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Show When. you read the Classified Ads . . . You can. find the BIST LOCAL- - BUYS! . Sam Taylor and families. alsf Leland Karras left. Tuesdajr of the Overnight guests evening for Camp. He has been Thomas Gibbys on Wednesday ROY NEWS Mrs. LaVon Rodgerson is at . home now recuperating following surgery. Motoring to Yakima, Washington over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs.. 1 Larry Heiser and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Critchlow and families. They visited with Bishop and Mrs. Joel Richards and family, former Roy resi dents. enjoying a vacation here from boot training. . Our sympthys go out to the Louis and Allen Zaugg families with the passing of their father. Peter Greenwald, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kearney Greenwald had the misfortune of catching his foot on his bike recently. He is getting along okay now. Recovering front a recent The John Pf under family are operation is Rex Bachman. spending a week at Yellowstone Elois Goff, wife of Charles on vacation. Goff was rushed ta the hosMr. and Mrs. Charles Parker pital on Monday. She is reenjoyed a trip to California to ceiving treatment for a kidney visit his brother and family. stone ailment. Spending the weekend in Idaho Falls were Mr. and Mrs. Bertha Child has returned home from the hospital. She Earl Jones. Returning home from a nice is recuperating from a foot weekend at Yellowstone are Mr. operation. and Mrs. Kieth Homer and three Mr. and Mrs. Laurel Jones children. have a new son! He was born Spending the past weekend in September 6 and makes the high uintas were Peter and sixth son for the Jones. They Orpha Alberts and Marilyn and have on daughter, Laura Ann, were Mr. and Mrs. Dale Woodruff and daughter Barbara of Seattle, Washington. Mr. Woodruff is a grandson of Mrs. Gibbys. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Jones and children spent Labor Day at Wellsville. It took si stitches to fill the wound on the back of Michael Jenson. Michael is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Jenson. He caught his back on a barb-wirfence. Get well wishes go out to Alex Skeen and Mary Randall. They are both ill at home. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Johnson have left for a weeks vacation in Canada. Mr. Don Ray was admitted to the Dee Hospital on Tuesday. He is receiving treatment for a slipped disc. Mrs. Leota Smith entered the hospital on Tuesday for treatment. We hope she will soon be well. Mr. and Mrs. Dari Field and daughter are vacationing at Yellowstone National Park. A family get together was held Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stahle. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. David Wilson and seven children of Pierre, South Dakota; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Goodfellow, Bountiful, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Goodfellow and three children of Burley, Idaho; and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Barber and five children of Centerville. Dinner was enjoyed followed by games and visiting. GoodA brother, Darrell fellow, his wife and two boys of Portland, Oregon were also recent visitors. A baby girl was born Sunday August 28, to Gordon and Peggy Lynn Stoddard at the Cooley Hospital in Brigham City. She weighed in at 6 lbs. 6 oz. and arrived at 10 minutes after 7. Roy Ogden was installed as a member of the Kiwanis Club last Wednesday by Dr. Wendell Noal. Mr. Ogden is the manager of Roy Lumber Co. and resides at 5332 South 2100 West with hiS wife and three child ren. e SICK? see CHIROPRACTOR FANNING CLINIC Roy, Utah O WHO IS THE MAN THAT WILL WORK IF ELECTED TiiimsnAY September 8, ioco And Kirk L. Hartman, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kim Hartman, he was named by his father. FIFTH WARD Business taken care ol