W lien and HtMtY lb. Jar REGULAR 1.98 o caariii OR ALBUM CADDY Reg. SI. 29 Each YOUt 98' CHOICE utmiMjuflutwi im I Idl H 7 Desert Flower Hand and Body LOTION AQc plus tax 3 POSITIVE HEAT Automatic Heating Pad 2.98 Reg. $3.98 Lanolin Plus LARGE HONEY DOLLS Reg. 4.49 s3.49 SIZE Do You Suffer From bf DM1A0 BdDtfi 1 at the meeting were PRODUCTION TECHNICOLOR JELLY Multiple Vitamins 100s PETROLEUM WHITE Y 14 OZ. HtlWUllS ratio to Merchant 1 HAIR SPRAY Reg. 9!)c 69 Plus Tax OUR Toy and Game Department M |