Sunday at Fast Meeting is as Mcfe FIVE . was released as historian. night. During the show, Tarzan erter and received their certiPingree was sustained as asked Martin Hamblin to come ficates from Robert Pontius. secretary and historian of the up and assist him in his arrow Primary ward preparation FIRST WARD act and after they were through, meeting will be held Monday Primary. Relief Society work day was he took him to his dressing night Sept. 12, 7:30 p.m. It The Belief Society Bazaar held Thursday with bazaar items room with him and .talked to will be at the home of Gladys will be held Saturday, Septemhim. He gave him one of his Thompson. being sewn on. ber 17, 6:00 p.m. Lets all make hunting anrpWj that he haa now EIGHTH WARD to attend will there plans Recently sustained as Primary brought back from Africa just be all kinds of nice sewn artiWard Conference will be held where he lust finished making George Thomas Cardon, son workers are Nina Chappel, Top cles to buy and loads of good of Mr. and Mrs. George D. Car- Sunday September 11th. Sesthe show, many Pilot teacher and Hazel Babitt, food for the family, plus games don, was baptized by his sions are as follows. Priesthood picture. After at Lagoon tried to Trekker leader. employees and fun for everyone. brother, Carlos Dean Cardon on leadership 8:00 a.m.; Priesthood bargain with him to sell it to The annual Primary birthday Saturday evening and con- 8:30 a.m.; Sunday School 10:00 them, but the sehtiment was party will be held Tuesday Primas sustained Recently firmed Sunday by Bishop D. a.m.; Olficers and Teachers too great. He's putting it away Sept. 13. AH the children are ary workers are LaRaine Venule Parsons. testimoney meeting 3'45 p.tn. tor Safe keeping as af souvenir invited to bring a gift to help Top Pilot teacher; and Sacrament 5:00 at Jane Snyder, daughter p.m. from Tarzan and. will always out the Primary. Beatrice Checkettes, Seagull of Penny Mr. and Mrs. Glen If. Snyder President Lowers will be in at- treasure It. The boys who went teacher and Iona Hall, Fire-lit- e was baptized and confirmed to tendance the Stake in the class were: Jerold Petrepresent by teacher. her fatner. presidency. erson, Ronald Gardner, Lyle The ward is going to have a Karas, Curtis Micha'el Lester Van Sickltl I and EdReleased as Primary workers Starts FRL, SEPT. 16 on the t7th of Septem- gar Hamblin Campbell them were Marilyn Bennington who son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Carnival will accompanied be a It ber. fund building Van was choirster, Delores Miller, Sickle, was baptized by along with Martin and Marsha UTAH STATE FAIR Carlos D. Cardon and confirmed project and will be held in the Hamblin. Seagull leader, Bonnie area at the church, parking and Marlene Eastman, by Bishop D. Vernile Parsons. :M MIGHTS THRU SEPT. 25 NINTH WARD Scott Lee Van Sickle, new it will begin at 2:00 p.m. and Sunbeam teachers. BIGGER AND BETTER Relief Society work day will son ol Mr. and Mrs. Herman will feature all types of rides Recently graduated from Van SacKle was given a blessing good food, cake sale and other be held Wednesday Sept. 14, Primary were Allan Evans, son and a name by Fred C. Wheel- items. Lets all plan now to 10 a.m. Report meeting will be ! WORLD FAMOU attend. of Mr. and Mrs. David Evans wright. ' held, followed by quitting and demona bread and roll and David Stevenson, son of are as blessed making Scott Dee Blaine, son of Mr. Babys Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Wells Stevenson. and Mrs. Alton by Lima Cook. Also a Jay Blain was follows: Kevin Lee Naef, son stration Remember the Primarys split biessad by his father. ot Mr. and Mrs. Farold Naef. blanket sale will be held. The lt Ik times Junior Primary 3:00 Chnsana Jeau'Davis, daughter He was blessed by his Father events of the day are under 'kCktHfiSC p.m. Senior Primary 3:45 p.m. of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Uavis and Kara Spencer, daughter of the direction of Dorene Huiet, I.DuiliH! and Annie Vera Evans Mr. Tubbs, Mrs. D. and Charles Spenwas blessed Deiurn Bingby A Genealogical Excursion to MATINEES cer of San Francisco, Califor- Helen Stewart. 1 P M. and 5 PM. the library at Salt Lake will be ham. - SM RichShe was we are blessed in October nia. Ward by Conference will be held Beginning . . - Sap. 1 30 P M. IS and SI made Septemeber 9. They will brother-in-laC. to of Saturard start a series 5.00 PM. Bramwcll, SptwnbK 23 going be leaving the church at 5.45 next Sunday, so everyone let s Mr. of day afternoon shows for the Spencer. plan to attend. p.m. SIX lit WARD Baptized Saturday evening children. So watch for more Members of our Ward doing was Jo Ann Compton, daughter details. Children of Our ward who IT S EASY. SAVES TIME. were baptized Saturday and baptismal work at Salt Lake of Joseph and Jane Compton. Blessed Sunday was ChristoHERE'S HOW. Send a Marie were. last T. confirmed Sunday were Dale She was baptized by John Wednesday pher Bell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stamped Addressed ReNelson, son of Mr. and Mrs Leairtt, Nola Naegle, Elaine Sorenson and confirmed by William Bell. He was blessed oung, Bessie Kay, Mary Lou Bishop John Purser and Larr turn Envelope With Check Chester Nelson, Joyce Jacobs, by Bishop Dale Bingham. LAKE VIEW WARD daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kay, Eva Beitz, Ed Eearitt, Ross Echlos, son of Ethan and, or Money Order to Hbliday Clarence Jacobs, Kevin Fage, Woodrow Young, Blaine John- Ruth E. Echlos, Ije was bapThe opening social of the MIA On Ice, Care of Box FG6, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fage son, Craig Malone and Edwin tized and confirmed his was held Tuesday evening. by Salt Lake City. Before You and Brent Evans, son of Mr Beitz. father. MIA Conference was held first Know It The Best Sects 1 and Mrs. David Evans. tail Primary is being held Guy Edward Holt, son of Mr. to begin the evening followed now at 4 DO p.m. at Kanesviile. and Mrs. Lloyd Holt was or- by a report of the past years The House Will Be Ycy'-SECOND WARD Tne teachers and officers of the dained a deacon August 28th. activities, then games and reGive 2 Choices of Dates. Wendell J. Hall will be the Primary will be picking up the Ordained a deacon August freshments. at Fast speaker meeting next children on the 4000 street to 28th also was Steven T. The following girls were PRICES INCLUDE TAX AND Sunday, September 11th, 5.00 transport them. FAIR ADMISSION son of Mr. and Mrs. Del- graduated from Primary rep.m. Kenef Society work day will bert Holt. $3.75 $3.75 $2.75 cently. Mickey Dickamore, Krisbe held The opening social of the tene Cook, Linda Hill, Chcrryl Family Mol. WtcL Sapt. 21 Only September Relief Society work meeting 14, 10:30 Wednesday, a.m. $1.75 $2.75 M.l.A. was held Tuesday night Beasley $2.50 and Jolcne Cutler. and visiting teachers report will Keep in mind the Bazaar that at the North Park. Games were These girls were welcomed into be held Wednesday, September 14th at 10.00 a.m. All yodng will be held September 30 ai played and refreshments were the MIA by Mrs. VaLoy BangKanesviile. mothers are urged to come oui details later. Watch for further enjoyed. Nila Hamblin took hef eighth there will be a baby sitter Children blessed Sunday arc ward Guide Patrol tlass to as toilows: Mr. and Mrs. timer for a party Saturday night teon Parkinson blessed their to honor Lyle THIRD WARD Karfas who is CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT Recently released as M..A. daughter and gave her the graduating. They went to see Sne Gordon Scott (Tarzan of Holly- A JOINT RESOLUTION PRO- to adopt such other measures workers are LaRaine Cook, name ot Marilyn Julie. Euire Perry and Myrna Wright. was blessed by ner lather. wood) who was making a POSING TO AMEND ARTI- as may be necessary and proper Mr. and Mrs. Paul Allen Sustained were Helen Bauman there that CLE VII OF THE CONSTI- for insuring the continuity of appearance Farber blessed their daugnte: and LaRaine Cook. TUTION OF THE STATE OF governmental operations includfinSne was given the name or KerUTAH BY ADDING A NEW ing, but not limited to the M LA. Ward Conference and ne Ann SEC- ancing thereof. In the exercise oy Richard Cleveland NUMBERED SECTION, opening social will be held Wed- Janus. TION 24, GRANTING TEM- of the powers hereby inconferred all reshall nesday, September 14, 7.15 p m. Grant Vcrdgil Elliott, son of PORARY EMERGENCY the legislature UTAH IT Ml It will be in the form of a fair Mr. and Mis. Harry Dee Elliott to the conform requireLEGISLAspects THE TO POWERS ex and everyone of M I.A. are was blessed by his Grandlaiher TURE IN THE EVENT OF ments of this Constitution that in the Grant Eugene Taylor. WAR OR EMERGENCIES cept to theof extent the Legislature so Woodrow was ordainCAUSED BY WAR SUCH AS judgment Relief Society work and bus- ed to me Young of a teacher ATOMIC, to ao would be impracticable or ENEMY oniee NUCLEAR, Wedwill iness meeting be held on Sunday also. OR SIMILAR BOMBING AT- would admit of undue delay. See The Thrilling nesday, September 14th, 10.00 Section 2. The Secretary of will be' Ward Conterence TACKS. a.m. There will be barbecues State is directed to submit thjs held next the LegisBo September resolved Sunday, by it and drinks sold on this day at 11. President NEW WORLD the lature of the State of Utah, proposed amendment ofto Utah Henry n. Mans the cost of 30c for our dinner. will be a s visitor aiont; with some of all member? elect- electors of the State ed to each of the two houses at the next General Election in OF THE WEST! The Relief Society needs a High Council members. the manner provided by law. school as neleased voting in favor thereof: Sunday baby sitter! Anyone interested to amendment Section 3. This is 1. were Section Bertna It proposed MISSILE DISPLAY please contact Mrs. Maxine Woikcrs Sunday amend Article VII of the Con- shall take effect immediately on bird, Valerie Hunt, William W. Nielsen, TA 5 5530. HORSE SHOW stitution of the State of Utah adoption by the electors of this Williams, and Kadine Mathews. Children baptized Saturday 111 WARD by adding a new section thereto State. !fc 6TH ARMY BAND CON and confirmed Sunday weie A cna.-gdesignated. Section 24, to read: in meeting times I, LAMONT F. TORONTO, 18 CERT Sept. Summer Kay POppell, Holly has been maue' I'niiiuiy win Notwithstanding any general Secretary of State of the State or special provisions of the Con- of Utah, DO HEREBY CER12T1I NAVAL DISTRICT Popped, Kristene Cook, LuAnn tie held 'at o to on ai.vidjy stitution the legislature, in order TIFY that the foregoing is a Green, Glenna Fletcher and ai .a. i 15 p in on .uondas and CONCERT BAND Janet Lee Hansen. to insure continuity of state and full, true and correct copy of the lO'OJ a in. on Relief Society local governmental operations constitutional amendment pro23 and 24 i uursdays'. S?pt. A Carnival will be held Septin periods of emergency result- posed by the regular session of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Murray TVS JOHNNY RINGO ember 16th at the Church named their new Legislature, ing from disasters caused by the Thirty-Thiroil daughter Betty Bond is the chairman of Sunday. Sne was given tne enemy attack, shall have the 1959, as appears of record in 19 20 and Sept immediate and to the affair. the all Let's duty my office. power plan name ol June Kay by ner lathe. HORSE RACING attend. (1) to provide for prompt and IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I Mr. and Mis. Ken iowan to the have succession temporary hereunto set my hand and JUNIOR RODEO Singing Mothers practices named tneir new son Munaei. of public affixed the Great Seal of the powers and duties will be held each Thursday tie was bieaseu oy ner tamer. and HOLIDAY ON ICE nature offices, of whatever State of Utah, at Salt Lake City, morning, 10:00 a.m. at the Kooert Jay was the name whether filled by election or ap- this 22nd day of August, 1960. OF 1961 Chapel. of given to the son oi Mr. and Mrs. incumbents pointment, the FOURTH WARD LAMONT F. TORONTO Price on Sunday. He was which may become unavailable The beginning of Fall Prim- jay Biessed Dy Howard Bolt. 1 for carrying on the powers and Secretary of State. 5 Sept. ary will be Monday, September and (2) (SEAL) Released recently as Sunday such duties of offices, 1 at 4 00 p.m. School workers were fern llar-roThe Primary organization was Fairgrounds and Kearney Greenwald. reorganized on Sunday evenGreenwell has been Alton Released were LaNatha ing. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT Salt Lake City as secretary of the Pierce, President: Mabel Green released LaVern and Pingree 1st Counselor; Veda Ostipal, Primary and personal property, not to A JOINT RESOLUTION PRO2nd Counselor; and Faye WisePOSING TO AMEND ARTI- exceed $2,000 lr value for man, Secretary. Sustained were CLE XIII. SECTION 2 OF THE homes and homesteads, and ail Lucille Gibby, President; Veda OLD TIRES NOW . . CONSTITUTION OF THE household furnishings, lurniture, YOUR IN TRADE Ostipal, 1st Counselor; Yvonnb STATE OF UTAH, RELATING and equipment used exclur.ively 2nd Counselor and Hoskins, TO TANGIBLE PROPERTIES by the owner thereof at his place of abode in maintaining Faye Wiseman, Secretary. EXEMPT FROM TAXATION. Convenient Budget Terms The Priests Quorum enjoyed Be it resolved by the Legis- a home for himself and family. an outing at Box Elder County lature of the State o( Utah, Property not to exceed $3,000 s last week, they went Dove huntof all members elect- in value, owned by disabled UP TO 15 MONTHS' TO PAY AT ed to each of the two houses persons who served in any war ing. Accompanying the boys in the military service of the were Charles Andrew and voting in favor thereof: Section 1. It is proposed to United States or of the State Quadc Hansen, supervisors of amend Article' XIII, Section 2 of Utah and by the unmarried the Quorum. of the constitution of the State widows and minor orphans of Children blessed Sunday were such disabled persons or of perof Utah to read as follows: Craig Taylor Petersen, the son All tangible property in the sons who while serving in the service of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Peterbut quality sell We nothing nighwty 91, Roy state, not exempt under the military orservice of the United sen. He was named by his laws of the United States, the States killed the Stute of Utah Wilmer Grandfather, in action or died ps Taylor. State of Utah, or under this were wwww in a result of such service may constitution, shall be taxed be be exempted as the legislature to its value, to proportion m! m a1 n a rovided by law. mav provide. The legislature shall provide The property of the state, coundisby law for an annual tax suffities, cities, towns, school cient, with other sources of tricts muniripal corporations and public libraries, lots with revenue, to defray the estimated expenses of the State theMiuildings thereon used ex ordinary For .the clusively for either religious for each offiscal year. the state purpose paying worship of charitable purposes, and places of burial not held or debt, if any tnere be, the legisused for private or corporate lature shall provide for levying t liencflt, shall be exempt from a tax annuiilly, sufficient to pay pay taxation. Water tights, ditches, the annual interest and towith-i1958-60 rt former Chairmdn, Weber County Democratic Party,. debt, canals, reservoirs, power plants, the prihcipal of such twenty years from the final pumping plants, transmission passage of the law creating the lines, piped and flumes owned ahd used by 'individuals or cor- debt. Section 2. The secretary of porations for Irrigating lands within the state owned by such state is directed to submit this To The cr individuals or corporations, or proposed amendment to the elecCounty Commissicnsr Position the individual members thereof, tors of the State of Utah in the .shall not be separately taxed as next, general election in the Both Weber County Democratic and Republican Parties at their County long as they phall be owned and ' manner provided bv law. OFFICIALLY endorsed his prcgram for a more efficient, economical Section 3. . If .adopted by the lisea exclusively for such purand progressive County Government. power electors of this state, this poses. Power plants, transmission. linM and other amendment shall take effect His NINE POINT prgram for TAX REFORM, re organization of County Governproperty used for generatinga the first day of January, 1961. ment, and improved procurement activities should save the tax payers of Weber delivering electrical power, I, LAMONT F. TORONTO, used for portion of which is County at least $500,000 annually! THIS IS MONEY that could be used for CAPITAL Secretary, of State of tho State or pumping of Utah,1 DO HEREBY CERfurnishing power improvements. Thus, NO NEED for tax increase OF ANY SORT at this time. water for irrigation purposes on TIFY that the foregoing is a of may full, true and correct copy of the State Utah, He is a management engineer, university trained, and technically experienced the lands in be exempted from taxation to constitutional amendment pro- - . in all phases of complex government operations. the extent that such property posed by the regular session of' He understands people, and their problems. If elected he will not permit is used for such purposes. These the Thirty-Thir- d Legislature, the exemptions shall accrueof towater 1959, as appears of record in juvenile delinquents ahd other detainees of the County to be pushed further into users the benefit of my office. the MUD of CRIME, buy incarsorating thin in a CONVERTED WAREHOUSE! so pumped under such regulaIN WITNESS WHEREOF, I may the of legislature Both Parties have endorsed his program tions as development and reform, are you Indi- have hereunto set my hand and. of the taxes The prescribe. as forward looking and progressive' as YOUR PARTY? or affixed the Great Seal of the gent poor hiay be remitted in State of Utah, at, Salt Lake City, nd times If you are, vote Sept. 13, 1960. Vote for Caleb A. Shreeve Sr. for the such abated at this 22nd day of August, 1960. be as provided such manner may County Commissioner position. LAMONT F. TORONTO proby law. The legislature may Paid Pol. Adv, Secretary of State. vide for the exemption , from (SEAL) homesteads, of J homes, taxation . - - Church News La-Ve- . Bam-broug- h ISPi s Cray-thorn- e, - La-go- n per-son- 'Jfis. Old Ibrm, 4 Year Davis County Commissioner tiiE j Some after dinner speakers dont need introductions half as much as they need conclusions. . Paid Pol. Adv. yf : y ' 'y r ,.V H'.i .. r-- -- . . i. ' 1 . . , ' j v . . . t. i two-third- 16-1- 7 d 6-2- ,' 4 ' ' i r.-- t r 1 Tt i Pvl V ' I . f - V ' - - . ' jf vTV two-third- DAVE'S SERVICE GOOD LIGHT GUARDS CALEB A. SHREEVE SR. PRECIOUS SIGHT - t-- Trotect thoss bright young will ever owiX Protect them 1. Provide A 2. Use larger 25-wa- tt wWb. eyet., . they arg tfui ociloncs your child plenty of lfgtii.1 low-co- st ' TO THE Vto (fill checLlistr 4-Ye- good study lamp for your young sTzt one bulbs jtudentV bulb gWei more 100-wa- tt llght-than-fou- r bulb 3. Always have oo hand 4. Keep light bulb A supply of bulbs to beep soctcts filled. bowls And-rcflcct- - V . . deal Use lighl to decorate yourhome. toopbntv of light doetso much wiwtwNT rs.c ..UTAH POWER A LIGHT CO. - - , 1 uyow from-you- hr so fltlo., dealer. TOTAL' ELECTRIC HOME -- w A f ? ' X - S p, fv.- - 4 If - |